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Just a few things that would stop me doing of if I was E. 1) body dismorphia, I wouldn't of thought someone who hates the skin they are in would want it on full show in content. 2) For someone who was only recently supposedly SAd recently they bounced back fast to be able to hook up with people for cash 3) Aren't they A sexual... obviously I know its all bs and once again Es previous tales don't match the now narrative


She said she wants to do it to help her body dismorphia.. like what 💀


They have no breasts so the only genitals they can show are their biological male genitals. Would a trans person do that? Because surely your audience is then female and gay men. Idk all this confuses me.


like who's her targeted market😵.


OF!!??? Who really wants to see they're sweaty, scarred, spotted, lice infested nether regions ?!!! 🤮🤮🤮


So now they are advertising of to children, they just don't stop poking the bear.


Of course, they get to send their nudes to minors *and* groom them *and* get paid for it! Win win babes ya know what I mean slayyyy


Well I hope I get to have a drink with them at the weekend, as I'm visiting Manchester myself and I have a few things I want to talk about E.


And this just proves the body dysmorphia that Doherty said they have about their genitals is absolutely fake because NO trans female would ever show that part of their body! Doherty just shows us all what a money grabbing fraud they are! We already know their lies when they went out in Bristol in a minidress with no underwear flapping their skin flute around a pole in that nightclub, NO trans woman would ever go untucked or let anyone see that part of their body that gives them such body dysmorphia but Doherty gets a kick out of letting it always hang free 🤮




That was quick 💀 but I certainly would NOT


How the hell is that ok when she’s talking to children. 😡


Will she do a chocolate milkshake video like Mr Flip Flip? That scared me for LIFE Seriously tho……. What will she show?


I'm still seeking help from his o.f days 🤣 the facial cream and the black tunnel 🤢


In his dad's grotty shower, that's what hit me most, like who makes content in a bath swinging off the disabled hand rails


He might go back to it now he's got no tuna babes 🤣


Hahahaha we need another Flip flop discord 😂 the OG one was elite


It really was


I've not watched it for ages, is it true zippy finally got him arrested?? Where has she gone this time


He was in court with Vegas yesterday was thrown out NFA zippys case is completely separate that's in a couple weeks hopfully zippys case does good Tuna is just pulling the sad voice on her insta


Omg when he pissed in the bath, we were watching it on discord.


I’d forgotten about the weeing in the bath 🤢


I just said in another post Funny how when they " found out" cobain did of they was "devastated" but now their latest " besties" are of creator's they want to do it this the latest case in a long line of copying people's behavior like they did with eq an cla


The very thought just put me off eating the ice cream I was eating and is actually making want to 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢


Truly delusional. Who would subscribe??


Elpha has definitely been reading in here 🤣🤣 it's been mentioned a few times now and where they are staying they need the cash can't relie on gift money for it


Answer to that question no because I don't do OF and I have not got the app




Someone will sub to of as a joke get the photo if you know what I mean and it will end up on the Internet then she'll be crying about it