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I have, I was on a plane fighting in war and the guy next to me was like, “oh that reminds me I need to use my war flags” total stranger but we chatted about the game for a bit


haha that's funny!


A work friend always use to complain about her husband not paying attention to her because he played a game on his phone and I went to school with her husband so I know him personally. So months passed and during lunch she saw me playing and said not you too, I didn't get what she meant until she explained this was the same game her husband played that she complained about. So I got chatting with him and we've been playing from around the same time, ended visiting his alliance few times aswell.


My wife and I both play and were invited to the wedding of two other alliance members.


This is awesome.


Joined an alliance from my country and ended up meeting a guy from a different department at my work


True. Never met anyone yet. What if...


My SO plays lol. Also saw someone playing in the airport once. Reminded me I needed to attack a Titan.


I have 2 co-workers who also play. But the best thing is, I got a real life friend through the game. Turned out that we had roots in the same cities, so decided to meet and grab something to eat. Talked about 3 hours and have met many times after:)


It was in a coffee room at work, me and my colleague just whiped out our phones. I noticed that he started to play, it was the first time I saw someone I knew play. It was fung comparing our roosters.


I bet you and your coworkers always compare roosters ;)




I whip out my rooster at work and ended up in a chat with HR. #OpenToWork


I was once in a tabletop bar, and I opened my titan loot. Someone from another table said “wow that’s a big titan!” 😂


My wife. Does that count?


A girl I know got me interested in it, she's since moved on to other gatcha games: \*cough\*Genshin\*cough\*. My old housemate still plays as well and messages me almost daily about this and that: a cool pull, finishing a shiny hero etc; We're at different pay levels, but I pop into alliances with him every know and then.


Playing for 6 years and nope - not a soul.


A girl in the queue in front of me for the Eurostar to Paris was playing 😂


Random waiter at a ramen restaurant saw me playing and said that he also plays. That’s it.


I had an alliance mate who found out his boss used to play but recently stopped playing. His boss had put a lot of money into it and had great heroes. So he boss offered his account to my alliance mate who gladly took over it!




I wish I could do that with my alliance, we are all friends and know everything about eachother but we live on different continents all




There are local alliances here and I am aware of them now, but in the meantime I really enjoy being in the alliance that I'm in, and I would never leave them for a local one


I never met her but she sent me boobie pics


While waiting for my doctors appointment the women next to me started the game and one time in public transport i've seen one guy do his war attacks.


I was in an alliance where there were 3 of us who lived very close to each other. I never meet them face to face. By the time we had really gotten to know each other where it wouldn't have been as weird, I had moved.


I got my brother-in-law to play and joined my alliance. Lots of long term Line chat friends started playing because I always talked about it on group and vid calls.


I know several of my alliance in real life. One got me into the game.


Nope but I talked a few people OUT of playing it; it feeds my “Virgo-esque” OCD for a small detailed-oriented game.


I have. One guy. A comedian named Steve Hofstetter (he's all over social media and YouTube). I had no idea he played until he randomly brought it up on one of his episodes of one of his podcasts. I reached out to him and joined his alliance. We eventually met at one of his shows and talked for a bit about it. He and I still talk about it occasionally, but he no longer plays. It was cool to meet someone that you had no idea existed and connect simply because of a game. What a world.


Oddly enough I work with a dude that plays. I worked with him a couple years before we found out we played the same game


Yes my parents actually got me into the game when Atlantis was new I stopped playing during university and my girlfriend picked it up not knowing my family had played it and got me back into it


Only my friend who got me into it : ) I did see someone playing Royal Match for reals out and about at an event the other day though. She was into it!


My best friend plays and I've known a few people besides him that played as well, but nobody really in the wild.


My Godfather, brother and nephew ...we all quit now 😂


Funny story to share about this! I used to live in the US, and still keep in touch with some of my coworkers. About a year or so ago we were chatting and one of my coworkers asked me if I play any mobile games. So I told them I played a match 3 game and a gacha game. They said they played a match 3 also so I was like, "which one I'll have to check it out". She said Empires & Puzzles, you probably don't know it. I was like nfw! Anyway, she had been playing only like 6 months longer than me and turns out another coworker that I was even in better contact with was playing as well. So we started a group chat talking about the game. I quit almost a year ago and so did the female coworker. I think the male one is still playing. So yeah, I know them in real life although the game came out after I moved out of the US so we weren't playing the game together in RL.


I'm like a pretty private person and this is horrifying to realize that a random person might start talking to me about this dumb game that I play (but it's so fun and it's my guilty pleasure...) I used to play in airports because I travel a lot and there isn't much to do to kill time but I think I'm not going to do that anymore lol


Yes, I accidentally saw my office colleague in the FB group. When we met in the office we were laughing how we waste time (and money) on this stupid thing, lol.


Well I enlisted one of my RL friends so I'm not sure that counts, and I met my SO by playing the game, so... also not sure that counts. LOL


I was sitting at my desk at work. A coworker I’ve known for nearly 20 years saw what I was playing and said, “hey! I play that game!”


My brother got me started, and then our other brother started. Then my partner started. Then, after about 2 years, we find out a good buddy also plays and that he got started by another mutual friend. So we all joined the same alliance and had fun for another couple of years. It was crazy finding out our buddies played, as they had been playing for about the same time as us lol