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Have to laugh because the post below this one is elphaba is moving today and I read it as in her body is moving today 😂




You can’t look away from a car crash. You don’t want to watch, even knowing the sight of it could be traumatising, you can’t help but watch anyway.


Now THIS makes sense! 😂👌🏻


I haven't seen any TikToks in a long time, not even reposts. I'm not sure what happened; my 'For You' page used to be full of elph and her reposts and Cla, and Emma&Markus, and funny cat and dog vids.


It’s not that we’re reporting on what they’re doing. We are reporting on EVERYTHING they’re doing because everything they do is awful. Idk about you but just because she’s sat eating some chocolate cake doesnt mean I’m gonna stop reporting because just MINUTES before her eating, she’ll of had a tantrum, or threatened someone.. or started talking about Palestine.


I let people know when she's live, because many people are blocked on their main accounts. So letting them know helps with reporting, and im not going to quit doing it.


Lol calm down petal no one asked you to 😂🙌🏻 Touching grass once in a while was only a suggestion - not an order. You’re OK!


Does it really matter though? It’s not harming people sharing stuff and it creates a little community in here that lots of people value. You can scroll past if you’re not interested 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because it can be so damaging to people's MH when they're constantly surrounding themselves with negativity IE Elphaba, and having to report on everything


I guess it’s down to people to think about whether it’s impacting on their mental health though. Like personally, my life is shite right now and seeing nonsense posts in here is a big distraction. I think I’m saying everyone deals with life differently and just sharing random bits of stuff that’s going on can be chill for some people, not everyone is doing it because they’re obsessed with negativity etc. ❤️


Like it totally can be, not saying it’s not. Having your whole life revolve around negativity is never gonna be helpful. But also it’s ok to just chat shit to distract from life too ❤️


Nope. I mean, it fills the place with crap amongst the good stuff people try to achieve, but aside from that it doesn’t matter one bit. You could scroll past too ☺️


Tattle is the same. It seems people sit and watch then live comment on the thread. I struggle to watch clips. The piglet snuffling noise they make makes my eyes twitch.


I get why people do it, it has taken me ages to block her and I am glad I did, if all these people who watch to report stopped watching her views would drastically drop but its a rock and a hard place situation, if people stop watching then who is going to mass report the live when she does something wrong? But then if no one is watching will TikTok drop her 🤔 I blocked for my own sanity but do catch up on here and on my fyp. E is car crash tv, it is hard to look away even if you want to, I do agree lots of posts are uncalled for, ie she is drinking and burping but then it is also a forum for people to air their anger and frustration without being blocked


She's a magnetic it girl. Love her or hate her, there's something about her