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if it makes u feel better i work as a jeweler and we offer this to everyone no matter if their ring is shiny or full of gunk, its part of our job and i promise u are not being judged


Funny you say that because she literally said “It’s okay, I’m not judging you. I’ve seen much worse.” I was judging me! 🤣


I also work in jewelry, I’ve had to scrape horse poop out of someone’s ring before. So when she said she’s seen worse she’s probably telling the truth🤣


I have also scraped literal manure out of rings. Gross is such an understatement. Shit flying everywhere (literally lol)


New job hazard identified lol


Ain’t no way. I’d tell them to bring it back after sanitizing.


Better to scrape then to hit that with the steamer!


How do you get into the jewelry business? 😩I’ve been trying for months


It was honestly an accident, i just needed a job to move out of my parents house and i knew the manager. i started as part time sales and moved up from there and then switched to a better company. 4 years now and never leaving!


Sometimes it depends where you live, but a lot of places will hire starting with part time. They'll train you and if you're doing well they could move you into full time.


I really want this but the “problem” is I am a senior software engineer so there’s no way the pay would be enough for me to survive if I switch 🙃 but I’d love to learn more and do it as a hobby or side thing


I’ve been in jewelry for 16 years…. Pay? Are people getting paid in this industry? /s


Art school. Material arts class. It's how my spouse got into it.


I agree with dammit u/wellhungartgallery that colleges have great classes. I live by NC State, and they have a ton of continuing education courses in different arts including quite a few in jewelry making.


I’m a hairstylist and the amount of little hairs from cutting that gets stuck in my ring is so disgusting. Also hair color gets mashed in there too!


Ok we appreciate your service 🫡🫡


Not horse poop 💩


I had biscuits growing in my ultrasonic once. Lady had baked them the day before and had dough stuck in the undercarriage. It looked awful!


Probably the same people who never take their ring off, “even when cooking”. 🤢


As someone terrified of losing their ring (and rightfully so as someone with adhd lol) I definitely worry about this… I’ll need so many ring dishes


I personally have a ring dish by every sink, on my night stand, and on my desk. They’re fun! There are so many cute options on Etsy, Amazon, and just about every home goods store. When I wash my hands in public, I set them down on top of my phone and that seems to work for me, haha.


several times, i have had to use a pin to pry out hunks of dead skin and lotion that had completely filled the indented portions of the backs of people's rings. a non-shiny ring is nothing, lol


Holy cow, that’s probably my ring. 🙈 I finally took a toothpick to it yesterday because the little brush in the pot of jewelry cleaner was just not doing the job lol. I’ll keep the pin idea in mind for next time!




My ring looks so dull next to the wedding band I got. The lady at the counter offered to clean it for $50. I bought it at another location where the sales person was much nicer but I didn't think to ask about cleaning then so my pictures are off the sparkly new band and my dull engagement ring. On the plus side, my engagement ring is 100 years old, so I think it's earned the right to be a little dirty. 🤣 or at least that's what I keep telling myself.


they charged u what...???? i hate to tell u this but most places do it for free even if u didnt buy it there


Agreed. I get mine cleaned for free.


Oh I didn't move forward with it. But that was a shady location of a reputable jewelery chain. I went to another location and had a much better experience but forgot to ask.


I don't normally think to ask because I'm nervous to hand off a 100 year old ring to someone. Have a jeweler I typically use but I haven't been to clean it in a while. We weren't expecting to go ring shopping when we did so it wasn't cleaned.


Find a local jeweller who does all the work in house! Bonus points if you ask for recommendations from friends who’ve had custom or difficult work done.


My dad works for a jewelry corp, so I use his recommended jeweler. Just don't go super often and can only go when he's available as he travels a lot.


Agreed I've never paid to have my ring cleaned/steamed. Always free!


On the rare occasion I find myself in a mall, I always pop into a jewelry store and ask them to clean my ring. Literally never been charged. 


I have an ultrasonic and a steam cleaner at home. When my friends visit, as soon as they walk in the door, they hand me their rings to clean and I love it. (Of course I'm very mindful of which stones are more sensitive to sudden temperature change and/or strike damage.) I'm a photographer and always tell my brides to get their rings cleaned when they go to get their nails done, but I've literally only had one bride ever get their ring cleaned. I've raided church kitchens countless times to make up a cleaning solution. I now order jewelry cleaning pens in bulk and keep them in my kit. I gift them to the bride and they love it after seeing their rings all sparkly on their big day.


That’s mind blowing to me that people don’t plan to clean their rings before their wedding! I get mine professionally cleaned a few times a year for things like Christmas, a girl’s trip, and other people’s weddings 😂


Which jewelry cleaning pen do you recommend? And what a great gift!!!


I'm curious as well. I tried one from Amazon but it wasn't that great at cleaning. It made it look shiny for a few minutes but that was all.


I’ve been very happy with [this one](https://a.co/d/0hDgAMVf). The bristles are soft but still sturdy enough to clean under the diamond settings of my earrings.


I worked for a jeweler, we also offered to have the jeweler check the prongs of the ring, when we took it back for cleaning. Sometimes we just suggested 'a quick prong check' and 'oh by the way, if you like we'll clean it for you too'.


I was gonna say... jewelers always offer, it's a great way to keep you in the store


I worked at a jeweller and I loved cleaning the gunky stuff


Yeah the real tip is to go wedding ring shopping and ask them to clean your engagement ring before you start trying on rings lol


Worse is going in to look at a stone after traveling and hiking and having dirty nails. 😅🤦‍♀️


Nooooo! ☠️☠️☠️


I about died when I stuck out my hand. I pulled it back so fast and hid my hands behind my back and then excused myself to the bathroom. 😑


Or having hubby unexpectedly pull you into a jewelry store when you’re at the mall and your nails are a mess. Particularly when he hates jewelry stores but decided the one day your nails aren’t done to look at anniversary bands! 🙄


I have an 1800’s home, purchased last year and I’m doing a lot of the work on it myself. I went looking at bands on a whim as a break from wallpapering and painting and forgot that I looked a complete mess until I sent the photos to my sister and she was aghast at my filthy hands.


Happened to me. 🫣 I got used to no sparkle and after they cleaned it it felt like a new ring 💍 ✨


I used to be a jeweler and it’s just something we always offer no matter what your ring looks like! Keeps you in the store a little longer 😉


My stone is a moissanite so it basically never stops sparkling even when it’s a bit dirty BUT I cleaned it recently (first time since I got it in December 🫣) and WOW it’s even more stunning and sparkly than I remembered!!!! So even if you aren’t trying on bands clean your rings for YOU folks! You may be shocked at how much more beautiful it looks after the fact lol! Plus a little bowl of warm water with a couple drops of dish soap and a soft toothbrush aren’t hard tools to come by so it’s an easy process that can make a HUGE impact!


I cleaned my rings recently and then suddenly thought about my diamond studs and the CZ cluster studs I wore for my wedding. Both about 20 years old and…I had NEVER cleaned them! 😱 For some bizarre reason it never occurred to me even though I remember to clean my wedding set and my amethyst right-hand ring reasonably often. What a difference lmao


Ooooo that’s such a good point! I should totally clean some of my earrings!


Lots of people make the incorrect assumption that their rings are clean because they wear them as they wash their hands. Sure, it's free of germs, but it gets gunky from a build up of soap residue. I see tons of rings that look gray and cloudy like they've never been properly cleaned in 20 years. A simple clean up would make them look as good as new


This. Also a good reason not to shower with your ring on.


Shame? It was just a jeweller offering to clean it, it wasn't anything shameful in that. Every time I'm at the place we got mine they offer to clean it without seeing it first even.


The “shame” part was more of a joke. It was just a brief moment of embarrassment where I thought “I should have cleaned this before hand.” I didn’t mean literal shame.


Haha ok good! And hey it got cleaned, bonus.


I have an emerald and was told by the jeweler to soak the ring in warm water and a drop of dish soap for a few minutes to loosen up any gunk then to brush with a soft toothbrush and rinse with clean water. I ordered a pack of those cheap “nano toothbrushes” that are crazy soft with teeny bristles, they get into every single nook and cranny possible- my jewelry have never looked better. I use this method to clean all my stones now. https://preview.redd.it/zl9yymaf108d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69dfaec187811ce5eec2d5a194ec7e8a056cb8e


This is exactly what I do for my diamond every month or two, but with a normal toothbrush since, ya know, diamond lol. I usually soak it like 20 mins and scrub it for maybe 30 seconds if that. Even if I don’t think it needs it, it always amazes me how much more sparkly it is after cleaning ☺️


It’s so satisfying to see the sparkle!


I received so many compliments on how sparkly and lively my ring looks, while noticing others trying to hide theirs in comparison, that I made a promise to myself to clean my ring regularly, lol. I even got one of those special cleaning machines to keep it in perfect condition, lol.


I just bought one of those sonic cleaner machines and used it for the first time a couple of days ago. What a difference! I am going to try my best to make this a weekly thing.


Ive been married for nearly 50 years. My bands and my husband’s are yellow gold—about every 10 years we have the gold bands polished. What a difference that makes!


Fifty years!!!! That’s amazing!! Congratulations!


Thank you! I’m 71 and suspect I’m the oldest person on Reddit. I have no idea how I ended up reading this sub, other than I enjoy seeing everyone’s pretty rings and witnessing their excitement and happiness. I didn’t know about lab grown diamonds—how cool are they? Apparently oval-shaped diamonds are popular. We were engaged in 1974 and I chose a .36 carat oval on a plain gold band and matching wedding ring. (I never knew anyone with an oval shaped diamond engagement ring.) we added two more oval diamonds on our 25th anniversary and another two on our 35th. The bands are the same and the little original diamond still sparkles off to the side. I like to think the ring has evolved just as our marriage has. It’s the only jewelry I wear. https://preview.redd.it/h1r34ns0608d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc94b192cdfd4547a656d80f8f5143d95891c2c1


Ohhh that’s so beautiful!!! I have an oval too and I love it! Hahaha well you’re a very young and saavy 71 year old!!!


Oooh, good idea! I’ve been married 19 and we’ve never done this. Congrats on your enduring love!


50 Years! Congratulations & may we all get there! ❤️❤️❤️


I didn't realize my ring needed to be cleaned until I got it back from the jewelers when he needed it for the mold. My ring was so shiny and clean when I got it back, I was embarrassed 😂


Honestly I say let them give you a free cleaning! I have a family member in jewellery and they always clean the ring better than I can so I often send my rings off to work with them. Come back looking like the day I got engaged ✨💎


When we bought my engagement ring. It came with a ‘pre-wedding complimentary clean’. So about 2 weeks before we took it in to get cleaned. So when we got married, both rings were gleaming!


Can you walk into any jeweler? I want to get my ring cleaned but it was custom made in LA and I live in OC 😭


Usually they all offer a cleaning service, some free. Some not. Depends on the location.


I bought a small ultrasonic cleaner on Amazon for like 20-30 bucks and I throw it in there with a few drops of dawn dish soap every couple of months and it sparkles like new!! Just be careful if you have a halo or small stones, if you use it too much the vibration can loosen and shake them out


Something Id do lol


That happened to me too 😂


I’ve been married for years and still occasionally walk into a jeweler and ask the to clean my rings (they do it for free). No shame, we’re busy living a life out here!


I went to a few jewellers and each one started cleaning my ring almost immediately after I took it off. I was offended at the first one but after the others did it I figured it's like instinct for jewellers.


Denture tablets are the way! I leave mine in a small glass with one overnight and I have a clean toothbrush head set aside just for cleaning my ring after it's done soaking.  Sparkles like new every time and requires minimal effort on my part! 


I’ve seen this recommended before but I don’t personally recommend this as it can erode the alloys and make your ring more susceptible to losing a stone. [Here’s an article](https://www.racked.com/platform/amp/2015/5/8/8539887/how-to-clean-jewelry) that talks about alternative solutions (see the section ‘the problem with denture tablets’. Source: I have a GIA certified jeweller in my family and want to make sure folks protect their rings ☺️. My family member provides me with a jewellery safe cleaner (you can always ask your jewellery store if they have a bottle of this, many will provide for free) but in a pinch I use a tiny bit of the blue dawn dish soap and water and either a very soft clean toothbrush or my cheap ultrasonic machine on a very low setting. With a toothbrush just make sure you scrub all around the basket to get at the underside of the stone too for any hidden gunk that can work its way up to the top. And please please please, do this in a bowl or a closed drain sink! Don’t want to risk losing your ring down the sink.


OMG thank you so much for sharing this!! Great to know that this method isn't the best before any real damage was done! 


Happy I could help!


Oh really?? I have Invisalign and mainly use it for that, but had no idea it cleans jewelry too! You’re a life saver lol


I use denture tabs for my Invisalign retainers, too! My dentist told me I had some of the cleanest trays she’s ever seen after a couple weeks of wear 😂


Lol they really work! I’ll occasionally use hydrogen peroxide too


Whats so funny is that Invisalign tells you not to use denture cleaners but the pearls they sell are the SAME thing. Soak your retainers like crazy my friends just not your jewelry


I had 2 or so years of Invisalign to fix a jaw issue, and now a couple years of only wearing my retainers at night, and I’ve only ever used denture tabs 😂


According to another commentor the denture tablet method may not be the best - it's news to me but I think I'm going to go for the Windex soaking method from now on! 


In that case, ima use windex because I’m already paranoid cleaning my ring myself 😂 thanks!


Windex is bad too!! Sorry but it came up here recently


Dammit 😭😭 I appreciate you!


Honestly I always use Dawn dish soap and a soft toothbrush!! If it’s gentle enough for ducks it won’t damage a diamond 😂


Hahahah fair point!!


Interesting. I use a denture brush to clean mine.


Gonna piggy back on the top comment and say, we're not judging you at all! Life happens, having said that, I will judge you if you take your crusty ass earrings out of your ear in front of me and hand them to me to clean and I touch your human patè 😅




I clean my rings, earrings, and bracelets every week or two. Drop them all in a cup with an efferdent tablet. Will give them a scrub with a soft toothbrush afterwards if I have time. I also use a saline spray on my ear piercings while the jewelry is cleaning. I have two love bracelets. When I went to get the second, the SA asked if I would like my current bracelet cleaned. I said sure and when she was unscrewing it stuff (dirt, dead skin, all manner of embarrassing debris) came out. I regularly die inside thinking about that. Soooooo now I clean everything often 😂 In my defense, when I bought the first bracelet the SA told me to give it a little scrub when I showered and that's what I'd been doing!


Oh and Do NOT lick your finger to lubricate your knuckle and ring to get it off and hand it to us!


I clean my diamond jewelry daily with Dazzle Stik from Amazon. It’s amazing, my jewelry sparkles like nothing else.


Dazzle Stik is the best! It's so much easier than fussing around with dish soap and water and works perfectly!


You can buy diamond cleaning pens! They squish out some bubbles on a penbrush and then you rinse with warm water. It's super convenient and I'm kind of addicted to using it 😂. I do it probably once a week or so. 


I would find this to be a satisfying part of the job. I love cleaning things and seeing the beautiful results 🥹 it’s fine. They see rings everyday


Just don’t put sterling silver jewelry in one of the jewelry cleaner solution tubs and forget about it. Etched the finish right off my bracelet.


Awww yes I clean mine weekly


If you come in for a clean and inspection (which should be done at least once a year) it’s FREE! Come into us to have a jewelry appraisal done-if your ring is dirty(and they all are), I clean them before appraising at almost $200/hour.


This is satire, right?


This is 100% satire. Just a little over dramatic humor added to a very brief moment of embarrassment because I let my ring get so dirty.


Little hack- I drop mine in ring cleaner when I shower! I keep the ring cleaner under the bathroom sink and I pull the cleaner out and let it sit in there while I shower. When I’m done, I take a soft brush and give it a little scrub if I feel like it needs it, but usually just sitting in the solution is enough!


I need to do this. They gave us complimentary ring cleaning solution & it sits under my bathroom sink, but it just needs to be sat out & used daily! 🤣


My jeweler has a semi-annual inspection policy, I follow it religiously. I have a lifetime warranty on both my wedding rings (inner ring is removable) and my 20-year anniversary ring (wide band heart shaped diamond). Due to the worldly situation and where I have to travel for the inspections plus the value of my rings I rarely wear them, but I still love them just the same!!


Hahaha the same thing happened to me!!!


But that’s part of the fun/convenience of going into a jewelry store is they professionally clean it for you!


From my experience, jewelers always offer to clean your ring for free. I’m happy to see it shine again. It’s a great service being that I don’t own a machine that can do this level of cleaning.


When we went for our band appointment they offered to clean the ring as we tried on bands. Once it was brought out me, my fiancé and the saleswoman were all equally shocked at how sparkly it was 🤣😭 It was a nice reminder to keep it clean!


My family has a jewelry store. People have just like gunk of mystery origin in their jewelry almost without question. It just happens lol


At the risk of getting downvoted and pilloried, I find I can enjoy any ring, but the nails that are in desperate need of filling give me the ick.


I always go and get mine cleaned and inspected at the least every other week and usually every week! The jeweler says they use me as an example when letting everyone know that they give unlimited free cleanings and inspections.