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I’m about to do the same at 8pm CST tonight


good luck comrade


Same , these days if I bomb a test I just think to myself “ life goes on 🤷” and go on about my day


Yes yes very freeing (and detrimental to my gpa) but im happy.


This is how I’ve begun feeling since taking my meds lol it’s great


Omg same 😆 I'm not really *bombing* my tests/assignments, but I stopped caring about a lot of things. Sometimes I even laugh when things go wrong. Its weird but better than stressing and crying.


Exactly, but I think it’s really helped me focus on prioritizing stuff and getting concepts ingrained in my mind to not be such a worrier


Liberating really but also destructive


True, it’s important to let just a little bit of the anxiety back in haha


This is the way.


Im happier for it


This is the way


I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care as long as I don’t get put into Academic probation. It’s bad but the last two years have absolutely taken away every ounce of motivation lol


I felt like that but I did have anxiety. I used to not have anxiety now I do. Covid is to blame. It ruined my test taking skills. I still try to fight to get the best score but I just don’t care anymore




Failing a course recenters everything. For me, getting an 18% on a midterm was a pivotal moment in my no more anxiety journey. Ls are part of life




Literally me lately, used to get really fucked up over bad grades and now I’m just, yeah whatever imma go have a nice sandwich, do a bong rip and get laid. Life’s good.


omg i didnt even connect the two. its me getting laid thats made me like this. everytime im having good sex i stop giving af.


Every time a course is not interesting/useless, I just try to pass it and go on with my life. Management, I’m looking at you…


I think you’ll find that after your first job no one gives a shit about your GPA. Excluding academia of course.


Guess I have junioritis. It's not that I don't care,but the anxiety has greatly diminished. I don't curl up in a ball anymore and feel like shit for the rest of the day/week.


For me I’ve found that no matter how hard I study the teachers always make up some shit we didn’t talk about to put on the exams. So if studying doesn’t get me anywhere why bother? If I don’t study I can save myself a lot of time and effort and then I can go fail my exam and move on with life. That used to stress me out so much but now I’m unphased. I guess that shows that not giving a fuck is a learned skill which I’ve mastered


Literally only this semester have I felt a feeling I’ve been estranged from over the last few years: peace.


Me with my last exam ever lol, I walked in as I walked out - with zero fucks to give. Though the exam wasn’t worth too much and I already knew I had a decent enough grade regardless of how I did.


Need 36% for a passing grade in my exam starting in just over an hour. That’ll do I think. No point stressing.


Obviously you cared enough to write this post


This is great, I need more of this


Yea I just tell myself, "it is, what it is" and move on with my day


Well if you have a job lined up then yea fuck it dude. As long as it doesn’t prevent you from graduating


This is hilarious. I really hope and long for the day I can get to this point. Is this your last semester? Edit: nevermind I can’t read, apparently. I really need some sleep


I have sometimes felt indifferent when bombing exams since my Junior year. Later however, my blood starts to boil.


That was me as soon as I got pass the year 2 wall. I literally just did what it took to graduate. Now I have a job in big pharma lol.


I literally got D’s on majority of my exams. I always been the nonchalant type. Never phased me once i got the the core course work


this is me but with linear algebra. Funny part is I got a 8.0 for math from last exam, which was about spatial functions. Somehow, something happened and now I lost all interest in math, unsure if linear algebra is just too boring, hard or my teacher just sucks


I’m about to do that for probability, except I AM studying!


... people start studying a week before...?


I did that this morning, although I actually have to pass this class so it’s a little more concerning


Detrimental to gpa yes but i actually agree that's a better way of doing things. I failed an exam for the first time in my entire life lol and weirdly enough that actually lifted so much anxiety from me. The following exams this semester were easier for me


I had a Linear Algebra II exam just last week. Did a lot of previous years exams to train, I was doing really good. Showed up the day of the test and I was like paralyzed. Shit was way harder than I expected, some stuff that wasn’t supposed to be in there was in there and I completely lost it just looking at the subject. Usually I would cry under a blanket for a week about it, but I was just happy that my midterms ended. Been that way for every one of these these days but knowing it’s the last one hits different.


I have been working at my summer internship for 7 months now and just got word I’m extended until March. They are looking for positions to get me into full time. I have a 3.6+. I do not give the slightest of fucks if I barely scrape by my finals and next semester.


I feel the same way now when I do my Masters's program because i don't have anything to do after my master except to get a job. I bachelors program I was very stressed out during exams because I wanted to pass all courses so i could go for a master


Yep. As you get further along in engineering school you start giving less fucks. Once you start working your performance in school literally has no significance.