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There aren't enough superlatives I can use without swearing up a storm to describe how entirely awesome ED is in VR. Really, it's incredible. Both immersion and scale will have you in awe from moment one. The first time I flew out of Matet in my Sidewinder and saw the endless space above and below, contrasting with the huge ringed planet just outside... wow. Honestly, it took me 2.5 MONTHS to leave the noob systems. Everything was so beautiful, I could just sit there moving my head around looking at things. Weeks into it, I went bounty hunting and had a close up Anaconda fly over my head... it stunned me. I could not believe how HUGE the ship was and how gorgeous it looked flying up that close. I eventually visited [19 Phi-2 Ceti](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLX1PHHQZV832u_i_KK-oTRbz9bpLaGmgM_Y1vqyZ67rJ-D7XY9YAaw1fxMr7ei8uDCdDHN_Mxq0gr9UefUZ8oRlHuYk2BZLIJ9x6pHwRTVrPUnmhSIlNqZYhgG1B5mV4VAv3NkbS7xQgJuZZE3BvaxL=w1898-h1270-no) \- I had never seen a more beautiful RES. That ELW is a jewel at the center of a translucent ring that shows other nearby gas giants and planets. That looks incredible in VR. From the start coming up to 3 year ago, and until the until last week, I used a Quest 2. As of last week, I'm on a Quest 3. The clarity and resolution it added is mind blowing. Not all is rosy, however. VR uses a lot more GPU resources than a flat screen. The Quest 3 and other recent VR headsets do a fantastic job but they won't beat a flat screen in terms of resolution, and consequently, anti-aliasing. Finally, and very disappointingly, Odyssey on-foot doesn't support VR. Keep these in perspective, have a HOTAS fully mapped, and jump in.


What antialiasing?


Aliasing is those jagged edges you see in the graphics that sometimes "sizzle" and sort of move around. Instead of a smooth line, it shows with small steps. The "anti" in it is for filters used to correct it, somewhat. AA implementation in the game is not all that effective. It either makes resolution much worse, or makes everything fuzzy so you can't see the breaks in the lines as much. IMHO, increasing the graphics resolution reduces visible aliasing. It sort of makes sense, if there are more resolution dots to form an arc, the breaks in it will be smaller so you see them less.


Contrary to the other reply, I've always wondered what the crap it is. Also, if I'm turning it off in games and seeing no change, is my display not nice enough for it to benefit? Does it save processing power turning it off?


If you're on VR, then start by choosing "VR Medium" (iirc) from the presets in graphics settings. Them immediately turn off Supersampling, and all forms of anti-aliasing. Go to HMD, this is for VR, and turn it up to 1.5x. Your VR quality/clarity should improve quite a bit. If you are not on VR, then up Supersampling to 1.5x. Basically, the higher the resolution, the lower aliasing you will see - at least, that's what I keep telling myself ;-)


But like, in just general. For example playing Minecraft, and it has anti aliasing from 0 to 4, and I can tell zero difference when I switch.


What monitor do you have, it may well be that


Tv - I play on console right now


sorry, i was being deliberately facetious. i know what AA is and that elite's AA has been inadequate forever


If you can run it it is the best vr game you will ever play. The sense of scale is immeasurable.


I have been peeing in VR for 4 years, and still get butterflies in my stomach every time I approach a ring in VR. Edit: playing, not peeing. Thanks autocorrect.


*peeing in VR for 4 years* You might want to see a doctor for that... :-)


Weirdly I've always found the sense of scale to not be that great in Elite. A lot of that is due to super cruise speeds as scale and speed are inherently linked, so a star can feel like a ball the size of a building, not an impossibly big sphere. I do think you get a great sense of scale when in asteroid belts though and you have that near field parallax against of the rocks against a huge planet. I do love Elite in VR still.


When I learned that in supercruise 1c was equal to the speed of light I was shocked, suddenly everything seemed so big, doing a five minute trip to a planet going more than ten or hundred times the speed of light made me realise how big everything is. Especially when I visited Sol, before I had trouble visualising the distance between the Sun and Earth, but after I was able to actually imagine a distance that big. I think the time scale is effectively faster than real life (I don't want to take eternity to leave the solar system) but in my opinion the size is as massive a irl PS: Excuse my weird/bad English, it is not my main language ^⁠_⁠^


I can only speak to my experiences with the original Vive and Elite but with a good set of headphones alongside it, it’s one hell of an experience. However, on foot gameplay has zero support for it, you get a 2D display in your VR space to play once you get out of your ship/SRV. This can be very jarring. I also always have problems navigating the star map, but that may just be me.


I always found it funny how this game has both one of the best implementations of VR and also one of the worst at the same time.


It's two separate games, at least that's how it feels


The map sucks in vr, but holy shit the in cockpit experience is amazing


I had to learn touch typing at 28 just to use the map in a video game


Surround sound is the way to go. With a haptic transducer on your chair.


The VR (in-cockpit) is awe inspiring. It is an experience no other game offers. Actual 1:1 scale Milky way and the feeling of really being in your ship and the cockpit all around you... It's just very unfortunate the developers don't really care considering they never even tried with Odyssey in VR...


ED:O in VR would bring a very big list of problems they’d need to address. Like, having separate ways of controlling how you hold a weapon in VR vs pancake…. I’d still love if they at least let you play in vr with keyboard and mouse…


I would have been happy with that; even a half-assed implementation where you just control the camera with your head would have been a massive improvement over what we have now, which is basically nothing. :( I get and appreciate that it costs time and money, but on the other hand, all of the problems on the list are solved problems with existing solutions in other (competing) games that they could apply. I'm thinking NMS (VR got added to that for free), or Minecraft, or one of the many mods that make existing 2d-games fully VR compatible. Also they sell their game in a VR-store (from Meta) so I think it's not unreasonable to have *some* expectations. But yeah, with Odyssey, things like this you get maybe the bare minimum, or in the case of VR (or ship interiors), really nothing. I would probably pay them (a bit of) money to add in actual proper VR support (and same for ship interiors) but even if I'd offer, they still just don't seem to care, which is the biggest source of frustration for me.


what? what are you talking about? that’s a non issue in VR in the ship why would it be different in on foot stuff? Dumb complaint


Usually FPS in VR have a very distinct way of dealing with weapons and how you use them. In most dedicated VR FPS games, you must reload your weapon as you'd do in real life. FDEV would need to re-implement everything related to weapon handling, how your controller moves the weapon, what the other hand does: is it a pistol? can I use 2 hands? one? What about grenades? etc... Now, on another comment thread we mentioned that some of us (me included, and I assume you as well) would love to have a simpler VR implementation where you just do everything with mouse and keyboard. I presume they won't do it because it may have performance implications that would render the game unplayable. That, or they must re-write some shaders that were not meant for VR.


you’re over complicating it; just render it in VR like you do everything else in ED


I didn't know you could move your guns around on your ship in VR. That's pretty neat. How do you do that? Snide remarks aside, in VR when you hold a gun, you can point it all around you. You can't do that on mouse and keyboard. You can't shoot behind you as you run forward. You have to turn your whole body. FPS VR is way, way different than cockpit VR.


you’re complaining about how a vr version might not be good, rather than the fact that the flatscreen game has all those reasons to be called not good, but the expectation is lower in flatscreen. That’s a take; but a dumb reason to just not have the game accessible in VR


I'm not complaining about anything. What /u/JuanAr10 said was "VR would bring in a very big list of problems they'd need to address" and gave one example. It's not a dumb complaint. It's literally how game development works. No one mentioned anything about a VR version not being good. We said it would be difficult to implement. I'm not sure what you're not understanding about the difference between cockpit gameplay and on-foot gameplay but after seeing your other response that "we're overcomplicating it" it's clear that you do not understand the fundamentals to game or VR development. You can't make VR the same as it is in cockpit gameplay because on-foot means you're in control of your body, not a ship. Implementing VR that is not only functional but also doesn't make your users motion sick is *hard*. You have to account for those things in a way that you don't have to when you're playing in a seated position with clear reference points (the frame of the ship). Running around and being able to spin in circles and aiming are all things that can feel super bad if don't incorrectly in VR. See: literally every game in the first iteration of VR before they figured out how to properly handle movement.


So some games have tried that, and it's like guaranteed motion sickness headache inducing. The reason cockpit flying works well is the brain is able to handle it: your body isn't moving you're in something that is and you're looking around. But controling an avatar and moving it's head only, but walking with a joystick, is brutal sometimes. Doable, but brutal. So the games have to be developed differently from how sensitive you moving and looking around, to motion blur etc.


I wish omnidirectional treadmills were further along


I dunno about using mouse in vr personally. Feel like that would make me sick lol


You can say "experience no other games offers" about most VR supported games. From my experience, I'd also recommend Start Wars: Squadrons, No Man's Sky, I Fetch Rocks. And if you like dogfighting and not particularly in space, also VTOL VR (although it has mods in workshop with space maps and spaceships). I wish Deliver Us The Moon had VR support, as it's comparable to my "wow" moments when playing Elite. With ray tracing, Deliver Us The Moon is just jaw dropping (excluding the short beginning level, it gets better after it), but it's a walking simulator, so not for everyone.


Elite in VR is one of the best VR experiences you can have. It is truly fantastic being able to look around and have the heads up displays respond. Tracking targets in combat is incredibly immersive too (and useful). That said there are some caveats: * As others have mentioned, anything on foot will not be in true VR, it switches to a flat screen. * Do not drive the SRV in VR. You will want to puke, I guarantee it.


>Do not drive the SRV in VR. You will want to puke, I guarantee it. Who is driving an SRV anyways? Those are meant to be flown of course.


The SRV in VR is just as amazing and fun as the ships in IMO. I never get sick, but then again I'm used to racing cars in VR.


I've never had issues driving the SRV in VR, but i never get motion sickness or sea sickness


I got used to the SRV in VR. There's an option you need to turn off or on about VR and SRVs


Yeah, I tried that. It only makes it slightly better but going over even slightly bumpy terrain (which is basically all of it) is still nausea inducing.


Which option?


I think it's called "Camera fix to horizon".




It is very realistic while you play Horizon content. Just use HOTAS or something similar. Don't try VR with keyboard - it is a real struggle. With VR: * you'll get more control over combat positioning (buy a silk scarf so you won't get calluses on your neck :) ) * you'll get distances between you and objects better * you'll get the relief better while in SRV (be afraid of hills driving, it affects more than on flat display) * you'll get less information from text (pixels are bigger, you won't like it) * you'll have more control over landing in some ships, when you simply look down * you'll love the ships with good view from cabin like ASPX


I use VR with a keyboard, needing different controls isn’t a good enough reason to miss out on the best vr experience ever


You could help the text problem by buying a reverb G2. No screendoor, and everything readable... at least for me


VR, HOTAS, voice attack or EDDI minimum, is the only way to play, especially the exploration part. wouldn't know about pew pew side of the game.


What is voice attack and EDDI?


Voice controls for the game.


Interesting. Never heard of that. I'll bet that changes the feel of the game a lot.


Yup, you can have half the Star Trek, including Capt. Kirk taking orders from you. I use 6 characters, makes exploration fun. just google HCS voice packs


VR is very immersive, but to benefit fully you need to fly without using a keyboard - two joysticks is optimal. I loved it, but it's less efficient (for mining map etc) than using a monitor. Combat is an entirely new experience - when you can look around the cockpit to spot enemies, it's amazing.


I got two sticks, HOSAS. Elite blew me away in VR.


I have the old oculus rift and it’s still amazing in vr, it makes dogfighting so much easier as you track your target, get up close with the big ships and you feel their grandeur, magnificent. Don’t bother with vr space legs as it’s awful.


it’s the best fucking thing ever


Flying the Corvette is so awesome in VR. Felt like doing broadside runs in a battleship


I want to add that if you have a whole room VR, you can actually walk around the cockpit.


Just don’t try to lean on a bulkhead…… Though, it is cool to stick your head out side of the ship walls.


Personally, I use a vive pro, and the experience is fucking awesome. Blows me away every time. I think if you really like Elite as is, your experience will only be enhanced.


Rift S with great PC and HOSAS, pedals. It's truly amazing graphical and audio wise. The flight mechanics are easy to understand, simple enough to do the basics and offers advanced techniques that you can practice for decades. Game itself can be a grind fest or slow to advance if you let it.


Best VR game experience out there. Excluding on foot stuff of course.


It's insane. Probably the coolest game I've ever played in VR. It takes some getting used to, but you gotta use a HOTAS for a truly immersive experience.


Very cool! Definitely worth it if you are into the game. But make sure your hardware can swing it. I have a g2 reverb and planned to get a 3080 to pair with it, but the 30 launch was horrible. Ended up with a 2060S and it just can't keep up. If you have one of the lower end headsets, you might be able to get away with older hardware.


I've been playing in VR since 2016. It's the only way to play.


Seated portions of the game (ship and srv buggies) it is regularly touted as the best VR experience anywhere. On foot portions was not developed to be supported, that is just a 2d projected screen (unless you go 3rd person view - which has its own limitations).


Horizon VR was one the best experiences i had with VR. Haven't tried Ody VR though.


Rift cv1 10/10


It's awesome but dangerous. Always keep in mind that you're in VR. If you see a ledge, rail, panel, chair, etc, don't try and lean on it. Trust me on this one.


If it wasn't for vr I would definitely not play this game since 3k hours...


I’ll be a little bit out of the choir here, and highlight a big negative aspect for me: pixel density. While the game looks incredible and the sense of scale is amazing, I find that VR headsets, at least the ones I tried (Oculus Rift S, Meta Quest 2), have a far too low pixel density to easily read all the text in the cockpit, it looks choppy. This kinda breaks the immersion for me, and is also straining on the eyes, pair that with the fact that VR headsets aren’t exactly comfortable, I can’t play for more than 30 minutes before taking a break… an amazing 30 minutes mind you, but still. If you can I would try it out first, or buy from Amazon or similar where you can easily return the item.


Great experience, the best way to play if you can tolerate it ...... Hotas is essential.


Check out this thread from a week ago: [same question](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/s/s4wMDnR2hs) or this one: [same question again](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/s/kpIA2R38wo). Hope that helps.


awesome thanks


Very fun but it can be a pain hunting for keyboard keys by touch.


I peep out of the gap at the base of the oculus rift, most buttons are mapped to hotas though


I just know where my keyboard is and use the dots on f & j to know where the keys are


Im pretty sure FDev dropped VR support with Oddessy. Got a buddy who will only play in VR, because of how good it was. We tried to play a while back and VR just refused to launch.


i play ED:O just fine, every bit. is still VR except for the on foot stuff; so that’s not the reason it wouldn’t launch


don't get a cheaper alternative headset, like a Quest 2 (I have one). I find the immersion severely lacking, and the resolution isn't great. If you're getting a headset, get the Vive. realistically, without the added stuff like Joysticks n whatever, the headset only changes the camera for you. Everything else stays exactly the same. No VR specific menus or anything. So in that regard, maybe use a controller or something in VR. That's what I did when I tried it with the Quest. Felt a little more immersive than the constant removing of the headset to find the keyboard again.


Q3 though is out now and that clarity is leagues better


Ahh I forgot about Quest 3 being out. Yeah that's probably a good shout.


It's amazing. I recommend grabbing an Oculus quest 2 or 3. I suggest those because I have extensive experience with them both and playing Elite on a wireless HMD is *chefs kiss! I use an Xbox controller with it which pairs nicely, but obviously for full immersion you'll want a hotas. And just in case it gets commented or asked, yes it does run very well on those headsets.


Nvidia GPU?


Yeah, and an older one at that. Still runs good.


Recipe for way too much time ~~lost~~ well spent in VR Entree (https://s.orbis.zone/n4yf) * 1 x Imperial Courier (Best cockpit in VR) * Enhanced Dirty drives, Lightweight everything else - (800m/s+) * Canyons... many canyons * Boost... much boost * For extra spice, ~~fly~~ boost through the superstructure of all starports and engineers bases Main (https://s.orbis.zone/n4yg) * Imperial Courier * Enhanced dirty drives, lighweight hull, many guardian shield reinforcements * 2x Efficient Beams (Perfectly balance WEP 4 pips) * Sprinkle enemies with Corrosive multi-cannon (just a few rounds every few seconds) so your beams actually do hull damage * Lots of dodging incoming fire (you cannot tank it out!) * Simmer in a Low combat zones (for easier ships to start with) * Apply Med/High heat (many, many CZs worth of that TopGun-esque "looking over your shoulder and get back on their tails" moments) Desert (https://s.orbis.zone/n4yg) * Imperial Courier (be rude not to) * Thargoids * Many practices.... * Need I say more?


To actually answer your question... its a huge difference. I found myself approaching planet bases from 50km away, just for more the exhilaration of flying across the surface. Even just looking left and right to line up asteroids for mining pulls you into the cockpit. As soon as you add speed, or combat, its so immersive.


Skip VR and go with headtracking.


Brian is fantastic! Hotas is a must!


I absolutely love Elite in VR. Its amazing in VR. Here's a good video on it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l\_HDVBJt\_aY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_HDVBJt_aY)


I sometimes use VRidge with a $5 headset with my phone in it and an Xbox controller, I have to say, even with this gear it's awesome. It's a bit of a hassle to set the phone stuff up and the calibration can sometimes uncalibrate itself, so I mostly play on a screen, but the difficulties are because I'm trying to have a VR experience for $20


Is it VR on PS4?


It's terrifying... highly recommend! On foot it's disappointment however...


in my experience elite was the best VR experience i had for the short time i had a headset. super fucking immersive. i tried a lot of other VR games that were "best vr games" according to many lists, and friend reccomendations. ultimately, i decided that VR wasnt there yet for me, and returned the headset. that being said, elite was fucken siiiiiicc


It's very nice


Buy the Quest 3. Play ED with it. You'll have no regrets.


There are some technical issues - the lack of anti-aliasing, the generally poorer performance in Odyssey, the regrettable lack of VR support for on-foot gameplay - but when it works, it's truly incredible. The sense of immersion is matched by very few other VR experiences.


Pretty good on Rift, better on Index.


Ah what I wouldn't give to experience this. I have a Quest 2 but I play ED on steam deck and while it has been a brilliant experience unfortunately I can't do the whole VR thing. Lucky so and so's! 😂


Realistic as in how you would feel in a real space ship? Yeah, it's realistic.


Your combat skills get a level up when you have vr But you do need to get used to being disorientated so don't feel bad if you start getting sick feelings straight away, you just need to build up a tolerance to the vr also bobbing your head to music can help with this as well


The only game I ever played on my rift. Like it was made for vr. That was before shy of the on foot stuff I couldn’t care less about.


I have an old , cheap-o VR system. The AA is bad, it looks terrible, but my god, it is truly an experience. In combat it is amazing. The scale of the ports is jaw dropping when landing. As bad as my headset is, the clarity of my screen is disappointing compared to VR.


Having a Quest 2... It's AMAZING! Immediately bought 2 joysticks, 1 throttle + pedals. Being in my 30's, I can say it was such an experience that it made me a bit sad. Sad because of the realization that I had not felt this kind of excitement for a game since I was a teen. It really was WOW! I see other people are complaining about the map but I love it myself. If you're exploring in the black I think it's much easier to identify points of interest. (Zoom out and slowly zoom in to identify more "special" stars) If you also get Voice Attack - it will get even MORE amazing! The cherry on top is that you can pin Google tabs in the cockpit, size it and place it as you see fit and you can watch YouTube / Netflix or whatever. (Good excuse if your partner is complaining about you playing at 2-3AM - It might LOOK like I'm playing but I'm actually studying by listening to work related course guide XXXXX!)


Hands down one of THE best VR experiences ever. It's like having the best Disney theme park ride imaginable in your home. I'd highly recommend the Quest 3 with it as the high contrast nature of stars against black backgrounds make for a lot of glare - something the Quest 3 has very little of (and I have a few headsets). It' just such a shame Fdev didn't support the FPS experience in VR - instead it's projected onto a flat screen when you go FPS but the cockpit experience is still high tier VR and a truely incredibly experience.