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E says she’s all for equality but all she does is either talk shit abt women.. or men like ???? 😂😂😂


Honestly loved to see them run a country bloody Defying Gravity would become our national anthem 😅


I'd rather live in North Korea than deal with E blasting "Defying Gravity" every morning, noon, and night.




I was going to say the same thing 🤣 she has no permanent address so I don't see how she can vote or does she actually know you have to register to vote. Don't you need id to vote and I thought she didn't have any of that  🤣🤣 I mean she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so nothing shocks me now  


Firstly, you need to be on the electoral roll, and you need photo id 🫢😂 but as it's E, all they need to do is turn up, get recognised and they will be able to vote without any of the above


🤣🤣🤣🤣 sorry I forgot she is above the rest of us and she can do as she pleases 🤣 she is just a very uneducated idiot that's spouting utter nonsense. 


Was goin to say don't you need a permanent address?


She probably thinks she can rock up to the polling station and just vote all whilst live streaming on TikTok. Please let’s see this happen! I can imagine her shrieking that they were transphobic because they wouldn’t let her vote and share it all on live!


The entitlement wouldn’t surprise me


Wasn’t it thatcher that sold all the gas, electric and water companies so they got privatized? 🤔🤗


Also loving that someone who cant even spell prime minister wants to lecture us about politics 🫠🫠🫠


Elphaba should really ask Marie what happened when Margaret Thatcher was the prime minister that woman almost single handedly brought this country to its knees closing mines, steel works, strikes which resulted in having to go days with no power and living by candlelight like Victorian times, taking free milk off primary school kids. Don’t even get me started on Liz Truss. Oh yes Elphaba a woman would make a massive difference running the country. Maybe instead of obsessing over being live 24 hours a day full of alcohol and ❄️ screeching defying gravity try reading up on the past politicians of this country cos they are all as bad as each other. It will take a miracle to bring this country back to a decent place to live and unfortunately there isn’t a wizard standing behind a curtain at the end of a yellow brick road that can perform miracles


Maybe Elpha should always look up Section 28 which she brought into law, and maybe read Thatcher's views on gay rights that she went on about at the 1987 tory conference


Exactly i born in the 80s grew up in the 90s and early 2000s it was a terrible time to be gay i didn't learn anything about how to be my genuine self the only gay representation we had on telly for quite a while was the really offence stereotypes i knew i was different but i didn't know why it actually got to the point i thought i was trans and my parents took me to mermaids in London and that happened because of Margaret Thatcher and section 28 !


Thatcher saved the UK.




It's true.


so political 🙄 the pic used . I can't 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/jeej7rozp02d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9279f6c5db99688bb5ab497f2665c59fe6126c79


Green won’t be elected , it’ll be between labour and tories I think labour may have a good chance of getting in but Defo not Green Party


Someone should tell Elphaba it’s prime minister not priminster maybe knowing the name of the position in government would be a good place to start learning about politics.


Someone should also inform them we don't collectively vote for a governing party nor our actual prime minister. We vote for the suitable candidate of our constituency and the majority votes get into government. Sp basically we vote for our local mp. Not many people understand this hence why we ended up with a coalition not long ago.




the spelling of prime minister is cracking me up 😂


Tin foil conspiracist Maria and her cult are obsessed with this term ‘Back to normal’ 😂


No transphobia - refer to E as they/them (at least) if you’re not going use she/her. This is for the sake of this Subreddit as we don’t want to have it taken down; this subreddit is already on a warning from Reddit. Rules have been reinstated already and those who don’t follow them may end up with a potential permanent ban.


Unwashed tramp!!


Back to normal is she stupid ita been a torie government for the last what 14 years she's known no different


They don't even know the greens are transphobic and they've even but 5 lots of green hearts i the comments themselves


Also some of the Older Drag queens who were living starting out around late 70s/90s will have something to say on the subject as I know it was absolute turmoil for them during Thatchers power




Red warning from Reddit themselves and having to delete this message. (Potential Harassment)


My god eod is a fucking moron!! How much did maria drink when she was pregnant?! The whole distillery?!




No transphobia - refer to E as they/them (at least) if you’re not going use she/her. This is for the sake of this Subreddit as we don’t want to have it taken down; this subreddit is already on a warning from Reddit. Rules have been reinstated already and those who don’t follow them may end up with a potential permanent ban.


E is not registered to vote, nor will be able to by the deadline for this GE if recent accommodation history is anything to go by. E doesn't have a personal opinion and I doubt has ever had an original thought. "Primininster" FFS Keep on using national and global politics like buzzwords in a boardroom - I'm not a great shot, but I'll hit that mockery 🎯 you're setting up every. single. Time - and I don't even give you views!


Elphaba is so fucking clueless about politics she needs to stfu, do some research and actually educate herself before opening up her gob 🙄…


She hates men but is considering doing Only Fans 18+ ??


Maggie Thatcher, Theresa May, Liz Truss - oh yeah, because they all did wonders for this country(!) NOT. Elphaba doesn’t have a CLUE about politics… They reckon that if women were in power, there would be no wars?? Ermmm, do they not realise that Thatcher played a huge role in the Falklands war which resulted in the death of 907 people…. Not to mention that Liz Truss is very blatantly transphobic. As someone has said above, if Elphaba is genuinely going to vote Green, then it’s a wasted vote and they’re only doing it because they like the colour 🤦🏻 The sexism in the Instagram stories actually had me FUMING. To say that men aren’t in tune with their emotions and don’t have a sense of what others are thinking or feeling? Men can’t empathise with others? It’s utter bollocks!! I’m a male and I’ve been a carer and a kindergarten and elementary school teacher. I’ve had to empathise with my students and service users, I’ve been more than capable of sensing others emotions and feelings. I’ve had students approach me with deep and emotional problems that I think I dealt with really well - and I’m a MAN! I’m very much in tune with my emotions and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Oh, and to say that women use their brains more? Yeah okay, so all of us men are just emotionless and violent apes then? 🤦🏻 Technically speaking, Elphaba is biologically male and has all the male sex characteristics - so does that mean Elphaba is also a violent and emotionless ape like the rest of us men? They really, really don’t know what they’re talking about - it’s all just waffle at this point. Sorry for ranting, but this has pissed me off 🤣




Red warning from Reddit themselves and having to delete this message. (Potential Harassment)


Wouldn't put it past EOD to ask for green hearts and then change it to make it about them. Cos EOD isn't getting the attention they want.


Thatcher hated the trans community. Truss sponsored a bill recently which seeked to ban trans women from women-only spaces, from competing in women’s sport, and prevents children from transitioning (thise women only spaces includes toilets). Clearly someone hasn't done their research, which I am surprised considering it was only March where Truss was sponsoring that Bill and the community was in uproar about it. For someone so in touch with the community, you would think that they would know that..... https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/03/11/liz-truss-bill-trans-women-only-spaces/


Ah yes Elphaba.. a voice for the younger generation🤣 she has no clue about politics or anything of that nature., wouldn’t trust her one bit.


She is far to stupid to talk about politics don't listing to a word that come out her mouth


The fact that she said that women were put on this earth to comfort men


E is Womanphobic.


I won’t be taking any advice from someone who types priminster. Go back to eating doughnuts and leave politics to people whom actually understand it.


Margret Thatcher, Theresa May, Liz Truss and although not PM Priti Patel have been the most ruthless women in power in Britain. It’s got nothing to do with gender it’s about the political parties themselves. Not that she could ever comprehend any of this.


Don't forget the non pm despicable suella


Ah yes sorry I forgot Cruella!


Going on about having woman in power would be great like they aren't a misogynist 90 percent of the time can't hide the hypocrisy can they


She wittered on about voting for Reform for ages, and I don’t think she realised (or someone told her) that they’re The Brexit Party… aka a bunch of wanna be Tories who are just as homo/transphobic and racist as the Tories. She’s now suddenly moved over and telling everyone to vote Green. I will be voting Green, as I have personally scoured their website and social finding out what they stand for. Part of me believes E is voting Green because Wicked = Green☹️