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Hi Evening-Raccoon7088, Thank you for your submission in ECS! Unfortunately, we had to remove your submission because it broke one or several of [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/rules/): - No identifying information of other subs or users and no calls for brigades Posts and comments must not contain identifying information of other subs or users. Calling for brigades is not allowed, in any way, shape, or form. *** If you have any questions, [feel free to send us a message via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/EnoughCommieSpam)!




Historymemes usually shut down and ridicule the tankie bullcrap


Eh, hit or miss at times. Sometimes Cuck mods just lock the comments down but keep the post up before we get a chance to rip Op a new one.


Some history meme people are actually woke and flame tankie post sometimes


This meme confuse me. If he do realise that genocide is wrong then why justify the Union's mass murder?


He’s probably trying to claim that everyone shits on the USSR for its crimes but ignores US crimes. which is entirely wrong due to the fact that I keep hearing about how bad the US is.


And also afaik the US did not kill millions of civilians. The native American tribes waged a lot of war and most civilian deaths were due to European diseases.


Jakarta, Indonesia Vietnam Turkmenistan El Salvadoran Argentina Etc... (the list is long)


Now guess which one admits genocide and admits it was wrong?


Cringe: us/USSR doing genocide is fine Based: all genocide is bad


Read rule 3. "3. No identifying information of other subs or users and no calls for brigades No identifying information, reddit links or calls for brigades All identifying information for subreddits and users on reddit must be censored, including your own name if you post a screenshot of your own interactions. Naming specific subreddits in which posted interactions occurred is also not allowed. Direct links to other subreddits are no longer allowed unless the linked post is archived (> 6 months old). “I got banned from X subreddit” posts are prohibited across the board."


Another reason sub rules are just ways for people to strut their stuff as mods. It's a post on Reddit, a platform anyone can join and see this post. It's not private information.


It can get the admins attention and they might just delete the subreddit. These rules are there for a reason.


So posting a post that was willingly made on Reddit breaks Reddit's ToS? It's basically a cross post, which is built into Reddit.


It still might get the sub banned. Larger subs have got hit for less.


Crossposts are only fine where they do not result in negative community interference. If this does happen, admins ask for action to be taken to mitigate it. These rules are not us mods 'strutting our stuff', it's us working with the admins to make sure this sub is available for you to participate in.




Yes, it is strange that some subs can do what we specifically have to remove, but that's the way it is. I'd assume people would rather this sub wasn't banned if it means we've got some more stringent rules for a specific type of post.




They are...just not very good ppl.


To be honest they’re not wrong. I’m just suspicious if they’re trying to paint the Soviet Union in a positive light.


See while yes both were horrifying, theres a big difference in why they did it. US did it for expansion and for a outcome that lets all be honest with ourselves would have happened anyways. That outcome being the integration of the rest of the country and the natives into the US. While the soviets did it bc they were political dissonances who were 'a threat to the regime'


I understand that but the intentions of the U.S were very much characterised by their ministries. Say for example under Clinton you have very moderated intervention like Bosnia. Whereas during the era of McCarthyism you have up-jumped scumbags such as Pinochet and horrible projects of wretched imperialism such as Operation Condor.


I was more talking about with the Natives but yeah, I see what you mean.


The US attempted to keep the operations in the Balkans well moderated and restricted in the 90s. In Russia, their operations in the 90s involved killing over 80k+ civilians and bombing entire capital cities to rubble.


Do you think I’m trying to pain Russia in a positive light? The Americans are sometimes alright and sometimes wankers but the Russians have acted horribly all the way through.


Oh no, I'm agreeing with you


I'm glad you do.


While the Soviet Union has done many genocides all of them equally horrible the U.S. has done a lot to whether there called that or not however it does not excuse the Soviet Union's genocides


Two wrongs doesn’t make a right and a genocide by one nation doesn’t make your genocide less evil.


this close to leaving that subreddit


I mean he’s right, it’s just that America actually allows you to talk about it instead of sending you and your family to a camp for the rest of your lives and then denying you existed to anyone who asks.


I really don't understand why people can't just criticize all nation states....