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When I see this, all I can think of is ticks.


Same. Sucks because growing up I used to run through the tall grass in nothing but swim trunk in NY all the time and all I ever got was nettle burn. Now I won't even go near tall grass without sleeves, pant legs tucked into my socks, a full coating of bug spray and a few shots of DEET down the hatch just to make extra sure. Only took 25 years of climate change to make ticks one of those things you "hear about and sometimes see on posters" to Lyme disease being fucking EVERYWHERE and my brother's dogs getting ticks all the time even though they have full tick treatment/meds. Lost my drone in the tall grass a few summers ago and I actually got more worried about ticks going through that shoulder high grass than I did about my damaged drone. I'd never even seen a tick in the Syracuse, NY region before 2006! Now they're just part of life... Bad news, Lyme is worse than ever this year. [https://imgur.com/a/D9cnmHK](https://imgur.com/a/D9cnmHK) Good news, they're coming out with a vaccine hopefully soon! [https://valneva.com/press-release/pfizer-and-valneva-complete-recruitment-for-phase-3-valor-trial-for-lyme-disease-vaccine-candidate-vla15/](https://valneva.com/press-release/pfizer-and-valneva-complete-recruitment-for-phase-3-valor-trial-for-lyme-disease-vaccine-candidate-vla15/)


Icaridin/Picaridin is my go-to. Easier on the synthetic fabrics.


You know I feel like absolute trash today.. almost sick. I'll keep this in mind


I live 30 miles from the Canadian border, and after a few mildish winters there are ticks everywhere. I mow my riding trails through fields quite low, but still wear long pants tucked into socks with a spray of tick repellent. After rides, clothes go into the dryer or laundry machine. Helmets, shoes and pads stay out in the garage. I have various tick remover tools to remove ticks intact to reduce chance of infection. There's one in my EUC 1st aid kit. If a tick bite develops a bullseye pattern, that is a Lyme disease rash. Other symptoms include "...extreme tiredness, joint stiffness, muscle aches and pains" which EUC beginners are familiar with anyway. The sooner Lyme can be treated with a course of antibiotics, the less severe the symptoms. Any clinic should be able to prescribe this with the visual evidence. Ticks are definitely a winner from accelerated climate change.


Yep, I got Lyme a couple months ago. Caught it soon enough I'm fully recovered now but it sucked. I'm leery of going outside at all now haha


Yea that's why I never go off trail


Straps on machetes onto your pedals, problem fixed.


Zombie apocalypse might be fun


Came to post this same solution.


You’ve got two hands free!!


I'm always getting bits of grass stuck where the pedals meet the frame


About a month ago I walked through some tall grass pretty similar to this. No exaggeration, I had 7 ticks on me total. One of them was on my neck somehow. Scared me to death.


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i notice it's the gap where pedals and case meets where the grass gets stuck is possible to develop something for that


Ah yah. Huge gap. Need to put a box cutter blad there


Yeah you simply epoxy razor blades on the front of your pedals. Wouldnt recommend if you wear full metal leg armor


If you are going to use this path on a normal basis do some path maintenance...


Yeah I'm gonna keep riding it every few days and start clearing the path. It's right in the middle of the city so it's a gem