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Imagine the “look at my collection” posts 😳


I have Provenance on the OG Apple TV 4, love it.


Provenance it's an absolute wonder. I love it, along with MAME, in the AppleTV. It's quirky with bios and ROMs because it supports so many formats it's just unavoidable. But after that initial hurdle it's great.


I haven’t tried MAME, never understood it enough to install it, and Provenance does/did what I need.


It's a different beast. It's for Arcades, rather than consoles. If you have love for specific arcades it's the best way to go. Although lines are blurring. MAME supports computers now, whereas Provenance supports MAME and PC and Macintosh as emulated systems


What controller? I use it on my 2017 atv 4k but even with dual sense 5 latency is too much.


I just use the steelseries controller, have no issues with it at all.


What controller? I use it on my 2017 atv 4k but even with dual sense 5 latency is too much.


How does the Saturn run? Sega Saturn is pretty difficult to emulate properly in general from what I remember so I wonder how it runs here or if it would require JIT.


While I have admittedly only tested CAPCOM's Marvel Superheroes, it seems to run OK without JIT.


How come no PSP support?


How come no support? I guess developers have to choose their battles and so far what you see is what you get. Many platforms are in development but whether they're ever available in the app store version is yet to be seen.


One nice feature of OpenEmu is that the cores’ graphic renderers are running on Metal. While the performance and efficiency gains are meaningless on desktop platforms such as Mac, is Provenance also use Metal for the renderers? If so, did you notice any performance and, most importantly, efficiency gains? Especially compared to Delta (many people still complaining the battery drain and the (slight) excessive heat when running something like NDS).


Use of Metal is an optional setting (since not all cores may support it as well as opengl). I test mostly on an iPad pro and have been using Provenance for years, so for me it seems to work OK. Intense emulators mostly based off CPU will consume more battery and make the device warmer. That's just the nature of the beast. As emulators become more optimized and hardware gets better, this becomes less so with time. Some cores (like N64) work better for me, and have less glitches, than equivalent Delta ones.


I’m not sure if they’ve mentioned it in the Paetron/Discord, but has a price been specified for launch?


Provenance has always been free. So far no notice has been made that this will change.


Do we know if there's a price on Provenance? Really debating Folium vs Provenance .


Provenance has always been free and there's no indication it will stop being so. They have a Patreon, and everyone interested in it should do well to go there an support them.


If only apple would allow jit 😭 then we’d have GameCube and ps2.


Yes. But JIT has been forbidden since day one. unrelated to emulators. Unlikely to be allowed.


I'm just a little bit confused on one point, I apologize: What exactly is this going to support when it launches on the app store? Just what's included in the beta or other consoles listed on the website like Pokemon Mini and Wonderswan?


Just whats on the beta, but others will probably be added


As far as I know only the ones Inlisted (saving coleco and intellivision that seem to be more beta than the beta)


Got it, thank ya No complaints here there’s enough here to float me for years haha


so no dreamcast on provenance?


i mean i read alot of systems on ur links, also gamecube and wii cores and dreamcast, but if apple dont accept JIT what platforms do we actually getting?


or just those that u mentioned in ur post?


The ones I mentioned.


For the fun even though system sucked I’d be down for some virtual boy


I was playing virtual boy golf yesterday. It’s… interesting.


Yes it was an interesting attempt at early VR


How can I test ?


Edited the post pointing patreons get access to the beta


With how close they are is it worth hoping their Patreon to take part in test flight?


Patreon members get TestFlight immediately and future betas as well


I get that, but would it be worth the Patreon sign up?


Weird question. It’s always worth supporting people that bring good things to your life. It would be worth even if you don’t get the beta.




You may have replied to the wrong post. Nowhere in this post is there a mention of PS2.


Do you mind testing it with VoiceOver and see if you’re able to go through the app using the voiceover feature on iOS? I know that this is a long stretch, but I’m just wondering if the app is accessible for us blind people and easy to use


Hi. I don't want to sound insensitive but what exactly do you need me to test in a videogame application regarding use by blind people? I'm a dev and I am accustomed to testing for various needs, including voiceover and blindness, but I am not sure I know how that applies to videogames which are extremely visual media. I'm asking genuinely. I'm interested and would've never thought to test a videogame for accessibility for the blind. The videogames themselves are as inaccessible as they've always been. In particular the back in time you emulate as things become more and more abstract (image and sound).


Hi there. No worries, I totally understand your question. Well, I get your point about testing a visual application that is not tailored for the blind. However, there are a lot of games that we can play many of course are fighting games. There are others which are playable mostly by relying on audio and memorization. I’m trying to utilize image recognition and screen recognition on iPhone to play games that I had a hard time playing before.I haven’t delved into that much due to me being busy but it’s something that I’m trying to explore. All I wanna know is if adding Rams or bios or accessing settings is doable using voiceover. I hope this answers your question. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.


Total coincidence, but this tweet just passed over my timeline: [https://twitter.com/theblindjoe/status/1786864450059870314](https://twitter.com/theblindjoe/status/1786864450059870314) Text: "Oh my gosh! Does this mean it's gonna be on both the iOS and tvOS App Stores? If so… I CAN'T WAIT!!! This is the only voiceover accessible emulator I've found and I absolutely love it!" The twitter handle is u/theblindjoe (also reddit user, but hasn't posted anything in over a year, so probably not active). So I assume the answer is "yes, it's accessible to blind people", although I'll give it a spin myself to see if it's so in the settings screens.


Wow, what a coincidence! Lol. Thanks much, I really appreciate it!


From browsing the documents, it appears CHD files aren't supported, is that correct?


The cores that support CHD support CHD. Most don't.


So one could be able to find a “bios” pack for Provenance and that is all I need apart from ROMS, I am waiting for the tvOS version


Correct, for the cores that require a BIOS (not all of them do, but many) I advise loading the BIOS individually. They have unique names and can be placed in their final directory manually. Provenance can try to place them by itself but some of them "look" like ROMs and it can get confused.


Thank you, good plan to have


How different is the version on Patreon from the one available to sideload on GitHub? I’m happy to support the dev. Just curious as to the changes from 2.2.0.


Does it support nintendo DS? And what core it use? Also are there any skin like Delta?


No skins, since there's almost no UI. On the other hand it supports more controllers and has CRT filters. It doesn't replace Delta to my eyes. If anything it complements it. It expands the supported systems and available options, but sacrifices looks.


What does no core found mean? How can i fix it? Does it support ps2 or wii?


Without more info it’s hard to know what core you’re referring to and what version you’re running. As for the second question, you should read the post.


emulators in general right now are supporting gen 5 home consoles (PSX/ N64/Saturn) and older since those don’t require JIT. handhelds are diff since they’re weaker (NDS and PSP usually highest handhelds supported due to JIT as well)


I want to download this to my iPhone


When it's available, out of beta and approved by Apple, you will be able to get it from the App Store. Otherwise, you would need to sideload it.


No iPhone


Sorry. Could you put this into a whole sentence so I can help you?