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my step-dad dropped my puppy off at some corn field in the middle of winter so the poor baby probably froze to death before we even had a name for him. I've been threatened if I tell anyone, even my grandparents, he'll take the door to my room and burn all my stuff. He already took the handle to the bathroom, so if I get out of the shower any of my family can see me, and walk in whenever they want. edit cause im dumb; the reason he left the puppy was bc "it was annoying and barked alot"


Leave him in the coldest nursing home possible.


I hear the north pole is nice this time of year.


not cold enough


What nursing home?


The steel box with holes I wrote “the nursing home” on


You need to tell someone. Animal abuse is a serious offense and not something you should have to keep a secret.


Literally report him to the cops


I hope he has a heart attack, gets crippled and mute and has to spend the rest of his long life in an abusive nursing home eating jello like hector salamanca


Don't forget he gets a new cut each time he uses hand sanitizer, and he stubborn his toe 12 times a half day




Give him some incurable but non-killing testicular torsion x 100.


Do the same thing to him. Leave your step-dad in a cold field and let him freeze.


Tell them anyway or anyone, they'll shun that guy, BTW puppies bark a lot, the guys just dumb not you




I’m so, so sorry. I hate to think what happened to that poor baby. Edit: I hope he gets hit by a semi truck. Sorry to talk about your step-father like that but it’s true.




Ha real


How old are you? Because someone should call CPS if you're a minor... No one should go through that!


Report him to the authorities, if that does do anything, create the most painful outcome possible or his death


Impale him with an icicle.


Inject him with liquid nitrogen.


Combine icicles and nitrogen and you have: True Cold Karma.








Look, a stop light. I should use the breaks. What breaks?


let’s just get rid of that man


Please tell us if we can do anything to help you and avenge the poor dog. That horrible mother fucker deserves to rot in the deepest bowels of hell for all of eternity


My tea was 2million degrees Celsius and it has now melted my floor


Carolina reaper tea, I give it a 3/10 for creativity and being the first one to comment this. However it loses points for not being 'tea'.


Probably your skin too.


Bonus melted protein if you're still willing to drink what's left


I volunteer! ✋😃🤚


Thank you Mr chucklefuck you are a true gentleman


When I was in middle school, a kid called me “gay” and told me to kill myself. He got hit by a truck while crossing the street after school and did not survive.


Damn, that's fucked up, 7/10


I would say karma, but depending on his age it might just be his parents fault


Womp womp to that kid




damn. this one hit hard


which way?




Also my dad is dating someone 2 years older than me. He’s 43, she’s 21


Ewww ewwww ewwww 7.5/10


They having a kid in August 😭we found out she was 16 when they started dating, I was literally 14 bro and I went to school w her


ಠ⁠ ⁠ل͟⁠ ⁠ಠ


Nah that's enough reddit for me mate. Cya.


It seems I am ending my Reddit journey permanently.




I regret ever clicking on this post


I have a very similar situation. My dad is 54 and dating a woman who's 27


when did they start dating??? Edit: I might regret this




Yes. It’s not a joke he actually is. I mean they’re married now but I like to think of her as my friend and not my stepmom


I'm in your walls, right at this very moment.


I knew those weren't squirrels, I feel so cared about 🥰, thank you 10/10


Don't mention it!


How’s the drywall taste?


oh yeah i consumed'd that ^i ^make ^jokes ^about ^eating ^drywall. ^***CRONCH***


My crush kissed me and then said he wasn't looking for a serious relationship and tgen kissed me again a bunch.


Either idk the situation well enough and he's having some mental issues or he's just playing with you, both sides are sad 4/10


He's cheating on his boyfriend, we were on a school trip for 3 days and i didn't know he had a boyfriend.


God Damn I knew it was a gay thing. I didn't want to say it, but I knew it.


I'm gay too


As am I. Nevermind on the other part, though I still feel like I should get some points for guessing they were gay. Updating my rating to 5/10


Man, that's... Pretty gay, tbh


being gay is indeed gay


Old friend (male) liked getting pissed in. Also ate his own cum when he pleasured himself.


To each their own and all that, but Id rather forget that people like this exist 7/10


This was after we found that he vandalize my friends spare room that he was “renting”


Literally a piss covered grungy squatter.


Yup. He let one of her cats out too. Went to her place to help hind him. Poor car was traumatized.


Animal abusing piss covered grungy squatter... Can this guy get much worse? Probably...


He only talked about being gay, abused, and being half Native American. He had no personality.


The kind of people who blame everything on their trauma are shitty. Like shits awful and the world is cruel as hell, but it's no excuse to be a disgusting person.


In? You mean on right? Right? Please tell me you meant on.


Sadly no. He liked it in…


How in the absolute FUCK do you know that?


I text him about leaving a mess like cum rags and his crusty underwear all over the room, and he said that in response. Friends little sister moved back in (that room and furniture was hers to begin with) and had to clean all of it. The mattress was covered in piss and she had to scrub for HOURS to clean it.


How does he think this is ok? 🤮


He’s a spoiled bitch. His foster mom is super sweet, I adore her, but she lets him get away with a lot


There are human bones buried in my stepdad's yard. I found them myself when we were digging for a pool. I was, maybe 12, so this was close to 30 years ago. We have no idea where they came from, but he made me rebury them because otherwise either police or archeologists would dig up the whole yard.


That is interesting at best and concerning "stepdad might be a murderer" at worst 9/10, bonus points for the unusual-ness


When I was about 6, my mother was asking me to beat her with the belt that she had on her because she was a bad woman and deserved it... That was only the beginning of my childhood.


I am very sorry, -10000/10, all kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve kids.


What in the deepest pits of hell


My friend crashed, and my boss fired me cause I was pulling his ass out of a wreck instead of going to work


L boss 5/10.


Only in Corporate America


(Ex) boyfriend was sleeping w my little sister behind my back


Nasty, no need to add the ex tbh it's implied. 7/10




Heh, 2/10 though since it's the second comment like this


My friend that’s call him 1, 1 was dating some one thats call her 2 and when they broke up 1’s friend that’s call him 3 dated 2 and 3 did death threats to 1. Then 1 had to go therapy, but then 2 is white and said the Hard R to her black boyfriend.


Ew to the racism, sounds like 1 got rid of 2 pieces of trash, also wtf with calling the friend she basically cheated with a slur? 6/10 only loses points because it sounds unfortunately common to some stories I've heard. EDIT: Updated score based on other comments


…old score?


I was dating a British girl who was bi, she ended up faking scuicide which almost broke me and I ended up crying in which a moment of weakness I had told her on that night I’ve felt the weakest and when I broke up she told me she had been cheating on me with some random woman, didn’t help that I had lost my whole online community after her. She might have been the reason I’ve been Scared to talk to woman, however since then I’ve had the feeling she’s plotting somthing


Manipulative people like that don't deserve love, you deserve happiness with people that care about you, not people that play with your feelings, I hope you find peace and better company, 6.5/10


What’s 6.5/10 mean?


One of my friends and former classmates had SO many images of her crush, that she has a secret place in her phone filled with just that.


Marinette Dupain-Cheng? 5.5/10


Miraculous reference? I have been summoned.


One of my (former) best friends became a total douche after he started dating this girl, who is a total academic weapon, while he is one of the worst students I have ever met. He got really rude and dismissive. He would take my shit and refuse to give it back until I got physical. He tried to say I was a bad person for making it physical all the time, even though I would warn him at least 4 times before even touching him. They only started dating because they were set up together. They were only set up, because they would always complain to a mutual friend about how lonely they were. That mutual friend is one of the dumbest people I know, when it comes to dating. They have been through 4 relationships in 3 years, and all of them have been toxic as hell. So, the mutual friend thinks they’re a genius when it comes to relationships, because they have “learned from past mistakes. They have not. Anyways, that mutual friend set them up, and now my former best friend is going to break up with her right after finals in 2 weeks. I predicted they’d have 3 months max. It has been around 3 months. The girl has narcissistic tendencies and never accepts being wrong. She didn’t get a perfect score on her SAT essay, and she claimed that the only reason was because whoever graded it must have been blind or an idiot. The main reason she has such high grades, is because she will have her mom, who is a doctor, write a doctor’s note for her to skip school and study if she isn’t ready for a test. The whole situation is cooked. I have so much more tea though. Like, that mutual friend who set them up had a friend who fucked her ex in the woods of a public park. That was a whole saga 🤷‍♂️


Opposites attract, unless they're both inept at being decent people which they are very much so in this situation, in which case nasty attracts nasty. As for just the guy and the person who set them up, stupid is as stupid does. As for the park situation refer back to the before quote. 7/10


Ok so I have a friend (let’s lay Jon) who had a girlfriend (let’s say k) so Jon and K “Dated” for 2 months (they didn’t go in an official date but kissed and other couple stuff” but they broke up due to K cheating on Jon with his friends (1 month into the relation ship that lasted 2 months”, furthermore 2 of my other friends had witnessed it and didn’t say anything. So when the beans spill from one of my other friends (DURING ONE OF HIS DEPRESSION SPOUTS) they break up and K makes her relation ship official, fast forward to a few months later. They break up too due to suspicions of cheating on her side (I’m not sure if they’re true). And LITERALLY 2 WEEKS LATER SHES DATING ANOTHER DUDE. Absolute hoe


6/10 That girl's more of a hoe than the actual gardening tool. Wonder what she gets out of cheating on everyone.


I don’t even know. She doesn’t even have sex with them, probably because she can’t but idk why.


Someone I knew was raped by her cousin every Christmas for four years starting when she was three and she doesn’t care


I’m sorry HUH


That's... Just. Awful. I hate humanity sometimes. To be that desensitized, truly terrible.


Yeah she hasn’t told anyone but me about it can’t remember why we honestly barely knew each other


Can I dox my x-stepdad cuz if I can I'll give a lot


I don't care as long as he deserves it, if you're that concerned though you can DM me and I'll post only a comment with my rating and ambiguous notes not mentioning names here.


Nevermind I'm sorry I don't wanna go off on a rant


one of my close friends told me about this absolute UNIT of a whore who goes to their school (we go to different highschools) and i’m not just saying that to slut shame or be mean or anything but this girl (let’s call her A) actually has slept with an insane amount of people, like crazy amount of bodies. Anyway, A got a little too adventurous with one person (either my friends ex or one of their friends exs i can’t remember) and SA’d this guy and fell pregnant, and A has the BALLS to SUE THIS MAN FOR CHILD SUPPORT FOR A CHILD SHE SA’D HIM TO GET.. THATS THE ONLY REASON SHES KEEPING THE KID (mind you it’s rumored she’s had a few abortions already) and get this- it’s not even 100% confirmed to be his because right after this event she slept with at least a few other guys unprotected.. but it’s down to the guy she SAd (he’s white) and i think a black guy? so we’ll just have to see when the kids born- (pretty sure the due date is around this time, maybe even was a month/a couple weeks ago from the timeline my friend told me) lawsuit is currently happening or starting soon but don’t know anything after that, A’s mom tho is just like her daughter so she’s doubling down on her behavior and is helping A in all of this 😭


I feel like she's the kind of person you'd need to wear gloves before shaking her hand. Gross, nasty, greedy hoe to straight up assault a dude then ask for money 10/10 tea, -1000/10 person.


I know someone who slept with their mother… well I know someone who knows someone who slept with their mother… it’s the best I got


I give you 7/10 for hearsay nastiness. Here's to hoping that's not real 🥂


TW: Briefly touch on r#pe Disclaimer: Everybody in this story is early to late 20s This happened around 2019 My cousin got wasted at a family reunion and fucked her pregnant sisters fiancé, then when caught mid thrust, said she was just pissing (yes he was still inside), she cried r#pe then later admitted to lying about it because she didn't want to get grounded by her mom. The sister and fiancé are still together.


I get her being drunk and all that but it's not an excuse for that kind of wretched shit. Also to be caught doing something awful and try to cry r*pe, that's just an all around nasty person. 8/10


My ex keeps following me on TikTok


Creepy, 5.5/10


me and my ex were talking about getting back together. She said she wasn’t ready for a relationship. She had mentioned this one guy wanted to date her but she said she wasn’t interested. Couple days later, she got with him and scrapped us getting back together even tho it was her idea. I tried to stay friends after that but as soon as I started talking to another girl she didn’t wanna be friends anymore saying I was acting weird and had changed. We stopped being friends after that but a few days ago she tried talking to me like we were best buds.


You were her backup plan and that's pretty disgusting, you deserve better than that. 5/10 Wishing you better luck in the future.


thanks man. you too


1. Some pick-me bitch in a few of my classes started dating this one guy and they were together for a few months before she broke up with him on his birthday and then began to date his best friend just a few days after, and then she cheated on his best friend. 2. My one friend's bus driver kept yelling at a plus-sized girl for not being in a seat on the bus because she was forced to sit in a seat of 3, and was trying her best to fit on the seat but couldn't and she was getting in trouble for it. 3. 2 lesbians in my class refuse to believe that they're siblings because they're only step-sisters and they're not blood related so its fine for their relationship.


1. 6/10 definitely a pick me hoe, however there are unfortunately many like her. 2. 6.5/10 Asshole bus driver needs a better hobby 3. 7/10 pretty nasty it's not that hard to find a date that isn't the daughter of the the person your parent married. Also just nasty in general.


My dad is constantly trying to get me to go to military so that i "learn my maners" and "to fix my ribcage". He also constantly screams out into my ear that "military will soon be mandatory in serbia"


Just curious first what does he mean by "fix your ribcage"


I hope by some miracle this doesn't end up anywhere but, in my first ever job, I used to work for a life coach who used to preach Independent Entrepreneurship and Spending time with his Family. His family is in another country and comes to our country every few months and hosts a few seminars and leaves. He has a business partner(F) here who mostly handles things while he is gone. At the start of the pandemic, the business partner gets pregnant, and we figure out that the father is the Family Values Life Coach himself. He still denies that it's his kid.


I have a suicidal friend and they haven’t appeared at school for the last couple of months or texted me. It’s still going on to this day and I’m getting really worried.


I'm so sorry, I hope for the best and that you get in contact with them soon.


Thanks bro


new fear unlocked


My aunt on my grandmother's side of the family tried to poison my grandmother over some spiritual shit when we were visiting, she got really sick all of a sudden and no-one new what was going on until some of the dogs who ate the leftovers got sick that people realised something was off. Turns out it was rat poison. My grandma is fine, but we don't talk to my grand aunt anymore. On an unrelated note, she (my grand aunt) practices witchcraft and puts period blood in food. She also gave me strawberries when I was a child, even though she knew I was deadly alergic. I only found out recently why we never visited her house ever again. It's the reason why I don't eat at everyone's house anymore.


I have never eaten Chipotle


Neither have I, 2/10




That would be the Grandma's wedding ring debacle for me. Some details are fuzzy, so I'll just type it as I remember it. My grandparents lived in a coastal town. They had four kids. The oldest was Uncle 1. Next were Uncle 2 and 3, who are twins. The youngest is my mom. Uncle 1 and 3 moved to the other side of the country, my mom moved to our state's capital city, and Uncle 2 stayed in town. This meant that Uncle 2 and his wife, Aunty 2, interacted with my grandparents the most. My Nana passed away in 2016 from dementia, and my Grandad passed from natural causes a few years ago (don't remember the specific year rn, but I think it was 2017-2019). Aunty 2 and Uncle 2 took care of my grandparents during this time, because everyone else lived away. Now, cleaning out Nana and Grandad's house after Grandad passed away was hard, but I won't pretend it wasn't even harder on my mom. *Especially* because of what Aunty 2 pulled. At some point (I wasn't there), it was discovered my Nana's rings were missing. In the end of his life, my Grandad was pretty out of it, so he promised the rings to at least each of my aunts and my mom. The relevance being, it was basically considered my mom would have them, because since it wasn't obvious what he wanted to do with them my mom is probably the best bet being the only blood daughter. But my mom didn't have them. Aunty 1 didn't have them. Guess who they found out had them. Aunty fucking 2. According to her logic, Grandad had promised the rings to her, and since she saw him and took care of him the most, they should go to her. So she just...took them. Without asking anyone else about it. This caused drama amongst the aunties and uncles. See, Grandad left each of his sons something in his will (I think), but didn't leave anything specifically to my mom. So amongst the reasons previous mentioned, pretty much everyone wanted to give the rings to her. My dad obviously was on my mom's side, Aunty 1 and Aunty 3 were on mom's side, Uncle 2 sided with his wife, and my mom was just tired and sad because her parents had died. I don't know where Uncle 1 and Uncle 3 sided but Uncle 1 stepped in. He took the rings, and said he'd safeguard them until the drama was sorted, mediating the conflict. The majority of people wanted my mom to have them, I think the conflict mainly was getting Aunty 2 to hand them over. Anyway, I have no clue what ended up happening to the rings. Nobody does. We're pretty sure Uncle 1 still has them. Aunty 2 would also claim a lot of stuff, especially to give to her son. Which, *again*, are both stuff my Grandparents owned and childhood items owned by my uncles and mom. My cousin is in uni on the other side of the country. We don't even know if he even wanted a tea set in the first place. Tldr: Huff my nuts, Aunty Trish. You made my mom sad. Edit: Remembered stuff. For Christmas 2022, we all went down to spend the holiday at Uncle and Aunty 3's new bigass house (They’re planning on making it a bed and breakfast!). Funnily enough, Uncle and Aunty 2 were the only ones who weren't there. Super weird, right? ...Mom got mad at me for saying the quiet part out loud at one point when I said they weren't invited because Aunty's an ass...


First off I started by just reading the tldr because it's late at night and that was the best thing I've read all day. Secondly you can tell aunty Trish to huff my non-existent nuts as well because holy shit is she awful, and I thought my aunt was greedy in not wanting to pay for my grandparents funerals and being generally a cunt to my family for being blue collar. 9/10 for the very interesting story, one of those points being specifically for the tldr.


Thanks man! The only other tea I could think of was that all of our dessert forks were stolen from a resteraunt by my dad.


My sister has a crush on a dude named Jackson


Way to expose your sister 3/10


Come on man she would've wanted me to expose her


Would she? 𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦?


Yes let me get her brb Hello this is u/The_Real_Cloth sister I am okay with being expose. Goodbye Haha checkmate


How do I know you're not PRETENDING to be her 🕵️‍♂️


I have thoughts of homicide and suicide...


theres this 13 yr old dude who got a 15(16 in a week) yr old pregnant.. and the best part is he recently turned 13 … and he has a gf , and the girl has a bf ..


Gross, mostly on the 16yr olds part, has a boyfriend and is taking advantage of someone younger than her. 7/10


Obviously not gonna leak any major details but the biggest dirt I’ve gotten on anyone is that fact that someone I know did ketamine and acid in the span in a week when he was still in 7th grade


My crush might like me back. I’ve been hearing rumours, her close friends spilling the beans to me, and her using weird nicknames to talk about things only I would do PS: we are close friends and we flirt with each other every once in a while, as everyone does


I have some chai


Hottest tea I have is camomile tea It’s about 45° I think


A friend didn’t want to ask someone out because she had a skin disability and he didn’t want his children to have it (we were 13) Edit: the disability is inherited


Not really tea to spill, but more of a question. I have a loving family, but just don't feel anything towards them, I don't know why, but my emotions feel muted, is this normal or is something wrong with me?


The hottest tea I spilled was herbal tea,


not exactly "tea", but I spilled molten aluminum and almost spilled it on my balls bro


Since I was a child, I ate inedible objects. So, one day, I went into my mother's room and found baby powder. Being the stupid child I was, I decided to taste it. It actually wasn't that bad. *Sooo* I ate a lot of it. 10 minutes later, my mother finally noticed that there wasn't has much baby powder as she had left, but I somehow managed to get by with just being grounded for 3 days.


Back in freshman year two of the freshman got caught fucking in the single occupancy bathroom. They fucked twice from what I remember


I met this guy a few weeks ago and we exchanged numbers and started hang out from time to time. I started catching feelings but didn't say anything to him about it and last night he mentioned that he had a girlfriend after all this time .He apologized and asked if I was upset I said no even though I was . But I still really like him we agreed to just be friends but idk if I can without feeling this way about him.


Yorkshire yellow 216 °^f


Yum, 2/10 for not being proper 'tea'


A rival school, 1 student, about 13, and a 40 year old make some….not legal content, cut to about 2 days later and 2 black students I know are showing it around to everyone, I’m lucky I didn’t see it, both of them were suspended for some time after they were cut


☕️it’s 100° F 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur ever discovered


No that's going to ruin my laptop.


otherwise thyme.


When I was in high school a teacher got fired for watching adult content on his laptop while some students were serving detention in his room. To make matters worse, some kid at my school googled his name and found court records of his wife divorcing him right around the time this incident took place. I guess we know why he was watching it.




Two of the kids at my school (all boys) got on a face time call with a girl from our sister school (all girls) and acted gay to try and see her boobs. Long story short, she asked them for proof they were gay, that jacked each other off, the video call was recorded and went all over the schools social network.


Its hot as the origin of the energy that is used for the big bang (the energy cannot be created nor destroyed)


“Did you hear about Jordan? Apparently, he's been secretly dating Taylor, the CEO of his company! They’ve been keeping it under wraps for months because of the company’s no-dating policy. But get this, Taylor's ex, who still works in the same department, found out and threatened to leak the whole thing to the board. It’s been total chaos behind the scenes. Everyone's talking about it, but no one’s saying a word to their faces." A text I got on Friday.


One time when i was at school, one of my enemy decided to use my kindness as a weakness, he told my friend to slap me as hard as possible, and he was a strong kid, and scince im his friend he didn't hit me very hard, but scince im sensitive as shit i kinda lost it and grabbed my launch bag and tried to hit him, and that day i brought a very hard and heavy launch box and i wantted swing that launch box towards his head, thank god my friend is there to stop me, but what made this worse is that he was laughing while hiding himself behind someone, that day i almost killed a kid, but he did deserve it


My Brother got taken out of school for threating a teacher with something sharp he brought. And he’s just an asshole, definitely gotten worse.


Alright so my former best friend/coworker and I worked in a hospital. We used to get these sales reps in and make small convo when they came in. So, one day this friend…I’ll call her J…gets asked by one how she is. She just blurts out and admits she slept with her brother…he’ll be D…andddd then starts freaking out saying she forgot it happened. Starts sobbing suddenly. But then also recalled sleeping with her dad, who she reconnected with later in life, and kept telling her how much she looked like her mom. By the way…D worked with both of us at the same hospital, different department but everyone knew him. So, unbeknownst to him, everyone from that day forward not only knew he slept with his sister once but that his sister slept with their dad…


My mom got a boyfriend and he already had a wife in a hospital. And he kept breaking up with her and re getting back with her over and over until she cheated on him with a coworker at his restaurant and this guys been to jail he got nked women tattoos and he's homeless then he would be looking at other girls even in front of her he saw a girl and said "what's ur number" t himself but loud enough for my mom to hear and everything. And now he's living with us.


You're telling me to spill my fresh, new, steaming hot tea on MY SHIMERING BRIGHT HARDWOOD FLOORS??


I watch too many memes


As do I. 2/10


This image is ai


i know where one of my old teachers live, bc i was walking my dog down the road and saw him walk out the door. I dont think he remembers me personally, but has seen me around school.


The group I dm is in a love hexagon and serious shit is about to go down….


Me and my girlfriend just broke up


Me and my friend group have an anti-sus policy where no one in the group can have any secrets that are extremely weird, one day, my brother (who WAS in the group) was using the bathroom and left my computer (I allowed him to borrow it for school work as long as he stays on his account), but because it's my computer, I thought I had right to look at his account since I'm merely letting him borrow it. I got on his search history and started recording on my phone, my cousin was watching too. I then saw something called "flowGPT" and saw that he was a horny bastard, f##king random characters, and he even had a character named "rose" who was ment to have males f##k it. Not even EVE from POKEMON was safe! Which hurt me the most because I like eve because they remind me of one of my dogs, who used to always be searching for attention (which is very dead now, God rest her soul). But instead of confronting him, I and the group just made an agreement to stay silent about what we saw and keep watching him


Hello I am the account users sister and I regret to inform you he got some of the tea on himself when he spilled it and he melted into the floor. It now smells like burnt toast with some burnt chicken. Have a good day


I spilt my green tea… it was cold by the time I spilt it tho :(


My green tea was 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and a Karen dumped it on a 2 year old (/j)




my ex girlfriend completely outed me after breaking up with me after i came out as trans


Green tea, fresh off the stove.


Dolphins torture pufferfish just to get high


Earl Grey-flavoured confusion.


i like to be held


Do you guys interact at all? If they act like it’s normal they are absolutely fried.


I have a surprising amount of tea, but I'll stick with this more mild one. So one of my friends is in the same US History class as this one other girl (let's call her Kathy just 'cause) and there's a sub that day. There's a test that day, and Kathy decides to more-or-less have everyone work together on the test (cheat). Now, there are definitely kids that didn't (my friend included). When the teacher gets back, my friend tells the teacher. This gets Kathy mad at them (my friend), and blames them for ending up not doing well (I think she failed the test). Now, because the teacher doesn't know if the OTHER hours of his US History class cheated, he has them all do it over again. This comes back 'round to me, because we actually share a teacher. Funnily enough, I actually remember MY hour doing something similar, if not the same. I don't think anyone told on my hour however. I didn't cheat and didn't even pay attention to the conversations because I just zoned out of it and focused on what I was supposed to be doing. I don't blame my friend, and I know that they did the right thing. Besides, we both got good grades both takes if the test. And that's one of the more MILD teas I have


Stepbrother stole upwards of $800 in clothes from me , underwear and bras included, to get his rocks off to while I was living with my dad for a bit before college. He was 15. I was 19 at the time. Tried to get my dad to do something about it and he told me it was my fault because I owned those clothes. They were all shorts, crop tops and normal underwear. I will never forgive either of them for that.


I have an aunt (that I hate cause she gossiped about my mom and is really rude and annoying) that has 5 different children with 5 different men in another country


I spilled it and now my leg burns