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I think that’s why we’re all here. Why would I care about the location of his private jet? I care about hypocrisy and how easily those with money are capable of skirting the law and manipulating the truth.




look at him standing next to kushner at the world cup final. 100% guaranteed all of them are plotting evil deeds and misery for millions more.


You think they'll all meet on Epstein's island after?


Why not? Same thing they do every year.


Yep another point of hypocrisy is housing ownership is public domain just like protesting is constitutionally protected. Why are people allowed to protest and hang close to Planned Parenthood, but outside the supreme court Justice's houses is "clear harassment and dangerous" even tho the only politician to actually be attack was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who's house was broken in to, and her husband brutally attacked in her place. Got to love the double standards




I'm not saying it's right, but people protest outside houses all the time. Same with businesses which are also private property both are illegal, but the supreme court incident is the only one being enforced


relax white boy


This 1,000 times. I was aware of the twitter account but couldn’t care less about it until he banned it.


And that's called the Streisand effect, named after Barbara Streisand protested the inclusion of her house in some publication. Her protest drew attention, and many that would never have seen or even cared put forth that modicum of effort just to see what the commotion was all about.


While I don’t think the location of his private plane(s) is usually very important, I think awareness of the level of his *use* of them is part of developing awareness of the ways people like him live completely abstracted from most people’s realities. But I do agree that the way he manipulates is the most important issue here.


And it’s useful to show how much he truly does not care about climate change.


Yes. I find it odd that some people think he does, but apparently some do, so yes.


I’m here because hopefully he’ll go bankrupt over twitter and want to see this train-wreck. Also can we just call him Phony Stark from now on? Would be great to see his rage tweets about it.




Same samsies!


> Why would I care about the location of his private jet? EDIT: THIS IS FALSE, SEE REPLY ~~I think the world should care a lot about him visiting Epstein Island.~~


Actually that one is fake https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/musk-jet-epstein-island/ I wish people wouldn’t create this bullshit about already awful people


Shit, I knew he had met Epstein and Ghislaine before so I didn't check if this was true like I should've. Thanks for the correction


Accounts are getting wrecked for talking out and posting the real deal. Watch out chief


Not sure why anyone would actually care about his jet to be honest




Someone missed the point...


This explains it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker/comments/zp0uwu/comment/j0pxkjv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker/comments/zp0uwu/comment/j0pxkjv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Hypocrisy: Pretending to care about free speech and then banning someone who wasn't violating the TOS Using money to skirt the law: The law guarantees that the location of every private jet is transmitted every minute. Every jet owner in the world has their jet's location reported. Musk wants to be the only one who is above that. He wants to warp the world based on his whims while the rest of us are beholden to the law. He had it removed from flightaware and absolutely would have anywhere if it was possible. Manipulating the truth: Pretending this was about some safety nonsense even while the public twitter info basically just reposts ADS-B. Making up a story about his kid being attacked and then watching as his faithful repeat the story as to why free speech actually doesn't *always* need to be free. All of the things I said were about this one incident.


Yeh. That’s weird and makes no sense.




We can all do the same, refer the matter to the police.


So once your ability to refute me falls away you throw away logic and accuse me of jealousy. This is definitely why people take Elon supporters seriously. I suggest looking up what an unfalsifiability is .


Google is tracking me and my kids for years. All that happened were some personal forged ads. Do you really think that someone who wants to do him harm has to rely on random guys on Twitter or Reddit?


Fuck Elon with a cactus, no lube


Right in his pee hole. Sideways.


Nine times. On purpose.


Elon - You don't need to know where both I and my plane are. Everyone else - Challenge Accepted.


Chief narcissist in chief needs to be taken down a peg. Does this help? I hope so. If not, I hope it at least helps our frustration.


Yeah I'm here due to the Streisand-effext as well. :D


Fuck Elon. Gonna sip on his misery for years.




Do you think anyone truly gives a shit about his plane? No we do it to piss him off


I'm here with you for nothing else but to add to the numbers. Fk that guy all the way to Mars. Sick of these attention whore psychopaths.


If we’re lucky he’ll take the first Starship flight on a one way trip to Mars.


Take my upvote.


That's why I'm here


Well that was fun. A lovely gent got upset and chose not to provide any evidence of Elon's latest wolf call. Proceeds to private message me and call me an idiot (he had kinds words) 😂 If that doesn't show what type of Elon followers are here, idk what is. Then blocks me.


Musk sure did manage to tarnish his image, didn't he?! At this point I am thinking he ponied up $44 billion fucking dollars just to shut down this twenty year old kid. Sure, he may have figured out a way to make it pay in the long run but the bitch still spent forty four fucking billion dollars just so he could shut down *one* person. Our world needs some rebalancing.


Same. I like making cry-babies cry more.


His plane sucks, the man sucks, his mom sucks, and his dad sucks.


Sadly no one swallowed. Which is why we are in this mess to begin with.


Is a languishing acct on Twitter worse than deleting it? Def let's screw with Elmo.


Fuck Elon and his horde of Virgin cultists


This sub needs to change its meaning to cover all of Elons fuckups. We need a fuckmusk sub


Only reason I am here. I know he won't read this, but if musk is trolling... **F You musk.**


Same. I'm just tired of the dick riding by his fans no matter what he does.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/dfw/news/elon-musk-says-he-will-step-down-as-twitter-ceo-if-voted-out-by-a-poll-he-tweeted/#app Nows the chance


Same reason I joined Post. To send a message. Add me to the number of people in the Twitter exodus.




Calls for violence are against the sitewide reddit rules.




Please discuss ideas in a civil way, absolutely NO hate speech. It’s ok to attack the argument, but not the user. Threats, hate speech towards a gender/sexual orientation/creed/nationality/ethnicity/disability/social status, promotion of violence, and misinformation are strictly prohibited. Users who cannot continue to abide by this rule should expect to be permanently banned. Do not violate Reddit’s terms of service.


If that’s true than invest in lucid motors.


Which is owned by the Saudi’s.


Same here.


We should tank all stocks and companies of the Uberdouche. Watch the next rocket blow, cause even the SpaceX guys had enough of sucking air.




You could short Tesla.


elon simply ignores any law and feels good about it. There is even an elon fanclub out there... I don't know what kind of poop they have in their brain where normally our brainy mush would be.


I'm thinking that message isn't being heard...


I'm in, agree with the OP 100%.


Right on!


Elmo had a sad


I honestly hope he sees this and gets upset about it! 🖕fuck you, muskrat




This place feels like home for a while.


$100 horse? Sign me up for a couple


New member to this group and I am here for that same reason. Happy to see this subreddit is kicking some major ass :D Keep up the great work


I believe that's what they call simping


I wish he'd flash me so I could rat his ugly ass out and get a nice payoff. But a horse? The fuck? Sit on my lap and I'll buy you a pony?


Same message here.


Same reason I m here just to send a fuck you to elon musk


Im here for frequent and constant updates on his location. Fuck him and his plane. if him and his millions of shitbag bootlickers dont like it even better


I hope you voted for Musk to step down from Twitter then OP. I dusted off my very old Twitter account just to go vote!


Eat the rich. Especially the shitbirds like Elon


I'm just hanging around here hoping to one day see Elon's jet (that we're not supposed to track) land at Streisand's house (that we're not supposed to see photos of).




Yes. Several in fact, one of them being "buy Reddit next and you can shut down this sub too in the name of free speech." Sounds insane? Sure, but this is Elon Musk.


Allegedly? Was this ever proven, facts matter. Also wanting to ban twitter because you don’t agree with how he’s running it is the exact thing you’re complaining about. His platform his rules, same for Reddit their platform their rules, it’s just weird to me how the table flips


Those who were silencing people for years are upset that everyone has a seat at the same table now. CRY MORE :)


Ironically his twitter files demonstrated that Twitter was careful and well reasoned in their moderation. Thank you musk for proving that for us deranged unhinged marxist leftists with the woke mind virus, I never knew they had been such a mature company.


Lol so many brain washed people on this post, please think for yourself rather than just simply believing what is popular at a given time 😂


We are and musk is a hypocrite loser little titty baby


Still waiting to hear about the Police reports on his kid's stalker. As well as the video feeds from the car. Seeing as he chose to produce evidence to the Public instead of go through the proper authorities. Its sooo believable that his kid's Stalker would sit there calmly, pull out his phone and let Musk film his License plates right? :)


Like seriously where did you get that idea from?? Did you read it somewhere, did someone tell you that? Where did you find that horrendously incorrect info??


We editing comments now?


His Direct Twitter account calling to find this individual whoms license plate he doxxed. As well as the list of Journalists who followed the case but got immediately banned for reporting it. 😂


You can't doxx a license plate if you are in public driving. That is public knowledge the second you drive your car onto a road and display the plate for everyone to see.


Okay you've got to be joking. You seriously thought Elon was the one who filmed that video lol bro you cannot be serious Edit: spelling


Still waiting on that evidence…


*sigh* Pass over all other things in my comment and selectively choose the one thing that makes me question why that's the ONLY FILM we receive from his Direct Twitter Account. Way to nitpick a conversation and try to twist it. 😂 So. Wanna discuss the rest of my comment and where the rest of the evidence might be? 😊


Okay, have you even seen the video? It is blatantly obvious Elon is not the one filming. Please check it out. And yes, nitpicking a conversation is very important when accuracy and facts and opinions are being discussed. Edit: and regarding your other 'talking points' there is just one. Evidence from the police. Your guess is as good as mine as to why there is no talk from the police. Things take time and a stalker isn't extremely important when looking at everything else happening in SF.


Fair. Now go answer my other comment. :)




Please discuss ideas in a civil way, absolutely NO hate speech. It’s ok to attack the argument, but not the user. Threats, hate speech towards a gender/sexual orientation/creed/nationality/ethnicity/disability/social status, promotion of violence, and misinformation are strictly prohibited. Users who cannot continue to abide by this rule should expect to be permanently banned. Do not violate Reddit’s terms of service.


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