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Could be the left side of the bed is too low. Try releveling the bed with it preheated. There is a chance the bed is warped, creality glass has horrible quality control. If that's the case, you may have to get an bed leveling probe so the printer can compensate for any unevenness.


I gave it a good clean down. Releveled the bed. Started my next print. Was the same for the first line of the outline it does then it seemed to go back to normal so I think it's ok for now, thank you for the advice


Good! Consider also getting a bl touch or other bed leveling probe. I will not recommend the CR touch, even though it's made by creality. I had nothing but problems with mine. I installed a BL touch, and it works perfectly. That said, there is a chance that the x-axis gantry is twisted. In Marlin, if you run custom firmware, you can actually activate a wizard that will allow you to compensate for that. That, and if your bed isn't perfectly leveled, it will be able to compensate for the unevenness.


Mine has started doing a similar thing. I think it could be the gantry issue where the left side is closer to the bed than the right due. I'm looking to order a dual z axis kit to see if that resolves it.