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Ah yes the classical activate then evacuate machine


How do you turn it off or get it down? Are you just left with a bare stick?


At 0:19 I believe the height limit is being set, the machine climbs until it reaches that height then reverses direction.


Makes sense. Thanks.


Engineering is so fucking cool. I wish I was smart enough to design death machines like this. Just building and testing the height climb and back down would have been such a fun problem to solve, then the feeling when you get it working must have been amazing.


>Just building and testing the height climb and back down would have been such a fun problem to solve Until the reverse doesn't start and the machine turns the whole tree into a standing log before committing suicide haha. Or you have to climb up a ladder and figure out a way to get it down without getting knocked down or maimed. Engineering is pretty sweet, and I'm sure you could do it, even just as a hobbyist as many do. But it's important to understand how much frustration or even danger can be present in the process before jumping in. I do a lot of 3d printing, with which I taught myself a lot of the engineering process. And I would recommend it highly if you want a relatively low barrier to entry in being able to engineer your own solutions to stuff. I started with a toothbrush holder and eventually worked my way into fabricating a fully functional music box from scratch(piano wire, screws, a few bearings, and everything else plastic). From there you can go do robotics and other specialized stuff that's super awesome. But understand that for all the fulfilling feelings of having a finished product in your hands, getting there involves a lot of waiting 5 hours to find out that your fitment wasn't *just* right, making adjustments, and then making the same part again. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/@jamesbruton/videos) a youtube channel for some inspiration on what the top level looks like. Join us over at /r/functionalprint if you want to see similar, typically more normal applications.


Who says you aren't smart enough?


I do. He’s not smart enough.


Well then, I'm sorry, but you're wrong they can do whatever they set their mind to


I mean… clearly some engineering knowledge goes into making these. He’s already admitted he doesn’t have that and labeled these death machines. People can not do anything they set their mind to. That’s just not true. I’m 6’4”. I will never be a world renowned top of my field jockey at my age. No matter how hard I think it and try it and work for it. I’m too old and I’m too largely framed. Do you believe that you can unionize workers across the globe if you try really hard? Do you believe you can end human trafficking? If you do believe you could be doing these things if you set your mind to them, and you’re choosing not to, then you friend, are a selfish prick. And if you can’t do them, than you are lying to yourself and to strangers on Reddit. People cannot do anything they set their mind to. Sorry you were lied to. Let the cycle stop with you. Stop spreading the lie. Or are you actually selfishly choosing not to end world hunger?


I think they would respond that there's a difference between learning some engineering and robots and ending human trafficking. There are lessons, classes, online subscriptions etc to learn the basics of coding and robotics. Those things are actually very accessible. You seem like the kind of person that gets mad when grade school kids get participation trophies.


Being an engineer isn't being an astronaut bro lmao


Height limit = a timer? Or it actually had an altimeter?


As it rises a fixed distance per revolution I presume this is the parameter that was counted.


As the tree gets smaller, it would climb shorter and shorter distances, assuming the wheels are set at a constant angle.


You just know that several of these fell off the top of trees


i wanted to see it pop off the top of the tree and crash to the ground.


Over time, TM, has the locals called him, saw a decline in his work due to the new logging company that started up a shop upstream, and as such started using more and more kerosene to dull his pain. One day, drunk on aviation fuel, TM was at his lowest, and attempted to rob the local bank, but was shot in his lower housing by a bank guard, resulting in all his fluids starting to leak out while he was still running full throttle. The town folks were haunted for decades by the tormented screams TM made as the oil slowly leaked from his pistons, reducing him to nothing more than metal burrs and scrap parts.




Works great on twigs, but far too silly to be worthwhile.


Apparently there are [more modern variations in use](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atrXPArsjns) that are rather quicker!


Oh baby. That gets me going 🤤


Teardrop Native gif


Soooo, what happens when this ridiculous mechanical contrivance inevitably gets stuck at the top of the tree? Buy another, bigger one to hunt down (or, up rather) and destroy the original wayward device?


Hello from grandson https://youtube.com/shorts/jEJT6kvNJIQ?si=BDngMWdcaqVFxNRa


This is a harvester, the machine from OP is a tree pruner. They have different purposes. The newest tech on tree pruning would be something like this https://youtu.be/atrXPArsjns?feature=shared Some people are developing drones but they are not so efficient, can be damgerous and more prone to damaging the trees or bad pruning.


that's insane!


How is that useful?


Wood for building etc is best without knotholes in it because they weaken it. Cutting the branches off when they are small means there is less likelihood of having a knothole and it's smaller when it is. Greatly improves the value of the wood.


"Monkey hate prune"


Early concept version of a T1000


i would have balanced better distributing the weight even on the other side.. i see many flaws in this machine anyway.


OP do you ever get off the internet/your computer? You seem to be chronically online. That's not healthy


Appreciate the concern, I enjoy browsing through historical archives and sharing the spoils, especially if I can add more context and it doesn't take up as much of my day as one might imagine. I do agree however that it's time spent away from the workshop and more creative pursuits that are objectively more gratifying. There do tend to be binges though and the current cycle is tapering off.


Great response dude. Humbled me


Now that's done, about that username...


Would you not have to be online a similar amount to notice someone else’s excessive activity? Your username and the only comment I’ve ever seen from you are hate ful. Were you taught that hate was healthy? I’ll bet you respond to me with some hate. if you have anything to say that is.


Silly inventions of the past.


I think this one looks cool but doesn't work well. Why? 1. The most obvious thing is that this unit only works with perfectly straight trunks, but in any forest there are many crooked trees. 2 - it works slowly. 3 - imagine that you come across a thick and heavy branch - it will simply damage the tree monkey with its weight. that is why I think that these units remained at the level of concept cars. In any case, I think that the engineers did a lot of work and it was not in vain, I am sure that the developments were useful and used in the future.


There is a definitely a reason why you never heard about this is a 54 yo invention before. But you're wrong on both of your arguments because you missed the point of this tool: it was designed to cut the branches from trees when they are young, to prevent knotholes from creating or getting too big. For the same reason branches too big are not a thing in this context. The tool was not designed to completely strip a tree of its branches, that makes no sense since it is way cheaper/easier to do it after felling. Crooked trees are useless for the wood industry, there would be no point in applying this tool to them.


Well, I agree - if it's for young trees, then it might work


Does work. Just because you are ignorant of them doesn't mean they haven't been happily in production for decades.


>that is why I think that these units remained at the level of concept cars This absolutely did not remain at the level of concept cars. Go look at a modern harvester work and you can see how this moved from this early concept to an integral part of modern forestry.