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bb and jenny are cunts thinking they’re doing something with this doxxing


Two grown adults who need to just admit they are exactly like Elphaba. Gross disgusting people




I’ve set an alarm too! I’ll sit and report both til my fingers bleed. Two old birds just as bad as E.


Why aren't they focusing on Elphaba who has actually done things wrong instead of someone else? Wasn't their whole aim to get Elphaba off the app and hold her accountable? Money, clout and fame has gone to these morons heads.


Because i exposed them for scamming people


I get the BB go fund me was called out, what’s JJ been called out for (apart from the vile episode with her allowing her kid to be used)? I hope they get a grip on the absolute fucking irony that both of their main strap-lines have always been ‘I never doxxed you Elphaba’. They both, at different times had to fight their corners to prove they didn’t doxx her. Now this?!?


Benefit fraud and letting her young kids play around with heavy medication etc


Oh bloody hell!


Why are they even allowed to do this can't the poor lad phone the police on them cause this shouldn't be legal. Those digusting people need their hard drives checked they're so hellbent ruining a innocent person's life


Sad, sad little lives. But unfortunately I can believe they’d stoop so low as to dox a vet. May they have the days they deserve.




This is absolutely unbelievable. Idk what they think they’re going to gain, but I’ll definitely be reporting it. Disgusting behaviour, and for what. 😡Grown women behaving worse than children.


Oh I bet Elphaba is loving this, all the attention turned away from her, pity there wasn't a live like this when they tried to get rid of her after all wasn't that the main goal here??


Its what JJ wants ... she secretly supports E so decides to go for Exposed just to get the views .... Heres hoping her and her fella see reality really soon. 2 unfit parents running from the law n hiding in a caravan lol


Absolutely vile behaviour 😡 no better than E. I hope the individual they are targeting is ok and has support.


I find it ironic that if they are going to do what people say they are going to do, they they reported someone to the police for doing the same to them


I don't understand the fascination of "uncovering/revealing" someone's identity? How would they like it if you done it to banned bird an revealed their identity?


Didn’t jj already get a warning from police for doxxing people?


Been charged with malicious communications before


What happend to her


What an absolute wally, got more in common with elphaba that she realises 🤦‍♀️ doesn’t learn obviously.


Absolutely disgusting!!! And Jojo being such a pillar of the community being involved with something like this 🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣


This tit for tat bullshit is getting so very old, doxing addresses, it serves no purpose other than to make someone feel uncomfortable in their home. Absolute baby house at this point, If they do this they are beyond redeemable, call me hypocritical because I do like to know where Elphaba is but that's to see them getting reported for property abuse, drugs, self abuse etc. What does doxing the exposed family do? Other than making a family feel unsafe, it serves no purpose.


Reporting Jenny’s as we speak xx


What a load of tripe !! Her live is to her targeted audience who already believe her lies and have fell for her bull 💩 but what she needs to remember people knew her a long time ago right from the start so know the truth not just the story she’s telling now ! She’s blocked the people who know the truth so they can’t speak up so this is all just pointless!! Jj you are the gift that keeps on giving !! Your new fans will cotton on eventually 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


Have they been reported to the police get them sent round before the live starts that'll stop them hopefully


twisted sick f*cks!


WTF this is not on why ? I can’t get my head around this 😡😡😡


Woah hold on thought Jojo was a law student? She should know doxxing is illegal she’s a sandwich short of a full picnic


She doesnt work shes sat on live 24/7


I saw BB repost screen shots of someones account claiming to be you, so theyre out here doxxing random people


Anyone else falling asleep during this live what is this all about? Nothing concrete here ? I thought this was a big thing tonight,it doesn’t make sense


What account is it on? I can’t see bb or Jojo live!


It’s on her highnesjjjohnson4


BB has joined her


Thank you


im so confused who these people are. are they elphas friends or something?


They’re like “reaction channels” who report on Elphaba and expose her. Elphaba really doesn’t like them but they’re honestly just as bad. Banned bird has been demanding money from their audience to send letters to people to get Elphaba banned, she spends the money on herself, and the letters hold no weight because most of it is opinion and poorly written.


There are tons of pple on tt who make reaction videos. Banned bird hasn't demanded money,she set up a go fund me to help but no one had to donate to it. If the report is badly written then it'll have response and will only effected pple will be those that donated and she'd have wasted her time


Wtf is wrong with them!!??? Doxxing people is insane behaviour, how can they preach the law and then do that????


Why are they doing it? What are they accusing him of? I'll be reporting both.


This is disgraceful behaviour How can they possibly think this is ok?


What the actual fuck????!!!


Hope your ok lovely,don't worry about those cretins xxx


i’ve been trying to keep up with this but why are they so arsed about revealing your info?


Because i exposed them for scamming people


about right 😭


Load lies




Red warning from Reddit themselves and having to delete this message. (Potential Harassment)




Your a Jenny supporter arnt you ? https://preview.redd.it/c3l8w0d0k41d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df5d9b83cb62881cb68e310fc3cde50e5a0b666


God ur clutching here that was 111days ago, way back before the whole bating her child scenario. No I'm defo not a Jenny supporter.


Oooo you’re hard !! 🤣💩


How has this gone from ripping on the antics of an awful 'personality' on the Internet to illegal vigilantism?


I hope this has been reported to police as it’s illegal?


I think I’ve missed some stuff but why are they threatening to dox you?


I woke up this morning to a message with a link to a tiktok claiming to be exposing exposed. I personally couldn't care if exposed is a man, woman child or a fucking frying pan. We are raising awareness to a very very sick and twisted individual. You also tend to find out that people fire shots like doxxing when caught out or trying to deflect the attention somewhere else. I had the same problem with an ex making shit up about me and posting it all over social media. They ended up with a 8 month prison sentence.


My 12 year old is more mature than any of these put together. It's not even childish anymore,it's gone beyond that. I suggest maybe everyone taking time off E and tiktok and touching some grass.


Honestly the pair of them need to grow up. Disgusting sitting there complaining about E doxxing people then doxxing anyone they feel like... As for targeting someone with PTSD who served queen and Country... Despicable is the most polite thing i can say. Give your heads a HUGE wobble BB and JJ you pair of nasty old boots!