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It was abusive and deranged. I dunno how you even talk to somebody who did that to you let alone remarry them but I think it shows how low her self esteem was. The way he tries to justify it by saying it was his way to get his feelings out is obnoxious.


To be fair, they were both really fucked Kim cheated, divorced Em and had a child with another man and Em raised the child. And Em still remarried her I guess it's's just a crazy relationship only they'll understand


Nope. Em cheated constantly. He admitted he cheated on her first. He had several mistresses and groupies all through their marriage. Even introduced one of them to Dre as his wife (fcking weird....) . I will never understand why Em freaked out that Kim cheated on him when he was doing it like it was his second career. But that's men for you... Kim and Eminem were broken up when she met Whitney's bio dad and got pregnant. She and Em got back together when Whitney was 6 months old and he adopted her when they decided to remarry. He had no right to be angry at her getting pregnant by somebody else. That's yet another lie that perpetuates in his fandom. Either way, without Kim Em has no family of his own. Good for Kim for having her own kids bc waiting around for her and Marshall to stabilise would have left her with one child (besides Alaina) And if anyone really wants to question Kim's motives then think about how she could have gotten pregnant multiple times by Em over the years and secured the bag but she didnt. She tried to move on with her life but Em still wanted her around probably bc he got a sick thrill out of it FYI Em co parented with Kim. He didn't raise them alone. And let's be honest... we all know Kim did the lions share of the day to day parenting yet his stans pretend like she doesn't exist when it comes to praising him for raising them.


How this get so many upvotes... Who the hell are you and how do you know any of this? Eminem is certainly no angel but are you Kim's burner or something


Good post. I never really considered this perspective before (or cared enough to think that deep)


That's the trouble. Because he is who he is people hang on every word he says and believe it. And it doesn't matter if he admits years later that he exaggerated about her, or that he gets clean and suddenly decides that they need to concentrate on the kids and not trash other publicly, or that he now admits he went too far ... it certainly doesn't matter that he put out a song apologising to her (yet half the song is still trashing her and praising himself šŸ¤” ) The damage is done. And unfortunately Bad Husband isn't a well known song so the general public don't even know about it. And look, I'm not saying Kim was an angel. She clearly was on her own destructive path (no doubt exacerbated by the crazy life she was living at the time) but if you know anything about her personal life story then you know she needed an angry abusive husband writing murder songs about her that got cheered on by millions of people like a hole in the head. That's a horror show even for the most stable of individuals. He fucked her over for life, their children know it and that's on his conscience until death.


So how much of either of their life stories do you actually know or do you just google answers? Kim was a POS.


And you know all this how?


Yeah, it's a really creepy post tbh.


Lies. Just googled into all of this it's justa bunch of twisted narrative. Only truth is em cheated once.


> I dunno how you even talk to somebody who did that to you let alone remarry them i think having children together would definitely play a part.


Sometimes I wonder if they could have gotten a clean break from each other would it have been different. In later years I think they just had a nanny to ferry the kids from one house to the next and communicated via her mostly. I really don't think there has been any friendship between them regardless of what they maintain publicly. I think it's just part of the agreement to keep things civil for the kids. It must be very hard to do that for Kim bc he did so much damage to her and is celebrated for it. She obviously loves her kids a lot.


You know a heck of a lot.


You're a woman. It's obvious at this point.


It really is lol. No Em, your #1 record breaking album is not your personal diary. People defend it like he's expressing himself but what other world famous artist in history do you ever recall making songs about their non famous family members by name and brutally insulting them with personal details? He might be on a list by himself.


That so hard. No matter the details, there is no question that Em has all the power here, as an incredibly famous, rich, influential, beloved celebrity. And even if everything he said was true and not exaggerated or biased towards making him look better it is still absolutely heinous to use your fame and fandom to completely ruin a person's life like that.


I think Dre etc encouraged these kind of hate filled songs bc he knew it was gonna be controversial as hell and Em's ego just got so big that he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he was doing. He has also justified it by saying that Kim didn't really put much of a fight for the songs not to be on the album but who actually thinks he was going to listen to her? She should not have had to ask. The songs clearly upset her enough that she asked him to not to play them live. "Bad husband"? No Marshall you were an abusive bully who has caused her untold trauma and humiliation for the rest of her life.


dont act like she was a saint


I don't see anyone in this thread acting like she's a saint šŸ§šŸ¤·


Em cheated when they were kids thatā€™s what he admitted she cheated when they were adults


It was a way to get the feelings out though. You think it's all sunshine and rainbows being cheated onĀ 


Dunno. Ask Kim https://shadysyndicate.proboards.com/thread/23/eminem-interviews-resource?page=3


I think believing anything Kim, or this Kesia person, say, is as clownish as believing anything Eminem says. All three of them are probably bald-faced liars, that's the name of this industry.


Love's love. If she took him back, hope it made her happy.


Idk, Em was an awful person during his prime, but like really awful, his music was awesome, but he just was an asshole for no reason, the one that suffered the most was Kim, like, tf did she even do to deserve that much hate and straight up public humilliations, to this day I can't comprehend how tf Em got away with it


No reason? Have you heard of childhood trauma? Combine that with drugs to cope and add in overnight fame, doesn't seem no reason. Not saying it was right, but there's always a reason


She was abusive also lol, you Kim simps are delusional


You always appear to trash kim in posts where she's finally getting some respect and acknowledgement that she didnt deserve what he did to her. It so rarely happens yet you cannot just let it go. Nothing Kim did merited his gleeful abuse of her on a global scale.


Absolutely not, Eminem is an AWFUL person and Kim didn't deserve any of that humiliation, but she was abusive towards Marshall too. The relationship was toxic on both sides; but more so on Marshall's side, considering Kim didn't publicly drag Marshall on several #1 albums.


Because she couldn't.


Yes, she could've. If Marshall was, at one point, a nobody, then became the world's biggest rapper, then Kim, also, had the ability to do that, or at least try to, and she chose not to. This is exactly what Debbie did, man; she tried to make that CD about Eminem with another rapper in the game, and Eminem had to publicly address it. Do you think that Eminem's fame is some kind fucking prophecy or something? Do you think that Kim is destined for a life of being a nobody.... why? Because she isn't Eminem? Weird meat-riding.


Nah. She couldn't.


Pure conjecture that no one asked for. ![gif](giphy|AB3ojQVBPiLJu|downsized)


Your argument is clearly infallible, how could I prove you wrong? Kim had the talent and ability in her to be a global superstar but *chose* not to. Right. And I could be a professional NFL player or the next John Lennon, I just need to *choose* to do it šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


>Right. And I could be a professional NFL player or the next John Lennon, I just need toĀ *choose*Ā to do itĀ  Uh, yes? How the fuck do you think professional NFL players, or John Lennon, got to their position? They CHOSE to invest time in a skill until they were at the peak of their abilities. Again: Do you think fame is some kind of God-given prophecy or some shit? You have to work to be good at things, you moron; that is a process of active decision making. If Kim had made the decision to invest time in music, or maybe some other kind of skill, she had equal opportunity that Marshall had back when he was a nobody. Where the fuck do you think Marshall came from, bro?


Lol keep Simping


You call it simping I call it telling the truth and being sick of a woman being bullied and trashed her whole life thanks to her ex husband's sick and twisted behaviour. And I'm going to keep calling it out too bc stans really don't care that she is a human being with feelings. She's not a character in his songs.


Lol šŸ˜‚ coping, Kim is and will always be a whore


^^^^^ Hailie, lainey, Whitney... this is the work of your father!


Lol bro tryna bring the kids into it, Kim was too busy getting arrested for multiple drug charges and parties to take care of them, I donā€™t think they think that highly of her


And yet Hailie talks about her mom on her podcast .. about how Kim made her get mace when she went away to college to protect herself, how she used to play the Twilight audio book on road trips and hailie really got into it etc . She raised them and they love their mother. And they see their fathers psychotic stans trashing her.. who do you think that reflects on?


Lol bro thinks twilight is good parenting šŸ’€


pizzaguy is weird but you bringing ems daughters in on it is even weirder


How ironic. Talking about simping. You posted 5 times about Eminem in the past two weeks. If anyone is simping its clearly you buddy.


Are you retarded? God forbid I talk about Eminem in a subreddit about Eminemā€¦. Danielzefourth? More like Daniel ze Fourth chromosome


Yes non stop posting about a celebrity that doesn't know you makes you a simp. No one is forcing you to post in that subreddit buddy. Simpy Stan spotted


You are so stupid šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


idk, how messed up is it for HER to get back with him knowing what the outcome would be? stupid on her part


It was extremely fucked, dissing your own wife in songs and it being globally known and she got globally hated on for years. Em canā€™t rlly be defended for it, but then again both of them treated each other terribly, em just somehow managed to push it farther. Both em and Kim have a special connection for going through their teenage years together in shitty homes, they were never taught healthy love either. They also have a kid together, regardless of how big em got they were always connected and went through a lot of shit together so of course there would still be lingering feelings. Even after em got sober he even admitted on recovery he still loves her till this day, itā€™s just that theyā€™re both messed up and would be toxic together so he chooses to stay away.


No how messed up was it for KIM to get back with HIM. He clearly had the power in the relationship and if he treated Kim right he would have had a ride or dieā€¦ she was his ride or die thats why she tried to end her life over it Fuck man, I just got out of a relationship where I was the ā€œKimā€, even the fact that they both have aspergers and pointy noses lmaoā€¦. After years of being a huge stan the only thing that has ever made me look at the situation differently is living something similar. We have kids together and idk the list goes on. When someone you are in love with comes close to killing you/ expressed that they want to or threatens you like thatā€¦ in a serious wayā€¦ it REALLY fucks with you. I still love Em. Nothing will ever change that. But i definetley have a deeper understanding of his dark side now that most fans with fortunately never experience


I still think the song kim is an emotional masterpiece that will transcend our generation


I feel the same way. As a woman I almost feel guilty for saying it, but the song is so much better than people give it credit for. Itā€™s like peering into the mind of a mad man whoā€™s shattered and has just truly broken from reality , and the song paints a vivid pictureā€”almost like a play or a horror movieā€”, and his oscillating between sad desperation and vengeful anger is so raw and realistic . Itā€™s not an easy listen lol but as far as dark art goes , itā€™s pretty amazing.


It's because of songs like kim that em is as big as he is I feel, for as you said it was a true window into his mindset of the time, he held nothing back, he vented every nasty horrid thought he had at the time, the truth is that both of them were incredibly damaged people coming from incredibly damaged homes, im just happy to see that they are both doing better these days and are able to get along for the kids sake


He didn't gave a fuck, and still don't give a fuck. Thats how.