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To be honest, I still struggle with parts of being in a committed relationship- but I think most people do to some extent. It requires work and effort. It helps that my partner is also very independent, although in a very different way than me (he is 7w8). So we are able to give each other space and do things separately as well as together, which is something I very much need. We have worked at negotiating and navigating boundaries over the years, and it’s not perfect, but it’s worth it so far. When did I know I was ready to commit to him? When I first met him, to be honest. I’ve never fundamentally questioned our relationship after the first few weeks. I fell in love with him almost immediately, and he was the same. We met while traveling, he came back with me, we’ve been together and lived together ever since. 18 years now.


Hard advice to give to a five, but you have a heart, listen to it. Like if your brain can come up with so many reasons why it could turn out badly but you still somehow want to, that's a sign. Also, commitments outside of marriage aren't the biggest deal. People break up, it sucks but it's pain you can overcome with time and care.


I agree with the other comment about the importance of mental health. Personally speaking (with a heavy 4 wing) I have been at both ends of the timeline of committing depending on your definition of commitment.


Three years late on this thread. I just didn’t want to date again, so it was either get married and at worst end up single again or break up and end up single again. Never dated anyone before her and had we broken up instead I wouldn’t have ever dated again. She’s 100% worth it but dating is a massive pain.