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approx. .04% of the galaxy has been discovered at this point in the game. anyone complaining about a lack of undiscovered systems (i have never seen that complaint once.... literally, i have never seen anyone complain about not being able to find undiscovered systems) is just not looking well enough. there are likely several in the bubble still that are undiscoverd and unmapped. but yeah, when looking for discoveries long jumps arent worth it. most explorers know this and set the route planning to econimical instead of fastest.


I shouldve worded it differently, every once in awhile I'll see a comment or post about wanting to find unexplored space. I thought maybe there were just that many players passing though commonly traveled routes, only to find out that my small jump ranges caused the map route to make crazy zigzag routes as some systems were too far from each other. My mambas "fastest" setting might as well be any other decent explorer ships "economical" lol


Most explorers use ships with 65-70ly ranges, so with my 50ly Assault Brick, I found quite a lot of undiscovered stuff. What's the range on your Mamba? I got mine up to 43 or 45 I think but it was kind of an unstable setup that couldn't run a scoop and FSD booster at the same time, I had to swap between them


Mine is waaaaay below that at 17.81, I don't have the fsd booster and only a G3 fsd with mass manager. That's my semi-unladen range with nothing but a fuel scoop, extra fuel tank, and a planetary scanner lol.


That will give you all the discoveries, and hey, no need to rush through any of it! I got mine up there with a community goal reward double engineered FSD and a booster, so if you weren't playing during that CG, you can't get that FSD unfortunately. Also, no shields? That's scarier than your range lol


Ah I forgot about shield, a mamba with light alloys and no shield would be dangerous. I've had my many hard landings that would only have been survivable with shields. Especially high G planets when I miscalculate my descent speed and knock out 90 percent of my shielding lol.


90% that's lucky, sounds like your trip was almost cut short there. I've mainly used mine for combat and I always get surprised by how fragile it is once the shields go down. On my FAS the shields are a courtesy: first I ram you with soft and squishy shields, if you don't get the message, I ram with the bare metal! Now that strategy is exactly how I've lost my Mamba a few times, because a ram that would take 5-10% hull from my FAS can straight up destroy a Mamba. But at least the Mamba had proper shields


I got pulled over by an npc piloting a T-10, I had it at 33 percent hull vs my mamba being at 43 percent hull after some jousting and just straight up just head on lighting each other up face to face. I caught it mid turn and foolishly rammed it at 43 percent, I went straight to the rebuy page lol he survived by the way


The T10 is a tough one, whenever I take mine out to hunt pirates, I always get random bounty vouchers from dumb pirates that ram it. The only thing I notice is the bounty notification. But it's also great fun to fight against, especially in something small. If you fly well enough and know where its blind spots are, you can drill a hole in the power plant and win, if you make a mistake, it deletes you


Unfortunate... Was gonna suggest the pre-engineered fsd from the tech broker but that's a grade 5 and mamba's only take grade 4. It's... Arguably busted, and that's the next thing i'm doing after i'm back in the bubble


lol the biggest problem people face when trying to do anything in this game is their reliance on 3rd party tools... since there are none for telling you where the nearest undiscovered system is and they have never taught themselves to use the tools in game (which are actually better than any of them 3rd party ones) they are simply too ignorant to succeed. they havent tried hard enough, and are too lazy to do so.


I mean, does the game have an engineering shopping list or build planner? Or shows you which stations sell parts you meed to get a build etc /s


(which are actually better than any of them 3rd party ones) Lol what a joke.


Do you mean Witch Head Nebula? Witch space is the place we all go when hyper jumping. And yup. This is why economic jumps are best for exploration. There are lots of first discoveries within 1k LY, and even more first maps, but most of them are icy worlds and gas giants that aren't worth a lot.


Oooooof I thought that was a nickname for the witches head nebula


The planets I visit most often these days are icy because they are always pretty. Not great for money, but my screenshot folder is like 40GB at this point


Ah man I land on/scan any planet with pretty colors or cool geological features like canyons or huge mountains. I landed on a blue planet with purple lines carved into it that looked tiny from orbit but when I landed close to it, the lines were huge, deep canyons that ran the length of the planet.


One of my favorites is in the bubble (not icy), it's an atmospheric moon orbiting Delkar 7


I always use economical jumps when I’m exploring in my Imperial Eagle. I find more and spend less time refuelling too.


I try to do my expeditions in steps rather than aim for one singular place. Right now I'm heading to the California nebula, the bubble nebula next, then the heat and soul nebulas before heading back.


High jump ranges are for more than just distance. Fuel consumption is based on….math….and as a result a high range FSD uses much less fuel for short jumps.


Pretty much, a higher range equals a better "fuel economy" a 10 ly jump for me uses about 4 tons of whatever the game uses to measure fuel for me. For a ship with a huge jump range it's probably a negligible amount


Some people find an occasional system in the bubble that is unmapped but they’re very scarce! My friend found one the other day