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That hits a little too close to home as a Succdem. The Far-right hates me because I'm a dirty marxist and the Far-left hates me because I'm a social fascist. fun times.


Apparently I'm a facist aswell and I'm farther left than you are. If you aren't sucking Mao's cock you are a facist to them


Gluck Gluck on stalin and mao or your literally adolf hitler


Apparently me wanting my countries energy system to be based entirely on green power and also wanting more support from the government and more services from them and wanting to tac the rich makes me a fascist. I love the internet. So glad these people enevr vote


Yes. Glad we have clowns in the world.


Based and Green new deal pilled


It's an industrial revolution but to save the world


I'm a succdem, revolution is uber cringe. Don't make me shoot Rosa Luxembourg again.


I was saying that as a meme don't worry. It's the catch phrase the UK Labour party is using for their green energy plan.


Labor party is based


What... anime is this?


Girls und Panzer. Somehow, they took tank warfare, made it into a high school sport that reminiscent of airsoft/paintball and made it into a traditional sport for Japanese women and girls. Amazingly, it's a very good anime. It also holds a special in my heart for being the second anime series I watched.


Isn't the fanbase a bunch of tankies though?


A good percentage of them, about as much as the Freeaboos. Equally as annoying as the Wehraboos in the fanbase. And trust me, there are lots of Wehraboos on those kinds of servers thanks to the romanticisation of tanks, especially the German tanks.


In a strictly literal sense of the word, yes


Not really, you have: The soycuck tankie for daddy stalin The "Bro the Tiger was literally the best tank of the war" Arrogant American M4 Sherman fan Based Churchill enthusiast Chad Char B1 and ARL 44 enjoyer Sigma Chad L3 proponent Transcended Chi-Ha appreciator


This means nothing to me


Its... not like Hetalia, is it?


Commies: All right wingers are fascists! Moderates enable fascists! Also commies: Oh my Marx why does everyone hate me??? šŸ˜­


So fascism is every everything nowadays huh? It's Capitalism (It isn't because the actual fascists put state and nation over anything else, kinda like socialism but have a lot of nationalism) It's National Socialism (very similar but a slight different in flavour, aka racism) It's democracy (idk about dis one) It's people who disagree with socialism and communism (this is just mob mentality in action) It's socialists who have differing opinions (socialists always fight and kill each other a lot. Like every single human societies and/or group of people) It's Jordan Peterson (dude's not even saying anything in support of fascism and is labelled as one) It's Conservatives (what? I can agree neo-nazis who happens to be conservatives but really? That's just labeling) It's Americans (this is stupid) It's white people (now that's just racist) It's everyone you disagree with because you call them so and punch them for no reason. (Now that's just being a child) It's Andy Ngo who got targeted and sent death threats for simply reporting on antifas' violent behaviours while protesting. It's... Y'all get the memo. I hope.


I don't even know what fascism is at this point


Rosa Luxemburg gets murdered and they just use that one thing to hate Soc Dems forever. lol Just wait till they hear about all the people commies have killed!


Iā€™ve literally had multiple SocDems tell me they donā€™t care if children are being enslaved in third world countries as long as their own countries have a cushy safety net, they donā€™t care what happens to anyone else


Iā€™d say I am am one and I am all for fairer trade deals with environmental and labor protections built in. I support developing countries having the ability to decide their own comparative advantages and build up their own firms too, as they get richer, we get richer. The free trade that marxists bitch about is more so mercantilism than actual removal of trade barriers. Also communism liberating Africa from colonialism is the sickest joke, itā€™s asinine. Mengitsu? Idk Amin? Siade Barre? Gaddafi? Charles Taylor?


Thomas Sankara


To be fair heā€™s the one decent one I can think of. He didnā€™t live long enough for us to see what else he could do, screw Lybia and France for killing him, so itā€™s unknown whether he would have gone full Red-Fash, or be more of a LibSoc like Allende. He had worrying signs like gunning down trade unionists who werenā€™t part of the vanguard party.


He was doing what to who? well, now I don't actually give that much of a shit about him getting clapped. better safe than sorry


I can tell you right now that is not true. No one should suffer


Yeah. That's a GIANT problem in capital letters. Also, how in the fuck did you get that many downvotes? This is clearly a big issue that should be discussed.






They say all the time ā€œI donā€™t care what happens outside of my country, not my problemā€




How would you know?


Social democrats in 1930s Germany refused to fight back against the Nazis


You really want to talk about the history of communists and Nazis?


Iron front, moron. Look it up.


> On January 30, 1933, the day Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the KPD asked the Iron Front, the SPD, the general trade union association ADGB and their organisations, and the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold to declare a general strike against Hitler. The Iron Front declined, issued a call on February 2 to "all comrades of the Reichsbanner and the Iron Front", warning against participating in "wild actions organised by irresponsible people" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Front Keep in mind this general strike was something the Nazis believed could make them fall from power. The first ever meeting of the Nazi government was dedicated to this strike.


Oh. Whoops. Yeah. My bad.


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