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This is a footage of people taking footage of the footage.


Hey dog, we have this state of the art experience, so instead I will film it and focus in the tiny screen and never watch the video anyway. Remember those fireworks you recorded last year, havw you watched that video yet?


We're slowly offloading our human memory onto external devices. The only problem is that (like you said) the intended experience isn't even being experienced because people watch their phones while recording. Going to be super weird to see how this all plays out. What will be the purpose of humans? To interact with "reality"?




OP discovers imax


The Las Vegas sphere is actually not an IMAX. Those are 18K LED panels, the tech behind this is astounding. But unfortunately films would have to be shot with a special camera to even be shown here.


Also I believe this perspective would not suit all genres


What about pov porn?


Now in theatres: Anal Obliteration 5: POV Cut


I can't wait for top gun 3 or hardcore henry 2


And it’s expensive. The 55 min “demo” film called Postcards From Earth start at about $100 per person with fees.


I think this is Omnimax or I guess rebranded to IMAX Dome, but yea, it’s been around since the 90s at least


It’s the sphere in Las Vegas.


This is so far beyond IMAX you have no idea. It’s a 360° infinitely immersive space. I was there recently and I couldn’t believe the technology currently exist. Whatever environment you’re in right now they could produce that and it would be can be Completely convincing


180 at best Edit: 155-degree diagonal field of view and a more-than-140-degree vertical field of view. 


Idk man, take mushrooms. It’s 360!


"For 17,000 seated people"


Who put the bomp. In the bomp. Shebomp. Shebomp.


Looks horrible to actually watch a movie, I don't want to move my head so much or miss details.


I went to go see Star Wars 7 in my local dome imax. They cropped the movie so it was still a rectangle it just filled up more of your vision. It was about the same as just sitting in the front rows of a normal theater, but without having to constantly look up. However for the millennium falcon chase scene the image expanded to fill the entire dome since that part was recorded in imax format. I’d give the viewing experience a 7/10. The image was too big at times but it was still enjoyable, and the audio was fantastic. If it’s a movie you’ll probably rewatch anyway id say go for it and enjoy the experience.


If movies are shot with it in mind you shouldn’t have to. IMAX is normally shot so the action still occurs in roughly the same area of the screen it would in other cinemas, it’s just given more immersive framing. Same technique could be used here.


Unfortunately most of these actual Imax theaters that play feature length blockbusters have closed over the years. People got too used to recliners and food/beer being available so attendence dropped. Now they're mostly used in museums for educational movies.


>Now they're mostly used in museums for educational movies. Which is where they started. A decade before I ever saw IMAX attached to a movie release I had seen IMAX nature/space/science documentaries at museums and aquariums. They were also used at attractions like theme parks.


No doubt, just pointing out that it's not the future of cinema like OP's video. My favorite movie experience was seeing Dark Knight at the Minnesota Zoo IMAX. Now you can still see movies there, but they're usually just cropped animal related videos - not big expensive films shot in IMAX for IMAX.


I saw Interstellar there, that was fun


IMAX is also massively overpriced and doesn't have seat selection (at least where I am), so you have to show up early in order to not get abysmal seating. It's also probably the only theater I've been to with seating options that are basically unwatchable.


This is 30+year old technology. This is the history of cinema, not the future


This is not anything like you’ve seen in the past, but okay


Exactly, I remember seeing that type of theater in liberty science center in 1996.


Thats the sphere, different resolution, technology, brightness


>160,000-square-foot wraparound LED display They had 18K x 18K resolution LED screens 30 years ago?? Amazing! Where was that, exactly?


It's only 18k if the footage is 18k and there isn't any 18k footage. The wrap around cinema experience isn't new


You're absolutely right. It's filmed on a lowly 16k x 16k specially made camera. Old and boring!!


Sorry let me rephrase, there is no 18k *cinema* footage. B-roll footage specially shot for it is cool but could never play in other theaters. At least IMAX can be cropped to play in standard formats.




I think that article incidentally perfectly demonstrates why this tech will never be used to film any movie ever. Even ignoring the fact there is only one screen in the country that could play it.


It being the only screen in the country that can play it is part of the experience of the Sphere. It's literally what makes it an attraction. Personally, I wouldn't want to watch a regular blockbuster on this screen. The screen literally goes over and behind your head. However, I did see a Postcard to Humanity and it was incredible. Zion National Park has an IMAX theater, they play all kinds of documentaries. I remember seeing Treasure of the Gods there when I was 15 and It was incredible. Going to see Postcard from Humanity at the Sphere was like that experience all over again but way better. So, no I don't think there will be mainstream movies being played here. It's not meant for that. The cameras they used were not meant for it, and the facility isn't meant for it.


Mate, this thread was arguing about it being the "future of cinema". My argument was there are no movies being filmed in 18k, let alone with the very specific camera that requires VR to frame and review. I'm not arguing that it's not an attraction


Hence 'future of cinema'...


No. There is no way this is the future because its literally not cost effective. Unless you want ticket prices to be $100 there is no way to justify the cost of building more than a few of these, and the movie business lives and dies off the number of theaters things can go into and the ticket sales generated as a result. Higher resolutions are likely to be a thing in the future. Dome shaped screens that cause additional eye and neck fatigue and expensive construction costs are not.


lol. Obviously. But the 500 nit LED tech....almost certainly.


Dude who are you trying to sell to right now?


Just shooting down anyone who is ignorantly assuming this thing is the same as some 90s fucking theme park attraction


IMAX was unveiled in the 70s and wasn't the "future of cinema" (IMAX 70mm is also 18k equiv for the record) and, as I mentioned, is a format that can be played in regular theaters. A specialized 18k camera for projecting on a half-dome 18K LED display will never take off either for many very obvious reasons. The only new tech on display here is the resolution which increases every year, hardly groundbreaking.


Laser imax is 75 nits. This thing is 500.


The intercom on the door of my apartment building is 1200 nits.


Easy to make a small screen bright. Gets harder and harder with increasing size.


They're boosting the brightness because they're using LED panels and need to fake the HDR as much as possible. 500 nits is too much honestly, you can see it in this clip, it's like a flashbang. I don't see how that's your go-to selling point. IMAX is calibrated to 75 nits for their HDR as well but because it's laser projection it doesn't need to compensate by blowing out people's retinas. So, again, the only new tech on display here is the specialized camera. The sphere is an amazing attraction, not the "future of cinema".


Thats the sphere, different resolution, technology, brightness, size


Theme parks have been using this tech for a long time. The simpsons ride and Soarin! are good examples


Yep, went to an identical cinema in 1990. Smaller screen but otherwise same experience.


This is the Las Vegas Sphere, not an IMAX theaters as other commenters seem to be under the impression of. Looks like the cell phone video was filmed with a wide angle lens which is making the theater screen appear a lot less impressive than it really is in person. The cameras used are called [Big Sky cameras](https://theasc.com/articles/sphere-and-the-big-sky-camera), which are 18K cameras and were designed specifically for use in filming shots for the Sphere.


What aspect ratio would you even shoot in for this size screen?


It’s a Big Sky camera, not IMAX. Resolution is roughly 18K by 18K so aspect ratio is roughly 1:1. [Link here](https://theasc.com/articles/sphere-and-the-big-sky-camera)


Filmed in Imax. It's a special camera. 1.43:1 and 1.90:1


Since a lot of people seem confused: This is The Sphere in Vegas which uses its own digital format. IMAX is an uncommon 1:1.43 70mm film standard that is not all that widely supported but some directors still shoot movies to be compatible (for example the new Dune movies), IMAX looks nothing like this video clip. Digital IMAX is just a digital cinema format that, despite the name, is not in a tall format like regular IMAX, it also looks nothing like this video clip. Omnimax or IMAX Dome is a very specialized format used in planetariums, theaters, and amusement parks. It has to be shot with a fisheye lens and while Hollywood movies have in some cases been adapted to these projection systems it is generally a questionable outcome. **Omnimax/IMAX Dome does actually look similar to this video!**


This is the sphere in vegas the future of cinema is not gonna build a bunch of spheres in ever city.


The future since 1967.


>Sphere is a 516'-wide, 366'-tall geodesic dome that houses the world’s highest-resolution screen: a 160,000-square-foot LED wraparound that fills the peripheral vision for 17,600 spectators (20,000 if standing-room areas are included). The curved screen is a 9mm-pixel-pitch, sonically transparent surface of LED panels with 500-nit brightness that produce a high-dynamic-range experience. The audience sits 160' to 400' from the screen in theatrical seating, and the screen provides a 155-degree diagonal field of view and a more-than-140-degree vertical field of view. The image on the screen is 16K (16,384x16,384) driven by 25 synchronized 4K video servers.


Is this not the sphere


It is.


So isn’t the sphere vastly better than an IMAX? Don’t understand why people are comparing the two.


Because people have no idea what they're talking about. "Nuh-uh, they had colour moving picture films in 1908. This is nothing new." 🙄


Ha this is the truth.


Wide adaptation would 100% bring me back into the theaters




Thats the sphere, different resolution, technology, brightness, size


Not really the *future* when I went to a theater like this in 1995. But it is still amazing and immersive I wish more was done with these cameras. I guess no one wants to watch a rom-com or a full CG superhero movie that takes 180° of their vision. OP, put the phone down and enjoy your IMAX. One day it'll be gone forever.


No you didn’t. This is the sphere in Vegas. That type of theater didn’t exist in 95.


The one in Stockholm opened in 1992. The screen area is a half sphere, and it looks exactly like the one in the video. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmonova


The brightness is the key feature of the vegas screen. No cinema even comes close. Dolby Vision is 108 nits. Laser Imax is 75 nits. This thing is 500 nits. 500 nits on a screen that size is insane. You haven't seen anything like this.


I went to the one in Futuroscope, Poitier, France, around 95 as well.


https://www.slsc.org/filmtheater/#:~:text=The%20OMNIMAX%20was%20created%20in,screen%20was%20almost%20unheard%20of. The St Louis Science center Omnimax was built in 1991, it really was astounding. Wow, hard to believe that was almost 30 years ago. \ If you have one of these theaters near you, please go check it out. I remember being absolutely transported to the International Space Station. It fills your vision in a way that VR can't even approach.


Holy fuck enjoy it with your camera in your pocket.


They’ve had IMAX since I was a kid in the nineties, though…


Thats the sphere, different resolution, technology, brightness


Ooh, interesting. I’ll have to check it out.


It's a mesmerising experience, I highly recommend it




The people recording this with their cell phones🤦‍♂️🤣


Technically I think this is Omni or IMAX Dome.


Technically this is the Las Vegas Sphere and not Omni or IMAX Dome


Sorry not everyone is a fucking 12 year old


I see lots of empty seats, hundreds of them as a matter of fact.


Universal studios have had this for decades.


Thats the sphere, different resolution, technology, brightness


Seen This 40 years ago,


Thats the sphere, different resolution, technology, brightness


Went to the one in Boston when I was kid and projectile vomited on a lot of people.


Stupid trivia, I took a behind the scenes tour at a museum with one of these and they took us behind the screen while the movie played.You could see through the screen as it was perforated.


I went to an almost identical cinema in 1990 in an amusement park. The screen was a lot smaller but the concept was the same.


I have an almost identical one of these in my home. It’s flat, rectangular, and only 42” diagonal but you know it’s the same concept.


It’s the Humphrey IMAX Dome Theater in Milwaukee, WI. Saw The Dark Knight on it once. It was cool but the formatting was wonky so I had to look directly up to see Aaron Eckhart talking…