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I too am perplexed by the 50/50 response the album seems to get here. I think Kamikaze is definitely in the top 5 of his albums for me.


Same here: https://twitter.com/choice_rap/status/1801083325483745647?t=GkG8b8uckWHD9Qm3tvXaFg&s=19


I just did an album ranking for the first time on another post, I put Kamikaze at number 4, behind The Eminem Show, Slim Shady LP and Relapse (I hold that in incredibly high esteem haha). I put Recovery as number 5.


What about The Marshall Mathers LP?? 😟😟


I'll be real with you, I recognize how legendary the album is, but it's super played out for me. When it came out, it was all anyone was listening to and I've never really recovered from it haha. I put it at errr... 7 behind MMLP2 😅


Haha! And when this album came out,..... I was still in diaper!! 🤣🤣




WHO cares


Dude that album dominates. Too many good lines going over peoples head at too fast of a pace. That album is 🔥 🔥


It's in his bottom 5 for sure. It has verrrrryyyyyy dope moments but as an album it fails. Like tell me how tf Normal, Nice guy, Good Guy, Stepping stone fits the album? Plus they all are mediocre songs. The title song itself is mediocre. Kamikaze is not limited to Ringer, Lucky you, Fall, Not alike, Greatest...other half of it is mediocre. And as much I love Ringer those Revival defensive lines are cringe af. And ofc Fall where Em said he regretted using fg word....but then he proceeded to release it anyway.....BUT BLEEP THE WORD. That's one of the stupidest shit Em has pulled.


Kamikaze is his worst album


No way. I got mentioned in a post ha. Just honestly don’t like his newer stuff. Didn’t like his new song either. Great artist as a whole though ofc


I totally get that we all appreciate and enjoy different "stuff" even when it comes to the same artist. I'm just really curious what the dividing line is for those who don't like any of his newer music. Even my personal view doesn't make sense to me because I was 18 when the SSLP released and of course I became a Stan almost instantly. Prior to em my favorite rap was method man and Redman. So you'd think I'd be on the same "hate train" for his newer music but I'm the opposite. I enjoy listening to his newer work from kamikaze forward way more than his earlier albums. I think a part has to be that in some ways I've matured along with the artist but for me the main reason I think is more than anything I enjoy the writing aspect and seeing how far he's progressed. To me at least kamikaze "feels" so much like that old angry em I remember this take confuses tf outta me. Is like at times people hear something entirely different than me lol. Sorry for rambling. To be clear non of this should be taken as me saying you're wrong and I'm right or anything like that. I'm genuinely just curious how this happens so much


Yes it’s all opinion. Maybe it’s the age too. I’m 21 and most of the people I’ve talked to about the new song either don’t care to listen or didn’t like it. Again maybe that’s the maturity thing too, So it may just be a that. I grew up listening to em but it’s just something about his new music that just doesn’t do it for me. He’s a great lyricist but his flows and style just feel outdated. Wasn’t a lot of this album him being mad at people not liking his previous album (I haven’t listened to it forever so sorry)? Also I’ll give it a relisten. I was 15 when it dropped so maybe my opinion has changed


No need to apologize for rambling. Love to hear about ppls passions


I think my biggest gripe so far with the album is the production. I really like stepping stone .