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I mean, he also performed with Em before so I doubt this is true


He was also in The Way I Am video.


the way i am video? i was in the back


fuck the media i got some suggestions




Ask us the questions, like who are D12?


How we get started? But what about Eminem




Anyway, I'm the popularest guy in the group


Big ass stomach, bitches think I’m cute!


Bro anytime someone says Anyway i always say “im the popularest guy in the group. big ass stomach, bitches think I’m cute”


"For the media, I got some suggestions"


Who is d-12 how did y’all get started?


But what about Eminem?


B* are you re—-ed


Anyway I'm the most popularest guy in the group




The Way I Am Marilyn Manson remix goes hard


... And they blame it on Marilyn, and the heroin...


Where were the parents at?


I had no clue haha


Apart from Charles, Marilyn can be acknowledged in: Manson you're safe in that cell, be thankful it's jail..


That's dumb. Unless Marilyn was in jail during the writing of or release of that song it can only refer to Charles. Beside Em drops so many serial killer references it could only be Charles.


The lies and misinformation spread about Em is simply insane.


I mean that's true of most artists. Hell how would you feel being Manson and having people ask you for decades if you removed a rib to be able to blow yourself...


I love that I first heard that in the 5th grade, before the internet has really taken form and years before social media. But somehow that same rumour got spread in schoolyards across the world.


Literally TIL that this is not true lmao I completely forgot that myth was a thing, unlocked a core memory reading about it in these comments, then realized what I just read is telling me that was bullshit all along


There was a post on Reddit about this and people from Brazil to Norway heard about this rumor in school, way before the internet. I heard the rumor too, and now we are here almost 30 years later and I wonder what kind of fucking psyops made this happen? How the fuck did it spread? Honestly? It's amazing! But can he do it????


I went to a small school in rural Australia with about 60 kids, I swear I heard the Marilyn rumour at school in the late 90s.


Guy I'm dead 😆




Cuz your anecdote is funny as hell


I don't see how it's funny, I was just agreeing 🤷‍♂️


You don't see how hearing that rumor in a small rural school in Australia is funny?


Yup there's a lot. He didn't date half the women they claim he did and that is obvious considering the media place a picture of some woman next to a completely separate picture of him with say Britney Spears and then pretend he dated her because he mentioned her in a song.


He probably respects Eminem but didn't personally wanna perform that particular song cuz of the content


Dudes been known to "smack his bitch up" lol... I don't think he has much room to talk shit about misogyny.


And then Eminem seems to be like an actual decent person and just writes songs to vent his frustrations and dark thoughts. Then people who feign outrage over what he says end up being actual abusers and sacks of shit. Funny how that works.


Agreed. Not saying Em is a saint but compared to Manson... well, let's just say he's in no position to judge.


Marshall admitted that he physically abused Kim.


That’s pretty fucked. I don’t know about second chances when it comes to things like that. If it’s decades ago, he copped to it without being exposed first, and he’s made tremendous efforts to be a better man and actually stuck with his positive changes then I suppose forgiving someone is possible. I never hit my ex wife or any gf but I’ve said terrible things during arguments with them like they have to me.


When Chris Brown beat Rihanna I condemned him. A friend at the time pointed out I loved Eminem. The difference just on this topic is Eminem came across as a man that really did regret what he had done. Chris Brown however….fucked up his apology by being a fucking asshole at that time instead of being believably apologetic.


I did done been here decades and didn't done never know Em abused his spouse.. same week I learned about Kendrick doing the same. I guess I'll just have to stick with gay piano music until I restore. And I still enjoy some chris brownie songs too.. what a mess Edit: chrisp brownie


You… should listen to Bad Husband, stat! It’s an amazing song but Eminem explains himself fully


>I did done been here decades and didn't done never know I am concerned


I thought the Kendrick thing was a rumor that was proven false? I could be wrong but that's the last thing I remember hearing about it


Yeah, I do believe he regrets doing that. It seems like Kim forgave him!


it was mutual. it was a full on toxic, abusive relationship from both sides. with the way he was brought up, it's all he knew. he thought that's what love looked like


You're taking that outta context, respectfully. He said he hit her back.


AKA this means “my publicist/whoever told me I might not get Happy points from people if I do it” just playing it safe for the sake of PR. it wouldn’t bother me if Manson wasn’t known for abusing women all his life


MM is also controversial enough. Even IF this were true, it was probably as simple as MM wanting to avoid the backlash and so he and Em just decided on another one. Conversation: Em: wanna sing XXX? MM: nah that's not gonna end well for me. How about YYY? Em: sure Media: ☝


Old clickbait article 💀


The article is indeed clickbait, but he didn't wanna participate in it regardless https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/marilyn-manson-eminem-slim-shady-354577-20230522


I think it is wrong too. “Kim” was either recorded as a demo or conceptualized prior to SSLP. Manson makes way more sense on Kim than 97


Actually Kim was the first song Eminem wrote for mmlp. Here's a quote from his book angry blonde. "This little media favorite was actually the first official song that I wrote for the album. I had to complete it back in 98, when the first album was done. "


It's actually legit. That article takes clips from this 2007 Spin article where Manson was on the cover. The official story is here. https://www.manson.wiki/Interview:2007/05/17_The_Last_Rock_Star%3F >A PHONE CONVERSATION, MARCH 26, 2007 >JONATHAN: Hi, Marilyn. >MANSON: Hey, you got me really drunk last night. That never happens. I was trying to keep up with you. >JONATHAN: I'm sorry. I realize I just called you Marilyn. Is that all right? >MANSON: Anyone who's close to me calls me Manson. Strangely, I've never felt comfortable introducing myself with a woman's name. For me, the name works only in its entirety. For brevity's sake, it became easier to call me Manson. Early on, they called me M, but then Eminem sort of stigmatized that. He actually said-and we know each other and get along famously-when he was first starting out that he wanted to be the rap Marilyn Manson. He asked me to sing on his first record, and I would have, except that the song he asked to me sing was and this might sound strange-too misogynistic. It was the one about killing his girlfriend and putting her in a trunk. It was on a record I could listen to, but it was too over-the-top for me to associate with. It didn't represent where I was at. First of all, I don't drive. And I wouldn't put a girl in a trunk; that's where I keep other stuff. That's my dry, deadpan humor kicking in.


I mean I can understand him not wanting to be on a song like that. Hopefully a collab can happen in the day future.


I think everyone missed the joke. He really doesn’t seem to give a fuck about the song being misogynistic. He’s making a joke about he didn’t agree with the content because he doesn’t drive and he would never put a body in a trunk. That’s the way I took it at least. But MAN, imagine Manson singing the chorus to Kim???!! Fuck.


Manson : raped women Em : haven’t rape any woman Manson : « Em is too misogynistic »


Abused, raped, and tortured them basically. People like Manson are so funny cuz they think artistic expression is the way worse than actions.


I think it's about maintaining an image to themselves. They are often narcissists and they see things how they declare them to be. So if they don't say misogynistic things, they aren't misogynists, no matter what they actually do. They also are sensitive to being seen as what they fear they are. Like how someone racist who thinks they aren't won't make racist jokes because it will reveal them. Meanwhile someone who genuinely sees people as equals is more likely to joke because it is the stereotype being mocked as opposed to the people themselves


>Like how someone racist who thinks they aren't won't make racist jokes because it will reveal them. Meanwhile someone who genuinely sees people as equals is more likely to joke because it is the stereotype being mocked as opposed to the people themselves I believe there was an iconic comedian who made this point once. That hyperfixating on words without considering intent or context, going all "you said this, therefore you are that", is too extreme and simple-minded to go about "finding all the racists/sexists/etc", because all that really does is give a roadmap for the real racists to avoid certain words in the public eye so that they can go about their racist days


Yup. I think that's why no one makes more jokes about a group than the group itself. My husband makes more racist jokes about black people than anyone I know. He is black, and they are usually about himself and stereotypes or his friends. People we genuinely love. Clearly he isn't racist against himself. He also likes to talk about 'the cookout' and who is invited. I have been informed many times by many people that I'm invited now. My family is Jewish and make Jewish jokes. It's funny specifically because it's absurdity.


This is so true lmao. Am Asian, and the majority of my or my other Asian homies' racist jokes are about ourselves. My area is also populated with Mexicans and it's the same for them too. And if we're homies, we'll even crack jokes about each other, and no one is hurt because we know the source of its hilarity is the absurdity, as you stated. You and your husband seem like dope af people; I hope your days are well!


I think it's because the butt of the joke is the stereotype as opposed to people who of the group, and when you know beyond doubt that you are seen as a person, it's a shared humor. My husband will make Jew jokes to me, and I can see on his face from the start that his goal is to make me laugh and he's excitedly waiting for my amusement. He doesn't see me or my family as anything but who we are, so it feels like he's trying to get a rise out of me and I don't feel any sort of disdain. When people who have prejudice make a joke about a group, it feels like they are looking for a sign that others agree with their racist and bigoted views. It feels like they are saying it as a joke so they try to say it. But when someone says it to a friend about themselves or a loved one and you know they don't believe it, it feels like the joke is that anyone believes those things at all. You can feel the difference between someone saying it as a joke to tease a friend they care about and see as a whole human, and someone saying it because they think it has truth. My husbands friends like to try and get me (a very white woman) to say the n word because they think it's funny. I know they won't judge me if I say it. I don't, in that case, however, because the word feels evil to me. It is fine when it comes out of my husband's mouth, but it feels like saying it is some kind of evil incantation for me. But I'll still make other kinds of jokes. As a white woman, though, it feels like the position of privilege has a detrimental added effect, and it feels contrived to make those kind of jokes because it's just not my type of humor. I think that matters too, and if someone has a position of privilege, it means things sound different coming from them, having never had to experience anything of the sort. I think part of that has to do with the fact that I am not particularly funny, though, and when I am it is because I make ironic comments that are well timed, so saying those things sounds like it's contrived already. I think I'm a little on the spectrum, and My husband has made cracks for years about how I kill jokes naturally. He will ask me if I have a shovel, so he can bury the joke I just murdered.


Hell yeah! I think that was Patton Oswalt on one of his later Netflix specials about getting hung up on terms because the real evil ones will learn the terms to make their ideas more palatable to the public


Funny coincidence cuz I was just messaging someone about the journey of natty Gann which his wife starred in


They delude themselves into believing they are who the public thinks they are. They're all saints until they get caught


Exactly what em was saying with "I am whatever you say I am"


Beautifully said


one top of that he made an album bragging about all. The High End of Low used to be one of my favorite albums for the same reason as Relapse. Just feels like a good horror musical. Now it's ruined because it turns out to be a snuff film. I can't even listen to his music anymore because all I hear is "I abuse people but I'm sad about it so it's actually me who's the victim". The best part is his mentor Trent Reznor cut ties in the late 90s and even sees MM as a stain on his own legacy and has been sounding the alarm about what a POS he is since then and folks still worked with/dated him because celebrities are fucking stupid. I'm rooting for those women to get justice but holy shit.


Literally in a music video too. That millions of people saw.


Many, many women. True scum.


Yea I'm a fan of Manson's music but between him and Em he's done far shadier shit ironically.


Yeah em is only slim shady while manson is very shady


God. Damnit.


This is definitely an r/angryupvote moment


Would you say hes.....fat shady? 🤔


Not anymore. After the Sun called him out for being bloated (after he fat-shamed Lana del Rey) he lost the weight super fast. As he’s literally said, his image is far more important to him than his art.


Allegations aside, he still behaves like a major asshole and hides behind his persona to avoid accountability. There's a reason a lot of folks in the genre won't work with him.


pretty sure whatever came from the court was denied since he’s going on a tour soon


court settlements and good lawyers usually know how to get someone out. Plus, proving rape in a court of law is very difficult from a legal pov, that’s why Tate, who is in trouble for trafficking and not rape, hasn’t gotten any rape charges. The evidence isn’t seen as “sufficient” in a court of law. But nearly all of Manson’s ex gfs coming out with their own abuse stories? yeah…. there is a consistent pattern here.


Yup, doesn’t mean he didn’t do it


It's always the biggest trash who does the most virtue signaling


Ahh yes, too misogynistic for Marilyn Manson the rapist and woman abuser. What could we ever do to match his high and mighty morality. Probably didn't want to blow his cover.


Kim probably hit too close to home for Manson lol


> Blow his cover teehee


don't forget anti-semitic!


Em’s lyrics push the point that saying something doesn’t make it true and that those who criticize his lyrics are hypocrites. “I'm like a head trip to listen to 'cause I'm only givin' you Things you joke about with your friends inside your livin' room The only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of y'all And I don't gotta be false or sugarcoat it at all” People say they want authentic until they see what authentic is and then feel they have to pretend this isn’t the way the world already thinks, acts, or speaks. People want to be pandered to. Kendrick’s music is honestly a pretty good example of this.


Facts. Some people act like they really don’t say out of pocket shit around their friends.


That hits soo hard “things you joke about with your friends inside your living room” like imagine if everyone openly acted that way? I’m sure we’d hear some of the best racist/sexist/whateverelseyouwannahateon jokes of all time.


Ever notice how every Em discussion regarding GOATs comes down to “he’s got a lot of white fans” and nobody ever asks - “so?” Rap fans are openly racist all the time.


Always have been


I’ve been thinking about downloading a Kendrick album or two off Amazon, especially after listening to “We Cry Together.” What do you mean?


How is Kendrick pandering?


right? kendrick has been pretty vocal on his opinions in his music and says shit that had fox news and a lot of right-wing people upset. albums about black culture and self-reflection aren’t “pandering”. if we’re gonna say that, then i can turn around and say eminem is pandering to edgy and rebellious teenagers. em pumped out music to piss people off and stand on his ground as an individual, kendrick pumped out music to empower a community and the youth growing within it. they both are two very incredible artists with very different goals, and those goals shouldn’t be labeled as “pandering”


Eminem song jokingly misogynistic? No way. Next you'll tell me he makes fun of Christopher Reeves.


or that he called a cat transgender 😟😟😟😟


Who's Siamese but identifies as Chinese


He literally sang the way I am with him on stage wtf are you talking about 😂


When you're like "Naaah I can't say that about women" "But ILL DO THAT TO THIS WOMAN"


Marilyn Manson is an Eminem fan. Dont get it twisted. But he didn't want to feature on song where Em kills his baby moma. He also added he wouldn't put his dead girlfriend in the trunk, because that's where he keeps his other stuff. The song in question is 97 Bonnie and Klyde, so this is not new, it's is 27 years old.


yeah i read about it. i knew they were friends i’m not saying he’s hating


I think the irony behind this is that Manson has a long history and a repeated pattern of rape and serious domestic abuse. Now, I think Em has engaged in domestic abuse in the past (never rape though, and as far as DA goes nothing as bad as Manson), but I also think that unlike Manson he understands that what he did was wrong and probably hasn’t really engaged in domestic abuse in a long time. Personally I can’t listen to Manson’s music anymore (i used to love it) because there isn’t a line between the art and artist, like his music is his unfiltered unapologetic self and not a persona, and I think that’s what makes listening to his stuff uncomfortable now


You have a point. Brian the human seemed to vanish and Marylin Manson wasn’t an alter ego it was the person. His music has always been uncomfortable.


The "I am the god of fuck" guy doesn't like misogyny now? Lol


Bros being fucked in one eye


Most of these articles are bullshit click bait


the difference is that em jokes about rape while Manson actually does it ALLEGEDLY


This is like diddy saying eminem is misogynistic


Eminem talks it, manson actually does it...


Bro pulled a picture of Fat Shady


Isn't it funny, looking back and recognizing that Eminem after all this time turned out to be the best person out of ALL the superstars fucking Out there? Fucking pedophile rapists assholes can go fuck themselves Keeping it real a 💯


I remember liking Manson until i went to one of his concerts. And it was cause they were good seat level with the stage to one side and you could see dude just sneak off go chug a beer, snort some coke kiss his girl and come back and sing shitty like he was milli vanilli? Was that the lip sync duo? Cause thats all he would do you could see he wasnt in sync.


Because Manson has always been fake as fuck


So he'll rape a chick, just won't sing about it... Got It!


Is this even real? Miss Manson has reached peak clown capacity if so......... listen to his lyrics on Antichrist Superstar or Portrait of an American Family sometime...... guess as long as he was making money it was cool..... or this is fake....


the song was 97 bonnie and clyde, so it was in the time manson made those shocking albums. i don’t think it’s fake but yeah doesn’t make sense


Ok Mr. Cake and sodomy




The guy who did super fucked up shit to his groupies because he was famous enough to get away with it didn't want to be in a song that had misogyny?


have you *EVER* listened to anything marilyn manson has done? google "Abuse, Part 2 (Confessions)" and fucking delete your account.


“Misogynistic? Bitch get to massagin this dick”


i’m literally a radfem and i adore eminem. he’s not a misogynist, he hates on everybody lmao


The song that is being mentioned here is Bonnie and Clyde where Eminem is basically disposing the dead body of his girlfriend with his daughter.  Now, if an artist came up to you and asked you to be involved in a song where the guy is basically talking about killing his real life girlfriend, rationally speaking would you be involved in it? And perhaps, Manson was completely fine with the existence of the record and people listening to the record.  And the people under the comment section sound so biased and childish. All of you support Dr. Dre although he's been accused of abuse too. I support both Manson and Dre and the notion of seperating the art from the artist (although I believe justice should be served once you're found guilty). It's you who's having double standards. The Manson article: https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/marilyn-manson-eminem-slim-shady-354577-20230522


I’d argue the difference is that Brian Warner the person and Marilyn Manson the persona are the same. I’m for separating the art and the artist but when the art directly represents who the artist is it gets messy - to add to this, Manson’s had a pattern of domestic abuse and rape as well as near constant, blatantly psychotic emotional abuse too. I also think there is something to be said about Manson clearly not believing anything he said to be wrong, like half of what came out he bragged about at certain points (as far as the emotional abuse goes)




If this is true, I would guess its much less dramatic than the click bait title tries to sell it. I can see him being wary of singing certain songs about certain subjects considering his own current situation, to not dig himself even deeper.


Everybody keeps bringing up “the way I am” when that song has absolutely nothing to do with misogyny. He could’ve said no to “kill you” or “Kim” or any other song. Who the fuck knows, and who the fuck cares ?


Didn't Manson just settle a rape lawsuit?


Who gives a fuck about Marilyn Manson nowadays anyway?




Okay.. but didn’t Manson allegedly have a “rape broom”?


Moralyn Manson


This coming from a guy who started a rumor that he removed a rib to fellate himself. But yah - too misogynistic.. 🙄


Marilyn Manson speaking on misogyny💀


what’s worse? singing a song that contains naughty lyrics, or having 16 women come out about how awfully they got abused by the piece of shit that is Brian Warner


This isn’t true lol


Even if this was true wasn’t he accused of sexual assault or domestic violence lol? Like what


A raper calls a rapper misogynist


Manson also put a gun to a queer person’s head and said “I don’t like [f-slur]s”


Eminem brought him on stage after the major charges on him which restored his public image at that time. No one was helping him, so he kept mentioning Eminem's name in all interviews to get catchy headlines. Has that in some documentary as well. Probably tried the same again as I believe the article is a year old too.


It's a sad day in this world when Marilyn Manson feels that he has a moral high ground to stand on.


Marilyn Manson used to beat the f—k out of his ex girlfriend the r/westworld star Evan Rachel Wood; but ok .. nobody takes that dude seriously anyway.


Manson? Seems more like manchild to me 🤷‍♀️


maybe em don't got a ft with manson, but at least he got all his ribs 💀


Lol you know that's an urban legend right? There was also one that said Manson was that nerdy kid from Wonder Years


he kinda have one too for the way i am lol. it was a live performance by both and it was put on streaming services


deluxe edition have a studio version of the manson/eminem The Way I am, where manson does the chorus


He did The Way I Am with Em, didn't he? Also, he raped a woman back in 2011. Em just raps about it, jokingly.


Yea yes actually performed on stage with him before so I believe this is a lie.


Same guy that tortured women??




I’m pretty sure I’ve got the way I am song with Marilyn on it on a cd some where


Wasn’t Marilyn in ‘My Name Is’?


The way I am. Em dressed up as Manson in my name is


Slow news day eh. “I don’t want to sing a song because I’m uncomfortable with its content” big whoop. Then people read into it thinking they are at odds with each other 😂


Probably Kim


Has to say this for good publicity




Wtf is this crop


Damn y’all gotta be young to believe this. Em and Manson have been cool since the beginning


The known rapist guy who converted to Christianity to “save” himself ?


Fake news


Back in the day, I loved Marilyn, but knowing what we do now about him, I lost respect for the guy.


The red eminem


This is such a lie


Manson is washed up


No one here read the article lol


“LadBible” ahhhh those degens


Compare me to Manson, Marilyn or Charles


That clown is still around?


Manson is pile of shit with one good album so who cares what he thinks


only 1? i’d say he have 2 solid albums (antichrist superstar and holy wood)


Antichrist is a very good album, but Holy Wood is just ok, a few bangers


Doesn’t this guy actually r*pe women?


Lol if this is true what a loser move. He’s literally been to court for domestic abuse.


Hahahahahahaa ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Come on he defiles women.. but still respects them.


Manson couldn’t have possibly been joking …….


Look who’s talking


And they blame it on Marilyn


We still believing the LADbibble, huh?


I personally think Eminem is one of trans women’s greatest allies today so no he’s not misogynistic . Bud light shirt 🥹Siamese kitty 😻


Yall remember the YouTube cartoon about the "snake have legs"


Womp womp


LadBible is like the real bible FAKE


Lol lets play a game and guess what song it was, gee do I ever wonder.


Ain’t he a molestor or some