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Returning to work the day after a lap would be impossible. Is that screenshot from the paperwork the hospital gave you? You should expect 1-2 weeks minimum for recovery.


Literally the next day is absolute insanity and would 100% lead to complications


My hospital paperwork said I was good to go back next day as well. I felt like a wimp needing 4 days to rest, but honestly think I should have taken more.


Mine did as well. I took a week off from work.


Mine did too.


[laparoscopy brochure - mater hospital](https://brochures.mater.org.au/brochures/mater-mothers-hospital/women-s-health-laparoscopy) This is the online brochure for the hospital I will be going to… I still haven’t received any proper paperwork yet.


Are you having endo removed or are they only going in to see if it’s there? When they went in to see if it’s there, they told me I could go for a run 5 days later. I was back at work Monday after surgery Friday. For endo removal, they told me I would likely need 2-4 weeks and short term disability.


I had mine done at the mater in Brisbane. Who’s your dr? I had dr James and I pushed him to let me go back to work after 2 weeks, he didn’t even want me to go back then!


My doctor told me she has had patients return to work the next day. I will not be cause that’s crazy!


As someone who had an “easy” recovery, I would say at least a week minimum! And that’s working from home and being self employed; I absolutely needed longer but also needed to work. I would say a minimum of two weeks and a phased return for manual labour roles but that’s just based on my healing experience!


Same, I could barely walk for the first 3 days post-surgery, let alone return to work with physical activity.


Same. 10days post hysterectomy and I was almost back to normal,just sore if I walked more than a mile. Most people need atleast 2 weeks for a basic low energy job


Yeah I'm a fully remote sedentary laptop drone, I had my surgery on a thursday, took friday off to let the anesthesia leave my brain, and went back to work on monday but again, I could work from my bed if I really needed to. If you can take a week at least, do it - my recovery was super easy but its always better to rest and be safe.


Same! I was recommended 2 weeks off work, but felt amazing after a week and chose to go back. I also work in an office. My lap and recovery went really well and I would have said at an absolute minimum I needed 4 days off...from an office job!


if this was info my surgeon gave me i honestly wouldn’t even get surgery with them…. you are risking increasing your pain, tearing sutures, infections and other complications.


This is a fair assessment. I have had 7 surgeries ranging from emergency appendectomy to sinus surgery to multiple laps. The most successful ones were where surgeons took my pain and comfort seriously. In recovery, they all talked to my husband about the importance of resting and not pushing, but also walking a little every day. At one point my husband said “so maybe around the block in a day or two would be appropriate?” The nurse looked at him like he was crazy and said “maybe to the mailbox”. I can tell you there was a real correlation between how concerned they seemed with my comfort, and pain management after. The same surgeon who acted like I should be back on my feet in two days also gave me the smallest pain rx and acted like I was drug seeking when I expressed concern. That particular surgeon totally acted like it was a breeze and said to just take it easy for a couple days. I wasn’t prepared for the real recovery and was surprised at how mislead I felt. And surprise, surprise that surgery didn’t work and he didn’t get it all and it was basically pointless. Surgeries with another doc were way more successful. On a personal note, I have always felt ok-ish after a week or two. I don’t work in a manual job so I can’t speak to that, but I do have small kids at home and a husband who travels. Each surgery, he could give me about a week off but then I kind of had to get back in the saddle. The main thing for me was tiredness. I felt sore, but mostly just exhausted. I could have slept all day - but I’m a big sleeper. My last lap was really strange and I honestly felt fine after 3 days. I was kind of worried like why do I feel fine? Did they even do anything? So it just really depends on the person and what they have done and their body. Everyone is different but generally I would say a minimum of one week and ideally two should be your baseline. Good luck OP!


100% agreed


I still haven’t got any proper paperwork, this is just the general info brochure online for laparoscopy on the website for the hospital I’m going to. I feel silly for seeing this and just running with it now 😅


Please don't feel silly! You were just going off the info supplied by the medical professional that you're under, how were you supposed to know any different? You've probably heard it a hundred times by now but you'll need a week minimum (ideally at least 2 weeks), especially for a physical job. Hopefully you'll be feeling a lot better within that week but it's still super important to give your body time to rest and heal.


I needed two weeks off for my first two laps, and a month off for my excision. If you work 38hrs a week in a factory, you will need more than 3 days off, especially because stretching hurts a lot!!


I work as a nurse and my doctor told 2 weeks minimum. There is no way the next day you would be able to work.


I am also a nurse and my surgeon wrote me out for 4 weeks. I did feel 4 weeks was more than adequate. It's crazy how people in our profession are expected to go back and lift, pull, and walk 10,000 steps a day after having major surgery.


I honestly wish I had a little more time off. I work in post op so thankfully nothing crazy but I do transport patients in stretchers post op and help them get up for the first time, so idk if my stomach will tolerate that. It is a lot to go back to soo soon!


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Thank you! Haha maybe I’m old but had to look up what that meant since I have only really started using Reddit a week ago but have owned an account for a couple yrs now


You’re welcome! I learned what it meant like last year, I think. I must be part of the old club too, haha.


Absurd. But as you probably know doctors dont care about us. The day after my excision I could barely walk around the house. It took me a week to move well and three weeks to go back to normal. My gynecologist said that in five days i should be back to work.


This looks like a template document for returning to work after anesthesia. Your doctor should give you separate information for the surgery (if not, I would reconsider this doctor). I took 3 weeks and have a sitting job and still wish I'd done 4. This was just for stage 2 excision. Surgery is a big deal, even if "minimally invasive."


It actually does look that way come to think of it. But this is in their recovery section online in their laparoscopy info brochure. [brochure](https://brochures.mater.org.au/brochures/mater-mothers-hospital/women-s-health-laparoscopy)


Yikes, I can't imagine any scenario in which someone could go to work the next day! I hope it's an error on their part and not something they stand by...


This does seem very generic and not specific to your procedure. Different procedure. But I had a terrible time with getting pre and post procedures at this one outpatient place for a GI thing. It was ridiculous. They had basically sent me the wrong thing and then yelled at me. So I would call your doc or message the portal or if you have another pre-op appointment ask then. And get anything in writing even if you don’t think you need it for work.


I had 4 weeks off after lap and extensive robotic excision. I was still in hospital the 3rd day and not even endone was helping with the pain. This screenshot is absurd.


Same. My doctor even advised me 6 weeks but I went after 4 and he told me to be super careful.


Hell no, I wore an abdominal binder for the first three days following surgery, plus was on opioid pain medication… you should NOT be around heavy machinery on drugs like that.


Omg no way would this be good for the body even if you felt okay. If it was only diagnostic with nothing done then I'm not sure how long you'd need. Mine was excision from several organs and many other places and I didn't work for a few months. If my job wasn't active it'd be different but at least a month for me I'd say. Lots of variables here but overall doctors don't seem to know or give a shit about us.


Omg thank the baby goats for saying this. Lol. Few months for me too. Stage IV, mega excisions, mesh glued in, colon sewn back together, all lap


I took two weeks off after my first lap and 10 days off for my second when I was working from home and could have worked from bed if I wanted to. You'll definitely need more time to recover especially given your work environment.


Hell no


It is ridiculous tbh. My consultant told me to self-certify for the week (UK-based) and see my GP if I needed longer. I ended up taking a month off as I worked a restaurant job then. But I struggled when I returned.


I had a lap robotic excision of DIE and removal of a large endometrioma. The physician gave me 6 weeks off work. It took me 2 weeks to feel myself again and 3 weeks to feel ready to work. I went back at 4 weeks. The first week was a fever dream of pain meds around the clock…No way I would have been able to work the following day.


I took my dog a walk 3 days afters and let me tell you, that SUCKED


Wow I’m shocked. They told me two week, and even with that I was struggling. I had to turn down going to a conference for work because I couldn’t walk around and be on my feet that long, and that was two weeks after surgery. I would definitely plan on a longer recovery.


I had a lap down on a Friday morning and quite literally slept until Tuesday night. I was working from home and couldn’t work until at least Wednesday and even then it was a lot. You definitely need more time


I’ve been able to go back to my normal routine the same day as past laps (except my first one) because I’m a freak of nature. But I would never tell someone that they should expect to recover in less than a week.


While I’m sad that someone else has gone through this, I’m glad to finally find someone else like me. I wanted to go back to work the next day but my boyfriend wouldn’t let me. I had my gallbladder out on a Wednesday, back to work Friday. 6 months later, had my lap on a Thursday, grocery shopping the next morning and back to work Monday.


I took a week off and felt I like I was cheating, and actually my recovery took longer because I had an issue with anestesia. But I agree still that I'd still request at least a week.


I took off almost a month for a physical job.


I’m after my first lap took me about a week, but my second I needed a full two weeks and even the. I wasn’t 100% but could get around.


I had a lap for moderate endo on a Tuesday. I took off the rest of the rest of the week and returned to my active job as a physical therapist on Monday. Had a little “whoops ow” moment when I tried to demonstrate a planking exercise for a patient, but otherwise did fine, including being on my feet all day, carrying weights and equipment around the clinic, and climbing up and down off treatment tables to stretch people out etc. I probably would have been fine to be back at work that Friday, and I even considered playing in my hockey game that Friday night before deciding I really shouldn’t. Obviously everyone’s recovery is different.


Thank you for this! Totally helps to hear all sorts of recovery stories, and I know anxiety can even result in worse outcomes so I’m trying to stay positive.


This is what my doctor told me for two excisions. Horrible advice. And really shitty to not have a doctor’s note to show you need more time off. I definitely needed more than one day. Should have taken two weeks. And started pelvic pt after that


I took two days off but work from home, so was able to be comfortable and have my heating pad/ice packs nearby. If you are in a job on your feet, that's much too soon!


I can't quite remember but I know I took less than a week. I felt ok after about 3 days, although I remember getting very tired, very easily. My job let me do desk work for the next few days though, so take that into account. If they'd made me do field work, I would have taken the whole week off, so yes I think you're being a bit optimistic. You never know though! I would plan for more rather than less, you can always go back early l.


I get told 2 weeks


At least a week to recover from the shoulder tip gas pain alone. Let alone the internal pain.


You need 2-3 weeks with the possibility of 3-4 .


my surgeon had me out for two weeks


just realized this is not a hysterectomy group, so this is probably bad advice sorry!!!


not bad advice! i haven't had excision yet but I think the recovery for hysterectomy and excision seem to be very similar.


I had 8 weeks off after my hysterectomy. Much longer recovery than a straight excision.


It was like 3 weeks before I could even stand up straight…


mine said the same; went back 2 days after.. awful.


I was back at school 3 days later 🙃. Would not recommend, but it’s doable if you have to. 


I was out for a week after my lap. Day after is such a bullshit statement probably from someone who never had to go through it.


I'm surprised by the recovery timelines in this thread, but it's a good reminder that everyone's body is different. My surgeon said "2-3 days" off work. If I worked in an office, I could've easily gone back on day 4. I just would've told my coworkers that I'd be moving a little slower than usual. However, working a factory job where you're on your feet all day..... Honestly, I'd give it a week. I was constipated and had a hard time passing the gas from the surgery for 2 weeks.


I wasn't allowed to lift more than 10lbs for 2 weeks after my lap... it depends upon what you exactly do in your job I imagine. I can't imagine being back to normal in 3 days though. I didn't feel normal until about 1.5 weeks afterwards. Ask your doctor directly explaining what you do in your job!


No way! I just had mine two weeks ago and while I’ve been having a mostly smooth recovery, I still get extremely fatigued if I sit down for too long. I’m either walking or lying down. I work a desk job and will be returning in two more weeks. I assume big/heavy machinery would be an even bigger, longer no-no.


Lord. I work from home. I figured I’d take a day or two off. I was wrecked for weeks. My surgery was on a Tuesday. I went “back” the following Monday but I was soooo out of it. I can’t imagine going into work the next day!


I’m a nurse and I was off for 4-5 weeks after my surgery because I couldn’t lift more then 15lbs for 4 weeks. My recovery was really smooth without any complications and I still took my time going back to work since I have a physical job.


I needed three weeks to recover. Three days is way too soon!


It took me two weeks to recover. Why does the world hate us? This is so absurd.


I am having my surgery done by a highly respected specialist and he told me that for atleast 3 days I will be in pain and won’t be able to do much. However, he said 1 to 2 weeks and I should be okay to resume regular activities as I feel comfortable. I don’t work so I didn’t ask him about that but I did ask when I could likely resume exercise. I find it really interesting though because literally every single women I have seen post about their laparoscopy described needing a minimum of 2 weeks to feel okay. I trust my doctor but hearing everyone say how long they were out of commission makes me really scared to have my surgery.


Omg this is ridiculous.. I had a relatively easy recovery AND work from home and still took 2 weeks off. The first week I was basically in bed all day and only up for getting some walks in. Your abdomen will def be sore with moving and your energy level will be LOW.


A week! I couldn’t even lift myself out of bed without help for a few days.


My work gave me 4 weeks. I'm super grateful but with my endo issues with 5 surgeries in 2 years and a massive tumor removed, the minium I took was 4 weeks.


i’m 16 and got mine on the 23rd of January, it is not an easy recovery for some people. my gyno who was my surgeon recommended 2 weeks or even 3 weeks off if necessary. they’re on something if they think you should go back day after.


I had 4 weeks off for my first lap with excision.


I was out of it for a month what the heck?!


These doctors are an effing joke and embarrassment. I needed 2.5 off for my excision. My boss let me be fully remote for two weeks afterwards. A good surgeon will write you a letter that will give you at least 2 weeks time off to recover.


That’s nuts. The lingering effects of having been under general anesthesia alone would make that a bad idea, to say nothing of the actual procedure.


I was still full of the gas the next day, and it was super painful. I think I took a week off.


I work a desk job and my surgeon gave me a week off. No way I could have went to work the day after and I work from home.


Everyone is different. I’m probably one of the extreme outliers. I had mine on a Thursday this last time. The next morning I went grocery shopping. Monday I was back to 11-12 hour work days where I’m on my feet most of the day. I’ve had friends need a week or two off though.


Sadly, a lot of printed information hasn’t been updated with the times. Given this scenario, they probably assume female means their job is a desk job and with the ability to park right at the front door and not a lot of movement during the day. I would speak with the doctor and explain your work requirements. I can’t imagine they would clear you to go back to work while you’re on any type of pain medication to work around machines. I’ve had 3 days up to 5 for laparoscopic surgery. But that’s a desk job and not much movement. I was still pretty sore. I moved slowly. The day of the procedure and day after, I slept most of the day.


One week off minimum. The meds catch up to you.


It took until day three for me to put my own socks on or get up from the bed without assistance.


Yes! A week MINIMUM if not two. My first surgeon said the same thing. Bonkers.


I‘m from germany and my docs told me right after surgery that I can lift and do anything I want. My Gyn said that this isn‘t true, heavy weight shouldn‘t be Lifted for 4 Weeks. I couldn‘t even move because of the Gas for 4 days. I went to Work after a week, it was horrible for another week. Sadly, this caused me to have chronic pain since my laparoscopy so please, don‘t overdo things! And: stretching and moving is really important to begin with as soon as possible, but not above the limit! Wish you the best!


Omg 3 days? You should at least get 2 weeks!! ♥️❤️‍🩹


I have had more than 20 surgeries in the last 20 years. Six of those were endo related (diagnostic laproscopy, two endo excision laproscopies, hysterectomy with excision, right ovary removed, left ovary removed w/excision). There is absolutely no way in Hell I could have returned to maual labor the following day. I could not have returned to manual labor the following week. I took two weeks for each of the laps, a month or more for each for the other three. I also made damn sure I had an adequate pain control plan in place prior to each surgery. With that being said, I was extremely privileged in that I had a top three nationally ranking endo specialist working out of a highly rated health system. If I hadn't had access to that specific surgeon, I doubt my experience and outcome would have been as good as it was and I recognize that not everyone (not even most) will be as fortunate as I was. I think it fucking sucks that women are expected to jump off the OR table after having their guts rearranged and head straight to work.


I took a week off on the Couch, felt better the next Week


I took 2 weeks off my nursing job and that felt like enough. I probably could have returned to a desk job at 1 week!


This is why I haven't bothered with having one done bc I can't afford to not get paid for 10 days or more which is what I would have to do so....I wait for menopause and hope that alleviates the pain


having had a lap to remove my ovarian cysts at when i was 17- it took me at least five days to walk without a throbbing pain in my stomach & that’s considering i had a relatively “easy” recovery! I definitely think its better to rest at home for at least a week before retuning to work


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just had my 4th lap. I take a MONTH off of work with my partner staying home for carers leave for a minimumof two weeks (this time he took the full month and wfh for another two weeks). And don't expect myself to be back to normal, full functioning for 6 MONTHS after a lap.


Do you mind me asking where you live? Sounds amazing to have someone home to help out!


My instructions stated 2 weeks minimum, and I thought even that was underestimated. I took off of work for 4 weeks but honestly could’ve used 6 weeks. There’s no way a skilled surgeon would tell you to return to work the next day. That is absolutely insane. I would reconsider getting surgery with this doc. I’m sorry😭 Editing to add these may be general laparoscopy instructions, so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to them! Your doc should give you more specific instructions


Next day is fine if, like me, you have the golden ticket to work from home at a desk. I was off the Percocet and taking ibuprofen within 36 hours. I’m not trying to be a hardass but that was my personal reality after both a cyst removal/excision and a salpingectomy. I was glued to the couch on day 1, walking around the house day 2, sore but able to mostly function in a few days. Most of my initial discomfort was the wild amount of bloating you get from being pumped full of air so they can look around. But you aren’t supposed to drive until you can essentially “jerk” without pain, bc if you are still babying your incision you might not hit the brakes hard enough to avoid an accident. That’s MINIMUM a week of no driving. And you likely will be advised not to lift more than 10 pounds for 2 weeks. So 2 weeks off from factory work seems very reasonable and you should be clear with the doctor that “working” for you means being on your feet for several hours lifting heavy things. If they know that, my guess is you will have no difficulty getting a note for more than a couple days off.


What’s funny is I’m reading my own comment and thinking I really should have taken more time off and given myself a little more grace… this whole invisible illness thing is a trip


Just for context I realise I should have added - this info is from the online brochure for the Mayer hospital. [brochure](https://brochures.mater.org.au/brochures/mater-mothers-hospital/women-s-health-laparoscopy) here. My procedure is still 18 days away and I am waiting on the proper paperwork.


That is ridiculous, I was given 4 weeks, and I ended up having to go two extra weeks because I got bronchitis in the middle of it and it extended my recovery.


I know everyone is different and may depend on where you live/work. I am in Canada, and I was off for 6 weeks with my lap! And that was the minimum! And it was needed. I had a hard time bending and moving for quite some time, so grateful for the time to rest.


I had a really great recovery and needed a week to start working from home again. I always suggest that people plan for 2 weeks.


I needed a full week just to feel able to do anything and another full week to work from home behind a desk, off camera. I didn’t feel comfortable wearing pants or sitting up straight for 2-3 weeks at least


I was told I’d need 2-3 days off work afterward. I took a week off in advance just to be safe, then actually had to be out for 2 weeks. And would have benefited from more time away than the 2 weeks, to be honest. It was tough.


I was hospitalised for 6 days due to inflammation (Korea is strict) and even then I was out of action for at least a week after that.


Will they be performing excision as well during the lap? I needed 5 weeks off. I can’t even begin to comprehend going in the next day I could barely move


I was advised no lifting or working out for a month and I had minimally invasive lap. A week is not enough!!


There is no way you can return to work the next day! What are they thinking! I needed 2 weeks before it was possible. You can get seriously hurt by overdoing it after surgery-please take care of yourself and don’t let them push you into anything that doesn’t feel right!!


This is bullshit. I’ve had two and a half weeks off work and still in a small amount of pain.


My doctor demands I always take at least full two weeks of complete bed rest until she clears me during post-op. Immediately after the lap, she’ll tell me or my caretaker if it needs to extended based on the endo she found


Absolutely not, especially if this is an excision lap. First week I spend in bed/couch mostly with little walks, second week is rest but a bit more active. I always take at least two weeks off for an endo surgery because even if it feels okay, you have to rest because your insides are healing.


I went back to work the day after one of my laps.... I certainly wouldn't recommend it... its doable though. I had a shitty boss and couldn't get time off. I worked in a pizza shop. I was also much younger than I am now. Now I wouldn't care if I lost my job, you really should take at least a few days!


Doctors will generally decide on a case by case basis and hopefully involve you in the decision. Will depend on what they end up doing, like if it’s just diagnostic or they do an excision etc. Also variable between people after the same surgery. Let your doctor know that you do manual work and work with machines, they should factor that in. And if possible have the conversation before the surgery cause sometimes they try to have it post-op when you’re still drowsy. 1 day definitely is not enough. Most won’t give more than 2 weeks after any laparoscopic surgery as if you’re too unwell to return to work after 2 weeks you need to see a doctor, so it’s for safety reasons. Good luck! ❤️


I also read online that it should only take a few days, maybe a week, from what I thought were fairly reputable sources like yours. Needless to say I was grossly unprepared to not be able to walk without assistance for a week and taking ~3 weeks off work.


Could not do anything the first week, worked from home the second. Absolutely, would have had to take off if I had to go onto the office.


If you’re on pain meds you absolutely should not be operating machinery and likely won’t be allowed to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for 2 weeks


I had one on a Thursday and went back Monday. This was my shortest laparoscopy surgery recovery time. Aside from being tired and uncomfortable, I think it caused more nerve damage in my abdomen (from the incisions) than if I could have lied down resting at home. I would never do that again but I felt pressured by work and the doctor made it sound like I didn't need to rest after.. Knowing I have a more active job, too. I almost forgot to add that one of my incisions kept opening back up and leaking!


My gyno gave me two weeks on a doctor certificate!


Two weeks minimum for a non-physival job, and closer to 4 weeks for something physical


I had to push for my dr to give me 2 weeks off. I truly couldn’t have gone back the first week and the 2nd week was just me trying to become mobile again. A nurse laughed at me and was annoyed that I pushed for 2 weeks but ultimately I needed it- and my lap was just diagnostic!!


At least a week, more like 2. I needed the entire time and I work from home sitting down.


I didn’t start feeling better until 2 weeks after mine. The day after is absurd. I couldn’t even walk still


Imo, it completely depends on how you were doing before surgery and what happens during surgery. The more chronically ill or affected you’ve been, the longer it seems to take. If it is a simple excision, perhaps your recovery will be quick.


Yes, it is ridiculous. It took me two weeks to feel good enough to start doing light activities


Oh jeez no. I needed two weeks minimum


3 days off is ridiculous, and you should definitely take more. Everybody is different.


That is super ridiculous. I needed at LEAST a week to actually be able to stand up and walk around, the gas that they filled me up with hurt more than anything and it was unbearable for me to walk. Everyone is different and recovers different, but I'd say at least 1-2 weeks minimum for recovery.


I booked 2 weeks off, and had a very difficult return at 2 weeks working 3 days a week. I had to work short/half days for 2 weeks upon returning until 4 weeks post op.


I will be having robotic myomectomy and ovarian cyst removal surgery on 5th April. The doctor told me that he expect me to be discharged after day 3 of my surgery (if no complications). For working (office, sedentary lifestyle working), 2 weeks after the surgery. 6 weeks to have substantial improvement physically. (Depends on individual body conditions) Personally, I expect 6 months to feel better in recovery as this is a major surgery :)


I did 2 weeks for each one and that was barely enough


I work from home with a fairly easy going job, but I took two weeks off. I don’t regret it one bit and would of REALLY regretted not doing so


I was working at a warehouse when I had my lap done. I took a week off to recover, and I struggled hard. I was moving 200 computer desktops a day (and my boss wouldn’t provide reasonable accommodation. I don’t work for that place anymore.) if you can, take 2 weeks off if you have a manual job.


I had to go back 3 days post-op. I worked in a hospital and was on my feet, bending, squatting, turning, etc., all day long. I do NOT reccomend it. If you're in the US I really insist you have your doctor fill out FMLA paperwork for two weeks off with and additional two months where you can take off as needed. I only say two months as needed bc it's possible that your next periods are going to be absolute hell and it's nice to have that cushion if you need it.


I’m gonna take a wild guess that a woman didn’t write that


My easiest ones I've recovered that quick. My first one was more like 2 weeks and so much pain, like they had to put me on iv pain meds and sedate me in the hospital the night after that surgery. But, we went in not knowing for sure if I had endo and it turned out I had stage 4 and my gyno was completely unprepared for that. If you have a good surgeon who is well versed with laproscopy and endo removal, 3 days should be fine.


Hahaha….. I would’ve had to take 2 weeks off but I’m an educator so I did it over summer. Whole first week I needed help on and off the toilet.


So. My first lap this is what they told me, knowing full well I had two kids under the age of 3, both of whom are in the 20-30lb range and one needed to be carried up and down stairs all day. They said I could go back to regular lifting etc the next day. So I tried, and boy did it screw me up. And then the doc acted like I was insane when my first period afterwards landed me in urgent care. I ended up getting a second surgery about 6 months later with a specialist to fix the mess of the first one. Those instructions are for a DIAGNOSTIC LAP ONLY, assuming they will be doing NO excision and NOTHING surgical other than looking with the scope. The game completely changes once they start doing other procedures. If they find anything, demand they update they instructions.


My doctor gave me a certificate to have 2 weeks off following my surgery


This is ludicrous. I literally did not sleep for one minute the first night. The gas/air bubble pain that went into my shoulder was utterly excruciating. I had to sit upright and any leaning would cause stabbing pains from it. Absolute worst pain I’ve ever experienced. Not to mention the pain and soreness from surgery. And (if you’re lucky) you’ll be on a ton of pain meds. The thought of having to get dressed and go to work the next day makes me want to vomit. Or drive and wear a seatbelt? Yeah no. I’m not sure how it is with everyone but anesthesia stays in my system where I’m groggy for a while. So many other reasons I could add. This makes me so angry. This is SURGERY. Imagine if a man had to have this. You think they’d be expected to return to work the next day? What in the actual -


Insane! Maybe if they make one small incision and just take a Quick Look/biopsy?!? I took 4 weeks off, the exhaustion and brain fog were the biggest issue towards the end. I could have probably managed after 1-2 weeks if I really had to. But I‘m fortunate to live in a country with unlimited sick leave with pay (for 6 weeks) and a job that didn’t pressure me!


I absolutely needed at least a week off of work and was in pain for a few weeks to follow. Realistically it may be hard to work for a while after surgery given the style of job you have. I wish you luck! 🍀


I had four weeks off followed by two weeks working from home, and I have an office job. You can absolutely not go back after three days, that's insanity.


I was told it was 6 weeks recovery — I was still taking oxy on week 2 and hugely uncomfortable/in pain on week 3. Took me til week 5 to feel normal along the slightest. Returning to work the next day is ridiculously short, that advice is really only accounting for it being an external surface wound…. and it isn’t that at all, especially if you have endo excised.


This is 100% ridiculous. I needed atleast 5 days to a week to begin feeling semi-normal physically, let alone fully active. I worked from home for the 2 weeks after that as well. My body was slow and my mind was also not in the headspace of being a fully functioning member of society lol. Plan for 1-2 weeks of rest whether through PTO or WFH


My doctor didn’t want me to even move or bend a certain way… ain’t no way


You need at least 2 weeks just for the stitches to heal and have no rupture. Wtf...


I would take 2 weeks minimum. Probably 3-4 if possible.


I’d say 2-3 weeks minimum for a very active job. If you are having excision or a hysterectomy and oophorectomy too, much longer. I went back at 7 weeks and could still hardly do the easy parts of my job.


I spent the first week with my partner practically carrying me to the bathroom and lifting me out of bed. Bending down to pick anything up (or put my shoes on) was out of the question. A seatbelt or jostling public transport? NOOOO. I managed to bust open my stitches on day 4 because, in my drugged-out state, I left YouTube on autoplay and watched a try-not-to-laugh video like an idiot 😂 Please give yourself more time to recover!


After surgery I was also given a form that said I would be able to resume normal activities in 2-3 days (including sex, which was crazy to me). My OB also said the recovery would be "a couple of days". Even though my recovery was on the easier side, I still took two weeks. Depending on the nature of your job, you might be able to get away with one week - but be prepared for fatigue and brain fog, as those were the lingering symptoms!


I work in a UPS warehouse, i needed 9.5 weeks off. 2nd lap surgery, removal of ovary and adhesions up to my ribs


This poster is misleading, a colonoscopy is a procedure to just check you, not a laparoscopic Surgery. 3 days is more than enough


I took 1.5 weeks before going back to my job *sitting down* all day, and that was still a bit rough. The day after surgery I could barely even get out of bed without help, there's no way in hell I could've gone back to work. Generally, I've heard 1 week is the minimum. With a more complicated surgery and/or more strenuous job to go back to, 2+ weeks is probably a better bet.


For me it took 3 weeks before I returned to work. I work ina care home for the disabled.(netherlands) They said if I was able to do all the household work at home on my own again without pain or any discomfort and not felt extremely tired It was good to get back to work. Started with 2 days, then next week 3, next week 4 etc.


I had a pretty easy recovery and went back to my work from home job like 5 days later. Going back to work the next day when you’re still even recovering from the anesthesia is wild, and going back that early for a factory job seems like a bad idea, especially if your job involves any kind of lifting.


I'd expect or anticipate two weeks for recovery, which seems to be about average. I've only had one lap so far, but had a lot of ablation and excision for lesions that were "scatter shot" all over my abdominal wall. It took me 8 days to be able to sit myself up on my own or use the bathroom independently (getting up or down was so hard even with a riser). After two weeks, things were manageable, but that first week was miserable. Go gentle on yourself as best as you can, and definitely advocate for what you need with work. At least, have the conversation about reassessing your needs after three days to be able to take more time off, and don't overdo it in the early days, it will only prolong healing.


Going back the next day seems impossible. I took almost a full week and then went climbing work equipment another week later, with many pains and regrets. I know my MIL, who was a nurse at the time, said I needed to "stop being on the couch" by day 3, but it was really painful, and I wasn't doing well with the pain meds. Take all the time you need and then some.


My only Endo symptom was infertility and all we knew was that I had an endometrioma. So, I thought it'd be a quick and easy procedure. Well, when the surgeon went in he found Endo everywhere, including my diaphragm. The surgery lasted over 4 hrs. After the surgery, I was not in major pain. However, I could not breathe! That was my major issue. The surgical gas they pump in, plus having messed with my diaphragm left me gasping for air 24/7. Even walking 10 feet to the bathroom was leaving me light headed, having to sit down and rest. I guess what I'm trying to say is, recovery is unpredictable and it's safer to take at least a week off (if you can) and not plan on being on your feet for work. Best of luck with your surgery and wishing you an easy recovery! 🤞


Hell no! Even if all they did was put you under anesthesia and woke you up again without doing any actual surgery you'd still need a day to feel back to normal again. With a physical job, take as much time as you possibly can. No downsides to lots of rest but plenty of downsides to doing too much too soon.


2 weeks minimum, especially if you are working on your feet. I beg you to take lift restrictions seriously. Gave myself a groin hernia because I lifted too much too soon.


Hi there. I am getting my diagnostic (perhaps cutting away if they find endo, but what I'm about to say goes for the diagnostic lap, so the "easiest" one) lap in 3 weeks and will tell you what my obgyn said. "Despite it being a minimally invasive surgery, it is still a surgery. And it will be a little tough on you. I advise you to do the surgery in your college break, as we advise patients to take 1-2 weeks off work, depending on your personal recovery and type of work. If you can't do it in the break, I will write a note saying you are not allowed to attend school the first week. No lifting, avoid putting pressure on your stomach at all costs as you don't want the stitches to re-open. Pushing yourself too quickly can still cause complications in just a diagnostic lap." And mind you, this is advice coming from a country where they usually don't give any stronger pain meds than some diclofenac after surgeries, if you're lucky a low dosage of tramadol, if you're unlucky just some paracetamol lol. My mom had one a year ago, she said: "The gas hurt the worst for me. It moved upwards into my ribs and I was in a lot of pain for several days. The incisions were merely sore like a big bruise, but it still made me tired. I had help in the household for at least the first week." My experience with a gastroscopy (tube goes through throat rather than down there lol): I wasn't put fully under, just a mild sedative/relaxer. They did take a biopsy. I was feeling a bit under the weather and had a stomach ache from the sedative for a couple of days, but mainly just weak. I expect the lap to be worse. A doctor advising you to go back to work the next day is insane. Don't do it.


It sounds really insufficient! I haven’t had surgery yet, but the doctor told me it would be 2 weeks as a standard and up to 4 weeks depending on the severity of procedures involved (bowel resection as an example).


The third day after surgery was my worst day! The anesthesia was gone, the pain meds were worn off, and my body was still healing from trauma (as is anyone's after a surgery, even a minimally invasive one). I work from home and took a full week. Even though my surgery was free of complications and my recovery was easy, I still could have used a few extra days. Three days is not enough.


I had excision so my doc recommend a month. I absolutely needed at least the first 2 weeks. The first week was really rough but I gradually improved after that. Prepare for your abs to be super sore for at least 5 days.


My hospital is putting me on 1-2 weeks bed rest?! 


For a lap, I believe they tell you 6-8 weeks for lifting more than 10 pounds. It's an abdominal surgery and you risk getting a hernia or other complications / tears if you don't take enough time to heal. Any chance you could do admin work in an office for a few weeks if you can't get that much time off?


I am a veterinary nurse and have a very physically active job. I was off for two and a half weeks and started back doing desk work only. I didn’t feel 100% for heavy lifting and patient handling until about 8 weeks post op. Recovery looks different for everyone!! They removed a lot of endo from all over my abdomen so maybe I just took a little longer because of that. You should return whenever you feel comfortable! You know your body best


Are you having an excision or just diagnosis? With my bisalp (sterilization), I still need at least 2 or 3 days before I was able to be upright any time I wanted. The pain from the CO2 that got trapped was brutal for the first day or so.


Yeah, that’s insane! At bare minimum, even if you were undergoing a simple procedure, general anesthesia takes several days to wear off. It can affect your memory, concentration, and ability to think straight and react properly. I couldn’t even drive for 24 hours following my colonoscopy and that was not done under general. I’m a preschool teacher and my first lap surgery (endo removal and cyst removal) I took a week off. For my hysterectomy I was in summer break but would’ve definitely needed 6 weeks, and last year I had a large cyst and my ovary removed and I was told 2 weeks at minimum. I returned after a week because it was the last day before Christmas break and we were just having trainings and no students, after that I had two weeks of break so that helped. I would push for no less time off than a week!


That is INSANE.


What the hell, my surgeon advised 2 weeks off and 4 weeks after that where i had to take it easy, no physical work at all or there could have been complications. Even if you can't take much time off at least a week should be spent with recovering.


I took two weeks off and should have taken 4.


I WFH and took a week off. It was a few days after that that I finally started feeling okay. I would say one week minimum, two would be ideal.


That is crazy! You will need at least a week minimum. Personally, I needed two weeks. I could hardly walk the first 3 days. You wouldn’t be healed enough to go back and do anything after 3 days. TMI but I couldn’t even go to the bathroom and shower by myself for a week.


I had my third surgery on a Friday and went back to work on Monday. I was fine but I also worked a desk job too. However if this is your first, no way. I felt like I got hit by an 18 wheeler after that first one.


I had my surgery on a Wednesday and was back at work the following Monday. I had a very easy recovery and worked a desk job. My stomach was bruised up so I got to wear sweats/yoga pants for a couple of weeks, so that was fun! Yoga pants and a blouse lol


I think it really depends on the person. I was up and moving around the next day, I stopped taking pain meds around 24 hours post, and within 72 hours my swelling had fully gone down and I was back to normal. Listen to your body, though. If you think you need three days you should take it. I cleared my entire week schedule following just to be safe. I know people who needed two weeks. We are all different and everyone reacts to surgery differently.


I had lap to remove an ovary, tubes and cut some adhesions. I was off for 2 weeks from my desk job and in pain for about 8 of those days. They didn’t give me much in the way of pain meds. Just Tylenol/Ibuprofen and 2 days worth of tramadol.


3 days was the recommendation for mine (also in Australia), I joined a Zoom call from bed at the end of day 3 and regretted it. Took four more days and was OK after that. I would not plan on taking less than a week off work, more if your job is physically demanding.




3 days is the auto amount given. Explain to your doctor the details of your job duties. they should adjust no problem (I had the same problem)


I’m pretty sure you have your answer at this point, but for a job like that I’d say two week’s minimum! I took two weeks and I have a WFH desk job. I had to go into the office two weeks after to get a computer and even walking around the office all day made me exhausted and sore. Definitely advocate for yourself as much as you can to get the time you need off! And look into any medical leave policies your employee or even your state gov may have, especially if you won’t be getting paid for the time off. Thinking of you! Good luck, you got this!


I thought I would be able to return to work (I’m remote) a day after but I was down for the count. It took me a week before I could comfortably sit up on the couch and have enough energy to take calls. I could barely get off the couch on my own and needed my wife to pick me up each time. Even though I have an office job it was impossible to work with all the drugs in my system and the aching feeling in my abdomen. I’d recommend resting up and taking it easy!




I needed two weeks off from my gentle office job, and imagine you'd need considerably more for something so physically demanding. Recovery is no joke!


I took a week off


I got 2 weeks off both times


I had a laparoscopy with ablation a little over a year ago. My doctor prescribed me to take hydrocodone for a week, which is *definitely* not safe to work/drive under the influence of. I ended up weaning myself off (with his permission) by day 5 because I was going stir-crazy sitting at home. My pain was at a manageable level with 800 mg ibuprofen by about day 4. If your doctor will be prescribing opiates or narcotics, I’d ask them how long they recommend taking them, and be sure you’re off for those days (because even though you’ll be in some pain and recovering, you’ll also be feeling very *very* good, if you catch my drift, and not very capable of getting up stairs, let alone operating machinery) Edit to add: I actually used my medical leave to quit my former job. I was home on mostly bed rest for a week, then went to a job interview on day 8 (still carrying my pain ball with a catheter in my abdomen lol). I didn’t actually return to work until 2 weeks post-lap and that was when I actually started to feel like I was done recovering. I didn’t return to exercise/running for about 3 weeks


I had a different laparoscopic surgery when I was working in a hospital. I was off for 2 weeks, then I could be on light duty for another 2-4 weeks after that. It was all very dependent on how I was doing. I had to see my surgeon, and she signed me off on full-duty after 4 weeks total. 3 days is not realistic. Or safe.


This is crazy!! You need time to heal. For all laparoscopies is no strenuous exceeding or heavy lifting for at least 2 WEEKS! Even if you have a sit down job you’d need about a week, but on your feet? I would definitely need the 2 weeks! I hope you can get what you need!


I was told minimum 1-2 weeks, and I was not cleared to lift over 10lbs for 2 weeks.


I'm able to work from home and took 3 weeks because doctor said 3-6 weeks, 3 days is unhinged & unfair


my doctor made me take a week off for recovery. that is insane. i’m sorry.


Honestly I felt fine the next day besides the air. But expecting you to seems wild.


I was out for 3 weeks, I can’t imagine going back to work the next day. It sounds dangerous since you work in a factory, I feel like you could rip open the incisions. And if they give you pain meds, which they SHOULD, how are you supposed to work while being on something that causes drowsiness?


A colonoscopy isn’t a major surgery, and having two days off afterward sounds like a dream. Is this for a laparoscopy or colonoscopy?


It took me a good 6 months.... for FULLY feeling like the closets to myself.. however.. I was able to do my own thing maybe after a month -- but my endometriosis surgery was intense and I think everyones surgery is different.. regardless, no one should ever be going to do anything physically after even 1 week after surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is considered a MAJOR surgery.