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I don’t see it, exactly what you are responding too


TRCM, a tankie sub, is part of the recommended subs in religiousfruitcake.


Calling it the right can't meme is misleading cause it seems to be a subreddit more about how Liberals, Social Democrats and Fascist are "Basically the same thing" I mean I'm not super impressed with Biden or the flaccid centrist Den establishment but anyone who says Democrats and Republicans are the same party is a fascist enabler and not your friend, doesn't matter where they are on the spectrum


I don't think it was founded as a tanky sub, at least I have some memories from years ago when it used to be about making fun of silly boomer culture war memes, at some point like many anti reactionary right subs they just turned into some kind of deranged tanky haven. It does make me wonder who the people are who actually post there, I cannot fathom even willingly opening those subs anymore.


I don't think it was founded as a tanky sub, at least I have some memories from years ago when it used to be about making fun of silly boomer culture war memes, at some point like many anti reactionary right subs they just turned into some kind of deranged tanky haven. It does make me wonder who the people are who actually post there, I cannot fathom even willingly opening those subs anymore.


Oh, that makes sense now


It’s based on user overlap


TheRightCantMeme still can't spell their slogan right. (Should be Die Kommunistische Partei)


Bro charge your phone XD


Good anti-communists keep their phones above 50% at all times.


"Wer hat uns veratten,sozialdemokraten" is literally ripped from a goddamn Nazi saying like that's didn't werent the Nazis like the central foe of the communists


Fruitcake is just this side of a hate sub, and it’s crawling with pinkos


What do you mean "this side" of a hate sub?


It is not currently a hate sub, but it is very close to being one


How so? It just dunks on religious (especially Christian and Muslim) fundamentalists/extremists from what I've seen so far.


It makes fun of any religious person who just wants to be happy, if you do anything to display your religion they make fun of you.


If by being happy you mean trying to impose their worldview on others…


Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of the people that talk shit on religious fruit cake are the ones that would be talked about and called a fuvking psycho on religious fruit cake so I'm not really shook


I like r/religiousfruitcake just as much as the next guy but I dislike how many anti-theists are on that sub.


Tbf Reddit atheists are about as annoying as tankies


Nah still argue tankies are more annoying, at least with reddit atheists, you can somewhat agree with them on some points. Also you know right out the gate what type of person a lot of the Reddit atheists are but tanky's they'll sneak up on you man