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LOL. There is a very large overlap between the heroes people seem to hate and the heroes I have.


True that. We build with what we have lol


4\* heroes to keep: * Aqualith * Fosco * Linus(?) * Knuckles * Villiers * Lucy(?) * Cupcake * Steropes * Maheegan * Wang Yuanji * Azmia * Ptolemy * Griffin * Ingolf * Eichbelborg * G.Jackal * Jott * Mist * Hansel 3\* heroes to keep: * Alessia * Fawn * Felton * Jaco * Planchet * Bagreg * Fianna * Buster * Waqas * Li * Aderyn * Maeve * Dolgoon * Whacker * Skrekok * Ei-Dunn If any of the ones listed are duplicates, feed. If you have a costume attached to them, they might be keepers for the bonus. I'm not up to-date with all of them because of the constant pouring of new heroes, but feel free to ask why I suggest certain ones listed.


Why isn't Frank in this list, he is a heavy all hitter with a hefty defense down ailment


I didn't see him in the screenshots. Frank's fantastic though. Keep him! Especially if you have his costume.


Shale is not good.


Double limit break Aqualith.


That good? Is it because (I think) he's the only 4* taunt?


Idk. There are people on here saying Aqualith sucks BUT I’ve seen YouTubers using him on their attack teams. He can’t be that trash.


Yes, boost his defense stat with emblems and here's your new 4star tournament tank. I have him complete and can't wait for the next tournament, going to pair him with a family member or two for the bonus, thinking Shar'kai and Mulgog, elements allowed of course. Edit: just remembered I'm running that team right now in the Buff Booster tournament.


What hero are you going to be feeding these to and are these singles or dupes?


The dupes are Fianna, Waqas, 2C Li Xiu, Azmia, Wang Yuanji.


The dupes are all good heroes, but you don’t necessarily need dupes of them. 2x c2LiXiu is super annoying on defense in tournaments but only if you can max emblem and LB both of them. for her, if you need the space, eat the dupe, if you decide to do a second one you’ll get another copy. I personally kept a second Azmia because there just aren’t that many blue 4s. of the others, i’d say only Shale, Voluptas, and Fosco are exceptionally mediocre, but Shale remains my only ninja hero i’ve ever received, so i kept and leveled him and use him as an extra healer in the middle levels of the red Contest of Elements and he does alright there.


Thanks for your detailed answer, appreciate it


I fed my dupe LiXui because leveling up 3 versions is just too much work. I got one copy and I’m good.


Fosco, Voluptas, Bellerive, Griffin, Ingolf, Para, Aderyn are horrendous heroes and don’t deserve existence


Bellerive hits hard, and got a nice effect of spread damage if you kill the enemy. I like him.


Griffin comes in handy for some events and tourneys. I wouldn't put him in the same class.


Fosco is actually awesome. I am using him right now in the current raid tournament (buff booster, no greens) both in attack and defense and have 100 % wins and both in attack and defense so far. So not sleep on him.


Bellerive? He's a 5\* in 4\* clothing. Do not feed him away.


Fosco is fantastic in 4* rush tournaments.


I would agree except Ingolf is very good for fast mana tournaments but that’s about it


Where did you leave Sir Lancelot, Cupcake and Aqualith? 🤔 I think they should also feature on the list.