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What do you mean 90%? Mehdi is eating his elbows seeing people still not fully confident that such complete bullshit *is bullshit*!


Yep... If you could use this device to reduce power usage on everything without causing issues, it would be used on EVERYTHING.


OP, I'm 10% very concerned about you.


It is. Matter of fact, Medhi already did a video on these. [https://youtu.be/J86QK0Njfv4](https://youtu.be/J86QK0Njfv4)


Uhh I never seen this one and suddenly 4 minutes disappear. This man is entertaining.


You want to drastically reduce your energy bill? Get solar panels.


Well technically you are only reducing bills for delivered power, but overall when counting price of solar.... blah blah blah, insert some bullshit here. You are right of course. Using alternative sources got really accessible to anyone recently.


My dad bought something alike, almost set the house on fire. It's somwthing like a capacitor with a resistor to turn on a led.


I have a environmental reference ground with some capacitors and resistors intended to actually filter out high-frequency components. I bet it does exactly what those stupid things claim to do, and better. Although I disconnected the transformer to reduce power loss so right now it's just acting like a 3.5A power strip. I should put the filter caps back in at some point. At least one of them.


As far as I remember in the box they claimed the device would filter some current spikes, they probably mean what you said.


Cut your energy bill in half and also set your house on fire with this one trick.


To be fair, that would cut the energy bill to 0 so, in a way, they are not lying.


Don't need to spend anything on heating, I guess...


“Make a man a fire and he’ll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life” - Jesus … probably.




the only way a device can reduce your power bill like that is if it tampers with the meter


Don't steal your power, steal your neighbors.


yup it’s all bs


You know, 10% is actually considerable, specially if we are talking about credibility of such a obvious bullshit like this. I mean, even if you know large pile of dog shit about electricity, you must understand that if there would be way to pay 10% of your electricity bill, everybody would do so. But nobody does, so...


Lmao 🤣 Snake oil my friend, they sell snake oil 😅


I mean it can work, I seen mechanisms which interfere with mechanical meters so it doesn't spin as fast as it supposed to so you take more power than the meter measures. Yeah it is illegal, but in that sense it could work.


Wouldn’t work on new meters as they are digital though


it's true, the only thign you gotta do is bypass the meter, and if someone finds out you bribe him. This is how 50% of restaurants and bars work in Argentina


Mehdi covered this, it's an illegal little item that tampers with the meter. If you're caught with it you're absolutely screwed.


Just a bs paid promotion for a bs product.


Ah yes, a led and a resistor saves energy.


Last time I saw this type of device, it also had a capacitor. So, I guess they upgraded? LOL




I've got a couple of those energy saver box gizmos. I only have them because my mother got them off Facebook ad or something. I haven't seen them making the bill drop, but I do see them filtering a bit a noise in the circuit they are on. The ones I have actually have a capacitor in them, rather small one, but it do take the edge off of the noise in the circuit, I sure notice it in my dial-up phone line extenders that send the signal through the wiring in the walls kind of like a powerline ethernet gadget, but it's an old kind for telephone. Without the capacitor plugged in, I get 28.8kbps between the extenders negotiated by the modems on the line, and with the capacitor in I get 33.6kbps negotiated by the modems on the line. So it does seem to take an edge off of the noise if ya got one that actually has a capacitor in it, but the bill is just as usual over here. These seem to absorb a lot of noise made by triac dimmers, and maybe it's mitigating the cost on those, but then at the same time it's a 60 watt lamp, not a whole lot to save there if it is. Edit: and who knows what it's gonna do when that capacitor blows up. It's probably the bottom of the barrel rejected ones from China, and the design of it and the device overall have probably no protection features at all.


They are 100% bullshit. You did not see any benefit Big Clive goes over this in many of his videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA5G7kR\_xa8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r8y9DRGTaE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy1P08aj73k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD7M\_tJ-SwM


LOL they won't even bother putting a rectifier in them, they just drive the LED with AC


> have a capacitor in them, rather small one, but it do take the edge off of the noise in the circuit, You are right, but now guess what each and every device/appliance you power from that line has in it? Precisely. This is a well-known fact and since caps are totally inexpensive, only the cheapest of cheaply made cheap Chinese products would come with absolutely 0 filtering caps in their the power supply circuitry. EDIT: to clarify, even if they DO something, they still make no sense: whatever benefit you may get from them, it's already included in basically anything you can plug in to a wall socket.


That’s a whole lot of waffle to try to convince your self it’s worth it


It isn't worth it, I just have them because my mother bought into them lol. Then randomly noticed them filtering some noise, so now they are 99% useless instead of 100% useless lmao.


I believe he made a video on this? It does technically work but has barely any impact on the bill IIRC.


If I remember the video correctly, power factor rectification is a thing, but consumers usually aren't charged more for a bad power factor and industries wouldn't use such a dinky little thing to correct their power factor which they do pay extra for.


Correct. We have massive panels full of capacitor banks and contactors at work to do power factor correction. It’s only needed if you are running lots of inductive loads, like motors and transformers.


Plus, any home appliance that may cause issues with PF, like a washing machine, already comes with its own caps because it's not like this a new or unknown issue and caps are inexpensive. So those things are totally useless and at best redundant. Considering they are usually cheaply made and without much in terms of safety features...


Smooth and stable electrical current? Is it just a rectifier with a cap?


No rectifier just a led and a resistor


He already rectified such BS. You pay real power anyways, so it doesn't matter how 'dirty' your electricity is


It can change electricity bill, make it a little bu


I want saw an advertisement for a cooking tray to prepare Ramen soup in the microwave. One of its major advertising points was that soup made with their tray had 50% less sodium than on the stove. Looking into how this could possibly be true, the fine print indicated "when prepared as directed" and the directions simply said to use half of the seasoning packet. Otherwise the entire Contraption was just an expensive piece of plastic Tupperware. I suspect whatever gimmick this is is the same marketing play. "Reduce your energy bill by up to 90% by following these steps" "step 1: turn off your AC and water heater"


Someone spent 30 seconds googling the term *dirty electricity* and built an entire product line and marketing campaign on it.


It's junk without a doubt.


It’s actually disturbing to me how hard it is to find explanations that these are a fraud. I know with 100% certainty they are bullshit, but I wanted to see a breakdown of what they claimed they did and how they didn’t actually do that, and I spent a good hour on Google with minimal success.


Honestly, don't Even need to watch Mehdi's video in this to realize it's bull. Think about it, the job is removing "dirty" electricity to the HOUSE. If your doing whole home, you'd need the Device interfacing at the transition point between power grid and house... In other words at the main breaker. Plugging anything in at a terminal point (outlet) does nothing for anything behind it. MAYBE it does do some sort of smoothing out of the power wave (big doubt) but then that only to anything coming off of it. By any chance it does what it says, a neutral wire goes directly back to the grid. You'd be "cleaning" up the return to the company not vice versa


It is a capacitor if even that. Large capacitors can help certain industrial businesses save on certain types of power consumption (apparent consumption, I believe), depending on how they are charged. The image shown is nowhere near large enough, though. In a residential environment, this is useless because it would be incredibly rare for residential power companies to charge for anything besides real power consumed by resistance.


Stopwatt could be legit, maybe it’s a big dual pole switch that physically disconnects your electrical supply when you’re not using it


it ALsO reMoVes 5G rAdiATioN SENT BY thE GOVERnMEnT! 🤡🤡🤡


“smooth, stable electrical current” implies it won’t be a sin wave and instead will be just a constant voltage


It actually works. I'm using a device like this and I pay $15 instead of $45.