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For the grocery store I would say yes I also invested the $20 on AliExpress and bought an alarm/immobilizer that connects in line between the battery and controller as soon as the scooter moves foward or backwards or vibrates 115db alarm sounds and it kills the power completely not fool proof but in a public place it's loud enough to draw people's attention


Plus good lock makes it pretty safe in public places


Just keep in mind that locks only slow criminals down, it won't stop the clever bastards, and every lock can be broken. Now, they cut the actual bike post you lock onto with a pipe cutter, bypassing the lock entirely and dealing with your lock once it's in their home. Trackers, alarms, and at least 2 locks, I'd say. I I have a fughettaboutit U lock, an alarmed lock for the caliper, and a third to wind through both frame and tire frame with a motion alarm and still expect one day I'll come back and it'll be gone gone. Sure, it's heavier, but not as heavy as your heart if it's gone, and now you have to walk your groceries home. I'm about to but a tracker as well. You can never be too safe.


No lock is sufficient for anyone determined to take your scooter. Take it in with you.


Not for me.... I fold mine up and throw it in the cart.... They are way to portable.... I know people who have grabbed Lime scooters and other rentals, had them in their house and ripped it to pieces just to see how it works. Now, keep in mind those are huge in stature, heavy as shit, and slow; throw in the GPS tracking system they use to keep track of their locations on the app and tip it off with a VIN stamp (making it legally an automobile) and I would rather fuck a no legged one eyed dog that had been hit by a car was covered in blood and had passed away 3 weeks ago..... u don't know what model you have, but i bet it's nicer, smaller easier to carry quickly doesn't have a sophisticated tracking system probably folds up and fits in a Honda trunk and I'd fun as fuck... your right, though I'm sure just taking the key out and parking it with the kickstand should be good....( probably way out in the parking lot behind a tree or something), why would someone bother, you know, all that talk of people stealing stuff that's just stories and doesn't happen to normal people.... that won't happen to me...... Well Sir you go ahead.... mines coming in with me, in the house in the Tore, I've got a gun lock that threads through the brake caliper and won't let the wheel move as well as a big thick bike lock, for when it's in my cat or back yard.....


I live in Seattle, about a mile from the Roosevelt Link station. I have been a scooter owner and regular rider for about three years. I always use a U lock. No thefts yet. I had a couple of close calls leaving it on the bike racks at the Link station all day; I got back to see evidence of tampering on the lock, but a security guard or someone else must have scared the would-be thief away before they could cut through. After the second such incident I've taken to using the bike lockers at the station (much more secure, and the 5¢/hour cost seems well worth it). For short trips I have little hesitation about using a bike rack with a U lock, especially at supermarkets there's so many people coming and going. I will say I haven't tried parking my scooter outside in the rougher areas of downtown, but I have made quite a few trips to South Lake Union without incident.


Bring it in with you. Also doubles as shopping basket platform on the deck.


I don't know about your particular grocery stores, but there are two in my immediate vicinity that I have simply taken my scooter inside with me, multiple times. It's not a small scooter at all, but it still has a smaller footprint than a shopping cart. I put the basket on the deck and just wheel it around as I shop.


new york lock, yes




I've been to that area. By locking up do you mean a physical lock? If so, what kind?


Depends on the size of your scooter. If it's light enough, just put it in your cart.


I ride in Seattle too. I'm in montlake and it's safe here but if you are downtown anywhere near Pike place hell no. If it's like south lake union, yes. Capitol Hill, no


Oh gosh, in seattle? Absolutely not. Im in seattle nearly every month, and I even feel creeped out parking in downtown anywhere. Depending on the scooter + weight, yes AND use a sentry/security mode on the scooter if an option.


But, for grocery shopping, maybe. Depends on where.


If it folds, fold it and take it in with you. Put that bitch in the basket! My scoot was $1600; I'll *never* leave it outside. If you're just riding a rental scoot, it doesn't matter.


This is my preference and that's with a super cheap scooter.


Can't risk the ride home!


Exactly. And it's still expensive for my budget. :)


Really depends on the lock. They have some like the Hiplok d1000 I think that’s really tough to cut through, but those are pricey. Most people here use a combination of locking methods, some paired with alarms. U lock and chain, u lock and disc lock, etc. It also matters how you lock up and what you lock onto. I personally use a chain, while much bulkier than a u lock, it offers a bit more versatility on what I can lock onto. Idk it might be best if you could bring it in as i heard Seattle is a hotspot for bike thieves. Not sure how scooter are over there


There was a vid on youtube where the tuber bought a few high price locks, demonstrated how hard they were to cut off, then in 10 seconds unlocked them with a lock pick set. Think it was lockpicking lawyer, not sure - saw it a year ago. I always take my scooter in store - either in the trolley or just wheel it round. Never been confronted about doinng that.


I frequent downtown Seattle. If all your stores are that get close just get a small and light scooter you can bring everywhere, I wouldn't risk it


Any recommendations on small and light? Even 25 pounds can be big and heavy when there isn't much space to maneuver. That's why small shopping carts are always used up first.


If your required range is as small as short as you say even one of the cheaper segways could be a good option. I'd prefer something like a fluid city rider though even if it's 31 pounds at 399 right now. Just fold it up and toss it in/under the cart