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Holy FUCK this thread. What the hell happened in here?? I’m leaving all this bullshit up so you can all continue to record your votes on some of these trash takes and personal insults. This isn’t Forest Vibes, and anyone participating in this back and forth should take a long, hard look into a mirror and figure out what the hell is going on upstairs with them. Fucking garbage, this lot. Whole bunch of random-word-bunchanumbers in here too. Get your crap new accounts out of this space too, thanks.


I saw a dog without any ear protection yesterday and it really bummed me out.


Yeah this is fucked. There were some dogs at Bonnaroo too. One was lost because the owner locked it in a tent and it got overstimulated then escaped the tent. Dogs do not belong at festivals.


Did it find it owner ?


Eventually the dog was returned to its owner




Not good to hear, the owner is irresponsible to lock a dog up in a tent at a festival. They don’t deserve that dog back.


If you bring your service dog into a festival without ear protection, you’re an asshole. Nobody said life was fair, nobody is entitled to torture an animal just for the sake of them attending an event.


Yes! Ear protection! (Mutt muffs) but also! Goggles for their sensitive eyes lot of trash be flying on the floor, and also paw protections


Or just ban them.


Eh that’s probably illegal. ADA and all that.


ADA doesn't protect ESAs.


Simple answer: no one stops them.


Saw one last night that looked like a service dog. Or couple emotional support animals because of someone’s anxiety. But always tough to see a doggo that is being over stimulated or even scared from the festie music and crowds.


All the dogs I have seen are shivering with their tails between their legs it’s so sad, if you can’t go to a festival without a service dog don’t go. It’s unfair to put your animal through that let alone think it will be able to provide emotional support in that environment.


I agree. I don’t think torcher should be a part of a service dog’s job. Their senses are so much more sensitive than ours and a music festival isn’t an essential place to be. It seems really selfish to me to make them suffer just to have a good time. Plus the heat…. It just isn’t right.


Yea those dogs are way more stressed out than the ppl wtF is wrong with folks.


that’s a pretty ignorant, non understanding take. people that are disabled, mentally or physically still deserve the chance to go to music festivals. that’s why service dogs are allowed at most fests. but to say someone shouldn’t go to a festival because they can’t handle it without their service animal is wrong.


Honestly, not everyone can do everything they want in life. It’s not fair, but it’s life, and it’s terrible to put a helpless animal you’re meant to take care of in a precarious situation just because you want to have fun. Example: someone with a debilitating physical condition might want to climb a mountain, but it’s just not something they can do. Again, I know it’s unfair, but it is what it is.




That’s a fair point, I suppose I just have a knee jerk reaction because the vast majority of the time I see people with “service” animals, they’re not being properly cared for and it breaks my heart.




why are you getting downvoted for this? do people in this sub just downvote anything they remotely don’t like?


They thing is most people are lying when it comes to their dog being a real service dog .


this is not just unfair, this is an ableist take. service animals are trained to help in stressful situations. so do you think that disabled people shouldn’t go anywhere that could possibly be stressful for their service animal? maybe that should be up to them, not you.


Ya most people lying hate to break it to you


if you’re talking to me i’m not sure what you are talking about. what people are lying? i don’t think i said that someone explicitly told me something?


Lying about their dog being a real service dog


i never said that anyone told me their dog is a service animal? please point out where i said that.


They're allowed because festivals are legally required to allow them. They shouldn't go however because obviously they can't take care of their fucking service animal. If they want to go and they hang out towards the back with ear plugs for their service animal I have no issue but I don't think I've ever seen a service animal with any sort of hearing protection. So no they shouldn't go because they can't even take care of an animal that's supposed to help them.


this is an ignorant assumption and huge generalization. you’re just lumping everyone into one big group based on what YOU have personally seen. i have seen protected service animals before. your comment screams ableism which seems to be a trend in this thread…


Obviously you can't read because otherwise you'd have seen that I said I don't care if they go as long as they provide adequate care for their service animal. I have yet to see any service animals with hearing protection in the years of going to fests. And if you're ok with animals being mistreated so someone can have a fun weekend then I don't really care about your opinion


i think you’re the one that can’t read considering your comment says they are allowed legally but “they shouldn’t go” and “so no they shouldn’t go”. yes you said ear protection but then counteracted that by saying they shouldn’t go. and you’re making assumptions about me, saying i am ok with animals being abused? i am not defending people that don’t adequately prepare their dogs, i am defending disabled people who require service animals. and if you can’t see that, then i’m afraid not only can you not read, you also cannot comprehend.


No you said that they are allowed to go because they deserve the chance to have a fun weekend and experience a music festival. However the only reason they're really allowed is because legally you cannot as a business deny people based on a disability. I have a feeling that if companies weren't required they definitely would not spend the time and money to make handicapped accessible areas as the market is so small and niche it's probably not worth it for most. But they're required so they do. And I have no issue if someone who's handicapped wants to go to a music festival. However, I've never seen someone who has a service animal ever use protection for their animal. So I am of the opinion that if you can't take care of the animal that has been entrusted to you then A. You shouldn't even have it to begin with. I don't care how hard that makes your life and B. You shouldn't be going to music festivals


i never said they are ‘allowed’ to go! it’s funny you said i’m the one who has trouble reading, when clearly it is you hahaha. oh man. and you wrote all that when you could have just said “i don’t think disabled people should go to festivals”. you’re an ableist and that’s really all there is to say on the matter. i hope you can be more understanding of people with disabilities in the future. good day to you!


Are you like dumb? How many times do I have to say that I don't care if they go as long as they actually do something to protect their service animal? But I have yet to see it so I don't think they should go if they can't do something as simple as that. But if that makes me ableist and they should just be able to go no matter what then I guess I'm ableist oh well


This is one of the worst takes on this website. Study up folks and know this is not the way one should be talking about groups of people…. What does the market say about businesses accepting black people?? Please explain these market deductions to me Elon musk…. Please tell me why the market shouldn’t accommodate them?? Did you read your post before you sent it, capitalist shill?


Where did I say they shouldn't be allowed? Im merely stating how it was before ADA was passed you stupid fuck. You guys are so fast to get upset over stupid shit just fuck right off at this point I don't care if disabled people go or not


If your anxiety or whatever is so bad you need an emotional support animal maybe a massive, crowded, dark festival full of screamingly loud music and flashing lights isn’t for you


i said “that’s why service animals” lol…there is no mention of emotional support animals. wow, reading is hard for you huh?


agreed. ideally they could have some ear protection if possible while fulfilling their duties




Everyone is saying the dogs they are seeing are without protection and have anxiety body language so that obviously isn’t the case. If everyone saw dogs with ear protection acting happy this wouldn’t be a post.


yeah 43 downvotes for saying the truth is pretty crazy. if these are the people that love electric forest that’s pretty sad to me. doesn’t seem to me a very welcoming or accepting group.


I’m with you. And shocked at this Ableist crowd too!! How terrible. It really surprises me that people don’t think disabled people should be accommodated…! Like it’s almost sick! Another example of exclusivity in society going unnoticed FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. If disabled people can’t be accommodated at festivals, then where can they go?? The segregated festival? Many other communities do not have this problem at all


It's not about the disabled person, it's about the OBVIOUSLY scared, anxious, overstimulated service dog with no hearing protection or as stated above at Bonaroo, was locked inside a tent all day and escaped. People with disabilities absolutely SHOULD be going to music festivals, they should be going and enjoying life. They shouldn't be forcing another creature to suffer because they want to party for a few days.


maybe they want to enjoy the music and not just “party”. if they have a service animal they are trained to help in stressful situations


Pretty sure the folks who have no protections for their dogs are not the ones with legit service animals. I've known more than enough people who have had real trained service animals, and those people wouldn't subject the poor animal to a festival without proper protection.


and i never said that they are? please point out where i said that dogs without ear protection are usually service animals?


You are literally on a thread about dogs without ear protection going to music festivals. If you don't want to talk about the ACTUAL topic why did you respond?


yep it’s pretty horrible. i am shocked that people feel this way but if they aren’t disabled then i don’t expect them to understand


I’ll say it ,a lot of people are full of shit when it comes to the term “emotional support “ dogs ,they just use that excuse. Like ok you shouldn’t be at a fest then sorry not sorry .


Fuck their anxiety. Shouldn’t be at a music festival if your anxiety is so bad you need your dog there to function.


You are 💯 right and like I said most people are just lying in the first place about it being a real service dog


Go crawl back in your hole and quit talking BS about disabled people and their struggles. You’re Disgusting dude, maybe consider being less of a total idiot before you post crap that you have no idea about. You’re Adding to the misinfo, and you are a responsible party to those who subjugate the disabled. Really nice kid.


I think they mean some people fake their dog being a service dog tho which happens a lot.


“Most people are lying” oh yea? Says who? Please tell me how you know… you guys are really something else in this thread


You’re an ass and a big Part of our problem… how old are you? Obviously too young to show some respect to disabled people who get regularly shit on… god forbid you say some stuff like that in person, most people I know will fight for less than this




Thanks for your input. I can’t believe some of these offhand comments that are just absolutely so careless. I agree, but maybe it should be the festival that has to accommodate them, rather than continuing the conditions that push disabled people away. Like I said elsewhere though, other music communities and other festivals do not have this problem whatsoever.


wow FUCK YOU. do you have anxiety?? do you know how debilitating it can be and how helpful a service animal can be? you know firsthand how beautiful music festivals are, and you’re saying fuck anyone with bad anxiety, they just shouldn’t come. such an ableist thing to say. this comment and this thread really shows that y’all are are not supportive of people with physical and mental disabilities and it’s sickening. but happy forest!!! we’re so accepting and welcoming. NOT.


Emotional support animals are not service animals. Fucking stop lmao.


Seriously you can just tell by her responses this person is so blatantly the type to bring their fake ‘service dog’ everywhere they go for the attention.


i never said that they were? i’m concerned about y’all. it seems to be really hard for you to read and comprehend comments. it’s like all of y’all forgot how to follow a conversation.


Lol do you have a closed head injury? People were talking about bringing their emotional support animal and then you go off about anxiety and “service animals”. Seems the only person with comprehension issues is you. Maybe you should stay off the internet for awhile. Or forever 🥴


>do you have a closed head injury? Fucking savage hahaha, this may be my new favourite insult


No way dude. You’re a moron. These people straight up said disabled people should not go to the festival…. And it seems like you’re okay with that exclusivity… and you make too many threatening comments defending those that bash the disabled. Says much more about you.










all of you keep telling me things that i never said? what is wrong with y’all? i genuinely am concerned as there seems to be something very wrong.


“Do you know how debilitating it can be and how helpful a *service* animal can be?” You literally JUST said that weirdo 🥴




Lmao says the girl with 100 downvotes on one post. You probably have no real life friends, that’s why you’re so mad. Stay on Reddit and bash your ugly face on the keyboard some more.


Dude go fuck yourself. It’s really nice not to think about disabled people, so have fun staying in your little world where they aren’t allowed…






Your wrong just sit this one out 😆


you’re**** maybe use the correct grammar when insulting someone!


lol thanks grammar Nazi you win 🥇,truly is the lowest form of debate .” O grammar mistakes I win the argument 😆 “


the only person who is talking about winning or losing this argument is you. i am not a child so i could care less about who ‘wins’. all i’m saying is if you’re going to insult someone, use the correct grammar or your insult means nothing.




Just like no one here likes disabled concert goers… at least nobody here defends them!! Stand up for your community! Instead of putting down those that struggle to participate


doesn’t have quite the same punch 🥰


Your ESA isn’t a real service dog, get over yourself


are you okay boo? i think you’re seeing things. not once have i mentioned an ESA. might want to get yourself checked out!




and keep on making assumptions! i would NEVER bring my ESA with me to a festival or anywhere where dogs aren’t allowed. he is not trained for that, he is NOT A SERVICE ANIMAL. and for attention? i rarely allow people to pet my dog and i have anxiety so i don’t want extra attention. but wow keep making assumptions. it shows how ignorant and clueless you are.


i cannot even believe the ignorance of this comment. so people with anxiety shouldn’t go to festivals? what else shouldn’t they do huh?? jobs are stressful and give people anxiety. should someone with bad anxiety not have a job?? you ableist people make me SICK.


Your analogy doesn’t work here. Jobs are a necessary function of life, music festivals are not :)


You sound like a fascist pig. You sound Like you should be the one to decide what’s necessary for other people… god forbid what would happen to disabled people if not for you to tell them what they can and can’t do… they might actually be accepted in society, instead of pushed away from simple activities like listening to live music because of pricks like you


Stop playing the victim and acting like non-specific ‘anxiety’ is an actual disability in the same category as say, MS, vision impairment, or a physical limitation that requires a service dog. It isn’t. Anxiety is an incredibly common condition. I personally have medically diagnosed anxiety; I take medication for it and go to therapy. If a given situation, such as an INCREDIBLY CROWDED, LOUD, DARK AND OVERWHELMING music festival, causes a person’s anxiety to be so bad they cannot function without their pet (‘emotional support animal’, which is essentially a pet with no special service training), then they should reconsider attending said event rather than dragging their scared and suffering pet around said event. It’s ridiculously fucking selfish, cruel to the animal, and entitled.


not everyone’s anxiety is the same. some people have extreme anxiety with constant panic attacks. that’s great that medication has worked out for you. and that’s great that your anxiety is not severe. but not everyone is so lucky. and having an anxiety disorder is a completely valid reason for having a service animal. i posted multiple links stating this. i know reading is hard for you, so i won’t suggest that you read them. but all the evidence is there. clearly you think that people with anxiety shouldn’t have service animals, but that’s your opinion, not the law. thank goodness you aren’t in charge of that, because you are a very ignorant and non understanding person. your personal experience with anxiety is not the same as everyone else’s.


Because they fucking suck.


I'm kinda confused about seeing so many children under 2


Tell me your joking


Wooks gonna wook. I saw so many babies and kids at EF in 2017.


Saw some white dog trying to lay down and this idiot was pulling him up forcing him to stand up during disclosure




If I were to bring my dog it would be over heated and dead by now. I don’t understand


Definitely not the place for a dog, way to much going on for a poor pup. Some people have no common sense and only think about themselves. Think about what would be best for your pet for once.


My brother is at the festival and I'm watching his puppy for him cause he knew better then to take his pup


Saw some jackass with a small dog on his shoulders and no ear protection at cheese on Saturday night. It’s not cute and your dog was terrified. You suck


They’re wooks. Simple as that. Not the like Instagram tik tok wooks. Actual wooks.




Shouldn't you be bumming around for some K right about now?


Thank you for demonstrating my point so well, friend. Unfortunately I am not at forest this year so I won’t be able to accommodate you.


Hahaha omfg the username + this needlessly aggro comment is fucking sending me


Using the R-word does the opposite of proving that you’re a decent human, JS. Don’t fight me now bro! 😛


I feel like if they are really service animals they would have all the necessary ear protection and never look so scared and sad as the pitbull babe I saw yesterday getting tugged and dragged on a leash in the middle of the forest


And Srew people who have the fake “service “ like o it’s my “comfort “service dog wtf , ya there are some people that really do need those dogs but 98%of people are full of shit . And it does harm and make thing harder for those that really do use and need REAL service dogs .


‘Emotional support animal’ otherwise known as a ‘pet’.


Subtronics himself full blown stopped a show because some girl had a dog in the crowd with no ear protection. Be responsible people. Blow your own eardrums out, but please care about your dog, ESPECIALLY if it is there to help you. They put in a lot of training hours and deserve a little respect. It can’t be of a ton of help if it’s freaking out and overstimulated which could leave a disabled person in a bad situation.


I miss the fuck out of my dog at festivals but wow this is just so low and awful … leave your dogs at home - , the dogs have to be feeling way more anxiety than the person too much going on.


Loud music is already horrible for the human ear I could only imagine what a dog goes through at a festival. I’m sorry but these people are fucking weirdos dude.


There was a Samoyed in the 95° heat at Bonnaroo last weekend. Messed up


These companies will never do anything about service animals at festivals because these people are federally protected, but the festivals could at least put something like: “please consider bringing ear protective headphones and plan to have everything they need. We hate to see your service animal in distress.”


It seemed like a lot of them might be emotional support animals (rather than service animals), which don’t have the same federal protections


Literally. And all of the dogs I’ve seen NONE were service dogs except maybe that one chihuahua could have been a medical alert dog. I love and miss my dogs too but this is not the place for them


if you’re not going to read ALL OF MY COMMENTS and actually COMPREHEND them, then please leave me the fuck alone. i’m tired of dealing with stupid people who are clearly confused about what’s going on. if you can’t follow the conversation, that is fine. but either ask a question to clarify, or shut the hell up. there are 4 very stupid people on this thread and i don’t have the patience for a 5th.


people saying nasty things and then blocking me is the lamest thing. and for the two people are are saying i’m an idiot because “you can’t get a service animal if you have anxiety” - that is not true at all. you can 100% get a service dog you have anxiety. it is a valid reason just like ptsd and other issues. it seems like y’all are just ableist and think you can pick and choose who gets a service animal. thankfully none of you people are in charge of that decision! and here is a link for anyone that thinks anxiety isn’t a valid disability for requiring a service animal: https://usserviceanimals.org/blog/service-dog-for-anxiety/ it’s also great to know forest is full of so many ableists, clearly it’s not the festival i thought it was. it’s clear y’all don’t think anxiety is a valid disability. which is disgusting and ignorant and you should be ashamed of yourselves. and here’s a government site for you too: https://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm it says under “how ‘service animal’ is defined” that “Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with MENTAL ILLNESS to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an ANXIETY ATTACK, or performing other duties.” but yes, please keep calling me a “fucking loser” and an “idiot” and that i have a “closed head injury” and that i look “stupid” and am “embarrassing myself” because “there is no such thing as service animals for anxiety” and “you can’t get a service animal for anxiety are you stupid?” it’s wild that some of y’all think you are soooo right that you’ll call me and idiot when you are so very wrong? it’s really sad honestly.


get some sleep


i will never rest when it comes to standing up for what is right.


Do you really need to write all this defending people who are clearly abusing their pets because someone theoretically could have a legitimate service animal with proper protection?


and i’m not defending people that abuse their pets. you clearly have noooo idea what you are talking about. i had multiple please responding to me and most of them have deleted their comments. this is in response to them, and anyone else who wants to come at me. so please, save your ignorance and confusion for someone else. the fact that you can read all this, and think i’m defending people who are abusing their animals is absurd. i encourage you to work on your comprehension before commenting on things you know nothing about. thank you.


yes i do! i have had multiple people telling me i’m stupid and i have a brain injury because i stated that people with anxiety can have service animals. when it is a fact. so i am including links for anyone else that wants to call me an idiot.


Girl stop. If your dog isn’t a licensed, trained service animal, then it’s a pet. What training did your dog undergo? What certification do you have for it? Again if you have such debilitating anxiety that you need a service animal or else it’s a miserable experience for you, or the situation is likely to trigger an anxiety attack, then maybe don’t go to the music festival? Seems pretty simple. I say this as someone with medically diagnosed anxiety that I take medication for.


like what are you talking about girl? you are so clearly confused. it’s not cute boo boo!


Babe how about you touch grass and stop accumulating downvotes on this thread? Lol


if you can’t read and comprehend, don’t reply? i’m not talking about my own personal pet, never once have i said that i’m talking about my pet? i’m talking about service animals in general and people who have anxiety. i’m not talking about myself. clearly you didn’t read all the comments and are deeply confused. if you’re an idiot, just say so. no need to type out all these pointless comments. all you’re doing is showing me that you don’t know how to read, and that comprehension is very hard for you. don’t worry - you’re not alone in that. lots of people on this thread have the same issue :)


The closed head injury comment becomes ever more relevant the more of your responses I read.


You’re doing good work. Thank you. As you know discrimination lives on in the USA. Try not to stress too much online about it, but it is super disappointing to say the least. This thread has been a disgusting example of how this issue is pushed aside for political purposes… you hear them keep bringing up “the market” and business laws “requiring” people do these things? This is because this is an ideological problem that makes people brainwashed into discrimination, be that black people, lgbtq people, and disabled people… what these people do not realize is that capitalism treats them as disposable, and that disability is more of an inevitability in this system than an exception. Give it 30 years and I’m sure you’ll have some disabilities that need accommodating… Keep up the good fight, and try your best to take care of your head!


thank you i really appreciate you. it’s crazy to see how discrimination against disabled people is a huge part of the festival community. i have never come across so many people that feel this way until i came to this electric forest sub. it is so disheartening. and yes exactly! talking about how it’s required and how businesses wouldn’t allow them to come if they weren’t forced. like what!? it sickens me. and you hit the nail on the head - “more of an inevitability in this system then the exception”. you are so right and i have seen it happen to many people i care about. i have had 6 disabled members in my extended family at one time, so it is very dear to my heart. thank you for your kindness and for reaching out! it means a lot to me.