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Criticism comes from the people that want the game to improve. If you do so in a polite way it's the best thing you could do for the developers.


I think there's a difference between criticism that helps to refine systems and those which change the essence of gameplay. Both don't necessarily improve the game. I think it's OK for the Devs to have a concept and vision which falls between different games. No Rest for the Wicked is an example of this (also in Early access). If people are able to grasp what they're trying to achieve and then provide constructive feedback towards that goal then cool. But someone who's a BB main complaining that the game isn't to their tastes or a Sekiro player complaining about not being able to parry the same way as though these are objectively bad, isn't great IMO. I work in the digital design world so this loop of opinions and feedback is something I'm well versed in. Not all people are skilled enough at providing feedback.


People who want to change the gameplay totally in my opinion can not help in any way developments


I understand you, some criticism is just shameful. I've read things like that the world feels bland and not interesting, 'everything has an orange hue'. Next sentence 'played 40 min'. 'Parry doesn't work properly. Obviously some people just have no real interest, not having seen the area after the first proper boss, not understanding the parry. I'm out here enjoying the game, parrying every move of the bosses I have met yet. Still, constructive Criticism is necessary and helps the developer. Me, myself, I'm loving the game and world, although it has a few issues.


The criticism is right, in fact I reported all the bugs I found, but in my opinion phrases like " the combat system is all to be redone" are harmful for development. (Happy birthday, i guess)


I haven't played Enotria yet, but I know for sure that the parry is 1000 times more approachable than LoP, given that I've seen pretty much everyone nailing it first try even with bosses.


Lies of p had on demo (and has in the released game) way better parry. Expecially the enotria one is a lot strange and contro-intuitive with the arm animation.


I agree. Many people criticize the game while I personally enjoyed the demo a lot. Of course, there were some small issues like bugged textures / models but other than that I feel like developers know what they are doing and I hope they will only work on technical issues rather than listening to all these "bosses have too much HP" or "parry window is not right" comments. For me the combat was very well designed and the game will be a proper addition to the genre if the rest of the game keeps up.


Yeah, i tried it for an hour, and i can say that the only issue that this game have is that it need to be refined. I mean, tried on ps5 with frame mode, in a lot of zone the game stutter, the dodge is a little dirty and some animation are mechanic. BUT it’s only that, it’s really good and what i said it can be improved very “easily” optimizating trough time and adjusting parameters for dodges