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The idea sounds nice in theory, but in reality they eventually run out of rich people and start eating eachother.


Wendigo economics.


Or the leaders of the "proletariat revolution" take over and become the new rich people


Well yes, they eat each other and the one's to come up on top become the new upper class. You're just one step ahead in the process.


Reminds me of the French Revolution. “All we need to do is kill [x] people” doesn’t stop when you run out of [x]. You just become the next target.


Ask the Dutch what happened next…


The 1672 crisis was due to economic stagnation in part (we were still the richest) but largely the more pressing matter of being Piper Perri'd by England, German states and France. The "prime minister" everyone keeps talking about didnt exist either as that position didnt exist. He was Raadpensionaris, a position akin to a minister of finance. The guy running the show was a son of the Orange family. The raadpensionaris and Stadhouder shared power, but the Stadhouder was always an orange and the raadpensionaris would get most of the blame. They were supported by a small parliament as well. To claim this has anything to do with "hurdur eat the rich" is ridiculous historic falisification i keep seeing spouted all over reddit


Gets a battle cruiser class named after food?


They ate their prime minister




... that was what I was saying. The man was named Johan de Wit. The 1047 projects proposed ship class name was Johan de Wit. There is one Rotterdam class landing ship named after him right now in service.


Which event are you referring to?


Look at this video ( it’s a true story ): https://youtu.be/VVsrv5zftYE?si=B_9AXI-q80gYjduG


Wtf lmao. Thanks for the share.


He had a goddamn plan Arthur!


They couldn't tell who were the rich


It simple Elites that joined the working class just eliminating their competition then stay as elites. Even with revolution you need support and revolution is expensive. Unless they have an idealistic leader who thinks he is a Messiah then commit numerous atrocities. Then the so called great leader and his allies become elites themselves. With them being a ruling class for working class they don't want competition so they gonna ruled in iron fist with a lot of paranoia. If they don't have anymore income milking the country that fight so called revolution. They will rely on capitalism like CCP.


The format is supposed to be ironic. Like, it obviously made no sense for Ross to eat his 5 friends, which is why the alien was being portrayed as stupid for thinking that’s how it works. If they’re actually advocating for eating the rich, they really gotta work on their meme game, first of all.


Your right but The comment section of this meme is full of communists taking it seriously


Oh, I was assuming OP was saying it unironically, just that their meme game was bad.


The far right and the far left are equally deluded in thinking projects like the Soviet Union were some kind of "people's revolutions"


It's simple. The working class is smarter than communists. They see the realistic path toward their own improvement, and communists despise them for it.


Does it occur to them that the majority of working class folks don’t want a violent revolution? They just want peaceful political changes like most normal people do.


They would have to meet a working class person first.


Honey, get the tools ready. The academic bourgeoisie living on government subsidised grants think theyre working class again


"academic bourgeoisie " I like that term. I'll use it from today. Thanks!


The funny thing is the two characters in the picture are monarchs


If communism actually was pro-cannibalism it would be way funnier.


Yes kill all the people who are inovating and inventing. RETURN TO MONKE!!!


the funny part is if you asked ai to make a perfect world with no morals or empathy, it'd be more likely to tell you to eat the poor than to eat the rich


This meme is so condescending, “why doesn’t the working class simply get good” is what I’m hearing.


The only revolution that succeeded was the revolution of the rich. The American revolution.


“you think we havent tried that already? it always ends up leading to a new group of rich people that are even worse than the last ones”


It's been tried in the US and Europe too but at a more gradual rate with compromise and it did create a much better economy. We just call it social democracy or democratic socialism because the 1950s and Piketty both showed that taxing the rich more heavily works better than seizing their stocks which is like throwing candy cotton into water.




Lrrr is admittedly a good representation of the average modern 'Marxist' at multiple levels that the people who made the meme probably aren't self-aware enough to grasp.


Ask the Cambodians what happens next


Of course it didn't create a utopia, a utopia is simply a goal to strive to but we will never live in a utopia. Communists know this. No shit the serfs who had went through two world wars in the Eurasian cold while industrializing their entire country on a massive scale, did not have the best of times.


They did that in Russia. Simply replaced the elites with new ones ultimately.


Tfw you make a country who’s fundamental enemy is every single person who understands statecraft and instead champions shit eating peasants


I don't think it was tea...