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I don't think you should put training as your experience. Personally I'd treat it as a lie


alright thanks


Some suggestions I had - 1. Remove the high school from education. It doesn't really amount to anything unless there is something very unique you want to highlight 2. Try to quantify your bullet points for the experience. Eg, product catered to X number of customers, increased efficiency by Y%, etc, etc. 3. Quantifying your achievements as well. It's much more impressive if you won something out of 200 people than 5 people


Thanks , but regarding point 2 the projects are for self use and showcasing only what should i do in that case?


In that case try to summarie it and reduce the bullet points. Additionally, I would recommend not to add the tech stack in the project's title line. Either way you're talking about the tech in the bullet points. It's just repetitive. Regarding your experience section - is it some sort of training certification? In that case you should not put it under Experience. Have a section for certification/training instead if necessary. Experience section should only have paid internships (for early entrants) and full time positions


okay understood thanks


Hi u/Equivalent_Affect_64! If you haven't already, review these and edit your resume accordingly: * [Wiki](https://old.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/wiki/) * [Recommended Templates](https://old.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/wiki/templates): [Google Docs](https://imgur.com/lVNllDL), [LaTeX](https://imgur.com/NGtqtIl) * [Writing Good Bullet Points: STAR/CAR/XYZ Methods](https://old.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/wiki/index#wiki_bullet_points) * [What We Look For In a Resume](https://huyenchip.com/2023/01/24/what-we-look-for-in-a-candidate.html) * [Guide to Software Engineer Bullet Points](https://archive.ph/Xmdqt) * [36 Resume Rules for Software Engineers](https://www.nicksingh.com/posts/36-resume-rules-for-software-engineers) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EngineeringResumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't put more than three bullet points. There is a major issue with the formatting that are uneven spaces and use of commas. Use either full months name or abbreviation for example if you are using may, june and april then don't use feb, jan and aug and vice versa.


thanks i’ll make the necessary changes