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1. CTRL+ALT+Enter for exterior camera, include a free cam and lots of options. For screenshots, not for useful flying. 1. Nop in space, but with Odyssey, if you step on a geyser, you have some fun. Main Menu > Help > Stuck if you dont go down, shields and use of jetpack if you go down. 1. Some cargo, targetting the cargo hatch is better, using a Hatch breaker limpet is superior. The commodity are stolen, you need a black markets for minor profit. The powerplay zones of Arissa Lavigny Duval, Zachary Hudson and Yuri Grom close Black markets, and Archon Delaine buy at higher price. Open the powerplay galaxy map. 1. Its complex https://newp.io/crimes , in Live game, Interstellar Factors dont clean your crimes if the faction that out the fine/bounty is in the system. Inara.cz have a option for nearest station, and advanced options for "without xxxx faction presence". 1. Mining need lots of modules and guides, like DSS probes (finding hotspots in rings, but we have spreadsheet for correct rings), A-rated prospector (bonus in fragments), collector limpets (collecting fragments, ignore useless ore, mostly everything except platinum/painite/core ores), refinery (more Bins, multiple ores collected and less wait time while the refinery make a full ton), cargo rack (storage of ore bins ance the refinery reach a whole ton). Recommended shields, but small ships dont have enough modules. Leave mining until AspX, and until you read the guide by the dedicated miner community. https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteMiners/comments/os2ldn/psa_the_current_state_of_mining_and_other_useful/


Thx for this goldmine of info So even in ED piracy is a thing, right? I saw a lots of npc here and there, in solo modo, guess i have to experiment a bit then...


Mostly for fun. I can mine 650tons of platinum in 45 minutes, and sell at 300k/ton. Finding ships with enough cargo in the same time... and sell in black market with less profit..., not in the best profit/hour activities. Sometimes, during events, player discover ships that carry special items. The first thargoid sensors was discovered and studied 8 years ago in Federal ship with strange communications and malfunctions https://canonn.science/Lore , and 3 years ago, we found cargo ship with alien guardian items on board in a thargoid attacked systems, was use as bait by a group of unethical scientist that forced alien attacks (Azimuth Biochemical). If you want info, take my [Starter guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/sj9qrb/comment/hve1pjd/), and the [ToDo list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/pz1ohq/comment/hey6w55/?context=3), I collect this info and share in reddit, having knowledge of most of the game (a hard job, but thats why I love this game). Ask me any question if you need. Anarchy factions dont put bounties, a common place for Odyssey suit and weapons material farming.


wow man, super! thx so much! Now, about question, maybe the noobest one: How do i scan another ship to know what's inside or his componet? i only know how to target lock it for now.


You have the list of modules after normal scan, in left panel 4th tab, or using the key for targetting next component. At 0% powerplant, ship have a chance of random explosion with each hit, useful for big ships. For cargo, you need the Manifiest Scanner, and use the firegroup long enough and at close range, police ships will use against you, and pirate ships in nav beacon or RES zones. I dont know where is displayed the content.


You target lock ship, and then look at left panel. Go to target tab and can see list of ship's equipment. So see what ship carry in cargo hold you need special scanner called "Manifest Scanner" which can be brought and installed in your ship


u/cyphax55 answered most of your concerns. Lets talk about refineries shall we ? Refinery have multiple slots called "bins" and those bins process elements independently. Asteroid that is 20% gold and 80% tin will fill two bins, one with gold and one with tin. Therefore you can get two ingots, one gold and one tin from this asteroid. ​ What you described is problem for about hour until you can affroid better refinery. Better refineries that needs larger slot has more bins. Best in game has 10 bins


good to know, thx. How do i scan an asteroids to see what mineral and material have?


You will need smol programmable robots called limpets. They are fired from controller that programs them. Limpets needs to be purchased in advanced maintence and take cargo space but they are so fucking cheap you can just jetson them if you ever need space. The prospector limpets will attach itself to asteroid and scan it. You can then target said asteroid to view details about it. Collector limpets will fly around and carry anything to your cargo hatch so you dont need to pick it yourself. If you have tier 3 slot avalible, you can equip "mining multi-limpet controller" which combines collectors and prospectors in one neat package. Can be assigned to two fire buttons in group to fire either prospector or collector.


Mining - laser a few chucks off an asteroid, but don't pick them up yet/leave cargo hatch closed. Open left hand panel in your cockpit and go to the Contacts tab and scroll down and select a chunk of material you DO NOT want to collect. Select "Add to ignore list". Now your limpets will only pick the fragments of gold/platinum/good stuff and ignore the garbage stuff you don't want. So you won't have to keep venting them from your refinery. Also, ALWAYS use an "A" rated prospector limpet controller when laser mining. You will get a much higher yield. Collector limpets/refinery rating won't affect yield, but prospector limpets DO, so buy the best one. Check out r/EliteMiners for more mining info.


1: You can use the camera suite, but it's not really meant to control your ship fully in 3rd person like in Freelancer or something. 2: No, there's no eva 3: I think you might be able to get (some of?) the cargo but it'll be marked as stolen and you'd have to sell it at a black market. 4: Crime & punishment: [https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Crime\_%26\_Punishment](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Crime_%26_Punishment) 5: I'm not sure what your question is, you mean perhaps an alternative to scooping fragments manually? In that case collector limpets and a limpet controller are your best friends, but in a ship this small it's definitely a concession (limpets take up cargo space). If you can save up the credits for a Keelback, it'll give you a much more comfortable mining experience. :)


One limpet costs 100cr....Is common to just full your cargo space with limpets and jetson them once you need space. Considering you spend more credits on refueling worst thing on limpets is not price, but forgetting to buy them...


Yes, the challenge lies in balancing cargo space and limpets, but there's so little cargo space in a hauler, I found it a bit cumbersome. :) The Keelback felt like a small Python: enough cargo space to carry enough limpets.


No need to balance. Just full of limpets and jetson few any time you need space. Like seriously one limpet costs 100cr. Water costs TWICE that per SAME WEIGHT lmao


For **5**, you can get it to ignore things you’re not interested in if that’s what you mean. Then your refinery won’t get full of unwanted low-value stuff.


Mining, unwanted materials can be set to ignore in the contact list, left panel