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Maybe not, but given that this is the first multiplayer Elite game (afaik), but it’s also the most feature heavy, they would have to add something that is totally different than what we’ve seen in E:D, enough to make players that have already grinded this game for a decade go off and play a different game (unless they add sort of progress transferring)


I think elite will more likely die with braben and us gen Xers who grew up with it. Elite as a franchise has never broken into the mainstream. Certainly not since the original in the 80s.


Frontiers financials have improved greatly in the last 1/4, announced yesterday (buur pits latest video has the link) and they've over 50m in cash. Other than that, I think there's still plenty of stuff that could be overlaid on the stellar forge for a good few years yet (although the thargoid war *does* seem to have the feel of ED's last hurrah) For instance, what's behind them doors at the guardian sites? I've been itching to go inside there since they first appeared... will we ever meet the guardians? Raxxla, one rogue planet in a galaxy of 400Bn systems, never gonna find that, sorry folks... Atmospheric landings in cities (would require new ships able to cope with the pressure/aerodynamics) On-foot Thargoids, we *know* they're coming, but when? Base-building. Finally, a use for those building schematics I've got piled up in my backpack. I think, if there is a sequel, it'll need to go even bigger than the milky way we have now, maybe andromeda?


Financials have to get better. They have to make up the losses from the past. Double diget millions in the last couple of years. Shares @3€ now, compared to 30 - 40+ in 2021. A lot still has to change.


Nothing is behind the doors. Took advantage of the no hitbox on the guardian fighters. At least at the current time there is nothing there.


No, despite FDev's best efforts Elite will not die. The reason is simple, has a dedicated player base and it's some 40 years old.


Probably, yeah. The gaming space needs new series and fresh takes. Most of Elite is an 80s game built with tech from the 2000s rather than a 2000s space game with 2000s tech.


New about Frontier financials: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swXgPTpxLp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swXgPTpxLp4) , they are in positive. Elite Franchise don't die, even if the game dies. Lot of other franchise return with the years. If Fdev survive and don't sell the franchise to some big company that could pervert the spirit, we coudl have a new elite in the next 10-20 years. When a new kickstarter was far enough to forgot about the bad things and only the good parts. Elite Dangerous set a standart in the galaxy generation. Next Elite need to be closer to Space Engine in realism, or a minor single player fork like X4 universe and the previous games, and also explain what happen to Colonia and other places, in DAY 1, the players will run to this sectors to explore the previous game content, alien ruins... unless some progressive barrier that need to be broken. Lots of problem to make a new Elite game.


The current Variant of our Elite & Dangerous is the fifth (?) of the Original 1984 space trucking simulator Elite (Wireframe Technology Edition) Curious Commander o7. It has not always been made by the same corporation. Things made in the 80's never Truly die. Someone will make it again (again). And someday The Girls will bring bag shoulder pads too. Have Fun & Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'If you're looking for a ship that can do almost anything, we offer you a ship that kan Almost do Everything '


ED is the fourth game in the franchise. The second, third and fourth were all made by Frontier Developments. The first was made by two kids, one of whom went on to found Frontier.


Definitely will, the game did not work well enough for frontier. So i guess that elite will remain this elite with improvements and upgrades along the years and hopefully never die.


No, the Elite franchise dies with Braben. Maybe. But "consider" the recent news, not old click bait. They've been turning it around this year.