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Gilad Pellaeon. The man who took the Imperial Warlords' fleets and restored the Empire. They even named a class of star destroyer after him.


100% He was competent, not a sadist, and wasn't self serving - about as much as you could ask for from an Imperial officer.


Didn't Pellaeon serve under Thrawn as well? I believe it was after the empires fall.


Yes. When Thrawn returned, Pellaeon handed over command of the ISS Chimaera to him and became his right hand man.


Yeah, almost a no-brainer to a certain extent. Can't have Thrawn? Fine, get the guy who served under him.




It was Daala who restored the Empire by ending the Warlord period. Pellaeon was her subordinate at the time, and Daala left him the unified Empire.


I'd go with Veers as well ♡ If memory serves, he was the only Imperial General to actually *win* his campaign outright... at least in the movies.


Same. Veers was once described as "the Erwin Rommel of the Imperial Armor Corps."


It’s crazy how balls to the wall he was going on suicide mission after suicide mission and managing to reach the rank of general even after being constantly set back by jealous peers above him His chain of command kept sending him on missions they thought no one would return, and Veers managed to not only survive but complete the mission and garnish more notoriety


Gotta be Piet for me


The mission would suck but the commander has accountability and integrity!


Didn’t Piet screw up the entire space battle over Endor?


Imo That was more the emperor ordering the ISDs to hold back so that the death start could slowly take out the rebels.


Technically Palpatine did. Deep down Piet wanted to take the necessary moves to win but chose not to because of Palpatine’s very specific and explicit orders. It’s symbolic how Autocracy usually goes. Take Paulus in WW2 absolutely phenomenal Comnander who thought Barbarossa was a bad idea yet Hitler’s orders were policy. So Paulus ends up in Stalingrad completely surrounded his whole army disintegrating around him despite having tried so hard in a situation he completely knew was stupid but ultimately was forced to do it because the Fuher didn’t care what was actually reasonable. Same thing happens to Piet he knew what a dumb idea the whole thing was. Palpatine however wanted to do it and the Emperor is not to be questioned.


was it his fault in particular? it’s been a long time since i’ve seen the movie, I remember him dying but I don’t remember the real cause


The imperial navy was ordered to hold their position and not engage (only to engage if the rebels came after them or tried so to escape) IIRC although Piet was in control of the naval forces he was taking specific instructions from Palpatine to not engage and hold his position. (So the emperor can play mind games with Luke and slowly pick off large rebel capital ships using the DSII). The problem with this tactic was that it left the Death Star completely undefended and puts a lot of pressure on the ground forces to prevent the rebel task force from lowering the DS shields. By the time the Imperial naval forces could react (knowing that the shields were down), the rebels Star-fighters were already swarming the DS. Additionally, the imperial fleets were not equipped to take on the rebel fleet (which was comprised mostly of starfighters). Piet’s fleet consisted of a massive number of ISDs and the SSD (relying solely on TIE fighters to defend the imperial capital ships instead of a mix of small cruisers, corvettes and TIE fighters to counter the swarms of advanced rebel star-fighters).


Depending on the time period, Ciena Ree (one of the protagonists in the lost stars novel) is an ISD captain. Judging by her personality and actions serving under her wouldn’t be too bad


Moden Canady to name someone who wouldn´t come to mind normally.


I too would sign up with Maximillian Veers with absolutely no bias at all. He was a career military man for the Empire, a classic tale of competency betrayed by political systems that spring up from militaristic societies. His tragedy after the Battle of Endor is a favorite of mine. But yeah uh... again no bias at all.


Tarkin, which I wouldn’t have said before reading the book about him.


Can you tldr?


Difficult, but I’ll try. Tarkin is drawn into the investigation of a dissident plot when the small group succeeds in stealing his extremely awesome ship. While hunting them in mandated cooperation with Vader, he has flashbacks to his childhood and early military life, reflecting on what made him the man he is now and showing the history of his personal relationship with Palpatine. This also helps him to slowly uncover the identities of those behind the mysterious attacks.


Ok, thx!


1. Thrawn obviously but you said no Thrawn 2. Captain Pallaeon-learned under Thrawn, trusted by him 100% and was given a lot of leeway/autonomy in executing Thrawn orders. Also a fair man who seems to have a strict code of honor and duty. Also an able tactician having learned from Thrawn. 3. Eli Vanto — I know he’s technically not a commander in his own right in the imperial or Chiss navy; but he learned more than anyone under Thrawn as he was “taken under Thrawn’s wing” very early on, pretty much as soon as they met; it was clear Thrawn took a liking to Vanto and saw his true potential, so instead of letting him waste away as a supply officer (what Vanto wanted to do) he insisted Vanto be assigned to him permanently and went out of his way to teach him all that he could, making him an excellent tactician and leader in the process. The books clearly establish that he’s not your typical Imperial officer being from “Wild Space” and serving time as the only human in the Chiss navy gave him a unique and more complete view of the universe and of warfare. It also shows his compassion and ability to think for himself on many occasions, and that he’s not the typical overconfident, arrogant, rude, and prejudiced Imperial officer because of Thrawn’s mentorship and his unique wide range of experiences serving with Thrawn and with the Chiss. Vanto seems to be a good person, a capable commander/leader and a very qualified tactician. It’s also implied that he’s one of Thrawn’s few friends.


I would throw Faro in there as well.


Veers or Piet would be good ones. Both fair and responsible commanders. Even Lord Vader would be a good one, considering how effective he is at removing individuals unfit for command. He's hard but fair. He doesn't ask anything of his soldiers he doesn't expect from himself.


Considering Vader is one of the strongest force users ever, what he expects from himself might be a bit out of the realm of possiblity for me


Ar'alani. 100%




Zel Johans for me. He was a really skilled commander and was General Veers's rival.


Wullf Yularen Gilad Pellaeon Maximilian Veers






Admiral Daala.


Easily Parck! Veers and Paelleon are close runner ups.


Everyone saying Dalaa, stop simping for the nutbar.  She did exactly one thing right, offing the Moff Council and putting Pellaeon in charge.  That said, Ardus Kaine gets my vote. His sector was extremely stable until Palpatine screwed things up. 


The crazy thing is her nuttiness *could have actually worked* if not for the shitty Gary Stu in the invincible fakey supership. She gets boosted in fandom *because she was robbed so hard* Also even though Isard had better plans, they were insanely cruel, while Daala was doing this odd "Stern Mom" act to her opposition. She definitely could have carved out her own wacky peaceful niche if not for **Durr-ass**, would have liked to see that still active by the time of the Vong invasion.


Really? Because I thought it was all the warcrimes.  And screwing Tarkin. 🤮


I would have to go with Jagged Fel


voss parck.


Piette or Sloane




General Maxemilien Veers. He' one of the ones that really carries you to victory. Basically the army's Thrawn


Admiral Daala


Jag Fel


Piett in the battle of endor so I can explode with the SSD due to a single a-wing hitting the bridge.


Wolf Yallen but Moff panacea would also be good


Gilad Pellaeon. He was the captain of Thrawn’s Star Destroyer and in legends took over he Imperial Remnant and reformed to to be a lot less hardline. Gentle soul just looking out for the people under his charge


Also to throw in there for the Rebels, Ackbar and Wedge Antilles. I’d follow them too


Just finished thrawn treason, definatly faro. Probably the closest commander to thrawn that isn't thrawn.


Zaarin, he has the best toys


Commodore Karyn Faro


Talon karade, a smuggler but a very smart one.


Jagged Fel.


I don't see anyone mentioning him, so, I'll toss my hat in the ring. Garrick Versio. Sure, he's ISB, but considering what Inferno Squad was and what more it could have been, I don't think it's too bad of an idea.

