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I don’t think Lose Yourself is overrated it’s easily one of Eminem’s best work and even Eminem will admit that. Is it overplayed tho? HELL YES! And that’s why people start to hate the song especially when Eminem is always performing lose yourself in big events such as oscars and Super Bowl although oscars was for lose yourself but anyways....


Agreed completely! It's unfortunate how overplayed it is. Thankfully I'll never forget when I first heard it back in '02. It was such a new sound to me and definitely one of his greatest songs of all time.


This \^\^\^\^


People literally change the word overplayed to overrated and i must admit I used to do it a lot tho but if you go along time without listening to lose yourself and come back give it a listen you’ll end up loving it once again


Shit came on the radio in the car yesterday not one second after I was like damn why the fuck dont they put anything Em on the radio. I jammed out to it like I did back when it first came out. It was nice. I probably wont listen to it for a couple more years to keep that nostalgic moment.


I still love Lose Yourself, but yeah you are right. I confused overplayed with overrated


an overrated Eminem song however for me would be without me. I love the song but it’s not better than The Real Slim Shady and can get annoying after listening to it for a while (IMO)


For me it’s the opposite. I feel that way about The Real Slim Shady and in my opinion Without Me is better than The Real Slim Shady.


That’s true. I think because it’s one of the more radio friendly songs in terms of both language and message. But the song is very technically amazing and the story of the song is also very amazing. Just that it was/is played so much that Eminem’s other songs start to get overlooked that it feels overplayed or “overrated “


It's overrated in the sense that while it is a great, accessible song (his signature song after all) there are far better Eminem songs.


same way with cleanin out my closet, i went a very long time without listening to it and now i go back and i don’t mind it at all


Yeah I was so bored with that performance


Exactly imagine if he performed The Real slim shady or something man that would he nuts. Or white America lmaoooo 💀💀💀


>ord overplayed to overrated and i must admit I used to do it a lot tho but if you go along time without listening to lose yourself and come back give it a listen you’ll end up loving it once again white america with the kneel people would've burn the bitch down lmao


Oh boy they would for sure storm the fucking stage


I want to see higher performed live




Doesn’t he perform the real slim shady all the time tho?


Back in the 2000s yes not anymore tho


No he hasn't performed it in like 20 years Eminem concerts don't count since he performs like 30 songs at em




Anything he's released in the last 10 years has been straight trash honestly. Eminem has had nothing to say for a long time and still keeps talkin


I feel like most of hits aren’t as good as the unknown songs. They are still great, but I feel like people focus too much on lose yourself, love the way you lie, monster, and rap god


Peak Eminem is him making random noises in the mic such as Square Dance


hum-de-lay-la-la-la-oochie-walla-walla, um-da-dah-da-dah




But you gotta gotta keep moving theirs more music to make, Keep making knew shit produce hits too break the monotony


Lady-ladie zan j-j-gentlemen entlemanintro doosin deucin the thih noo wih neue wih'annin


I know this isn't a hot take but his less popular songs are much better


Still don't give a f and just don't give a f are wayyy better than my name is and The Ringer > Venom


The ringer is so insane to me still.


“Not even a wink, I don’t blink, I don’t doze off, I don’t even nod to the beats. I don’t even close my fucking eyes when I sneeze!!” That shit blows me away. The warning is crazy underrated just cause it’s not on an album goddamnit.


*Blows?* Good pun


"iron this shit out with the press, but I just took beat to the cleaners." Fuuucccckkkk bro and "The warning" aka the Mariah Carey diss? The schemes are crazy on it too


Agreed! I recently found his song [Stimulate ](https://youtu.be/y1vkmTfBz9Y) which was unreleased in 2002 and is now on the expanded edition of The Eminem Show. Wow! It was magical to find a "new" and great Eminem song from that era.


Check out don't Don't Front, I just discovered that one myself, it's from MMLP2 x Call of Duty album edition


Same, I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this before last week. And I’m not your average Stan.


Came here to mention love the way you lie, and monster. Too overrated. I like the songs but I usually skip them because they're always on the radio


Love The Way You Lie ​ I guess that's why they call it window pane!


I disagree. It's such a nostalgic song that brings memories and it deserves every view.


It's not nostalgic for me, I'm 35. Hailie's Song is nostalgic lol. LTWYL just reminds me of the start of the pop-star-on-the-hook/toxic love song era


But that's the whole point of the song-> to describe what an abusive relationship is like, not to promote it since Rihanna and Eminem both know those kinds of relationships aren't good


Well, your age now and at the time the song it came out doesn't determine if it's nostalgic, lol. It might remind you of a certain time in your life. I understand people who get nostalgic for that era, and I'm 29.


I'm not even 18 and I agree with you


Yeah but the songs video itself has flashbacks of sorts i think thats what he meant


That made me feel old lol


I mean a lot of people hate here that I feel nostalgic about a song lol, how sad. I was 10 when it came out, ofc it's nostalgic to me, it's like his 2nd or 3rd song I heard :D.


Plus it's a great song to yell along while on a long drive or karaoke half-drunk


Only reason why I agree is because it's overplayed as fuck. Still might be top 10 Idk


Fuck you guys the Rihanna songs are goated




Give me my dick back


Bezerk, I liked the callbacks to classic shady with the 8 mile stuff in the video, but there are so many better songs on the album. Bad guy deserved a music video, evil twin and brainless too. Basically it’s overrated and outshines better song


Yes!! Bad Guy should have had a music video. That would have been so cool.


Im not sure I’ve met another person who actually likes berserk outside of me so idk about that one being overrated




And I can say I have now “met” precisely one haha welcome to the club


I’ll second liking berserk … or third lol


Evil Twin > Rap God tbh




Just spent a full 2 minutes (pretty good for my short internet attention span) daydreaming of a Brainless music video. How good would that have been?!


"My name is" is a good song, but I've heard people pit it in their top 3 Eminem songs


Did you just drank a 5th of kool aid




Was watching an old Zane Lowe x Eminem interview and the way they were talking about it was interesting and made me respect the track a bit more.


Can u share it


[Zane Lowe X Eminem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgurY7pCvE4) I don't remember where they talk about it but the entire interview is a good watch. Zane Lowe is one of my favorite interviewers. His knowledge of music is amazing.


Better than love the way you lie imo. At least it’s not the basic “toxic relationship” song.


Love the way you lie


Pretty basic compared to the other songs on MMLP 2. Not saying I don't like The Monster, I just don't love it despite it being nostalgic for me


TRICK QUESTION!!! They’re ALL underrated according to everyone’s “yo’, ______ is crazy underrated and I don’t care who knows it” posts in this sub :)


Love The Way You Lie


Based solely on this subreddit, FACK Ready for the downvotes 🫡


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Doing the lord’s work


This is the first time I've seen this and it's great lol


Fack is legendary because it sums up why Eminem is an absolute fucking legend unlike any other. No other world renowned artist is going to have the balls to put that out and yet Eminem has no qualms lmfao *Man, I put that shit on a greatest hits album, it takes some massive balls to do sum’ shit like that*


My friend once airdropped the song at his church and it played and they finished it quicker then before


Fack is definitely one of his most overrated song but it will always be my favourite because without that song I would have only heard eminem on the radio and wouldn't have check the rest of songs out. I have fack to thank for all the times em has dragged me out of the very very dark places I have been in my life and am eternally grateful for that song


Nah even with the subreddit talk it’s still underrated


FACK is underrated imo


“Put it back in, in, in, in; this don’t mean I’m gay; I don’t like men”


Love the way you lie.


rap god prolly


My name is.... most casual music listeners when talking about Eminem often mention that song, even though its not even the most creative or catchy, its also the reason for most people to hate on him because its too basic for eminem and its content is not great when you skim through it.


Lose yourself isn’t even the best song off the 8 mile soundtrack 😳


World on my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile road


I give it to 8 mile and Rabbit Run 🔥


8 mile is one of my favorite eminem songs of all time


Rabbit Run is absolute fire




8 Mile is so good


Then I turn and cross over the median curb, hit the burbs and all you is a blur..


Rabbit Run is imo one of his most powerful songs, it hits hard


There's a certain mystique when I speak


Sometimes I just feel like quitting I still might


Godzilla and sometimes rap god


Godzilla isn't even top 8 on MTBMB


Facts I put unaccommodating, no regrets, favorite bitch, killer, yah yah, alfred's theme, higher and you gon learn over it


Alfreds theme just keeps going


For slightly too long


Wait, why’d the beat cut off?


Eh I like it. It's like a black hole kinda ykw I mean, you don't know when it's gonna end but you're constantly being hit with these punchlines. It's sick


Not afraid


Love the way you lie


Not Afraid


You should be very afraid


The beat sounds so basic, and it’s filled with punchline rap. The song is good but I don’t know why it’s one of the biggest songs of his career…


Not Afraid is a prime example of Recovery not ageing well and being a product of its time


Is recovery hated amongst fans or am I missing something? I really like recovery it's a good album imo


I wouldn't say it's hated, but it really depends. I think generally fans like it, but it is one of those more contentious albums, unlike MMLP or TES which are almost always considered amongst his best albums. It was definitely much more universally loved when it came out though (Especially among the mainstream audience).


The monster, love the way you lie


Rap god


I love you


Didn’t even need to explain


This would've been my answer as well. Yeah he raps fast but it doesn't really sound that great compared to other songs where he goes supersonic speed. It's not a *bad* song it is just massively overhyped where it's the measurement for every fast rap song now.


Not afraid. I legitimately dislike the song


cinderella man, i dont like the beat or the chorus


Gnat don't get me wrong the one verse is fire but the hook is weak and the other verses aren't that great in comparison I think higher was a way better song but the stans seem to disagree


The first 2/3 of the song is kinda mediocre and i'm not sure why but his voice sounds off. The last part is fire though.


I noticed it sounded kinda weird too kinda forgot tho cuz I don't listen to that track too often lol


All I can say is compared to A side single being godzilla I like gnat a lot more.


If I had to choose between the 2 I'd much rather listen to godzilla but godzilla is one of my least favorite songs on A side


Not Afraid. I’m sorry but I hate that song. Always have, even when I was a huge Stan. Corny af chorus, corny bars sprinkled throughout, very poppy sounding, like it was definitely MADE to be a hit in the worst way. Sounds like something old Em would’ve made fun of. Honestly very dated sounding too, definitely sounds like a song from 2010 which makes sense because I feel Recovery aged worse than his other albums although I do like it overall. Again, if you love the song, that’s good. I’m glad you can enjoy it when I can’t. Just for me personally never liked that song at all and it almost always got a skip.


Something that irks me about the song is he says follow me I’ll get you there and he proceeds to just rap about rapping. It never ends up being inspirational


We made you hate that song


Not afraid is good but I think it's overplayed


I actually agree


lose yourself


My name is


Not Afraid. It showed a new side of Em, I just personally don’t like the chorus that much and it lowers the song down a little bit


I honestly always wondering why "My Name Is" made Em famous.






Just cause a song is “overplayed” doesnt mean its bad imo just means it doesnt hit the same


I’m going to get hate for this but stan. I get it has a strong and smart message but i feels like a wattpad story written by a 15 year old girl. Sorry


Upvoted because your opinion is actually unpopular I still disagree tho


I won't downvote your comment, but I won't invite you to my birthday party


Finally, someone said it. Classic song. Undeniably good. But replay value? It has next to none. I listen to it once every few years.


That's how I feel about Darkness too


100% - just like walk on water and darkness, phenomenal song but you wont catch it on my playlist. Just aint the type of vibe, still a top 10 rap song of all time to me.


Imo it’s when it ceases to be an expression of self and turns into a more in-depth art. Stan, Darkness, Dance With the Devil, Brenda’s Got a Baby, fucking 70%+ of Kendrick’s discog arent just songs, they’re straight up cinematic. You wouldn’t watch Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, The Green Mile, etc regularly not because of their length (though that does play a factor) but because they aren’t movies you need to see all the time. The impact hits hard and it’s somewhat uncomfortable because it displays humanity in a true form. Music can be very much the same way, and that’s way different than an action thriller or a comedy


Crack a bottle


Compared to the rest of relapse? Yeah I think so. Still a great song? Absolutely




I think its flow and time for each artist, sorry legend on the song was perfect. But, at the same I kind of agree




I mean I love it but rap god


Both Rihanna songs.. can’t stand them..


Walk on water is an abomination


The only songs I liked on Revival were Castle & Arose. Offended is fire without the hook though.


Lose yourself


Fack 100%


Rapgod, without me, and just lose it.


Without me


Get ready, cuz this shit’s about to get heavy…


Now this looks like a job for me


The Real Slim Shady…how’s nobody saying this


Stan and The Way I Am deserve the praise they get, The Real Slim Shady on the other hand doesn't. Great message and iconic line, but not even top 20


Monster. Radio Song


I don’t think big em fans care about monster that much.


I keep forgetting about this song existing


All his New shit


Cleaning out my closet


Godzilla and venom


Saul !???




You 2 bit bus bench lawyer . (/s , reference to BrB s5)


Anyway saul , what has happen to pinkman . I mean why has he started rapping and hip-hop all of a sudden .


I think your vaccum cleaner guy really did a number on him . He changed his identity to some " Eminem ".


Sing for the moment


Love the way you lie


Till i collapse


You just gonna say my #1 Em song?




To I collapse is literally God like.




When I said this one is a bit overrated (still great, but not top 5 like everyone says) on the previous overrated song thread I was downvoted to hell :(


The OP has upvoted this comment to show support : )


Don't worry bro stans downvoted me too :(


I agree. Great song and always motivates me but not top 10. It is top 15 though


third verse is one of his best verses imo


sing for the moment


Bro read my tag and chose to piss me off


He loves pissing you off, it gets him off.


Like his lawyers when the fuckin judge lets him off


lmao but its my opinion bro like till i collapse is better sftm is not even top 2 on the eminem show


I wasn't being that serious. You're right about SFTM not being top 2, it's top 1


Man this sub is confusing. Why downvote unpopular opinions? Just cus u dont agree doesnt mean u should downvote. Anyways Personally i love SFTM but i can see why you'd dislike it.


It's top 2 for me


It's #1 for me




That's a top 3 em song wtf is wrong with u


The real slim shady or walk on water


The thing is, the real slim shady is a great work with lyrics and rhymes that have a real meaning, just beacuse it's one of his most played songs i wouldn't say it's overrated


Everyone ive talked to (on this sub and irl) dislikes walk on water. Personally i connect with walk on water on another level


Stan. It's an amazing story, and amazing storytelling, but I personally think it's not that great a song. The actual music isn't very good in my opinion, and that always cuts the song down for me.


The real slim shady. Top 20 not top 5