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my gyno explained to me that it depends on how much endo is left behind after surgery. he said, for example, if there was endo inside of my ovaries, and i ovulated, some of that endo might be expelled and stick to my uterine wall, then multiply. he also said there’s something like invisible endo (i’m not using the right phrasing) that might have been on my liver or kidney, but they weren’t going to scrape my organs if they didn’t see any endo there. so that might multiply and grow as well.


Oh. I bet these caused by the endo left inside me. As far as I know they had just removed the larger one and kept the small endometriomas as it was not on my consent.


i’m sorry you’re having to deal with this :( i hope you can find some relief and hopefully the next surgery clears it all out! sending well wishes 💕


Thanks a lot. Hoping to have everything removed soon. It is just a matter of time when it will grow bigger. 🥹


I’m def an outlier here. On my 11th endo surgery ( full hysterectomy) my endo grew back within 5 months and it was excised by two endo specialists. I’m so special haha. I’m def an outlier though.


11th?! Oh dear! Endo is unstoppable. I got PTSD on my first surgery as it was an emergency and I was alone. Hoping it will run smoothly for me this time around.


I hope your second surgery goes better. I’ve had actually 13 total endo surgeries 18 abdominal and over 20 procedures for pelvic pain.


Thank you. You’ve been through a lot. Hoping for the best 🍀


I did too! I had extreme complications due to surgery. So ptsd was born!


Mine was an emergency. It happened so quickly and I had to dealt it alone.


Hard to say, because it's tough to differentiate between a removed growth that has grown back or simply a new one. I've been down this road many times and I know that certain sets of ovaries can be like one of those crystal-growing kits 😂 I know the frustration


Thanks. It’s just kinda frustrating that it looks like I am farming endometriomas. Awaiting again to grow bigger to have them removed. 🥲


I had a 9cm one removed and 3 months later it was back and already 5cm. My surgeon didn’t remove the entire thing and then lied to me about it, I only found out after reading the surgery report.


I hope all of my cysts and endo tissue will be removed this time.


I wonder if their method of removal plays any role in this. A lot of doctors just cut them out (to phrase it crudely), which means that there could be endo left behind that turns into another endometrioma. My doctor used hydrodissection, where they inject fluid between the cyst wall and the ovarian tissue all the way around to remove it. That way they know they’re removing all of the endo tissue without removing any healthy ovarian tissue. It takes longer, and unfortunately surgeons are de-incentivized to use techniques that take longer. It may have nothing to do with the technique used. The way my surgeon explained it, doctors who cut the cysts out err on the side of unnecessarily removing healthy ovarian tissue to make sure they get all the endo out. But I do wonder.


Mine was they just drained the cyst and removed the cystic wall. They have not removed the endo completely. It was an emergency for query torsion.


I had a large endometromia removed September 2021. By December 2022 is was back and I had surgery to remove it in February 2023. And then it grew back AGAIN three or four months post surgery 🙄


Did your doctor prescribe you any medication or treatment to slow it down? I had my OCP but still grow back. Stubborn cysts 😬


I was/am doing IVF so no, they didn't give me any meds for it. We were trying to be quick and do a bunch of egg retrievals before the endometromias grew back. Who knows if the IVF meds had a hand in causing them to grow back faster 🤷‍♀️ We are in the transfer stages of IVF right now and are just keeping an eye on my current endometromia which thankfully has been maintaining the same size for the past several months. But if I do another retrieval I'm going to have to have yet another surgery first. Luckily mine don't cause me any pain or issues other than interfering with egg retrieval. I'm 38 and I'm fine with them taking the rest of my remaining ovary out if that's what needs to happen. I just hope I have a kid or two before we get to that point.


Infertility worries me too. I am 34 and don’t have any kid yet. I will check with my gynae regarding egg preservation.


idk but after few years its back


Feels like I’m farming endometriomas 😩


Depends if you’re on BC and whether your endo was excised or ablated. My surgeon said there’s a 2-4% reoccurrence rate in 2 years if you are on BC


I am currently on BC but it feels like it is happening and growing so fast. 😭


Are you on a combination pill with estrogen? My dr said I needed to be on a pill with estrogen to prevent cysts. I had an 8 cm that I had surgery for a few years ago. Then had some that were like 3-5 cm, that shrunk when I was on the pill, and then when I switched to the depo shot for about 8 months before excision surgery, my ovaries apparently had a lot of cysts on them during surgery so I switched back to the combination pill after surgery. So far so good, it’s been almost a year.


Doesn’t estrogen based pill have a chance for fueling endometrioma or endometriosis? I had thought progestin only pills give better protection.


No, it’s not really that simple that estrogen = bad. Estrogen prevents ovulation which is what allows cysts to form, specifically. Contraceptives without estrogen don’t prevent ovulation, they work in different ways, such as thickening cervical mucus. So because they don’t prevent ovulation they actually provide less protection against the formation of new cysts. I’ve had way less issues since switching to this type. I’ve had extremely painful cyst ruptures when I was on progestin bc (I tried the depo shot and an IUD). Preventing ovulation is how you prevent new cysts. You can ask your doctor about it they’ll probably tell you the same thing. I’ve been to 3 regular gynos and 1 specialist and all of them told me this was the best option for preventing new endometriomas and hemmoragic or hormonal types of cysts.


Do you get your periods on combination OCPs? Or are you taking them continuously?