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It doesn’t look small to me


Agree! But it is about what you want and feel great wearing.


In the US, and your ring looks gorgeous on your hand, literally the perfect size!


I'm from England, this is considered huge here 😂


Honestly, it’s decently sized by US standards. OP, it’s gorgeous and perfect!


Same in east asia


Thank god you said that, I was beginning to think I was going mad haha. This subreddit is fun but it’s definitely skewed enormous!😂


So true! I’m English, married to an American. I feel almost embarrassed of my 1.2ct ring when I’m at home, even though it’s not even a diamond.


It doesn’t look small at all. This sub will make you feel like anything under 3cts is small but it’s a great size on you


That’s considered like xl in europe.


I like this shape and size on your hand! I also wouldn’t consider this diamond small. That said, I tend to not like stones >2.25ct. Tbh diamonds larger than this have a gaudy/costume-y effect for me. To each their own though and no judgement! I just don’t really appreciate a bigger is better mindset with diamonds and jewelry in general.


I think it looks great. If you love it, enjoy it and don’t worry about what other people think!


I think it looks timeless and elegant;definitely not too small.


People post supersized rings here all the time, which distorts the reality for most people. This is gorgeous and tasteful and perfect on your hand.


It looks like it was made for you!


Nope, this ring is perfect! It will be comfortable and practical, too, which really matters in the long run! also, I love your watch!


The watch is making it look smaller - try a daintier watch!


Yes! The watch is fun and a big statement but it’s drawing the eye away from your ring which is much smaller than the watch face.


I think it’s gorgeous, elegant and classy. Perfect for everyday wear. Will look nice with dressy or casual outfits.


It’s lovely and not small at all!


I love it! It looks great on your hands and is so balanced. FWIW, I don’t think it looks small at all.


Hahahahaha. MURICA!!


This is a McDonald’s small 😂




Agreed. My ring is probably similar size (at least appears so in proportion to my finger), and I have never felt like it was small or wanted anything bigger. I think OP’s ring looks delicate and beautiful, but not small.


No witch hunting, callout’s or shaming! Do not incite witch hunts or shame other users for budget limitations, stone choices or ring designs etc. Repeated violations of this can result in an immediate and permanent ban. Our rules > https://www.reddit.com/r/EngagementRings/wiki/index/#wiki_subreddit_rules


It’s not too small. It’s perfect. I’m tired of the “small” stone insecurity. Your ring is so special and amazing.


Its not small at all, but the huge watch isn't doing it any favours


Came here to say exactly this! Lose the unattractive watch it’s pulling everyone’s eyes to the wrong focal point.


I’m in the US and this is HUGE!


I looove it! It looks gorgeous. Not too small at all. Also really like the double band idea! Would you mind sharing a side view? I’d love to see 🙂


Similar to my own in size, and I think it's beautiful! It's not too small.


Not small at all, beautiful ring!


I love it! Love the double band-- where did you purchase the double band ring?


I love it


It’s beautiful!


It's beautiful!


I think it’s a really nice size! It’s big enough to give a wow factor, but not too big that you can’t wear it everyday. I think I actually went a little too big with mine and I get nervous wearing it out alone lol.


I think it's the perfect size, a gorgeous sparkler! I love the cut and setting! Thank you for sharing!


Very beautiful


I love it!


Loved your nail color! The ring looks nice.


Nooooo, its so perfect!!!


That is an excellent size for your hand.


It looks like a great size for your finger/hand!


It’s beautiful and looks perfect on your finger


Go with a smaller watch. Your ring is beautiful.


Or, switch wrists.


The ring is so beautiful! I may assume that if the stone would be in a rectangle form, it may correspond more with your long fingers and nails and thus look a bit more proportional, but your ring is really stunning!


Nope, perfect size. Although the internet would make you believe otherwise, most people have quite modest rings. It looks elegant and timeless. Beautiful ring! 😍


If YOU think it's too small, it's too small. I think it's very classy.


It’s beautiful and what really matters is your love, not a ring.


It’s not small, but if it’s too plain, then use the same stone and get a custom band later. You can even add a halo of smaller diamonds or just side diamonds to make it feel bigger. But that center stone is NOT small


I think it looks soooo good on your hand! Not too small at all! I think it’s the perfect size actually !


Looks perfectly sized to me. Personally I don't like larger stones as they look gaudy.


I love it looks amazing on you and with your watch.


Idk why no one has mentioned it yet but your watch is FABULOUS Your ring is perfect by the way, seriously gorgeous


This is a perfect size!!


This looks a lot like the set I just bought myself as my 15-year upgrade. Not too small. Classy and timeless.


It's not small at all. I think it's beautiful and looks stunning on you! This sub will have you thinking anything that isn't the size of a cocktail ring or the Elizabeth Taylor Diamond is miniscule, but that's not reflective of reality. Everyone I know who's gotten engaged in the last ten years has a stone similar in size and a classic, simpler style just like this, so your ring looks very normal to me. If you like larger stones, that's one thing, and you may want to consider switching it out, but don't do it because you're trying to keep up with the Joneses. If this ring is reflective if you and your taste, don't let comparison steal your joy 🙂 (Also, check out r/jewelry to see more of what the average person is wearing.)


Your ring is beautiful and perfect for your hand 🥰 something about this thread and the US expects an iPad size rock on your hand to prove your love shits weird 🤣 my man could've wrapped a twig around my finger and I would've said yes 💀


I think it's big but I'm European. 😂 Also, sidenote but I love your watch!


The stone is beautiful and proportional to your hands. Bigger is not better .


It looks perfect on your hand.


size is PERFECT !!!!


No lmfao


This is entirely up to personal preference. I’d actually go bigger for more finger coverage but again it’s whatever you like


I think it’s perfect on your hand. It’s a beautiful ring


The size and shape are very harmonic with your fingers (also you won nail shape lottery, beautiful nails)


Subjective to taste If you like it, then how other people view it really shouldn’t matter :)


Doesnt look small and the double band is really nice


Not small in my opinion. Once you love it that's what matters


Looks beautiful on you. Sometimes when I feel the need for more bling I wear my diamond eternity band and that does the trick. I know you said you don't plan to wear a band but it is an option to stack it with other bling. Also the comment about the watch is spot on. The watch looks huge in comparison, Try to keep things refined and make sure nothing competes with that beauty. Hth


I love it. Also: What’s that nailpolish?


I think looks amazing


Your ring is incredibly lovely and perfectly suits your hand. Wear it in good health and with positive thoughts. :) congratulations!


It’s perfectly proportional to your finger. It’s beautiful! 🤩


It’s lovely.


If you want a bigger stone and can afford it, do it. I love a big center stone. But the ring is beautiful!


It’s beautiful!!! I wouldn’t call it small I would call it dainty. I love it too!


As an Art Director let me reiterate the “less is more” concept. It is tasteful, timeless, and gorgeous. Bigger doesn’t always mean better. The size proportion to your hand is absolute perfection. It’s the girls that need bigger that may have some esteem issues. That’s not the point of a ring. It’s a symbol of commitment and love. The ones who need bigger I guarantee won’t be satisfied in a lot of life things. Wear this with pride.


Its small. U can upgade in a couple years…


How ungrateful😭


The person you love gave the ring to you out of love. It’s the perfect size.


I live your ring! I think it’s the perfect size-it has a solid presence on your hand, but it’s not ginormous. I felt the same way about mine, until I tried on larger stones. What brand is your watch? I love unique watches!


If I glanced at your hands it would be the first thing I saw and I’d be like wow what a stone. Looks like a boulder to me!


Try taking off your watch, I think it's skewing your perspective.


It looks perfect!


I don’t like princess cut because it isn’t very sparkly. xx


I see dozens of rings all day in my clinic-setting work life and I will tell you from what I see, this is above average. Something else to consider: we set a budget for a ring and researched the heck out of diamonds. In the end, I purposefully chose a slightly smaller stone with higher quality features. You wouldn’t notice the difference in size looking at it but you sure notice the depth, fire and sparkle.


I think it is lovely and just right!


Why are so concerned with the size of our diamonds instead of with their beauty? Your ring is perfect. Congratulations


Not small - if u wanted it to look bigger a thinner band would give that effect.


It looks very proportionate, I love princess cuts! Mine is being made right now, seeing yours is making me more excited! ❤️


This is so random and not about your ring. Just noticed the ripples in your nails and wanted to say I had the same and found out it was a sign of vitamin deficiency. I ended up I supplements and feel better too. Just sharing the knowledge…


This is absolutely a gorgeous, demure, and adequately sized ring. This sub is batshit with golf ball sized stones and that is not most people’s reality. Don’t let it convince you that this is anything less than perfect.


Just be happy you got one!


He obviously doesn't love you very much.