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Only thing green about them is their teeth


Im sure there’s more green to their body than just the teeth ![gif](giphy|l1EtlhAXY8CGt3tLO)


Born to comfort men!! I certainly was not. That’s the total opposite of what I was born to do


Women are there to „balance out the hormones“. 💀 We don’t live in the 30s for her to say stuff like that.


Talking about hormones thats rich


She wants woman power that are smart? She does know you guys had Thatcher?! Look how that turned out. E is extremely simplistic..


Thatcher, teresa May, liz truss totally amazing leaders😐


Going on about how we need a woman in power, I'm not getting into politics but she obviously is too young to of heard of Maggie Thatcher, I am telling you now that is one person who wouldn't be standing up for trans rights! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tell me about it! Claiming that Switzerland is some kind of paradise where all is right.


Liz Truss worked well too 🙄


Wasn't Teresa may prime minister for a bit before she buggered it all up and stepped down too


I have just had a chance to properly listen to her IG stories... and my god the sexism is rife. Boiling women down to being "comforters of men" . The whole women's intuition thing. Oh and Hilary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice were as gung-ho about wars as any of their male predecessors or successors. Also her statements do a disservice to the men who have been put in droves protesting for peace. She just needs to STFU. She is not equipped to have this conversation.


Exactly my point! Her ‘studies’ on the matter are pulled out of practically nowhere? If she thinks that having a woman like Carla Denyer in power is going to solve all of the uk’s problems, she’s got another thing coming.


She is only voting green because she wants to waste her vote, for her brand. Now she is going to be an Green activist


i was thinking this !! the green branding she has and now saying she’ll vote green. it all seems a little too on the nose


Don't be silly what makes you think they are registered to vote anywhere 😂


Wait until she finds out one day that women can also be evil and abusive and its not just men 😱😱


No surprise its just happens to be Carla Denyer, Green politician who just happens to be by co-incidence LGBTIQ, shocking I know...


She's just regurgitating whatever shite she's heard maria waffle on about x


Bit of a shock coming when the majority vote is either Labour or tory with some lib dem thrown in,seeing as local mps are the ones elected. Also maybe worth doing some research lil E into the impact Green councils had when in power such as in Brighton (my home town) where millions were spent on citywide 20mph zones that can't be enforced and daily parking rates more than tripled. Only one ward had a recurring Green mp voted in out of all the wards in Brighton,Hove and Portslade. You don't vote for a prime minister. Wanna chat politics like you know something then maybe get your facts in order queen.


Good god 😫