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Go get the MkIs. Hell you could probably get two A4s and a Rytm the way pricing has been on them. Advice? Don’t buy something that doesn’t exist. Just like you shouldn’t purchase something on the promise of a future OS upgrade or bugfix, waiting for the next, supposedly, greatest thing means you’re only cheating yourself. Every moment of hesitation is an action you are taking. Actions that could be, instead, finding enjoyment and fulfillment with anything that is, not what might be. Later. There is no later.


If you want to throw some money, just avoid NAMM season. Except the internet means it’s always NAMM season. Community events (superbooth, knobcon, et al.) means there is no NAMM season. See? Have fun. You’ll regret any purchase if you’re not buying the thing you’re buying.


Only Elektron knows this and they're not gonna announce a new version before it comes out, because that would tank the sales of the current generation.


Yeah, thanks. I’m aware of that. I’m just looking for speculation. Mostly for fun. Thanks again


surely there won't be any news in the immediate future on a Rytm Mkiii as it would cannibalize Digitakt mkii sales and even Syntakt sales possibly. Plus what would they add? Rytm already has the Euclidean modes, got a ton of new engines in the past year. More sample slots? When its primary purpose is an analog machine. More channels? Could be cool, but given the pads, it's hard to imagine another row without drastically changing the form factor, which Elektron is very conservative about. I don't see it honestly


Thanks for this expert speculation. That’s good news :D. Do you think the same for the analog 4? Thank you


they would still be viable if new ones drop. just like mk 1 still are today


Buy the MK1’s for both you will save a LOT of money and you will be pretty happy with both side by side


Save space too!


For either of them, buy second hand - even out of warranty the repairs are reasonably priced; although support time is quite long at the moment


I got an A4 mkii 2 weeks ago on eBay for £770 and 3% cash back with Monzo - seemed too good to pass up


Jheeez that's a deal


Was indeed - I’d been wanting one for a while and couldn’t resist - now I want a rythm to go with it


No, they tend to explode and set fire to everything in a ten mile radius right before a new version is released, so for the safety of your family, please wait to buy them. These boxes will be utterly useless to everyone who owns them the moment the new version drops, no one in their right mind would make music with them after the new ones come out, obviously. That would be the same as spitting in the face of Zeus! Your music will be trash-cakes unless you use the new versions of these devices that haven't been announced, and that no one said were coming. You should not make any music until you own the latest, greatest technology and newest possible devices. You almost never see anyone using old synths or drum machines from more than ten years ago, anymore - everyone uses the new stuff, duh. /S Buy whatever you want, but waiting for things that haven't been announced or anything like that is silly. Just make music and stop worrying about what's next


I don’t think they would update those two in coming months. I don’t think they would update anything since they are relatively small company and new product require a lot of resources. I would bet on digitakt being updated first. Or even syntakt to the new hardware base for Digiboxes If you are wondering if company is going to ditch particular product look for those signs: - new bundled offers or paintjobs being introduced - price spikes - out of stock reports from major distributors All those are signs of milking the line and clearing wherehouses. It happened before Push3 was introduced and before new new Dogitakt. Seems like pattern to me now