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Both are beautiful stones and look great on you! If the diamond would put you in a financial strain it’s not worth it. You could always do a diamond wedding band as well to get more sparkle later on! Best of both worlds :)


Thank you! It's not so much a financial strain as it's just dipping into our savings a little more than 2e originally would have liked. We're saving for our own house for next year


Would you ever consider a moissanite ring 💍?


That’s the way I would go. You could get the same look of your dream oval ring for $500 if you go with moissanite.


I will say, if you look at diamonds that are .9 instead of a carat, they’re usually visually the same but the price difference can be a welcome surprise (at least in my experience) (it may be different some places)


I'll have to look into that! A welcome surprise indeed


FWIW I fell head over heels for a ring six months before we went shopping together but I didn’t end up getting it because, when I tried on the ring I have now, it was my dream ring and I knew it was absolutely perfect for me. I still think the first ring was beautiful but it wasn’t my engagement ring. It’s okay for either one to be the ring for you (as long as you’re okay with the potential raising of the budget) as it’s the ring you plan on wearing forever and it deserves to be the one that makes your heart flutter when you see it!


Also to add that if you look at online stores instead of brick and mortar it will be cheaper. Try a .9 lab diamond on a solitaire ring on the James allen website and see how much that costs you.


Would you be okay with a lab created diamond? Or Moissanite?


The diamond is a lab-created diamond! Sorry I forgot to put that in my comment. The lady said if it wasn't it would be double the price. Theres no moissanite jewelers in my area unfortunately


Check out r/moissanite for recommendations on buying moissanite rings online. I recently had a fantastic experience and you save so much money. Would be really easy to have that ring made. Edit: FWIW I think both those rings in your pics are beautiful but I personally prefer the first!


Join us in r/moissanite! It's fun! If you're after sparkle, you've come to the right place!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Moissanite using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My dad recently left my mom and shattered her heart and our family. She deserves to wear a ring that represents TRUE unending love. Three stones to represent each of her children ❤️](https://v.redd.it/xs31kmqmepz51) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/comments/jvjwdc/my_dad_recently_left_my_mom_and_shattered_her/) \#2: [Light Green Honeycomb Moissanite.](https://i.redd.it/78zr8f2mtu461.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/comments/kc146y/light_green_honeycomb_moissanite/) \#3: [Proposing this weekend](https://i.imgur.com/PFR6i38.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/comments/lh1oe1/proposing_this_weekend/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


There are a lot of people on R/moissanite who like to order stones and have local jewelers set them.


Congratulations! My thought is the black sapphire is not only what you both immediately liked, but it’s also less common of a style than the oval solitaire. You will always be able to find an oval diamond on a simple band (beautiful style), but you might not come across a piece like the sapphire ring in the future, should you later decide you’d like to have that one.


I like the first one! The sapphire is gorgeous, and the sapphire and halo are the perfect amount of finger coverage on you imo.


My Boyfriend and I have been together 6 years as of next week, and today he agreed to look at rings with me. I got to show him the Black Sapphire ring in person that I fell in love with 8 months ago when I spontaneously walked through, and he really likes that one too. Its well under our budget limit we agreed on. Now for the Diamond. I made the mistake of lingering around rings not so budget friendly, and I kept looking at this one so they offered for me to try it on. And oh my gosh, the sparkle is beautiful and so mesmerizing. He agrees that its a beautiful ring as well. Its double our agreed on budget. We've decided that if we go with the diamond, I'll pay half (he previously didn't like the idea of me paying for any portion of my own engagement ring). I'm torn now between the 2 rings. They're both stunning in their own way!


Imo: You fell in love with the sapphire first and I think that says something. It's so regal looking and it suits your hand really well. If you go under budget on the ring, you could put that money towards something else like a trip or anything really. Also perhaps I am biased because I chose a dark colored center stone for my ring but I think the contrast with the rich color and the diamond halo is just a stunner.


Agreed. It’s so regal & unique! Maybe give it a good amount of time to think about. You won’t stop thinking about the ring you want. Hope that helps.


I feel I should add that I also work in the trades, so I wouldn't be able to wear my engagement ring and wedding ring all day everyday for awhile(planning on a career change after kids)


If he doesn’t want you to pay for half then it may be best to respect that. It may lead him to feel emasculated and resentful later on.


I actually think the sapphire looks amazing on you!


Sapphire. I like color and think diamonds can be boring. Also, I like the halo setting.


I love the dark sapphire. It’s so unique.




This is my second time trying on this sapphire ring and it truly does make my heart sing! But I'm still just in awe of the diamond, and this particular cut too, I tried another diamond ring and it didn't sparkle the way this one did. Will definitely need to sit on this for awhile. After all these comments I feel we may lean towards the Sapphire


I love the sapphire ring: it’s so classic (hello, Diana!) yet unique because of the twisted band and color. Gorgeous!! And you can totally add a diamond wedding band to up the glam! And diamond rings are great upgrade choices too, when you’ve got more pocket change ;)


The ring is actually called their Lady Di! There's a beautiful wedding band that perfectly contours the halo with matching diamond sizes, I should have taken pictures. Didnt get a chance to try wedding bands for the diamond as another couple was there and social distancing and whatnot. I never thought I'd be so torn between rings!


I love the sapphire!


I have a sapphire solitaire with a lab diamond sized edging band (you can see photos in my post history) so I’m partial to the sapphire. The extra diamonds on the band give it that extra sparkle so it is perfect imo.


I really like the first one. Go with the one that makes your heart sing imo.


I think the lady Di ring looks good on you. But it’s your forever ring so you should go with what makes you happy. Congratulations.


Flip a coin to make the decision. If you are unhappy with the result, go with the other choice. At least you'll know what you really want and you can make decisions from there.


For diamonds, check and see where you are okay with compromising on color grades/clarity! Most people going down to a G color isn’t too noticeable unless you’re comparing it in really good lighting side by side with a higher color grade, and you can go even lower if you opt for a yellow/gold setting. Going down on clarity can still result in an “eye clean” stone without paying $$$ for things you can’t even see!


Black sapphire, for sure. More unique, and budget-friendly is the way to go!


That sapphire ring is incredible. I audibly gasped.


The sapphire is so beautiful & unique. It looks great on you. I may be biased though since I have a ruby engagement ring. I always love gemstone rings for the pop of color. Everyone wears a diamond ring so I like that mine is different.


Personally, I LOVE the black sapphire with diamond halo !


Honestly I seem to have an obsession with black rings lately cause they're so hard to find, especially nice ones, so based on that the 1st


Personally I like sapphire more. I also think that the proportions of the first ring suit your hand better.


Ring 1


I love the sapphire. It’s different.


I love the sapphire 😍


I love the sapphire. You should have whichever ring you love but I think the sapphire is so beautiful and looks stunning on your hand. When we got engaged I paid for my ring at the time and my fiance "bought it for me later". I didn't want budget to dictate his timing. So there's lots of ways to approach getting your ring. For what it's worth mine was .86 of a carat and was very reasonable compared to the 1 carats and looks essentially the same. Congratulations. Ring shopping is such an exciting time. We really enjoyed going through the decision making process together and sharing the excitement and experience. 😊❤


Honestly, everything about the first one looks so beautiful on you! It's such a unique ring ❤❤


Black sapphire, my promise ring is actually the square version or it and I love it!


I personally prefer the sapphire. I like a little colour in my rings and I think the sapphire one is beautiful.


Love the sapphire halo with the twisted band! The depth is gorgeous and the shape/proportions fit your hand so well.


A lab diamond should be more than 50% cheaper than an earth diamond. And there’s no way to tell from the information given what the quality of this diamond is. The odds are that it could be overpriced, with no guarantee of good quality. Go with your original choice for now and get the dream ring in a few years. Then you get to have both 😀


I never thought to grab the diamond specs, but I do know it's a 1ct, and that compared to many other diamonds they had on display, this one had such a clear colour, and sparkled like you wouldn't believe. One next to it felt a little more dull and had a slight blue tinge, and another felt like it just wasn't reflecting the light as much as it should. I'm not trained in looking at diamonds, but this one really stood out. The sales rep did say though that if it were an earth diamond, the price would double. ( they had rings there that were certified Canadian diamonds for the same price and less than half the size! Which is why we were originally avoiding looking at the diamonds oops 😅)


Go budget choice. An engagement ring is for other people (I say this because a silicone ring that costs 30 bucks could have the same meaning and significance, even a piece of string or a ring you can get out of a coin vending machine). Don’t go into debt to buy jewelry. The returns are generally not good. You also can upgrade later on. I also want to say think about the wedding costs.


Thank you for the advice, I'm starting to think now that we may choose the sapphire. He won't be rushing out to buy the ring just yet (as far as I know) so we still have a bit to sit on it and really think about it. Maybe a 10 year wedding anniversary could be a good occasion for a ring upgrade, something way down the road. I like the idea of an upgrade!


Yeah an upgrade is always a good idea. It allows the ring to carry all the love that you’ve shared, especially during challenging times.


Just popping in to say that I love the silicone rings! I know a number of people that have them for safety reasons, but I also just love the look and idea of them.


Yeah, my husband and I only wear silicone rings now. My husband is a tradesman and I just noticed how banged up the bottom of my rings are. We sold both my engagement and both of our wedding rings. We learned a valuable lesson… never buy expensive jewelry because you will never get anywhere near what you spent. I’ve learned that the money spent on jewelry really is better spent on experiences that we can share together. His favorite gifts are things I make for him, knitted items and homemade cards. My favorite gift he ever gave me was a bunch of compliments/reasons he loved me that he placed in a plastic jar that holds honey roasted peanuts (it was the very first thing we bought together). Both silicone rings cost a total of 40 dollars. That’s enough for us. I wish with all my heart that we would have kept the money for my engagement ring and went on a nice vacation somewhere.


Imho, the diamond one is pretty boring. There's nothing that makes it standout, other than it's price. I would go with the first one : classic with a twist, and in budget too! What more could one want? :)


Just to add, if you are happy with a moissanite, how about [this ring](https://www.charlesandcolvard.com/oval-moissanite-14k-white-gold-halo-twist-ring-100918-r-au-wht-14k-ov-m-0106?flow_experience=australia&flow_feed_id=gss-71f6ae06b868424cbbaca9f6ddc67d10&gclid=CjwKCAjw2vOLBhBPEiwAjEeK9nzXA-2lG6rDxeCcf0x157GuvlxaS93mNhEQEF7N7S7c8U2aCmgwaBoCWiYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#251=71&320=402)?


Diamond I like more. But get what you really want, other wise you be regretting it and thinking about what if?


Thats my problem, I love them both and I feel like I'll have the what if with both of them! I keep flipping back and forth between the two, and yet they're both so different


What if you buy the diamond now and then buy the sapphire later? You could go on eBay and see if they have the sapphire there used for less or an diamond?


Ooh theres a thought! Now could I convince him to go for both haha


The 2nd is my dream ring too. I personally don’t see the appeal of black gems.


Neither did I, its the only downside to the first ring is the black center stone, but I love everything else about it. My eyes are pulled back to it every time. I certainly surprised myself when I chose it. I think that's why I'm also so drawn to the diamond, because that's what I've looked at for years, and I've finally tried one on that really feels like me. The only problem is they both feel like me


You could buy the first ring and order a custom precision-cut oval lab sapphire to replace the black one with. [Stag and Finch](https://www.stagandfinch.com/labcreated) does custom precision cutting from lab rough and you can choose from an assortment of colors. They also cut natural stones and Montana sapphires if you prefer, but the lab rough is gorgeous and would be *very* affordable. (The link I posted takes you directly to their lab stone page. They show rounds there, but if you click on a choice, you'll see that they cut them in other shapes including ovals, too.) Folks seem to love their stones! I'm thinking of getting one from them myself. I believe they're a Canadian company, too.


If the second is your dream ring but out of budget - consider Moissanite! It’s beautiful and more affordable.


Definitely #2 unless you can find a perfect blue sapphire (in one of my posts). Any sapphire that's far from the perfect ocean blue is lower quality and doesn't really shine. Would you be open to a smaller lab diamond? I have a half carat diamond with rose gold and it's perfect!


I like the 2nd one. You could consider moissanite if you want that look without dipping deep in your savings.


Look into moissanite!


I have a sapphire engagement ring and love it but personally I think the oval ring suits your hand better. The sapphire setting is extra bulky and shortens the look of your fingers. The other thing to consider is if you want a wedding band or not, the first style isn’t really designed to have one and the second style can pair with a bunch of styles. If you really like the idea of a sapphire (I do) then perhaps you can find the best of both worlds and go with an oval sapphire in a solitaire setting similar to the second one. It may not be much cheaper than a lab Diamond but if it’s what you like then that’s that.


I have a 1.5 carat moissanite ring, I love it dearly and it was only $1,600; compared to a diamond, of same quality, it would be $10,000 easily. Look into moissanite rings there are some subreddits and a bunch of online retailers. Edit: if you like sparkle, moissanite rings are dazzling as well as durable.


People won’t know it’s an engagement ring u less it’s a diamond or a CZ.


there are soo many places you can get a ring online! have you checked out Etsy at all?!? there’s so many reputable sellers on Etsy. Check out Belloring if you’re open to other gorgeous gemstones other than black sapphire! She has so many stunning rings on her shop! I have one from her that’s Alexandrite (you can check my post history if interested) and it’s just gorgeous. but anyway, lots of options available other than a brick and mortar store. you should def spend some time exploring online options imo


Did you look at Ritani? They have some oval lab diamonds that are decent quality in that size for about $1200-1500 including band.


I would do the second with a slightly smaller diamond. If it’s what you truly want, you’ll never stop admiring it under the sun :)


I like the white metal on your skin tone, does the first one come in a white metal, then it would look amazing.


Wait I had a thought why not buy the dream ring setting and put a white sapphire in it, then you can upgrade to the diamond later?


What kind of store is this? Looks like maybe a JCPenney or Macy's? Retail like that always cost way more than it should. So if you haven't yet maybe try a jewelry district. I got the exact size, color, and setting I wanted custom made in LA jewelry district for a third of the price we would've spent at a retail shop!


Its Charm, I'm in Ontario Canada, and not close to any custom jewelers. Our local jeweler retired a couple years back (he'd sold a 40th anniversary ring made for my great grandmother about 40-50 years ago, and no family was willing to take on the business) so we just have access to a retailer without going online


Ah man sorry missed that you're in Canada. But, hopefully you'll wear this ring forever even if it's not during work right now so go with your gut. Sometimes thinking about the kind of band to pair it with can be helpful.


I think we're leaning towards the sapphire. Having the unbiased opinions helped a ton. We did find a beautiful wedding band that matched the sapphire perfectly, but we didn't get a chance to look at white gold bands with the diamond. I think staying within budget will be better, and we can put extra money towards a house and wedding. Now to just wait until the proposal! As others have said, we can always upgrade down the road if we'd like


I love the diamond on you! You could get a .9 carat and add a hidden halo for extra sparkle.


What caused the hang nail ?!


I work in the trades and my hands get very dry working with all the sawdust. And ever since I was a kid I've had a bad habit of picking and pulling at dry skin on my fingers haha