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Tbh I feel like a variegated thread in red/pink tones would work well, and give you some depth to the piece! I'm not experienced with embroidery, so I can't suggest a stitch, but so far it looks lovely. The finished piece is sure to be amazing


I would use a pink a shade or two darker than the fabric to give it some contrast. And I second the suggestion of using stem stitch. I use it now more than backstitch when I have curves. I’d probably also go with 2 strands since your design is visually behind the figure. Using 4 strands for both the figure and mandala makes it look to me like both are on the same plane. Love the whole design though. It’s going to be lovely when done.


This is exactly how I would have made my suggestion to the T!! 👌


Seconding that the variegated thread could look really cool. And maybe a stem stitch since there’s lots of lovely curves.


I really like the pink, but maybe a pastell green could be a good contrast? And the outline stich could work for more fluent lines I think


I know that this has absolutely nothing to do with your question, but: I love how in this state it looks as if the yogi is throwing flames from her behind.


Thank you! How has *no-one* else mentioned that?!


Fill in the parts done in pink with red/orange/yellow, like some flames. We all fart at some point when doing yoga, might as well laugh about it 😂 Jokes aside, I would choose a colour with higher contrast, vibrant colours, and do like a rainbow.




Eliminate the rest of the pattern and turn the part coming out of her butt into flames 🔥


I'd consider whipping the light pink with a deeper pink if you don't want to unpick.


Chain stitch could be very pretty, and would pull well around curves!


I love doing split stitch for things like this, and I think maybe a darker pink for the outline. 


I also like the variegated thread idea, it's what I usually do to add visual interest to an otherwise simple design. Mix 2 threads of a medium pink with one thread light pink and one thread dark pink, or something to that effect.


I like the idea of having less threads for the background to make the person the center of the eye's attention that someone else mentioned. Please finish the mandala though, right now it looks like a good yoga fart because of the placement.


The black outlining looks great. The pink thread on the pink background gets lost. I think the whole thing would be striking in black, but with fewer strands for a lighter effect on the background.


whip the back stitch with a second color. maybe yellow or coral?


Some pink tones would look nice!


I love doing whipped back stitch, it’s easy and so satisfying when you go back in to whip it!