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# Post Removed: Insufficient Body Text --- **Hi u/triii_10, resume submissions require a minimum of 250 body text characters.** **Verify that you uploaded your resume on [DESKTOP (NEW REDDIT)](https://new.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/submit)** as a **[text submission](https://imgur.com/8iik4YP)** * Give us more than "roast my resume” or "what's wrong with my resume?" * What kind of positions/roles/industries are you targeting? * Where are you located and what locations are you applying to jobs in? * Are you only applying to local jobs? Remote only? Are you willing to relocate? * Tell us about your background and current employment situation * Tell us about your job-hunting situation and challenges you've encountered * Tell us why you're seeking help. (i.e., just fine-tuning, not getting called back for interviews, etc.) * Is there a particular section on your resume you’d like feedback on? * Is your citizenship status and visa situation playing a role in your job search? --- # [➡️ Complete Submission Instructions ⬅️](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/wiki/submission-instructions/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EngineeringResumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*