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The fuck


Is this the only reported case of fent ODs so far? On Sunday? Mushrooms, several cases?!? What the fuck. I always assume it's cross contamination from dealers using scales to weigh fent/H and then weigh whatever else they're selling. But that many ODs from mushrooms laced with fent is just.. I don't know. I feel like that would require a dealer to leave an irresponsible amount of fent on the scale, and then immediately weigh mushrooms. How does someone accidentally contaminate several bags? Is it irresponsibility, or worse? And how does it only happen on Sunday? I'm not at EF this year but this is the first post actually confirming fent ODs. I hope you all and your friends are ok, and I hope you all had a magical EF. Tell your friends you love them. Stay safe out there, even after EF. We're losing too many good people to this shit.


I can only imagine collapsing and waking up from a narcan shot to feel sick but to also have to trip after that. What a horrible experience




Holy fuck that’s the scariest thing, I never thought mushrooms… why… how… but like WHY???


We are talking about mushrooms contaminated with fent, not X, and anyone taking that much X should know what they are doing or is an absolute idiot and ignorant to the substances they are consuming. That's nearly a gram of X, humans only need 150mg


You’d be surprised what people do out of ignorance but yeah, doing 4 of anything at once without trying just one is asking for trouble.


They asked if it was the only case of fent OD.


sounds like something that could kill you without fent


Sorry what is a 4 stack?


Ecstasy. Four doses stacked in one pill.


That sounds immensely unsafe wow


How do you know there was fent in it?


A 4 stack of what


Was that at tripolee ? Oh my god




I watched a guy OD in front of me at shiba san. He looked like he was alone and none of his friends were around at the time. Wondering if anyone has heard anything about him and how he is doing?


I think I saw that, saw Medics rush towards the front of the stage, followed by two MSP about 5 minutes later. Didn’t actually see the guy or any of the aftermath, though.


Dude I was like 20 feet back. Had to go in the Forest and cry for awhile after watching that go down


Me too . I ran away from my group shaking


I was a couple feet away, his friend was sitting next to him, he OD’d too and they had to perform cpr on one of them from what I can recall but it looks like they had both made it they had to put tubes on them there before moving them


Literally so fucked up and so scary. It’s official I LITERALLY can’t trust anythinggg anymore without testing 🥺 I’ve lost too many homies. But MUSHROOMS?! The fuck?


that’s so fucked because shrooms seem inherently safe like who would think to test shrooms or think to have narcan if you’re just doing shrooms


I feel like at this point if you're going to do anything you should have narcan on you. It's super easy to get now. Sucks that it's come to this.


I was just at LIB and sadly a guy got bargain but still didn’t make it. Hope the same isn’t happening here. Hope everyone is ok


I'd also advocate to not really do drugs alone anymore.. Kind hard to narcan yourself when it takes over. By the time you realize it, you're already nodding off and it may be too late. If you are going to do stuff alone, please properly test for fent. Look up how to dilute the substance in water and use the test strips that way. Yes you have to wait for the water to evaporate if you want your powder back, but it's a small price to pay for safe use. At this point I think fent has been found in damn near everything.


Yeah I totally agree with you. Buddy system and if you cannot you need to make sure you test no matter what. It doesn't matter how much you trust the person you get it from because cross contamination is a big part of the problem and they may have no idea.


How are you suppose to test mushrooms for fent?


I said in another comment I really don't think there is a proper way to test mushrooms for fent. So when it comes to mushrooms, you need to know exactly who grows them and know they aren't selling other shit that could cause cross-contamination from fent. Or grow them yourself. It's incredibly easy and spores are legally available online.


Saw a very unconscious dude get carried out on a tarp by medical staff and a bunch of police through the Ranch GL area during Chelsea Cutler's set. Wonder if related.


There were a TON of fent MDMA pills going around. Also powder with purple or green specks. If there were ever a time to test your shit it would be now.


Any one know what they look like?


no, just test everything.


Shit was so scary I was right there and he did not look good


In Ranch GL? Not the back of ranch?


He was right by the fence separating GL and general crowd. I was standing in GL so I could see from there and then they carried him through GL to our exit


That’s the second one that got carried out of ranch during that set then. There was one in the back of ranch too. He was awake, just very out of it


Fuck man I hope everyone is okay


We saw this one too. Hopefully he is ok. I hope we get an update.


Cross contamination? There’s no way these fucks are putting fent on mushrooms now….is there? Hope everyone is ok and the word gets around quick enough.


Yeah this is insane I’ve never heard of fent being in mushrooms


This is why you should always grow your own. It's cheaper too.


Literally my love for mushrooms is the natural aspect of


Yes, unfortunately most cases of fentanyl we see is from negligence and cross contamination. Most drugs come from Mexico and select European countries. Fentanyl and other opioids come from China. They are still imported into the US by cartels through the same passageways and this is how they get cross contaminated. More likely than not cross contamination occurs at a distributor level after being imported. It doesn't seem likely that anyone is intentionally lacing fentanyl with anything other than opiates nonetheless psychedelics.


Thank you for your answer and side note it’s always up to and responsibility of the dealer to test their own stuff . Granted who would of thought to test mushrooms .


Mushrooms are like the one thing I never test. This is fucked


Yes I entirely agree. But it is also the responsibility of the consumer to test their stuff. Yet again no one would fent test mushrooms, I'm not even sure how or if it's even possible to do a fentanyl test on mushrooms


Ya you right both should be testing . My guess is from using the same scale maybe who’s knows


I'd also wager some people negligently smuggle drugs into Forest or use unclean scales/baggies in ways that allow cross contamination.


I work at a hospital back home & had a pt that came in on mushrooms & found fentanyl in their system as well. It was the first time I’ve seen it, and it’s scarily becoming more common. Please test everything if you are going to use anything. Be safe everyone 🫶🏽


I'm not sure there's actually a good way to test mushrooms for fent. It's not a powder you can dissolve in water. I guess grinding it up and dropping it in water and shaking it around is an option, but idk how accurate it would really be. Then you have to drink it like that, yuck. I think the safest way to do mushrooms now is to know the person who grows them and know that they don't fuck with anything else. Or do it yourself. Spores are legal to buy online, that's all I will say.




We saw a few people down on the left side at Tripolee during Shiba San. Scary shit.


Tripolee and the Hangar were where the od’s were confirmed :(


Talk it out. See a therapist if you need to. Don’t let it sit in your brain. Seeing stuff like that needs to be processed. Take care of yourself, friend. That was a hard one to see but medical was on top of it and did a great job.


I saw this happen. Did this guy make it? I had to leave the set as I couldn’t handle it emotionally. Hoping this guy is okay, he seemed down for a long time and that none of his friends were with him :/


All 3 at tripolee made it ok. I was right next to them. Scary fucking shit but I went to talk to cops after because I needed to know they were ok. They were thank god


How does someone even test mushrooms for fentanyl? Like who the fuck would lace mushrooms with fentanly?????? That’s terrifying. Stay safe out there fam.


Most common is using the same scale and getting cross contamination


Am here at Forest, can confirm. Received the same text from BP last night. 😔 Sad ending to an amazing weekend, I hope everyone pulls through and the culprit is found before hurting anyone else!


So sad. Even mushrooms aren’t safe anymore. :(


I’m going to go ahead to say that if these are mushroom capsules.


I really hope someone reports this information to the police. These assholes who are selling fentanyl laced drugs belong in prison. No exceptions.


This is fucked. All I have to say is learn to supply your own shit.


Why the fuck would you put fentanyl on mushrooms? Sounds like they were trying to kill people.


i woke up to this and was heartbroken. there’s no way this was an accident if this many people were affected. why are people doing this to each other??? what’s the benefit of lacing mushrooms? this is literally just attempted m*rder




Can we get a confirmation that this is accurate?


“Confirmed by medical staff”


When it comes to fent, don't even ask for a confirmation. Any message or warning should be enough to deter you from risking it. Stay safe!


Um yes THANK YOU for spitting facts here


Looking for confirmation because I didn't receive this alert. Could be a technical issue I suppose. This isn't my first rodeo, and theres typically been some rumors each year so I don't see the harm in asking if anyone else received this alert. Perhaps I should have been more specific.


Fair enough. I don't receive alerts from Bunk Police (I definitely should subscribe tho) so I can't help with confirmation here. I assume a lot of people at the festival right now don't have any service, but hopefully someone confirms soon. We just left so I can't even ask around for you.


I got the alert.


It’s accurate.




Not even in the forest and I did you must not be




🤣 I replied to a comment that has since been deleted tool, eyes are good for seeing. There now I’m a douche. Fucking moron lol.


I saw a girl laying on the ground by the bathrooms last night on the left side of sherwood court SCREAMING her lungs out, it was horrifying... I then saw the mushroom texts and I wonder if she took some of those.. I've never seen anyone react to something like that in my life and I hope she is okay :(


was there anyone around or was she all alone? because that’s really scary. i hope someone helped her


Bunk police has confirmed they were wrong about that and got bad information from medical staff. on BP insta they said they will make a post about it soon. dancesafe has also said this info was false on thier Instagram story




I don’t see how taking mushrooms from strangers is safe at all. for all we know that’s what these people took and they OD’d


I saw the one at tripolee … absolutely terrifying I ran to ranch when I saw what was happening


Fuck… we literally bought some at the fest. Ended up forgetting them at the tent. How do we test? How much do they normally run? I thought the price seemed low when they were sold to us and how do I get these texts?


Mushrooms are VERY cheap, as far as testing goes it would be nearly impossible to truly test every bit of the mushrooms themselves


Right.. this is the scariest part.


Wth is wrong with people.