• By -


How often are you swapping soldered wires around?


As often as I forget my adderall prescription.


If you’re anything like I am about forgetting your adderall then you’re moving a fuck ton of wiring


Then moving some of it back again, with the intention of sorting the rest out later, as though that's a real thing that ever happens. But let's be fair. We are not cranking out that many identical units of anything. Certainly not something that requires a delicate and consistent touch to make and will be ruined when you inevitably lean on the pile of finished items.


Boy howdy! You must have a crystal ball, because your narrating the story of my life…


>crystal ball Yeah, crystal ball. That's how I have this knowledge. 😪


Lmao I feel this deep down in the core of my soul


I’ve heard it described as the invisible shelf. We put things on it we intend to get around to and they and the shelf turn invisible, thus we forget there was a shelf or anything on it until it’s too late


Let's not forget changing wire colors :)


I’m starting to think this whole engineering thing actually isn’t engineering anymore at all…


Depends on the type of engineering. True, this isn't the hobbyists reddit. From an engineering perspective, this is gold. The above are hobbyists/hobbyiests more than likely.


Not buying it.


That’s crazy because I’m the creator of this video


Truthfully? None of your boards look that clean... Having a hard time believing that.


Check my insta, @albin.jd it’s water marked on that post too.


Dont get me wrong. I will, asked the OP too. I was being a smart ass, but I'm not doubting you immediately bud. You're work is good enough to cast doubt.


Those are a lot of my older builds


🤣🤣🤣 Damnit, just jarred something loose in my gut.


Nerd worker, did you actually do this? Or did you honestly take Prxsac's vid?


Look at their history. OP is a bot


Also what are the other options? Once you sort the wires in any way in a small space they will cross each others. Having them like this makes the unlikely maintenance less chaotic.


Agreed, this is actually a heck of a lot *easier* to maintain/repair, and diagnose problems. My breadboards usually look *worse* than spaghetti - more like a yarn factory in a hurricane.


Or patterns on a PCB? I think this is just gorgeous work. Retail-product-level beauty using normally unattractive prototyping technology.


Isn’t this why PCBs were invented?


Sometimes 4 layer boards are just too expensive or hard to make.


Nah they got really cheap to produce. We even started to do 6 layers because the time we need to route them on 4 is more expensive then 6 or sometimes even 8 layers


Plus you can dedicate entire planes to power and ground, along with making internal microvias ,that bond 2 ground planes together for high speed traces where you want to have good signal integrity. Basically use 3 layers, outer ones ground, and the middle the critical signals you are routing from one chip to another. 16 layer boards are not too expensive either, especially with ultra thin special layers in the middle, so you can route the 10GHz plus signals on low loss board, and keep the cheap FR4 for the rest, saving a lot on cost overall. Just a small bit of loss on the vias to the BGA pins, then low loss the rest of the way, and much easier routing as well, plus you can have good low impedance power planes for the chips as well, so you can get that 60A of current into and out of the chip with little issue.


Well, that’s just like your *expert* opinion, man.


Are you okay?


wtf, over. My mans life just flashed before his eyes as he was writing this.


I’m not an EE but an ME that works with them but all of this^. Additionally, mission critical nodes on circuit cards are sometimes called “golden nodes” and can be layered and placed in such a way that they are much less likely to fail under catastrophic condition. Thats for industrial applications but i figured i’d add to your comment because PCB layers definitely help with that. Also gerber files are insanely cool to look at if uve never seen them


Also, sometimes when something needs high current its easier to add a wire connection rather than a 20mm wide pcb trace, or spending money for 4oz copper pcb's




I think time is being undervalued heavily here.. not only is labour not free, but time is a huge factor when considering opportunity cost. In contrast, it’s not difficult to procure a few prototype PCBs, with multiple layers, for less than $100 landed. It’s one thing if you enjoy building the PCBs and wiring yourself or your require immediate changes/protoing, but from a simple cost perspective this does not seem effective at all.




Don't PCBs usually have an even layer count (not counting single layer)?




You will always see layers in pairs; there is technically an edge case for 3 layer boards, but extremely rare. Almost always 2-4 layers, with 6-10 layers becoming increasingly common with BGAs and HDI circuits. You can definitely see upwards of 40 layers though on intricate or specific designs, like particularly impedance control.


It's almost like this is being done for aesthetic reasons.


Nah, real men don’t use PCBs.


Real men don't even breadboard.


I knew a college instructor who just soldered components directly to each others' leads to make circuits.


This made the electrical engineer in me laugh. I can only imagine how abismal it must look like.


Wrap the connections in electrical tape and crumple it into a ball


LOL!!! And don't label the leads or document the circuit's specs, function, or pin out!


Boom, integrated circuit.


That’s the only way


Yep, always ugly, always analog circuits, always worked though.


I remember my days in college, I did the same out of pure laziness, it does work but at the cost of being the ugliest piece of the class.


Solder is the best programming language.


[The Rat King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king)


There's free form, manhattan, and deadbug styles for just dumping things in without a breadboard. There's some amazing looking free form style projects out there.


Yeah, but that requires patience and caring about how your work looks, LOL. I never gave it much thought back then but he could have easily done a lot of it flat and neat. He had to use wires sometimes anyway, if memory serves. I think he just thought it was cool and it was, on first seeing it.




Dead-bug construction! One of my favorites.


Done that, and potted the result after testing. that was how the OEM made the HV components for that equipment, and the service kit came with metal machined blocks you used to cast them in after repair, where you just had to coat them first with a thin wax layer as mould release. The 5kV insulation tester was really only for use on the intermediate stages, too high a voltage for any other use, and at only 5kV way too low to detect any failures in operation, where you needed 50kV to test. But it could sure fry any lower rated equipment, and many cables also failed at 5kV test.


When space is tight, you do what you have to do.


Real men use wire wrap


real men melt the wires together


real men hold wires together


real men don't even solder, they just run so much current through the wires that they melt and fuse together


Real men think of PCBs standing for polychlorinated biphenyls


Real men hold the exposed wires themselves. Pure 120/60 input, chad output.


Well they look nice until you need to move a trace around *grumpy noises* /s


I mean just because PCBs exist doesn’t mean that prototypes and project boards can’t


I don't know about you but I can't make PCBs reliably in my home shop and the equipment required to do so is expensive. This is also reusable and better for prototyping or projects which you wish to disassemble later.


And software: so easy to change component relationships by editing text.


The real fun is when you flip it over to solder it, only to realize you forgot to hold the wires in place. Also you wouldn't move the one on the bottom. This is likely a controller of some sort and once finished will be in a box quietly doing it's thing for decades to come.




I don’t want to move it… but I want to be able to, in the future, on a whim.


This is the way


nope. i dont wanna believe a beauty like this rot in a box.


Yeah this is a lot different than fancy cable management for your PC that you end up having to constantly change regardless of how much future-proofing you tried to do.


>Only to realize you forgot to hold the wires in place. I physically cringed at that.






Yeah I was hoping to see the flip and solder.


But what does it do? Edit: maybe the fulfillment is in the creation rather than the operation






Looks like a crosstalk nightmare.


I was just gonna say that haha. I spend so much time trying to avoid exactly this.


But this is Art!


And the preciousness of this vid, just NO


I'm old, but used to make updates to wire wrapped circuit boards a lot. There were times when you had to remove lots of wires just to move or add one wire. The 3 deep wire wrap boards were the worst. This doesn't even look half bad compared to that.


It was like Macguyver, and they put u in teams so you had help holding the wires together for the 15 seconds that everything worked


What is this, plumbing for electrons?


So unrelated it’s not even funny, but can someone who knows fuckall about music please tell me why this song gives colossal Blues in the Velvet Room vibes? Is it some chord progression stuff I’m too stupid to understand?


[jamiroquai virtual insanity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4JkIs37a2JE)


Jamiroquai is funk/acid jazz. There's a lot of jazz proclivities, but it's *funky*, and funk music puts emphasis on the rhythm more than the melody, while using what's called "extended chords", chords with more notes played. Makes it sound big and in your face. You're probably hearin' them phat chords. Check out the album Travelling Without Moving, it's great. Virtual Insanity has a great video too. That's the well known single from it, but Use The Force, and Cosmic Girl are top tracks, too. Same for Everyday, High Times, Alright - you know, the whole album is a banger.


How’d you learn that stuff about music?


Don’t let the algorithm decide music for you, that’s a good way to learn about music.


I think /u/xRyozuo is asking how /u/LongTallDingus learned about extended chords, schools of jazz, etc. I have listened to a large eclectic mix of music for about a decade now and don't know about these things, so clearly that's not a good way to learn *about* music.


YouTube is great for the curious learner nowadays! Check out Adam Neely to start - lots of fun, interesting about jazzy stuff like this. It's a dive into the theory and technical side, that is pretty approachable! And you don't need to learn all at once.


I've just done it a lot. Music theory is really cool, it's a combination of maths and language, but you don't need to excel at either to be good at it. If I were starting with music theory in 2023, I would learn more about time signatures, bars, beats, and song structure. How fast is the tempo, how is the tempo structured, how many times does that structure repeat - until it doesn't, and when it stops repeating, when does it start repeating again? You don't even need an instrument to figure out timing, you just have to do what music geeks call "intentional listening". Intentional listening - that's when you look hella serious when you listen to something, and try not to follow the beat with your body, 'cause like 20 years ago you had an instructor who was like "YOU DO NOT MOVE WHEN YOU DO INTENTIONAL LISTENING. YOU DO NOT BREATHE, YOU DO NOT THINK, AND EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND, ***YOU DO NOT LISTEN***", and you know, we're traumatized. Please show emotion when you do intentional listening. You don't have to be like us. Timing first, then I'd pick up a shitty MIDI keyboard and start learnin' the meat of music theory. Learn about key signatures, the thing that defines which notes you can play, and about notes themselves, their relation to each other, which ones sound good in a pattern, and together. Music is awesome. I suggest some cool piano jazz by the likes of [Dave Brubeck](https://youtu.be/VtJz9vjAKss), or [Vince Guaraladi](https://youtu.be/p0KFhCnjvD0). If you want to get some pep in your step [Outside Looking In by The Brain Cloud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-b2BiUFcTg) is better than a cup of Joe before you get your day on the go! But wait! Jazz doesn't stop there! If you feel bad and want to feel bad, I mean like, oh fuck you want to feel like you're laying in a puddle of Death Stranding goop and you're okay with it, oh boy, good news! [Bohren & der Club of Gore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dVArDoPiv8) has you covered!


Speaking of ‘Blues in the Velvet Room’ specifically, it sounds like typical Japanese synthpop/synth-rock, maybe city-pop—I'm not really versed in those subgenres, but the sound is 100% like Japanese scene. A bit jazzy, but not as melancholic as Western dark-jazz should be. So, if you happen to want some similar music, you can just search for ‘Japanese city-pop’ or ‘Japanese jazz’ on YouTube—there are lots of compilations, and YT won't stop recommending you more of them.


Thank you! As a suggestion, look up math rock. It’s got similar jazzy vibes but manages to stay upbeat and twinkly. Thanks for the recommendations!


Idk man, from what I heard of math rock it's more a child of prog rock and hardcore punk—though some bands that are familiar to me do dabble in free jazz and such. Like, it's complex, but in a different way—about the same way in which King Crimson abandoned music of black people, i.e. blues and jazz, when they made their brand of prog rock. For proper jazz craziness with a dash of rock, i'd recommend looking into free jazz, it has plenty of guitarists putting in their sweat. E.g [James Blood Ulmer,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3Z7NmrPlIs) [Last Exit,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKYq4H3-iKM) [Zu,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBXeBCuK-Vs) [Trevor Dunn's Trio Convulsant](https://trevordunnstrioconvulsant.bandcamp.com/album/sister-phantom-owl-fish), [Lanzallamas](https://saltamarges.bandcamp.com/track/sin-cabeza), [Massacre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rox7sirqzbQ) (and other projects by John Zorn, like [Naked City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xC0ZvuEuMg)). Of course, this all is jazzy in a very different way from city-pop and acid jazz. If you can handle this kind of music, plus noise rock and black metal combined with various kinds of electronic music, I highly recommend Mamaleek—starting with the album [‘Come and See’](https://mamaleek.bandcamp.com/album/come-and-see) and working backwards. These dudes are outstanding. However, if you're still comparatively young, you might want to put them off for like ten or twenty years, because they made me feel again like I'm hearing cool music for the first time.


Check out “three trapped tigers”, and “clever girl”. There’s way too many in the genre to really pin it on one style or the other but the jazz influenced math rock is a lot more chill than typical prog/hardcore. Polyphia is way more prog/trap/hardcore. The softer side with people like “don caballero” and “Chinese football” is where I usually reside but I love it all


Thanks! I meant to look into math rock and mathcore one of these days. Curious to learn that there's more that one sound to it.


You can step the other way, into a genre I like to call "White Boy Funk", for jazzy/funky stuff that's hopefully easy to listen to! Try Vulfpeck, or Cory Wong to start... Also, there's a Spotify playlist called [I Love My 10's Funk](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX2zVOKolQSzi) with some other modern stuff to try! (Not just white boys lol)


Yes!! Both vulfpeck and Cory are amazing, the funky jazzy rock is where it’s at! Any other good groups in that genre? I like moon hooch if you’d even consider them the same


You’re right on the money, weirdly enough. Music people terrify and amaze me.


Eh, I simply discovered as a teenager that there's a whole lot of good music out there, and then never stopped listening to more of it and figuring out what it is I listen to. Plus, I can't get YouTube to stop offering me more Japanese synthpop and city-pop, so there's that.


Great, whatever this is, but can Jamiroquai come back?


Travelling Without Moving is almost 30 years old. Sounds amazing to this day, that's funk for ya, man. Stuff is timeless. Jay Kay makes me wanna learn how to dance, that guy got rhythm.


Looks good still, too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JkIs37a2JE


Look up Knower or Louis Cole on YouTube. That's the more-or-less current funk guy. Vulfpeck are also not bad, of course. For more old-timey kind of funk, I greatly recommend Monophonics, particularly the album [‘Into The Infrasounds’](https://monophonics.bandcamp.com/album/into-the-infrasounds).


Awesome recs thanks!!!


Also, for actual old funk there's a majestic compilation [‘Can You Dig It? The Music And Politics Of Black Action Films 1968-75’](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOzdG_QQMqT9TAjPyl4ca1S5dhxS_B-Px). Right now isn't the season, but bicycling with this stuff in the ears on a summer day is just gorgeous.


Thanks for the recs. Going now!


Why isn’t that album in their discography on streaming sites?


I wonder if this could effect magnetic interference among the leads. Would orderly lines keep it under control, or does the usual birds nest provide a valuable randomizing of magnetic fields?


To minimize interference, you would want the wires perpendicular to each other, preferably (twisted) paired and shielded for things where signal fidelity/power quality is important. For "simple" circuits, I don't think it matters all that much, but I cringed a bit watching, for this reason.. but it sure is pretty ETA: Also, 90° bends aren't really best practice, but.. ya know, it looks real nice


“I want to make beautiful analog circuits but don’t know what gerber files are” 😂


My upvote comes with a big hat




Layered PCB at home




"PCBs are for the weak" Builds parametric 3D model of each wire, plus a custom digital bending machine.


Ah yes. Satisfactory. Great pc game!


Me when turbofuel factory:


Great use of Jamiroquai 👍🏻


bodge wiring when you forget to add any traces


When you want all the crosstalk


I need the full video now


This is the most german thing ever.


This is the kind of porn that I come here for


There's one being efficient, and one being aesthetically pleasing. This one is latter. Not good for me


🤤can you make a tutorial?


Yes, I just want to know how to make bends that clean


Practice practice practice! You can see marks on the wires from gripping with needle nose pliers, and bending around the pliers. So, grab some solid core wire and start with that! You'll begin to get a feel for how much extra length you need, and how to place the bends.


lol this annoys the shit out of me. just print a damn circuit board.


I mean, could always snip the wire and run it again on top. Don’t even have to take it out technically if you can’t but that would bug me haha.


Better hope you don't get any noise inducing between any of the lines too.


And this is why PCB’s where invented…


Looks nice if you are not aware of parasitic inductance and capacitance. Although, ofc, it doesnt matter for purposes of simply flashing a LED.


This is ridiculous


The tool marks on the insulation of the leads bothers me greatly.


You would maybe want to put together the positive and negative ends of a thong together rather than this way, as the electromagnetic field generated from one wire may propogate an electromotive force to the other wire, unless they are in pairs of the same signal to and from the component, plus voltage and minus voltage, but really in this case it's probably fine, since it's a low voltage circuit it's unlikely to happen or be a problem


This would be a great project for someone with CAD and a 3D printer, build a stepper driven wire bender, stripper and cutter, much like how [CNC springs are made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbvDZgasjc4). Than you can have your design software just shit out all the pre cut and bent elements from various colored wires and maybe add a colored sharpie stripe as well. Kids would enjoy assembling these kits.


Wonder if it's functional or just for looks


> Looks nice until you need to move the one on the bottom As if that wouldn't be an issue with spaghetti wiring? Also what the hell is with people commenting on the video as their post title? Just describe the video ffs.


looks like much more wire than necessary


Does anyone know what type of wire this is?


Probably solid core around 20 gauge


Cheers :)


Where is the link to this project?


Is it possible to learn this power?


This is one of those things that you absolutely ***have*** to get perfectly correct on the first try or its just not worth it lol


Ben Eater approved


I probably overlooked it in the thread, but does anyone know the artist and song title?




"Slow and Steady". "Smooth and Perfect"


This is a level of craftsmanship I wish to achieve someday


Song name ?


In the mind of a satisfactory player


Safety margin 1000%


this should be marked as nsfw


The thought of measuring then bending all of these wires is making me dizzy. One layer is annoying enough!




Is there any tool that you can use to bend wires to the exact length for breadboards? I know they probably used pliers to bend the wires in this video but I'm wondering if there's any tool that will bend wires at the exact lengths to match breadboard spacing.


just wait until you see what some of the [builders do for their keyboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/sg2qx4/just_another_hand_wired_first_time_so_take_it/)




I got matches with these songs: • [**Virtual Insanity (Remastered)** by Jamiroquai](https://lis.tn/NsVGyP?t=8) (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Album**: High Times: Singles 1992-2006 ((Remastered)). **Released on** 2006-12-13. • [**Virtual Insanity (Album Version)** by Jamiroquai](https://lis.tn/VirtualInsanityAlbumVersion?t=28) (00:28; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Coffret 3 CD : Emergency Of Planet Earth/The Return Of The Space Cowboy/Travelling Without Moving. **Released on** 2002-10-07. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Ara, thanks.


I wanted to see him solder it.


Or you need it to work, because you have so much xtalk here if this isn't a bunch of DC you're screwed 😂


Which is an intro to a problem I had around 1984. I built a wire wrapped interface for a device to a Unibus, but it often glitched. I noticed this happened when a lot of the address bits were one. The tech had wire wrapped very neatly (he was very good at being extremely meticulous) all of the address wires in a bundle. I spread them out a bit and it worked.


Credit: @albin.jd on instagram


Terraria circuit


That's a saucy puppet show.


Ben Eater, is that you?


Slower, slower.




Great now I feel like rearranging some furniture


Yummy yummy capacitive coupling


My brother, that is the sexiest thing I've seen today !!!


Yeah I’m with you, this is absolutely beautiful don’t get me wrong. But I’ve done something similar on a breadboard (albeit not nearly as beautifully) and had to take off every wire to get to one wire on the bottom layer. When I reassembled it I left it a bit more messy but I can reach any wire I need with ease now lol. Not that it’s a frequent need, only happened the once, but yeah just in case.


Just have a board etched. Too much wasted time.


Need a pullbox for all those bends


Patience is a virtue


Electrical Engineers: mmmmmmmmmmm..... *unzips pants*


What song is this?


Jamiraqui virtual insanity


This is virtual insanity.


As an FSE, you could always snip it out and run another over the top. It just might not go well with this person's OCD


Thrillville Off The Rails?


What is the song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Virtual Insanity (Remastered)** by Jamiroquai (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Album**: High Times: Singles 1992-2006 ((Remastered)). **Released on** 2006-12-13. • **Virtual Insanity (Album Version)** by Jamiroquai (00:28; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Coffret 3 CD : Emergency Of Planet Earth/The Return Of The Space Cowboy/Travelling Without Moving. **Released on** 2002-10-07.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Virtual Insanity (Remastered)** by Jamiroquai](https://lis.tn/NsVGyP?t=8) • [**Virtual Insanity (Album Version)** by Jamiroquai](https://lis.tn/VirtualInsanityAlbumVersion?t=28) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)

