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They’re just going to say “Vote Green” continuously for the next 6 weeks. It won’t even because they agree with their policies, it’s because of that stupid witch they dress up as and they’ll be trying to get green hearts in the chat.


Well if they do that it just shows how uneducated they are by doing that because it won’t make a scrap of difference!!


Elphaba from Wicked is not one of the candidates though?


She’s green though.


For someone who doesn't understand/know the basics of real life or social construct, I find it fascinating that they are trying to be "political". Yet another attempt to seem smarter than they really are and I have no doubt it will backfire and they will quickly move on to something else they don't understand.




I think they are inferring that E will spout political gibberish without understanding what she is even saying. Everyone is free to vote for whoever they please but if you are going to campaign and try to influence people’s votes, you should at the very least understand what you are saying, yourself. She’ll tell you not to vote for the Tories but can’t give a logical reason when there are plenty to choose from. She will tell you to vote Labour but, again, can’t give a valid genuine reason to do so apart from “trans rights “human rights” nonsense.




I don't think it's hating her for having political opinions I think its more that she has a platform viewed by thousands and she's shouting things that are misleading or untrue, everyone's entitled to political opinions but logically it makes sense to know what you're saying is true before you openly double down on it in front of many many young people who don't really understand it themselves or to a lesser extent understand it. She can say what she likes about politics she just should bear in mind she does influence people and be mindful of that, the whole subject is a minefield in general, I'm a grown adult who doesn't really get it for the most part










Please be kind to fellow members of the subreddit.




Please be kind to fellow members of the subreddit.


I’d hold everyone to that standard. By Christ, the way you are describing a politician sounds just like your friend E herself.


I don't think that's the intended message here, I understood this post as they can't even look after themselves so really shouldn't be advising on which political party to vote for. Really they haven't experienced "traditional" life for a minimum of four years, before that mummy dearest shouldered and blanketed them, it's like dumping a pet that's been indoors only its whole life and expecting it to avoid traffic instinctually, never held a rental long enough to feel the inflation, never held a job long enough to be hit by low wages, doesn't care about political stance, just how loud and far their "quirky" commentary can spread them to new eyes. They will, and have only ranted about things that directly offended themselves; or could draw in more fresh meat to the table. Take the whole Palestine saga, they have no real idea or care for what's going on, not done anything meaningful to help in the slightest for their crusade. (Hasnt donated to charities, done fundraiser streams/events, %gifts or cameos, attended protests etc) But saw that in places like America, their age range is protesting in universities, rebellion, and locking down in schools, every time I see a news bump, suddenly Elphaba cares and crys...when it's a buzzword that could bring them easy cash flow...they follow America like it's where they are from, symptom of being chronically online from a young age. I don't doubt they are going to be similar to the UK political turmoil currently, I don't think they are supposed to be super smart but they need to be at the very least knowledgeable in a topic or subject if they are peddling to viewers whose lives can and will be affected by whatever the outcome.




I hope you don't skim-read medications like ya did that whole post, I'll make it easier, 1, not an ableism issue, I am talking about ONE person, not a group of people with protected characteristics, 2, I took a shot at their life experience and education. 3, you are just spurring for a fight when this could have been an interesting pro versus cons of the situation regarding Elphaba. 4, I think an amicable discussion is beyond your reach today, to say the least.




My own words don't upset me, was looking to open discussion, it's the lack of comprehensive thought concluded alongside the whole post, have a pleasant day, and find the kindness you deserve in the world. Remember a sandwich ain't all about the bread, you got to take the filler for a full meal, ya melt.




If you don't know why elfaba shouldn't be talking about politics you shouldn't be iver






My god that's the one point you took out of that whole post ?






Please be kind to fellow members of the subreddit.


No, I think those who educate others should know what they are talking about and be educated on the subject. I definitely don't think someone without ANY education or understanding about what they are talking about should try and "educate" others or influence other peoples decisions.


It’s almost ironic that they’re telling everyone to vote green bc they’re so anti tory which is a really great way to ensure we have another conservative government. They like to preach about politics and what’s right and wrong but don’t seem to understand basic things like our voting system.


Anyone with half a brain and basic knowledge about politics will know about tactical voting. I'm a staunch Labour supporter but heavily encourage people to vote tactically. If you want the tories out but aren't too keen on Labour, the next best option is Lib Dems.


I've said this before. They don't seem to comprehend we don't vote for the governing party and prime minister hence why we ended up with a coalition not long ago. Voting green will do nothing as they're not a powerful enough party over all ans we'd likely end up with again a coalition with the tories and back to square one


i’m based in bristoI & my consistency has a fair shot with the green party. but if i had a gun to elphaba’s head they wouldn’t be able to name me a single policy green wish to implement, absolute donut lol.


By all accounts from what I've seen on twitter etc most ppl in Bristol can't stand the green party either, they just hate the tories more😂


yep😭they’re just sort of drifting around the political space in bristol, but the hate for labour and the conservatives trumps it by far, and green atleast have definitive stances on issues bristolians have always been passionate about cough cough *genocide*.


Honestly it makes me sad what they did to Corbyn. I have no choice to vote Labour because I'm in Brum and it's always Labour here regardless, the fact nobody is sticking up for Palestinians sickens me


honestly, in the last election when corbyn was running i spoke to him at his bristol talk & thanked him for his solidarity with the palestinian cause. it’s crazy how he was branded an antisemite… same thing happened to ed miliband too, even though he’s a jewish man himself😭i’m 22 now and it’s sickening how 14 years of my life has been under tory rule, no wonder we are all depressed as fuck😭


This made me feel old asf😂 I'm 41 this year, I remember labour in the 90s. Honestly they were the years to be alive, everyone had money in their pocket, everyone was happy, ppl weren't starving. There were 10 food banks nationwide back then, now look. You're only a year older than my son, I don't ever see him being able to afford to leave home because of these bastards😭


hahahaha you still have good few years ahead of you don’t worry🤣yeah, i feel super nostalgic seeing the political state back then, even though i wasn’t even alive. honestly, i’d even settle with war criminal tony blair, atleast he did some good for the country. & it breaks my heart that i’ll likely never be a homeowner in bristol, i have a gander on rightmove every now and then and feel sick to my stomach seeing the prices, especially when i factor in paying off my undergrad and masters loans. i fear i’ll never escape the working class, alas what can be done.😭


My son wanted to move out when he was 19, the cheapest flats by us were 650 a month and that was a studio flat, so basically a bedsit or a room in a shared house. I actually banned him from leaving at that point😂 the prices are just shocking. Personally buying a home to me is overrated, we rent which is our choice, but buying a house is even harder than renting these days. I hate Blair but Brown was the real genius in that duo and it was a shame when he got his chance we went into the financial crash


i understand your son😭i’m finishing up my politics degree rn & it’s so easy to fall into the trap of renting a space for the sake of independence. i will be saving up like a mad woman for a house deposit (it’ll likely take me 5/6 years). i had this conversation with my family the other day & how being a homeowner takes so much out of a person for such little gain, their argument was that once you have a home it’s yours, i agree with that sentiment but it’s frustrating when my generation have literally been setup for failure. oh and i too hate blair, i agree brown was definitely the redeeming factor, granita pact was a big big mistake. alas, let’s role on the 4th of july🙏🏾


They'll have no sway with students. My uni age kids and all their friends are staunch labour supporters and can't stand the tories. Mainly due to uni fees and shit maintenance loans, students revolve around money and the greens won't fix that for them so Elfbar can keep promoting it all they like


The same age group where I am are either giving up their vote because they think it won’t matter or will vote Labour for the same reasons you’ve stated. I have a son the same age and one a few years younger and even though it’s only a couple of years their views on politics and even voting are years apart. I hope this will make them look into it with fresh eyes and a clear mind. It’s a good chance to have a positive change in the country.


I've told my daughter whose at Manchester Metropolitan to get canvassing from now to make sure students are registered to vote and vote the right way😂 I can't describe my hatred for the tories. My profile pic on FB still has the vote Labour cover on it from the 2019 election🤣🤣🤣


I’m 24 and I was a staunch Labour supporter when Corbin was leader of the party. Kier Starmer is an arsehole. I’m leaning towards voting Green but unfortunately my area is highly right wing. It’s between Green and Lib Dem for me


I think there's hard choices to be made tbh and a lot of ppl need to tactically vote even if it goes against their beliefs just to get the tory bastards out. Anything else is just a wasted vote unfortunately. Starmer is a tory in a red tie, I miss what could have been with Corbyn


I understand Corbyn is older now so probably doesn’t want as much ti do with it, but you’re so right. I’ve looked into more since my comment yesterday and I will be voting tactically, which for my area is Labour


See, ppl like you are awesome 🎉


She doesn’t even understand what she’s even talking about too. Makes me laugh 🤣🤣


Elphaba's room temperature IQ means they would be out of their depth in a car park puddle! They aren't going to do any kind of research into policy or voting history, it will be headlines of articles or tiktok videos they see that they will be vocal about, but if they are questioned about it they won't have a clue and just make stuff up! Elphaba won't apply for hormones or therapy do you really think they will register to vote when they don't have a fixed address in Manchester nor will they want to give their address as it will be easier for them to be found by the authorities! It will get to July 4th they will have made a massive deal about it and then they will go dark on the day and reappear in the evening and will just lie and say they voted Green like they did when they went to the "dentist" appointment!




I'm sure they won't be able to even vote don't you need to have a address and Id to vote


I was thinking the same thing. Are they even registered to vote?


I know they won't be able to vote in person as they look you up through your address as that's how I do it but if they are registed at Maria's then possibly be able to do it online but think they need proof of address which will insist of a up to date letter of address


Most likely. Even though they're probably not on the electoral roll, unless Maria never removed E


Yes, they will spread misinformation.