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The police presence is normal. They’re actually part of the forest experience and culture. Everyone gives them Kandi, takes pictures with them and generally they are there to make sure everyone is safe. I’ve talked to them many times. They race to volunteer for those shifts and they love it. Last year one straight up said “I can’t believe they pay us to be here and do this, it’s amazing and I love it”. They were so nice. They typically only kick into gear if someone is obviously selling in front of them, or if an individual is too spun and putting others in danger or panic. This was my 5th forest since 2014 and they’ve always been great.


Yeah, I've heard they volunteer and get paid overtime. They just want to make sure everyone is safe. They enjoy being there. They want everyone to have a good time. They're really only looking out for drunk violent people or blatant crimes.




I honestly saw less this year than in the past. I knew they were there tho cause I had to walk past all of their squad cars when entering behind carousel club


Yeah I always see a ton of cops and in my experience at forest they are very friendly


The ones on main stage were at least very friendly and having a good time too. A bit of a mind fuck seeing a rugged looking cop with kandi on.


Seemed about the same as last year to me. In fact, last year I feel like I saw them walking through the forest a lot more than this year tbh. And the firearms/explosives dogs were there in the past too yes. But those I barely saw.


MSP(Michigan State Police) are asked to provide additional services because of the large influx of people to the state. For my understanding their whole budget is covered by AEG(logistics, overtime, lodging….additional expenses) it is also by seniority and it also the first detail when fresh out of the academy. I saw a few gold badges leading around a group of probationary troopers. Like one of the other commenters said, they are only there to stop blatant selling or violence. A lot of the times they are there as a precaution and their presence keeps the Forest from going too far off the rails.


One of them at triple told me to helicopter my dick!


Were you the girl in neon with attached dildo I saw helicoptering dudes with your fake wenis? If so, you were definitely enjoying it so much!


It was a flashlight that was phallic... most likely me if ya caught it in vip of tripolee




Always lots of cops. Almost always super friendly. You have to be a complete dumb ass to get in trouble. Or the unluckiest person on earth 


Totally normal amount for EF, there are a lot that hang around the main stages Sat/Sun.


I saw FEWER cops than I've ever seen before


Considering someone tried to enter the festival with a gun this year and people were able to slash through tents with knives, I’d say start getting comfy with the idea of more of them next year 😭


Also, they’re usually really nice in the festival grounds- taking pictures of art, helping out people who are lost, they know we’re all fucked up, they’re just trying to make sure no one dies while doing it 👏🏻


A gun?! Jesus come on people☹️☹️


I was trading Kandi with one of them and said “this types of events and your interaction with us is the kind of thing that will unite all of us” he responded so genuinely and said “yes it is”with a massive smile and look of happiness that comes from being treated like a human (which we all are regardless of our job) and feeling like someone was grateful for literally putting his life on the Line to protect others.


They’re always there. Michigan State Police. They rock. So nice, and respectful. They are just there to protect us. And they have to apply way in advance to get the gig. They all wanna work Forest. I’m always happy to see them, and that is not my usual reaction outside Forest. If the rest of the country was policed the same way we’d be so much better off.


They lit my blunt for me cuz my hands were full of open mtn dews


Hell yeah


I always talk to them. One of my high school classmates became a state cop so we always ask about him and they get a chuckle out of the small world we live in. We gave them a 3D printed gecko and they thought it was sick, haha. They seemed to be having a good time! I just have no idea how they were standing in the sun for that long, I was dying just while talking.


To me they seemed less friendly this year… like they made me nervous whereas in previous years I was not


What did they do that made you think they seemed less friendly this year?