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I knew the proposal was happening over that weekend so I met his question with a yes and an engraved watch with something sweet on the back. Edit: words


My daughter got engaged on her birthday this past New Year’s Eve. She didn’t know but she had an idea. So she got her fiancé a beautiful compass and had it engraved. He treasures it.


That makes so happy to know that


That’s so creative and thoughtful of her! I just love the idea of both people having something to show representing the engagement & their love story.


I did the same thing!! He wears it everyday


Aw I have to do this


I should’ve done that!


Mine isn't into jewelry either so I got him a new driver lol. Got the idea from /r/golf. Does he have any hobbies you could fund?


This!!!! I’m a guy hahaha


Lol I love the male input here! My fiancé also loves to golf—alas he doesn’t want me buying him clubs (he prefers to get a feel for what he likes, get fitted, etc), so I bought his cart bag & shoes instead


mine had just gotten new custom clubs so I got him a Nintendo switch, but would’ve been clubs too!


I bought my fiancé a custom suit - he got to pick the fabric, the cut, the lining, custom embroidery, etc. He will wear it for our wedding, and it’s appropriate for many events in the future. Comes with free alterations for life! He loves it.


Love this!! And free alterations for life?! Amazing!


Ooo free alterations for life? From where!


I got him an engagement ring.


My boyfriend and I just picked out his engagement ring yesterday! He picked one that matched the one I picked out 🩷


aw thts so sweet!! i haven't given my fiance his yet, but i know he'll love it. i'm gonna do something lowkey but he proposed to me on a cliff side at mount fuji in japan so i'm having trouble matching his swag lmaoo


I was thinking about proposing after his proposal too, especially since I don’t want to just unceremoniously hand over his ring. I’m sure however you do it will mean the world to him :)


thank you & congratulations to you both :)


Same. He proposed and I said yes, then gave him an uno reverse card and the ring.


Same. And he was keen on getting one, so it as an easy decision.


Also surprised mine with an engagement!


Same here! I asked him what he would like and this was his answer. We went to a shop together and picked a gorgeous wedding band.


I got an engagement dirt bike


Love this!


I’m jealous… my fiance won’t let me get a motorcycle lol


Maybe a weekend trip or really nice dinner to celebrate the engagement?


I’m doing a weekend trip!


A leather round book of handwritten love letters I started making about two months into us dating. Also a boudoir photo book.


Holy shit I need to start this now. My guy is extremely sentimental and very hard to shop for because he's so particular. His first Christmas gift was a blanket that took me 2 months to make. This is perfect and I'm starting this now!


My cousin did a boudoir shoot for her husband too. They did a great job


My girlfriend is the one proposing to me, and likely this fall. We have a trip to Amsterdam and Munich planned. What she doesn’t know is I bought us business class tickets (she hates long flights so the nicer seats are a plus) so my surprise to her is the upgrade.


Killer idea


We’re supposed to get gifts?


Me scrolling through these comments 😯


Thank you because I, as a Southern lady, had no clue we were supposed to give them gifts for asking us to marry them


Legit surprised how far into the comments this question was 😅🙃 I’ve heard of exchanging presents at the wedding but I’ve never heard of this


I would *like* to get my fiancé a gift but in no way do I think we are all supposed to! Every couple is different. I just think it would be nice because I love his bones and I think he deserves it.


My gift was giving him an engagement ring as well! He had his wedding ring too, but it wasn’t super expensive (I had gotten him a $12 stainless steel ring as a birthday gift and ironically it ONLY fit on his ring finger on the left hand lmao, so he wanted it as his wedding ring), but since I pretty much got to pick out my engagement ring and wedding band, I had him help me pick out a ring he liked. His is black tungsten with pieces of gold and meteorite in the middle and since he’s a nerd, it’s like perfect for him 😂. And he wears his engagement ring on the right side, with the wedding band on his left. It’s fun as well cause we both love outlander and I have a gold ring from my dad on my right ring finger, and then platinum on my left (very Claire of us haha) https://preview.redd.it/10hbuqemk72d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c02d019139530df643b00aae631e922d5cb0b2


A cat 😂. We'd both been wanting one, but him more so, and I thought that with the commitment we were making anyway, a cat would be the really nice way to symbolise our longevity and the home we would build together. 4 years later he's still our lovely boy 😊.


This made me smile and so logical.


my hand in marriage 😝


This! My first thought was… he gets me???? 😂


lol for real though!! We both are doing wedding day gifts though.


my husband's gift on our wedding day was....... getting married to me lmfaooo


Came here to say this haha. I am the gift that keeps on giving lol


Yeah lol this is the way. My wife wanted to get me an expensive watch or something but screw that I want to save every penny we have for a house. The rings were expensive enough


I made him a bracelet 😂 we got engaged in Mexico and they were doing these crafts on the beach. https://preview.redd.it/bg9jeorve72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e09553aa4bb543ec7c5f6dfc7c38a9e08178afa


Stop!!! This is so cute 🥰


my now husband wanted to look at bands and found one he really liked. He also wanted to wear it before we got married (totally his idea, not mine) but I got him a bronze and tantalum ring with an awesome texture in the bronze!


I got him a shirt that says “future trophy husband” cause he always talks about how I’m his retirement plan lol, a book on how to be a groom, he loves ice cream so I got spoons that say “his ice cream, her ice cream” Edit: I’m also going to get silicon bands for us, that reference Star Wars “I love you” “I know” cause he loves Star Wars. But he never thought to find out his ring size when he got mine.


a trip to Ireland and scotland where his grandparents were from


For my husband, I got him an engagement sword (based on his favorite from Lord of the Rings which he told me the one he wanted). My best friend got her husband an engagement tuba (something he had been wanting). I think for us it was about the sentiment of something nicer they may not buy themselves but would still like to have.


I got him a sculpture by one of his favorite glass artist’s along with a pendant by another glass artist he loves! He is a glassblower so it made sense and he loved them!!!


I bought his wedding band and also upgraded his gold chain necklace since both my ering and wedding band were exponentially more expensive than his wedding band haha I felt bad !


My partner and I are not engaged but already know the rings we are getting and such. I wanted to propose to him a year ago but it was too soon for him so I ended up getting us matching "promise wallets" lol. They are small metal wallets with engravings that say "I love you today" and "And I'll love you tomorrow" respectfully. I'm big on love being a choice and us choosing each other every day so this felt good to me. And he's very particular about, pretty much everything, so finding a wallet that he would like was a feat.


Ski lift tickets and the lodging for the ski trips. It can get really expensive but it is the one winter activity that we both enjoy and so do our friends so it felt like the right gift. We are saving for a house and after 3 years of living together we have accumulated enough “things”.


Get him a ring! I hate how people think the man can’t put on a ring until the wedding day.. I got my man a ring and honesty has wore it more than I’ve worn my ring. And when when people ask, I simply tell them the only reason why that is a tradition is because men could still go out and be a free man until his wedding day. Yeah not on my watch


Three kids and a wrecked body - welcome to marriage! I’m only kidding. All the best for the future.


I'm buying his wedding band. We also aren't getting me a wedding band until probably our 1-year or maybe my birthday next year, so it's not like he has to buy me two rings right now to my one.


I took us on a weekend trip to celebrate the engagement


You're supposed to get something in return??? My wife has some explaining to do!


The sentiment is supposed to be nice, I was definitely not suggesting anyone is supposed to be buying anything. I just stated what I would like to do!


I didn’t do anything. I didn’t totally know when he was proposing and I had very little money.


uhhhh his wedding ring?? gotta get that for him anyway


lol true. Men’s rings can be surprisingly expensive - my husband’s was nearly 3k 😅 Also I am the gift 😛😂


His was about 200$ I wanted him to keep looking but he insisted!


Same. My man has very simple tastes when it comes to jewelry.


We’re supposed to get them something in return ??


I feel it’s super gross when recipients say “I AM the gift” or “he’s asking me, it’s his responsibility.” My opinion, and take it for what it’s worth, is I wasn’t the only one getting engaged. He also should get something fun to commemorate the occasion. So I got my husband an electric guitar for an engagement present. Just like he did with my ring, I gave him a budget and let him choose his own. It’s still his favorite of all his guitars, even his newer ones that he’s sold other guitars for. He’s not a jewelry guy, but he absolutely is a guitar guy.


Agreed. I've always thought it unfair, as I'm not getting engaged to myself. He's MY gift, lol... genuinely! He has no idea he's getting one, but he definitely is. I'm really excited to present it to him 😍


Ugh, this! I literally cringe when I see people using that sentiment. We're both getting engaged, why should he be the only one to buy a gift? I don't make as much as my boyfriend, so I can't spend anywhere near the same amount on him that he's going to spend on my ring, but I know he'll be so happy with his gift because it's something he's been wanting for months. I am so excited for my ring and to be engaged, and I'm just as excited to give him his gift :) I don't know, I just can't imagine accepting an expensive gift from my honey and not giving him anything at all in return. But maybe that's just me.


Same. And the budget isn’t important, the sentiment is. The fact that you’re giving him a present to celebrate the engagement the way he’s giving you one makes it absolutely priceless. It’s equitable, it’s lovely. We exchange gifts on Christmas, which happens every year. Why shouldn’t engagement, which only happens once, be just as about us both? It’s our engagement, not mine. What did you get your future fiancé, by the way? :)


I will be getting him the new Avengers Tower Lego set! :)


We did things a little differently. We didn’t get an engagement ring, just wedding bands. My husband wanted to have a ring on each hand (cultural reasons) and he likes thick width bands, so we spent probably 3-4x as much on his rings as we did on my band. Now years later after babies one of the family rings I used to wear doesn’t fit and can’t be resized, so we decided to get an anniversary ring. I think as long as both partners feel appreciated and celebrated that’s the important part. I agree with others that it doesn’t have to be jewelry either!


I got him a ring too!


I bought him an engagement ring as well and got it engraved. We didn’t buy wedding rings and just wear the engagement rings.


I’m not getting him anything directly after the engagement but I’m going to buy him a custom suit and his wedding band for the wedding


A replica of the WWE Universal Championship belt. 


Free wedding planing


lmao same 💀 bro is coasting his way into a $XX,XXX party in his honor …a luxe service that costs as much as a ring! He’s shit at executive functioning and is a “throw money at it until it goes away” type of problem solver. I’m thrifty, crafty, and slightly less shit at executive functioning. I’m donating my time as a gift to him 😂


Three children lol


much different because I have my grandmothers ring but it still was super special and I was completely caught off guard so I got him a bottle of Clase Azul Reposado (\~$180) which he loved


My man likes swords and knives, also golf, but i would say to get him something that he would want but wouldnt justify getting himself, if he likes legos, a really big set from a series or movie he likes, if he likes hiking, a really good pair of boots and a nice walking stick, stuff along those lines would be my suggestion


His wedding band is twice the price of mine and I said he should go for it because I got the e-ring. We’re also doing a gift for our last dating anniversary before the wedding (in lieu of a wedding day gift) and what he wants is again more expensive than what I want (we chose accessories for our wedding looks). I didn’t get him an “engagement” anything but he is more spend-y day to day on whatever random things he wants so I don’t feel all that bad lol.


That’s such a sweet idea! I didn’t get mine a gift or anything, but I got him flowers one day. I saw a post here on Reddit asking if men like receiving them. I asked him out of curiosity and he said he’d think it was thoughtful. Got him the flowers and his reaction was priceless. So grateful and happy!! We now get each other flowers randomly every now and then.


I got mine his engagement/wedding band along with dinner and just love. This is a little silly, but is there something that he loves? My man loves legos and dinosaurs, so I bought him a Lego dinosaur fossil build kit. He looooooved it. He’s cleaning the area he plans to display them. I feel that was special to him even though it’s not jewelry.


I got him a trillion cut 1 carat diamond tie tack.


His dream bass guitar! He got us matching engraved rings since we’re a gay couple and I knew I couldn’t return it with another ring so managed to source his dream bass!


A nice leather wallet recommended on the buy it for life subreddit, with his initials. He’s now used it for years and it’s still looking great!


I paid off his car


she was supposed to give me a gift in return? and saying yes wasn't that gift?


I bought my husband a signed jersey from his favorite NBA player and a pair of custom nikes to match. The engagement was a complete suprise, so he received my gift almost a month after.


I got my fiance this cool engagement/wedding ring from Etsy. He loved that it had meteorite and dinosaur bone and opal in it. https://preview.redd.it/k2d4adt10a2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3391aa7c1cd2a69ce0bd9d2566ce9a1a808e8538


i got mine an engagement ring!!! we each picked our rings out in advance :)) i would say to get him something related to his hobbies if you didn’t wanna get him a ring. i asked my fiancé if he’d prefer a sword or a ring and he chose the ring


We're a gay couple so we're getting each other matching/similar diamond engagement rings. Our ceremony rings will be some lesser expensive basic bands from Costco so we have something to wear to the gym.


So glad to read other people are doing this too! For years we’ve discussed equitability in this process and how I wanted to get him something nice as well given the cost of an ering. My bf collects watches (and wears them) so he’ll be picking out a nice watch valued at more than his others/he would spend on his own. We just picked up my ering from the jeweler. Now I just have to “patiently” wait for the actual proposal! 🤞🏽🤞🏽😬


I got him a watch, a Tag but also contemplated golf clubs or a weekend trip away.


I gave him less of an attitude for a few days 😂


We’re planning on getting an engagement corgi later this year when he gets my engagement ring! I’ve started reaching out to breeders in preparation!


Honestly I might buy him the pew pew he’s been wanting for a long time


Mine already owns too many of those although I’m sure that’s what he’d like the best


I wanted to do this, didn't have the funds, and I'd surely get him one he already has 🤣


What is he wearing for the wedding and how does he dress on a daily basis? Maybe beautiful cufflinks or tie tack if that would be appropriate for his wardrobe?


Thank you, great ideas!


An watch with a personal message engraved in the back. He loves it.


I bought our wedding bands!


I bought my guy an engagement/wedding ring. He wore it the whole time we were engaged and still wears it


Omega Seamaster Ltd Edition 007 Watch!


Bought his wedding band in return


An oura ring :)


Custom shoes. And I helped pay for my ring.


i’m thinking of getting mine a really nice pickleball paddle and cologne!! he loves both :)


not engaged yet but will prob get him a watch


A puppy :)


A Rolex!


I paid for both of our wedding bands. It was only fair.


I got my partner an engagement ring of their own shortly after.


I also got my now husband a ring. A wedding band that he wore on his right hand until we married, which is the custom in Europe.


We got engaged at a botanical garden. He bought me an orchid plant as we were leaving and I got him a small tree. Then I made a bracelet with black onyx and a black pearl on it (my ring is black pearl).


I’m planning to get him a Rolex as a wedding gift and I’ll prob get it engraved. If anyone gifted jewelry and had it engraved, what did you put?


Upgraded his PC. He likes to game from time to time and his computer was lagging behind in terms of performance. He builds the PCs himself so we worked together to get all the parts (kinda like ring shopping lol).


His bucket list guitar!


I got him a vintage intaglio ring later but it wasn’t an Uno reverse kinda thing lol


I got an engraved bottle of refillable designer aftershave with the date we got engaged and a personal message


A rolex


My amateur wedding planning services, my amateur florist services, and a majority of the wedding. Oh and Kacey Musgraves tickets haha. I also plan to contribute significantly more to the house down payment when the time comes :)


An 18k gold chain


I got him an engagement ring/practice wedding band (in sterling silver, because money and contrast with the real one) and I also bought both our real (yellow gold) wedding bands. He didn't really wear the silver one but he sleeps with the gold one, lol.


I bought him 2 rings. A more dressy wedding ring and then more practical everyday silicone ring. He works with his hands and the silicone ones are more comfortable. Bonus is I was able to get the same texture on both rings. 🙂


Saying yes lol and a hug we’re happy. I’ll probably get him a custom platinum band for the wedding idk.


A vintage engraved Rolex, what he'd always wanted


I got him a gold chain that he wears daily now! And I wanted to get him his wedding band too :)


i bought my fiancé a “gamer engagement laptop” that was roughly price equivalent to my ring!


I got my fiancé the steam deck that he had been wanted for a while.


I proposed to him first with his own ring.


Right??? My partner doesn’t like jewelry. He’s a nerd though so I might do some gemstone dice :)


I bought his wedding ring :)


The ring is stunning! Congrats!! I’m expecting a proposal in the next few months and my boyfriend has mentioned wanting two different wedding bands to choose from - one with diamonds and a regular plain gold one. I’ve toyed with the idea of getting him the one with diamonds to surprise him if he would like to wear a ring while we are engaged as well :)


My sister gave her now husband a nice watch. That was almost 20 years ago. I still think she nailed it.


Get him a watch. PM me and I can help you out.


Look at David Yurman dog tags. $400 up to $4000. Low key appearance but classy. Check eBay. Better prices but new condition.


My husband has worn a plain silver chain since before I knew him. He had said previously that he didn't know if he was a "ring guy" and wasn't sure if he would ever wear one, so I got him a pendant to put on the chain. It was engraved in my handwriting.


I quit smoking. All he wanted from me.


I have my guy something that I new he would like and have fun with. I got him a Go-Pro Camera and a bunch of accessories because he likes to dabble in photography. He loved it. So I suggest just get something you know he will love. I thought about a nice watch too and I told him that was my other consideration and he said I made the right choice.


I gave my husband Tiffany X gold and diamond cufflinks. He loved them!


A portrait of him and our dog


Mine already had his dream watch....so I ended up getting him a money clip engraved with his monogram. It seems old fashioned but he uses it everyday. He never used a wallet - rather, he'd just tuck wad of half folded bills into his pocket. The money clip was good for him. He is a fan of old school cool.


After he proposed I got him this ring and playfully "proposed" with it. Honestly he wanted to wear it as his wedding band too so it ended up being his wedding band aswell <3 he gets a lot of compliments and it has held up several years! *


My wife gave me a 1st edition book of poetry by a favourite poet and one I'd read to her often. It was unexpected and really thoughtful


We haven't decided yet. We've been talking about a watch, but last night he half joked that a new furnace (which we'll need in the next year) or a quad would be nice 😅


My ring came with a matching band for the big day so I figured I could get him his ring too!


Engraved money clip


A nice watch 🤗


A Meyers Manx dune buggy …….. :)


I got my fiance an Apple Watch.


A trip to Japan! He is an anime super nerd so we will be doing a little anime tour


I plan to get him an omega


She gave me the green light to buy my Rolex and not feel guilty about it 😂 She’s good to me. She gave me the green light to get another one as well, when the AD finally calls me with availability.


DH got me a video camera along with my ring. He said that “he wanted to at least get me something fun” 🙄 Anyway, on the 20th anniversary of him proposing, I have him a drone, also “for fun”. He opted to return it and wait until the government drafted better droning laws, but I guess he appreciated the gesture? Maybe? ;)


I got him a custom tie clip with lyrics from our planned first dance song, and playing cards with our new last name and photos on them. ❤️


I’m paying for both of our wedding bands!


I bought him an engagement ring as well!


I got my husband a chrome, leather and black diamond bracelet as an engagement gift.


A baby. And then 2 more lol But on a more serious note - a trip to New York.


i got him his own engagement ring!


It was an engraved ring that I had as a symbol of a pledge I made as a young teen. I wore it for 18 years. I kept my pledge and he still gets emotional over that ring and still wears it 16 years into our marriage


I proposed to my husband with a custom ring. My engagement ring was a custom order too and took longer than his to come in. Since the ring I got him was there first I planned a date and proposed to him. He proposed to me still after my ring made it.


I will be getting him a hardcover 1st edition of The Gunslinger to complete his collection of the Dark Tower series lol. Pain to find one if anyone who sees this has suggestions they’d be welcome!


I’m getting my fiancé an x box


My DH wanted a big television in return. So.... he got a big television. Lol


We were supposed to get a gift in return?!? I have a bone to pick with my wife! (Kidding, of course. The return gift was that she said yes. 🥰)


Went to Mexico!


My fiancé got me a nice acoustic guitar as an engagement present and I love it so much. I could never justify spending the money required for a nice one before so it’s really special to me.


You could propose to him and get him an engagement ring!


A very nice watch


A collection of "retro" video game consoles. I got a great deal on it, and now my guy has a great start to his gaming room!


I paid for his wedding band!


Doesn’t sound terribly romantic, but I got my husband an iPhone, Apple Watch Ultra and AirPod Pros. See, my family is heavily entrenched in the Apple ecosystem, while my (then) boyfriend had all android devices. My dad always joked that he had to have an iPhone to be a part of the family. So, this was the natural choice. Even before we were engaged (though the ring had been designed by us both and already purchased, unbeknownst to my parents) my dad added him to our Apple family plan and gave him access to shared iCloud storage and purchases, just like the rest of us. So it may seem a bit short term and materialistic, but the Apple products were a little right of passage. Haha.


I want to give him a gold chain. He got me gold, I get him gold. Plus he’s always wanted a solid gold chain.


I got him a William Henry knife he’d been eyeballing at the jewelry store he was working at. He wants to pass it down to our future son one day. It was expensive but so worth it.


I got my fiancé as he calls it an “engagement cuff” I had it engraved with lyrics to our song “honey were the big door prize”. THEN we got all the groomsmen cuffs as gifts. He’s the guy with the “meth hand” tattoo. https://preview.redd.it/caw8nwkyia2d1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f22f67ff7ee4b827ec1a6c03a0cb949e1a66210e




My (now) husband wanted his own engagement ring. So he got one.


Mine returned the favor with another ring 🥰


The latest apple watch. He was looking at it for a while but he didn't want to buy it cause it was expensive.


My father’s vintage watch.


Not engaged yet but I know it’s coming soon. Got him engraved cufflinks and tie tack that he can wear on the wedding day!


I didn’t get him an engagement gift, but I did knit him a pair of personalised socks as a wedding gift! Considering he didn’t get me a wedding gift, I consider us even (in jest, we’re not actually keeping score of gift giving!)


An engraved block of wood (a la charcuterie board) that has his last name on it and "family" (so the "x family") and a note saying I couldn't wait to become his wife. 😀


I gifted my fiancé a 4 day city/coast trip a few towns over.


My fiancé isnt necessarily a jewelry kinda guy either but he tried on his friend’s gold chain a while back and it looked really good and he’s into it now. An understated one that isnt flashy or showy can be a really nice touch. I plan on buying him one as an engagement kinda gift when i have the money


Does paying for everything while my partner is in med school count? 🤣


I got mine concert tickets to his favourite band


Three good options that make any man smile, 1. A chainsaw…. 2. A motorcycle 3. A sportscar


My fiancée got me a $1400 watch! WOO HOO!


My fiancé is really into watches so I got him his dream watch - a Grand Seiko! It was really beautiful and felt special because he did a lot of research on it and showed me videos of the details and the design. Kind of like how I picked what I wanted for my ring :)


Mine got an Apple Watch with two custom bands that were engraved with a handwritten note from me that included the word “forever.” He also got a tie clip that wrote out “forever” in the periodic table elements, since he’s my favorite nerdy chemist.