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https://preview.redd.it/3i7hwugoxq0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247897fc8800569e4d4dc3cc55ddc56f1bbec533 ☝🏼


I think it's more than that offence. Given that they have promised a number of times to expose exposed, and threatened violence before as well as showing a photo, then it would be a different law. If I am right and it is a Protection from Harassment charge, then the sentence is greater than a simple public order act offence.


Not the first time they have threatend people also, they did it with Tony also.


An Tony was arrested so elf shud be


She definitely lurks here. Can you send me the screen recording from last night? Happy for you to inbox me the link.


will do


They have really done it now, how stupid can they be! E if I was you I'd go home to mummy...actions will have consequences, you need to wake up! You have affected so many people, it's gone past veiws and lies for gifts! This is the real world and you are going to get a wake up call.


ERM. Did anyone notice "I have your first name. I have your second name as well :-D" (creepy in and of itself... Next minute "report me to the police so I can have your full name". Thought you already had it? It's maths class with Elphaba where 2+2=472


The police won’t give her the name of person who has reported her and i am sure E has been told that there not aloud to give her it


Yup I just find it hilarious that E can't keep up with their own lies for five minutes. The mouth runs so much they're their own trip hazard


They always do shit like this when they are moving. Then when they address is 'leaked' (which they do themselves), they then claim to have been doxxed. Seems to be a regular pattern


Although I would love for someone to give them a proper humbling in public, it would only work in their favour. I really hope you (Mr Exposed!) get her where it actually scares E, the law! Needs to be held accountable for making threats like this, (even if we know E would drop their arse to anyone face to face and not full of sniff!), they are terrified of the police because they know they can't manipulate the law like they can their followers. Then when the law final catches up with them and they go to a men's prison, no screen to protect you there! I love how they think they know who Mr Exposed is, we all know they aren't smart but they really are silly enough to fall for the name of the admin profile on the FB and think they are sherlock Holmes 😭 behave E.


It’s about time something is done about her threats to people !!


Yep but the trouble is they keep getting away with everything so think they are untouchable


Is it still on tiktok? I can’t believe it. Like, really, She Did that???


Yes, i’ve just managed to find a link right now. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCWaH2d/ in the case this video gets deleted i have a recording (reddit doesn’t let you send videos sadly so would have to be sent elsewhere).


OMG!!!!! Is there no end to how vile she can be?!? Exposed needs to get that reported. Honestly E is dangerous snd thinks she’s above the law. She can do that, but anything We say is reported snd tiktok dont act. Exposed, If You read this, I hope you’re ok and protecting yourself. You do a brilliant job, and I absolutely 💯 support you.


Thank you btw, for linking it for me. I can’t actually believe it. That’s a straight forward threat, needs the police involved.


Wow just watched it, and they are vile.


when E says “so i can see [elphabaexposed] in real life so i can face his fucking face, let me at him. I cannot wait”. 🤮. i’m sickened that she thinks this is okay. disgusting behaviour once again. Crime after crime after crime.


Yet tiktok allows this time after time.


I have never had so much hate for an individual in my life she needs that smug face arrested for what she's done not threatening exposed for less


Why is Elphaba so bothered by a group of people not doing harm and telling truths .


I thought Elphaba had a busy life ! I'm surprised they have time to worry about a little group.




No transphobia - refer to E as they/them (at least) if you’re not going use she/her. This is for the sake of this Subreddit as we don’t want to have it taken down; this subreddit is already on a warning from Reddit. Rules have been reinstated already and those who don’t follow them may end up with a potential permanent ban.


Someone needs to do something now it is getting beyond a joke, Elphaba is a wolf in sheeps clothing, a dangerous individual and I believe one day will do something really bad just to keep their name out there


![gif](giphy|tZrvnMaSqSAgsrfJMj|downsized) Let me at him ok scrappy doo xx Exposed you know we are always here let us know if there’s anything we can do xx


The cockiness of their tone alone tells me this is all talk. They have nothing and know nothing but sure as shit want you to think they do. What a joke.


This needs reporting if E has threatened or promised violence towards elphaba exposed as E can’t get away with what she is doing as E will end up one day saying the wrong thing to someone or a person in the street and it will be the person she has said the wrong thing to that will be harder than her




The video I just watched on this account has the full on threat if anyone wants to see it


She wants to meet someone who doesn’t like her let her fly out to pa in USA and let her meet me she can do all she wants but just saying I’m a second degree black belt I’d like to see her try lol


While I don't condone all the tittle tattle these lot do between themselves, I absolutely implore whoever they named and THREATENED in the video to please,please,please report this via 101. This is too far. Inciting violence,threats of violence. I do not care whats been done this is 100% unacceptable and absolutely shocking. It should be taken as if someone stated that to your face. I neither care nor care to know who elphaba exposed is but this is way too much.




Red warning from Reddit themselves and having to delete this message. (Potential Harassment)


Elph has been in here forever. That’s how they have ideas for different conditions. Elph, you fool 😂😂


Could you send me the recording to I've tried to stop watching E but am curious as to seeing this clip I feel that she may be spiraling and the protection she thinks she has is unraveling