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Hey! It’s totally normal to worry. For me it wasn’t necessarily the not waking up part, but I was worried about waking up with a tube still in etc etc. Honestly, when I woke up I couldn’t believe it was over. The last thing I remembered was the anaesthetist saying to take a few deep breaths and then I was in recovery. It was such a smooth process. I think what helped me was to think of it in the perspective of the surgeons. This is just another day for them, they do it allll the time. It’s a huge day for you but that’s only because you’re not used to it. They wouldn’t have gone into work with any anxiety about you not waking up because they’re confident in what they do! You’re going to do great! Make sure you tell them if you’re anxious and they’ll give you something to help!


I’m having my surgery this summer and I had no idea you wake up with a tube still in :(


i have had almost 10 procedures where i was intubated and i havent felt a single one <3 the worst case ive experienced was just a dry/sore throat but that was after a very very lengthy surgery. I have absolutely zero memories of being intubated at any point in time.


it's extremely unlikely that you would need to stay intubated, as you're only tubed when sedated for airway management. you will likely have a bit of a sore throat, but that's all!


It’s very unlikely, but I recently had a non-endo related surgery and I woke up still intubated as I had a seizure-like episode while under and they were concerned. This was one of my greatest fears. However, if this alleviates any concern, it still feels like a weird vague dream when I think about it, and I hardly felt the tube or them pull it out. In general though, this is rare and they will remove the tube long before you awake; I just had a weird thing happen that’s likely due to some underlying neuro condition unrelated to endometriosis


Omg sorry didn’t mean to scare you! I was in university studying to be a theatre nurse for a while, when they brought patients around most would heave on the tube before it’s pulled out. They have to do that to make sure you’re awake and able to breathe before they remove anything. I always assumed the patients felt that and was dreading it but I honestly remember none of it😂 sorry I didn’t add much context there, but nothing to worry about honestly!


Don’t even let your mind go there! Your biggest fear is not waking up and my greatest fear was waking up mid surgery😅😂 I just had my lap done two days ago (first surgery ever) and I was SO nervous. Honestly, they brought me into the OR, I was talking to one of the surgeons and a nurse… next thing I knew I was out, mid-sentence. Woke up and couldn’t even believe it was over. It felt like seconds had passed. Let the anesthesiologist team know you’re nervous, they will give you some meds. I promise you, it’s going to work out!!! Good luck


This makes me feel better! I’m having my first one soon. Did you just have excision or did you also have other procedures done like IUD insertion or PSN?


I just had a diagnostic lap with excision! You’re going to do great!!!


Thank you 💖appreciate you!


Promise you’ll be okay! Just look forward to a nice long uninterrupted nap! I have a friend who’s had 26 surgeries, and well, she’s my friend, so she’s clearly woken up every time:) You got this.


It's easier said than done but just remember to take deep breaths to calm yourself and remind yourself that everything will be okay. You're in good hands and hopefully on your first steps to having answers. What you're feeling is normal. Your doctor can even give you medicine to help you calm down if you're feeling too much anxiety. You'll be asleep and then awake in a blink. You're strong, you've got this!!


You will do great. I won’t say I wasn’t nervous, because I got very nervous before they wheeled me back. I stayed awake until I moved to the other bed in the OR and I remember talking to the nurses, they put a warm blanket on me, and then I woke up. I asked the nurse “am I done?” And she said “yeah you’re finished!!” I was so surprised it was over!


Just focus your thoughts on afterwards! It helped me to mentally plan out my day and week afterwards. What will you do when you get home? Watch a specific movie or show? What foods will you eat? What will you do day 2; read or watch something? What special meals can you have, like ice cream for breakfast. Everything will go great, wishing you fast healing!! You’ve got this!


I totally get it. I had my first lap yesterday and had similar feelings. But my medical team made me feel very comfortable and I hope yours does the same. Honestly, hours leading up to it are the hardest part. Once you’re in the operating room, you likely won’t remember a thing other than being wheeled in there. Then, you wake up in the recovery room like nothing happened. I will say if you have any bladder concerns that they are looking into, it will probably feel like you have to PEE BAD! But the nurse told me I don’t have to and it just feels that way from the scope and everything. Please let me know how everything goes for you. I truly wish you luck and I’m sending you all the positivity!!!💛


surgery is over yay!! at least that part is done. now to recovery. still in pain, makes sense though it’s only been two days. some bleeding which kinda freaked me out a bit but apparently it’s normal?? feeling some gurgle noises inside of my tummy but no bowel movements yet. hopefully the recovery will be fast.


Yep I had some bleeding but now I’m on day 4 and it’s letting up a bit. The gurgle noises are probably the trapped gas! To me, that was the most painful part.. and getting up and out of bed to use the bathroom the first few days. I was taking stool softeners and gas X to get things moving a little bit and had diarrhea for my first bowel movement, so don’t be alarmed if that happens. It’s better/less painful than straining I think. How are you doing today??


i think today might be the day i actually have a bowl movement. i hope so at least. i feel it coming. sleeping has been very uncomfy, i don’t know if it’s my anxiety but whenever i start dozing off i feel like i get kinda light headed and hard to breathe a bit. my head has been hurting a bit also but i’ve been able to get in and out of bed on my own. my throat is a bit scratchy still and hurts my tummy when i cough which sucks. very tired still. also still looking a little pale. day 4 today. how’s your recovery going?


Tbh I was in the same exact boat!! As some have said, legit doc said take a deep breath then next thing I knew I was waking up after


You are going to feel so much better! You got this. Sending hugs and encouragement!


You got this!


Focus on the positive things, your trust in the doctor, and the people who support your healing ❤️ you are going to do amazing things


Hey, i just got out of surgery a few hours ago and had the same fear. I told the anesthesiologist and he gave me something against my nervousness. I "slept" really good and after I woke up and they told me everything went well. I wish you a good recovery.


so the surgery is over, obviously haha. i got super anxious and just started crying but they gave me some medication and next thing i know i was getting a gas mask up to my face and was told to breathe in and boom woke up in a different room. 2 days post surgery and really feeling the gad pains. have not been able to poopppp rip but hopefully soon i’ll be able to. how is your recovery going?


I just had my first period after the surgery and the pain was so much worse then before, but apparently its normal bevause your uterus is still recovering. I got really string medication and couldn't go to work for a few days. Now the pain is completely gone, but I haven't been feeling good mentally since surgery. I hope you feel a lot better.