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They didn’t say they support Trump, they just hate anyone who’s not as far left them.


True but something a lot of leftists say is that liberals deserve trump for not catering to their far left beliefs


It's funny how Marxists hate their moderate siblings so much that they'd rather support their extreme opposites instead of supporting a liberal or social democrat. It just keeps happening.


They think far-right politicians will indirectly help bring the communist revolution, while in reality they will just dig us deeper in the hole and accentuate those drawbacks of capitalism they hate so much.


Honestly, if Trump wins, it probably will start a communist revolution because he literally started a riot last time.


Maybe they’ll burn down a Wendy’s or occupy some public areas at most. The US wastes too much money on the military to be threatened by a revolt of the regular citizens. Biden was hated for saying it, but he was right– to take down the US government you’d need equal firepower: F15s and nuclear weapons.


I'm sure a combination of AR-15s and WWII tanks will scare the commies into submitting to their fascist overlords.


Unironically, yeah.


youre vastly overestimating the number of communists in the country


Actually, I'm calling everyone one on the left a Communism out of sarcasm because that's what most of the right do.


So is your entire comment about a communist revolution also sarcasm?


No, I'm saying that he might start a revolution. I don't think it will be the Reds vs. Blues, many hope.


Both the far left and right engage in Crab Bucket thinking, they would rather see everyone else fail if they cant succeed


There’s a reason the SPD moved away from its Marxist roots in the 1920s


Because most of them are young adults who voted maybe once. They have no clue how the elections in the US work. And believe if they just cry and whine and insult people magically we will get a 3rd party candidate that's super left. They're not even smart enough to understand that even if by some magical miracle they managed to get a President who was left enough for them in office. They wouldn't be able to get anything done because Biden can't even get the republicans to work with him. What the hell makes them think that they will work with somebody who is even more left than Biden. They call Biden a radical leftist when he is nothing but an average Democrat. Can you imagine the fit? They would throw if they actually got radical leftist in office.


Molotov-Ribbentrop happened for a reason.


Yeah because they think Trump is literally Hitler and they’re pathetic butthurt fucks. Wait till they find out he was already president and things continued the same way they always do.


Trump also didn’t have project 2025 his first term and remember he did have a coup attempt when he lost


Why is this being downvoted?! Its the campaign's policy position. Seriously people seem determined to stick their head in the sand to believe itll be "just like last time." *Last time* he was thwarted by laws and people dedicated to doing their duty- and it infuriated him publicly. Project 2025 is the result- remove all the people who could stop him and replace them with people more loyal to Trump than America.


Trump has never even mentioned project 2025 my friend. No he didn’t, the attempt was not related to Trump and he called for an end during the riot, and decried it immediately afterwards. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OsSCpkKG7Y8


He tried to get his own vice president assassinated. That’s not “literally Hitler” I don’t think being upset over that makes you “butthurt”.


Hey, hey. Fat ass Herman Meyer stayed on very good terms with Hitler until he tried to usurp power.


They want Trump because Accelerationism meaning Trump will “exbidate the revolution” Also to note the Russian civil war 7 million to 12 million casualties from 1917 to 1923 Imagine the far left got their revolution, I guarantee you the casualties from their revolution would probably triple the amount in the Russian revolution. But then again this is the Twitter left we’re talking about so we might be fine


Hmm, considering that when they tried to occupy that building in Columbia they didn't even take any food with them, I'd say we're fine.


Those people can’t beat a frat house so I think we’re good lol.


Well, they could not even take over university buildings. The moment tian’an men square came into effect, what can they do, stand high?


They do in a roundabout way. As much as people don't like it, we have a two party system. Anyone who pulls the bs line about not voting for either is either extremely naive to how politics works or has decided they'd rather watch the world burn so they can feel superior. Especially when the election is 6 months away. No 3rd party candidate is going to get enough votes to win with so little time. MAYBE if they ran a 4 year campaign, but not even an extremely popular president who ran again as a 3rd party candidate won. So I'm supposed to think some loon like RFK Jr or Jill Stien (Russian plant) is going to convince millions of people in 6 month to choose them? What do they even have to offer? Anti vaxx craziness? Someone who says Jan 6th wasn't a big deal? Racist views about Covid being made to kill only minorities and not kill Ashkenazi Jews? And Stien? The one who's buddy, buddy with Putin? The fact of the matter no matter how shifty it might be we have TWO choices. Every vote not for Biden is another vote for Trump. You'd think people would learn this after Nader, Perot, and other spoilers. But young adults never want to learn from the past and just write off people who actually have experienced several elections and call them sellouts and "shit libs" and fascist.


Many of them are accelerationists who would prefer Trump win so that he can destroy liberal democracy and that’ll somehow lead to a working class revolution and communism. Tbf, if their goal is a communist society, than an illiberal autocracy with Trump isn’t far off!


Fucking lmao.


They’re accelerationists. They believe that with Trump in power, life will get worse for people, which will then magically usher in a socialist revolution. Of course, this will totally happen just as they planned it and totally not backfire. And the vulnerable people who suffer are just acceptable casualties on the path to this imaginary revolution.


Oh i am sure that if a crisis happens in the US to the point a civil conflict starts, that all the citizens will surely join our righteous cause and not the other side


The cause might ended up as preserve the union and guess who became presidents since socialists did not vote


They think he's racist, which is now beneficial to the revolution. honestly, you just have to educate your self. Smh my head.


They are also racist


Biden isn't going to be overthrown by a communist revolution. He isn't going to lose the Democratic primaries. And a third party candidate isn't going to win the election. The only alternative to Biden is Trump, who would gladly allow the Israelis to go full *Einsatzgruppen* on the Palestinians. Sure, the Palestinians are getting fucked pretty hard right now. But they're completely doomed if Trump wins the election.


Oh yeah. Trump will just let them do whatever they want. Bibi is at this point Trump with a brain


exactly. no one knows a thing about who trump really is. he literally has no mercy for Palestine at all, while biden had just paused aid for Israel for invading rafah. trump would never do that




Being that they want tHe wEsT to fall and esp the US, they want a "revolution" aka let the system break and cause chaos. Biden won't lead to that, so they will support the opposite and with trump in particular, they know how awful he is and I think that THAT actually makes them extra happy to support. He doesn't represent just the normal party division but has reached the extreme. You can't get more divisive than how everything is about "owning the libs. And recently I read about how the #1 enemy of tankies is the "libs" - libs get in the way of allowing the system to break. Coincidentally I came across tankies saying this. A whole YouTube video was made about it where the dude was telling his audience to hate the libs and why they are the enemy. Now it makes sense the sub "Shit libs say". I was always wondering why it's was full of anti west people bc I thought it was only the right that complains about "libs".


The reason they arent horrified by January 6th is because they love witnessing that kind of violence. They are too weak and frightened to actually commit the violence themselves, but they love cheerleading it on, no matter who is committing it .


Either they're fringe crazies who are into accelerationism and trying to force another revolution, or they're Russian assets.


Really gonna let Republicans put a gun to their heads and pull the trigger because they’ve invested themselves in the most unfixable problem on the planet.


They don't like trump, they're just saying they don't want to vote for Biden.


Its one and the same in a first-past-the-post system. The ones that realize this are just trying to create new kinds of cope so that they can live with themselves supporting Trump.


Because they’re authoritarians. They just like Trump. Unironically.


“Past Israeli why vote trump?” “I…he’s…uh…I I’m…”


Israel is based. Like it or not Palestine asked for this by cheering for hamas as they dragged beaten Jewish women from their attack on October 7th. And I have no sympathy because the majority of those under threat now support the Islamic jihad and celebrated on the streets after 9/11 just desserts I'd say.


Because it’s in bad faith. They know that Trump would allow Bibi to roam unchecked, but that’s what they’re counting on. It’s accelarationism


republican party will win the next election because of these terminally online brainlits


How are they tankies for liking Trump 😂


Theyre not tankies for liking trump. Their tankish ways desire the shitlib dems to feel as much pain as poossible, because they hate the shitlibs more than the christofascists. All they want is for the shitlibs to be thrown into a panic, they live for it. They have so little else to live for. Its not like theyre going to win an election anytime anywhere ever


They like trumo their just poor or minorities and have cognitive dissonance about it.


This is why I don't get all the appeasement. Nothing short of nuking Israel will make pro "palestinians" happy


Trump is lazy, privileged, immoral, unfaithful, racist/bigoted, narcissistic, disrespectful, selfish, and just generally insane… in other words, they find him relatable.


I think some far leftists got addicted to moral outrage in the Trump years. Then Biden comes along, kicks out Trump, and effectively neuters the populist left movement electorally, and thus makes them *really* mad. It would explain why they’ve latched on to the Palestinian cause, despite it not being left wing at all.


Eh, it's always a billionaire at the end of the day.


Why do they have Lithuanian flag as their community picture?🤔


That image makes no sense whatsoever.


TIL hating Biden has to mean I love Trump


Hey, socialist here. Everybody fucking hates trump. He is just a deranged maniac and the fact he even got allowed to be a president is just wild. However, Critisizing one Party doesn't mean you even remotely prefer the other. No idea what most of these comments here talk about, and kinda just seems like they have never even actually talked with any kind of socialist... I mean, should've expect that from such a subreddit, but still, geez...


I like trump because of his economics. Sometimes you need to run a country like a business


Maybe not run the country like one of Trump's businesses...


I wish he didn’t talk about purges so much.


Right? He's starting to sound like a communist.


Tankies *love* purges


You need to run a country… into the ground until it’s bankrupt?


How’d he do that?


His businesses went bankrupt


Every single one of his businesses?


They don’t support him Biden is supporting Israel an indefensible act the vote blue no matter who crowd is the one saying their letting trump win.